Penn State Head Coach Joe Paterno FIRED *SuperMerge*


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SDogo;4235678 said:
The University did not allow this to go on. Your agenda is clear, it's not worth my time but your grasp on the totality of the situation is skewed.

my perspective? The college allowed a monster to rape boys and you are upset with my perspective? Go on weeping. If you do not care about the Penn State corruption at that that enabled a monster, that is on you. I bet those little kids did more crying at the hands of a monster than you will do.

All hail Penn State! They can do no wrong!

maybe there is something in the water there that cause such disfuntion.


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Yakuza Rich;4235778 said:
If I were a rape and torture survivor of a man that was part of a school, I wouldn't want to go to that school.

The survivors will likely get millions in the end.


I was thinking the least they could do is pay for their education wherever they chose to go. I doubt any of them would choose Penn.


Double Trouble
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SDogo;4235678 said:
The University did not allow this to go on. Your agenda is clear, it's not worth my time but your grasp on the totality of the situation is skewed.
The university president, AD, head football coach, and VP of finance all knew. That they didn't know the depth and bredth of the problem doesn't excuse them.

Those men alone may not constitute "the university", but it's a good start.


Not as good as I once was but as good once as I ev
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Double Trouble;4235794 said:
The university president, AD, head football coach, and VP of finance all knew. That they didn't know the depth and bredth of the problem doesn't excuse them.

Those men alone may not constitute "the university", but it's a good start.

The Student Body makes a University. It's preached in every University. The innocent should not be damned for the guilty.


Not as good as I once was but as good once as I ev
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JBond;4235787 said:
my perspective? The college.........

Your point again is skewed from there.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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JackWagon;4235736 said:
I struggled with some questions all day yesterday. "How could joe Pa just turn a blind eye to Sandusky after the first incendent in 1998/1999 and just make him retire with a golden parachute of a job and office and keys to the facility?" ... the second question i struggled with is "Why McQuery just walked out and didnt beat the crap outta Sandusky in 2002 and call the cops?". There is a theory that explains this. Sandusky's "charity" was paying players at PSU. That explains what Sandusky had over the head of Joe pa and PSU in 1999 and got his golden parachute. That explains why McQuery who knew that Sandusky's charity was payin players couldnt goto the cops in 2002. Why McQuery went to Joe Pa instead.

I heard the Ticket bouncing that theory around this morning. Millions of dollars funnel though that charity, and apparently it's not uncommon for boosters of big schools to pay players though charities like this. Of course that's purely a theory.

I also can't imagine that people in any position of authority knew Sandusky was showering with boys -- even if they didn't think they had enough evidence to prosecute -- back in 1998 and he was still allowed to remain associated with the a charity like the Second Mile that centered on young kids. That's just inconceivable.

I think in the end, a lot of this goes back to the old story of the mammoth college football program that pretty much owns university officials, the local police, and most of the entire town so that people are afraid to speak out against them and they therefore can get away with almost anything. It's just sad.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Stautner;4235683 said:
First, my understanding is that the mother claimed that's what he said, not that he admitted saying it or the police heard it,

Uh, what?

Two University police detectives - Ronald Shreffler and Ralph Ralston - eavesdropped on two conversations the mother of one of Sandusky’s victims had with Sandusky in May 1998. The mother confronted Sandusky about him showering with her son and the effect the incident had on the boy. The detectives testified that the mother asked Sandusky to promise never to shower with a boy again, but that Sandusky refused.

According to the detectives’ testimony, Sandusky told the mother after the second conversation, “I was wrong. I wish I could get forgiveness. I know I won’t get it from you. I wish I were dead.”


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SDogo;4235823 said:
The Student Body makes a University. It's preached in every University. The innocent should not be damned for the guilty.

I don't think anybody in this thread is damning the student body.

The Monster, McQueary, Paterno, the AD, VP of Finance, and the President on the other hand...


Not as good as I once was but as good once as I ev
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Aggie87;4235836 said:
I don't think anybody in this thread is damning the student body.

The Monster, McQueary, Paterno, the AD, VP of Finance, and the President on the other hand...

By damning the University as a whole they are and a few are doing that whether it be unintentional or not.

Listen I bleed Penn St and I'm not condemning anyone nor am I saying anyone is innocent. I'm not going to sit here an try to pretend I know everything there is to know about the situation and more then a few here in this thread and across the sports world are guilty of doing just that.

It's going to get uglier but in time the truth will be known and when that time comes I hope I can say I told you so but in the same light I will have no problem damning the guilty no matter the name.


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JBond;4235789 said:
I was thinking the least they could do is pay for their education wherever they chose to go. I doubt any of them would choose Penn.
Oh, I think they'll be paying much more than that. I think YR is right on when he says Penn State will be looking at millions and millions of dollars in liabilities.

I could easily see their legal liability reaching 9 figures because each and every victim - and we know there are offically 8 already but more will be coming out - is going to get a huge settlement.


Double Trouble
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SDogo;4235823 said:
The Student Body makes a University. It's preached in every University. The innocent should not be damned for the guilty.
The students won't have to shell out the $$ to the victims, nor will the students be fired. A lot of people are going to have a nauseating feeling from the mention of Penn State for a few years, even though the students aren't responsible. That's just the way it is. Just as the football players shouldn't have to deal with these distractions, but they do. It isn't about fairness.

In reality, it's both, the administration and the students. Everyone associated with the university is having to suffer, all because of the actions of a few.

It's an awful story and I hope it comes to a swift conclusion.

I still can't grasp how McQuery is allowed to coach.


Double Trouble
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Rogah;4235851 said:
Oh, I think they'll be paying much more than that. I think YR is right on when he says Penn State will be looking at millions and millions of dollars in liabilities.

I could easily see their legal liability reaching 9 figures because each and every victim - and we know there are offically 8 already but more will be coming out - is going to get a huge settlement.
I'm totally ignorant of such laws and what type of organization a state school really is, but I know in some states, laws prevent enormous settlements against government institutions. I would think that the school will take care of the victims financially if for no other reason than to put this thing to rest asap.


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BraveHeartFan;4235380 said:
Alright after reading here, listening to the news reports, and reading I've been left with a couple of things that I simply can not shake at this point.

I'm angry with both the GA and Joe Paterno. Very angry in fact.

First off if you're that GA, if you walk in and see an adult having sex (let that sink in folks even more than I'm sure it already has) with a 10 year old why in the hell didn't you physically stop it right there?

Why did this guy do nothing but walk off and go call his dad on the phone? WTH? Are you serious? You need to get advice from someone else about a grown man, an adult, an authority figure having sex with a 10 year old boy? Are you freaking kidding me?

That's his first major mistake. It's certainly not his only one. And his other one is also where i'm extremely angry with Joe Paterno as well.

After they reported this to the University, did their bare minimum that they had to do, they watched for YEARS while this guy, who the GA saw, with his own two eyes, having sex with a 10 year old boy, continue to be allowed to come to the Penn State practices, to the facilities, to all this stuff. They sat by and watched as he contined to work with young children through the charity. A charity that Joe Paterno is on the friggen board of.

So at this point don't tell me about they did what they were supposed to. Don't tell me about how they did nothing wrong. Don't tell me that they didn't know he was always around.

Freaking Penn State has had at least one player, LB Paul P. (I can't spell his name), admit to Mike Greenberg that Sandusky was around all the time at their practices and stuff.

This GA and Joe KNEW he was always around. They knew he was being given access to things a person like that should not have been given access to. Yet they did NOTHING. They never followed up. They never went to the police themselves and asked if this had been reported, what was being done, showed any concern for the lives of these children.

That's sick. It's absolutely disgusting.

Joe Paterno didn't rape any of these kids himself, and people can say he didn't go out and hand pick kids for Jerry Sandusky, and you'd be right. Joe didn't rape them, and he didn't pick out ones and give them to this guy, but in sitting by, quiet, and doing nothing but the bare minimum he had to do in 1998 and 2002, he basically silently gave Sandusky the free reign he needed to continue his disgusting, vile, and frankly evil acts.

I feel no remorse, at all, for the people who've been fired from Penn State at this point, and anyone else who knew and did nothing should also be fired.

I have no sympathy for Joe Pa and his 85 years of age. He gets no pass here. He gets nothing but the blame he is more than due in this case.

He basically turned a blind eye to this and was satisified that the bare minimum he did was enough. It's disgusting, it's pathetic, and it's just down right ugly.

Actually BH, it was law enforcement and the state dept of welfare that did the bare minimum in 98 by knowing Sandusky showered with another boy, and all they did was tell him not to do it again.

Joe was told of the incident in 2002 and went immediately to his superior at work and to the head of campus police.. and they lied to him about what was done.

No one had knowledge that Sandusky was this type of man back then.. and Joe is as responsible for all these other boys being hurt as the mother of the victim in 98 is, imo. Both told the local authorities and both times they failed to act in a proper mannar.

Yakuza Rich

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RoyTheHammer;4235876 said:
No one had knowledge that Sandusky was this type of man back then.. and Joe is as responsible for all these other boys being hurt as the mother of the victim in 98 is, imo. Both told the local authorities and both times they failed to act in a proper mannar.

Good grief.

Please stop. You are looking awful.

The mother of the boy went to the cops. She went out of her way to get a conversation from Sandusky and to coerce him into a confession.

She did a lot more than Paterno did and would have ever done.

She has no responsibility for the other boys.



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Yakuza Rich;4235594 said:
I at least understand Cajun's position now.

I still don't agree with him, basing it on the 2002 actions alone. But, I understand his position.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I have no doubt in my mind that more evidence will come forward that will show that Paterno knew back as far as 1998. I think it shows it already, I just think more evidence will show it beyond a shadow of a doubt.


I feel pretty much the same way and it makes me very sick to have that feeling about someone who had been so respected.

Cajuncowboy;4235617 said:
Let' put it this way then. I know Paterno A LOT better Paterno than you know about this situation.

Is it possible he is an evil monster who got a kick out of Sandusky raping little boys? Or maybe even knowing it and not caring? Maybe. But as I said before, it would be completely out of character.

I do know the man. I know his heart and I know what he has done in secret many times that know one is to know about. So before you start assuming "What I know" maybe you should stick to what you presumably know.

I'm not doubint you know him, in the least, but all I've seen in these threads is that you said you spent a few hours with him.

A few hours is a very short time to get to know anyone, at all, so I'm sorry but I'm afraid that those few hours you said you spent with him doesn't give me a good enough reason to give him a pass on his incredibly terrible judgement in this case.

I don't even care if you, or anyone, believes he didn't know about it in 1998. I'll even give you that part of it, for arguments sake (though I believe he absolutely did and that was the big reason for him telling him he'd never be HC at Penn State), and I'll tell you all the same it doesn't matter.

He did know in 2002. He told his boss and then...nothing. He didn't follow up. He didn't call the police. He watched, for years, as the guy came to practices, with and without kids, came to the facilities, worked in a charity designed specifically for young children.

The while knowing what this man could have been doing and he did nothing to ensure that it wasn't actually going on.

I don't care how much Joe Paterno did in football, or elsewhere in life, cause it doesn't excuse him on this incredibly stupid lack of judgement.

I respected the man for what he did at Penn State as a coach, and in the community, but this stuff right here absolutely tarnishes all that good he did.

I still commend him for the good he did but it's not with nearly the same respect or the same view as it once was.

SDogo;4235678 said:
The University did not allow this to go on. Your agenda is clear, it's not worth my time but your grasp on the totality of the situation is skewed.

The University itself...of course not. It's a building and students.

People running the university, and who are the faces of it, indeed did. Thus it, unfortunately, reflects poorly on the University as a whole.

Which is another sad side note to all of this that people who went there will now be tagged with this, people asking them questions and what they might have heard or knew and such, despite them having nothing to do with it all other than they h appened to go to college at Penn State.

Double Trouble;4235780 said:
I heard Posluszny say that on ESPN radio this morning.

No matter how PSU homers spin it, Paterno knew of a serious child molestation issue with Sandusky 10 years ago, knew he was still on campus working in a program with at-risk children, and had to know that Sandusky was at PSU practices, with children.

Exactly how I feel. There was much more that could, and should, have been done and it simply wasn't. There is no rosey way to spin that and no way to make it seem like it was ok that they didn't.

Double Trouble;4235794 said:
The university president, AD, head football coach, and VP of finance all knew. That they didn't know the depth and bredth of the problem doesn't excuse them.

Those men alone may not constitute "the university", but it's a good start.

They would be the most known faces of the university. And their lack of action now ties that to the student body in an unfair way that should never have been allowed to happen.

SDogo;4235823 said:
The Student Body makes a University. It's preached in every University. The innocent should not be damned for the guilty.

I understand exactly what you're saying and I'm not angry or condeming any of the students who went there (unless of course some student going there happened to know what was going on and in that case I'd put blame on that person as well) simply because they went to a college where this happened.

I don't think this reflects poorly on you, any other past PSU alum, or any current or future students there. That isn't an issue in my mind in the least.


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Chocolate Lab;4235832 said:
Uh, what?

I'm just telling you that's the way I first heard the story. I'm also not sure from the way the story is written if the detectives testified about Sandusky saying he wish he were dead based on the eavesdropping or not. After all, the story says they eavesdropped on 2 conversations, but says Sandusky made this statement AFTER the second conversation, not during the second conversation.

Nevertheless, it still doesn't change the fact that somebody, whether the boy or Sandusky, has to actually say sexual contact occurred for there to be a charge of sexual contact. Reading between the lines without the boy supporting the interperation won't fly in a criminal prosecution.


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RoyTheHammer;4235876 said:
No one had knowledge that Sandusky was this type of man back then.. and Joe is as responsible for all these other boys being hurt as the mother of the victim in 98 is, imo. Both told the local authorities and both times they failed to act in a proper mannar.
You've been a Paterno apologist since this whole story broke and that's fine, but the above statement here has totally crossed the line. :mad:

I've said it before but apparently it never sunk in: Paterno telling his boss does not constitute telling the "proper authorities."


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SDogo;4235824 said:
Your point again is skewed from there.

The (well I can't call them men, because that is an insult to real men), but the people running your college did this. They allowed it to go on.

I had nothing against the people running Penn State right up to the point they started protecting child rapists.

I used to be a fan, believe it or not.

I can't believe they decided to keep McQueary. They are fools of the highest order. As disgusting a group of people as exists on this planet. You of all people should want to clear out the trash from your own school.

Protecting an evil person is what got your school in trouble in the first place.

McQueary, the punk that watched a child be raped and did nothing? You keep him? LOL. Penn State is a complete joke. Pure 100% trash

Look no further than the student body and their behavior last night. Classless.


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JBond;4235907 said:
I can't believe they decided to keep McQueary. They are fools of the highest order. As disgusting a group of people as exists on this planet. You of all people should want to clear out the trash from your own school.

Protecting an evil person is what got your school in trouble in the first place.

McQueary, the punk that watched a child be raped and did nothing? You keep him? LOL. Penn State is a complete joke. Pure 100% trash
As I mentioned in another post, the fact that they kept McQueary scares the living daylights out of me that there is so much more being covered up. It seems to me that the Penn State administration is afraid of pissing him off. They may be rewarding him for services already performed or they are afraid of what else he could say to further bring down Paterno and the football program.


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Yakuza Rich;4235887 said:
Good grief.

Please stop. You are looking awful.

The mother of the boy went to the cops. She went out of her way to get a conversation from Sandusky and to coerce him into a confession.

She did a lot more than Paterno did and would have ever done.

She has no responsibility for the other boys.


She did go to the local police, as Joe did with the information he had. If they had done their jobs, again we'd be talking about how courageous Joe was instead of all of you wrongfully proclaiming him a monster.

The police didn't do their job in 98, and they didn't do it in 2002 either.

Yet all we hear about is "Joe the Monster". Its a joke.