Penn State Head Coach Joe Paterno FIRED *SuperMerge*

RoyTheHammer;4234963 said:
What did you want him to do? Go beat Sandusky up? What else are you supposed to do besides report the information given to you to police and your superiors?

How was he supposed to know that they lied to him in saying that nothing serious had occured?

Believe it or not, the justice system extends beyond the boundaries of college campuses.

I can't believe anyone would be so naive to think he shouldn't have gone to the local city and state authorities.
Cajuncowboy;4234935 said:
What occurred was disgusting. I comprehend it. what you can't comprehend is that the bad guy is Sandusky. And as far as the law is concerned, the two superiors to Paterno.

Sandusky deserves to be beaten to death and then burn in hell. No argument there. But he would not have had the opportunity to do what he did had Paterno used his INCREDIBLE power in that state to have him investigated. A man in that position has certain obligations, and he did not fulfill them.
RoyTheHammer;4234963 said:
How was he supposed to know that they lied to him in saying that nothing serious had occured?

it wouldn't strike you as odd to run into him on campus every now and then? Didn't he go to a practice with a boy in 07'?

You would keep assuming that they told you the truth?
another question, why is the guy that accused this guy of such a MAJOR crime still be employed if he was lying and the campus police found no basis for his claims?
The30YardSlant;4234952 said:
EVERYBODY believes what Sandusky did was wrong

Nice try at deflecting your absurd comments by trying to say I said something I did not. I have already multiple times described the raping of children as a heinous act. In fact, harming children in ANY way is the most offensive and heinous crimes you can commit in my opinion and should have the most severe punishment possible. I have always said that children of assaults will live with that their whole lives and the punishment should fit that crime.

But try as you may to spin this around and around and around, the only facts you know right now about Paterno are what the agenda driven media want you to know. Good job, sheep!

The30YardSlant;4234965 said:
Cajuncowboy;4234930 said:
I sincerely hope you and Reality do not have children if your views are as you make them out to be here. How sick do you have to be to call yourself a father and then defend a man whose actions allowed a child molester to keep at it for another decade?

Well you are an ignoramus. To say that Paterno allowed him to rape kids shows your level of intelligence.
The30YardSlant;4234965 said:
Cajuncowboy;4234930 said:
I sincerely hope you and Reality do not have children if your views are as you make them out to be here. How sick do you have to be to call yourself a father and then defend a man whose actions allowed a child molester to keep at it for another decade?

Reminds of when I see girls and women wearing Rothleisberger jerseys.
Reality;4234937 said:
So Paterno is tried and convicted based on what? The media's articles telling you how to think? Radio commentators telling you how to think? Let's hope you are never targeted.


Who said he should be tried or convicted of anything? He'll be judged for his inaction by a higher power someday, but for now he is getting what he deserves and his legacy SHOULD be ruined.
MC KAos;4234967 said:
thanks for insulting me for no reason, all i said was that in this case, your post doesnt apply

Insulting you for no reason? When you post what you posted and direct it at me, hell yes I'm going to insult you.

They are chanting "WE WANT JOE!" at the campus.

I don't care that this guy was fired. What I do care about is children were raped by a monster and he got away with it for far too long!! Those were someone's children!! :banghead:
The30YardSlant;4234972 said:
Sandusky deserves to be beaten to death and then burn in hell. No argument there. But he would not have had the opportunity to do what he did had Paterno used his INCREDIBLE power in that state to have him investigated. A man in that position has certain obligations, and he did not fulfill them.

Yes. He did. He is not the cops. He is not the AD nor is he the head of campus police. He further is not the dean of the school nor the president of the board of trustees. He is the football coach. He took it to all of those authorities.

But you have some warped idea that if only he had gone to the cops it all would have ended. Maybe it would have. But it didn't in 1998 when the cops DID get involved. So you still don know for sure.
Fellas, because this is an ethical issue involving a revered icon and the perversion of pedophilia people are treading on to too much emotion.

Take a step back from harsh opinions until more is known, it doesn't look good for Paternos's integrity but let's not eviscerate or sanitize him just yet, look at the facts.

The discussion this encourages is a public one of morality, your outrage is justified, fans have the right to feel betrayed, but don't vent on each other nor blindly accuse or defend, it won't make this ugliness go away, just stir up more bitterness about it.
Hoofbite;4234944 said:
He used a foundation he set up to get close to these kids, bought them things, took them to games and such.

Those kids were there to get raped, brought there by Sandusky. Simple, premeditated and absolutely horrific.

thank you so much for clearing this up for me.

much appreciated.
Why would anyone still want Paterno to be the coach when even Paterno says he did not do enough?

Why should he still be the coach?

We aren't talking recruiting violations or the such.

This is disgusting child molestation.

The school had to begin somewhere to cleanse this stain.
MC KAos;4234941 said:
raping young children is not about moral belief, its heinous no matter who you are or what you believe in.

where did i insult you here reality?
The30YardSlant;4234979 said:
Who said he should be tried or convicted of anything? He'll be judged for his inaction by a higher power someday, but for now he is getting what he deserves and his legacy SHOULD be ruined.

How do you know he deserves it? All you know is what the media has told you. You do not know the facts yet, neither do I. You take action against those who are or will be charged, not those whom the police have said they are not charging. You then wait until all of the facts come out for the other non-charged people to see if their actions, or in this case, alleged in-action were either inappropriate or inexcusable and THEN you act on it. Doing it now serves as nothing more than a media created and driven mob.

Reality;4234975 said:
Nice try at deflecting your absurd comments by trying to say I said something I did not. I have already multiple times described the raping of children as a heinous act. In fact, harming children in ANY way is the most offensive and heinous crimes you can commit in my opinion and should have the most severe punishment possible. I have always said that children of assaults will live with that their whole lives and the punishment should fit that crime.

But try as you may to spin this around and around and around, the only facts you know right now about Paterno are what the agenda driven media want you to know. Good job, sheep!


Joe Paterno was possibly the most revered man in college athletics before last week. You really think the media would ruin him for laughs?
Cajuncowboy;4234968 said:
No, he should have gone to the cops. I have said that from the start. But that doesn't mean he HAD to go to the cops. As a matter of fact, he did go to what was the cops on campus. They are the first unit to respond to on campus crimes. Unfortunately, the head of the campus police did nothing.

Obviously he didn't have to.

Also obvious he should have.

And when nothing comes of what I believe to be credible information regarding a pedophile, I'd go to the city police. And if nothing happened there, I'd go above them.

When the results of such a situation (Especially when the results and expectations are so disgustingly separated) don't match your expectations, what do you do? Give up?
Hoofbite;4234970 said:
Believe it or not, the justice system extends beyond the boundaries of college campuses.

I can't believe anyone would be so naive to think he shouldn't have gone to the local city and state authorities.

As i've already stated.. i agree with that, and that was his only error in judgement. Expecting those above him to do their job and do the right thing and not taking it further to CPS.

However, him not going to higher authorities doesn't mean that he didn't go to the proper authorities immediately to begin with.. which is what some are trying to pass off as truth. That is the only thing i have a major problem with.

As i've already said, everyone involved needs to go.. from Spanier, Curley, and Schultz, who seem to be the main 3 who decided to cover up the information they got from the GA and Joe.. down to the GA himself, McQueary.

How the board decides that Joe needs to go right away, yet the AD Curley and McQueary are still employed there screams "We are more concerned with PR than the welfare of the victims."

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