Penn State Head Coach Joe Paterno FIRED *SuperMerge*


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Chocolate Lab;4235981 said:
I often listen to Pat Jones, the old Oklahoma State coach from the Barry Sanders days, on OKC radio. He knows tons and tons of people in the business, and he said he'd heard the same type of thing for years now from people in that area.

Shhh....Joe is to old and dumb to know anything was going on, just like the rest of Penn State.


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BrAinPaiNt;4236004 said:
No you are wrong...nobody here thinks Joe Pa is as bad of a person as the others mentioned no matter how many times you repeat it.

Go through the thread.. there are definitely people making Joe Paterno out to be a merciless villian here. Its mainly those that dont understand all the facts or information, but its def present in the thread.

..and as Reality said, and some had already seen for themselves, it is media driven. That's why we're still here talking about him and not those who were far more responsible. Again, there's probably 100 plus people who could have played a hand in stopping more of these actions from happening, and EVERYONE focused on one man, who has done more good for humanity in his lifetime than all of the 100 others combined. Its silly.. that's really all there is to it.

As cowboyeric said.. everyone should have done more. There's nothing more that needs to be said, and there's nothing anyone can do about it now except grieve for those who were hurt and hopefully learn from watching this disgusting tragedy play out.


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RoyTheHammer;4235996 said:
All im saying is you can't condemn the hundreds of thousands of PSU alumni and faculty and students worldwide for the actions of a few men.. this should be pretty obvious.

Alot of people are demanding a house cleaning, and as many of us have said already.. its a disgrace that certain people are still employed by the university. Two men specifically.

At least two men, maybe more. Sorry to come on a little strong. It's my personality.

Last night watching the riot on campus made me sick. All I kept thinking about was the abused kids. Then I see members of this board I have gotten to know over time and genuinely like, present a rabid defense for something most find indefensible.

Too big to fail has become the norm in our society no matter the cost others have to pay. This could have happened anywhere. The fact that it happened at Penn State does not matter to me, but the fact remains that is where it did occur.

McQueary needs to go and he should be prosecuted. No real man would walk away after watching a child be sodomized, unless.......


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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RoyTheHammer;4236023 said:
Go through the thread.. there are definitely people making Joe Paterno out to be a merciless villian here. Its mainly those that dont understand all the facts or information, but its def present in the thread.

..and as Reality said, and some had already seen for themselves, it is media driven. That's why we're still here talking about him and not those who were far more responsible. Again, there's probably 100 plus people who could have played a hand in stopping more of these actions from happening, and EVERYONE focused on one man, who has done more good for humanity in his lifetime than all of the 100 others combined. Its silly.. that's really all there is to it.

As cowboyeric said.. everyone should have done more. There's nothing more that needs to be said, and there's nothing anyone can do about it now except grieve for those who were hurt and hopefully learn from watching this disgusting tragedy play out.

There are a hundred more people who could have stopped the situation but none of them are named Joe Paterno, none of them had the clout of Joe Paterno, none of them are the face of Penn State like Joe Paterno and none of them have been a big part of that university for as long as Joe Paterno.

He is culpable in this situation even if he is not as bad as the other guys who actually committed these acts or saw them first hand and did not stop it.

The media did not keep Joe Paterno from doing more...Joe Paterno stopped Joe Paterno from doing more.

You are using the media as a scapegoat for what has happened and the role Joe played in this.

If you say that everyone could have did more and nothing more can be said...then why keep talking about it and defending one person over and over?


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Chocolate Lab;4235981 said:
I often listen to Pat Jones, the old Oklahoma State coach from the Barry Sanders days, on OKC radio. He knows tons and tons of people in the business, and he said he'd heard the same type of thing for years now from people in that area.

Do these people not realize that by coming out with comments like these they are pretty much indicting themselves as well, by saying that they've known something about it for years?

Or do they not even care because they just want to get their name out there?

More of a disgrace to this entire situation.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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RoyTheHammer;4236041 said:
Do these people not realize that by coming out with comments like these they are pretty much indicting themselves as well, by saying that they've known something about it for years?

Or do they not even care because they just want to get their name out there?

More of a disgrace to this entire situation.

Deflection by these people. If they knew something they should have said something. But then again they were not right there at Penn State.

Maybe everyone knew it except old Joe.


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Double Trouble;4235969 said:
Not to interject politics into this at all, but, listening to Rush Limbaugh on my way across town just now, he said that he was discussing this at the Steelers game in Pittsburgh this weekend (he's a big steelers fan) and that the people he was with told him that Sandusky's inclinations were well-known. That most everyone knew about his pedophilia.

It probably wouldn't surprise that once the dust settles some, that the "Sandusky secret" was hardly a secret at all. It was just kinda ignored for several reasons.


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JBond;4236035 said:
At least two men, maybe more. Sorry to come on a little strong. It's my personality.

Last night watching the riot on campus made me sick. All I kept thinking about was the abused kids. Then I see members of this board I have gotten to know over time and genuinely like, present a rabid defense for something most find indefensible.

Too big to fail has become the norm in our society no matter the cost others have to pay. This could have happened anywhere. The fact that it happened at Penn State does not matter to me, but the fact remains that is where it did occur.

McQueary needs to go and he should be prosecuted. No real man would walk away after watching a child be sodomized, unless.......

I agree. The "riot" or whatever you want to call that was disgraceful.. as was everything about this situation so far. The fact that most of them were out there just to be a part of something or to see what was going on doesn't even matter. It was stupid, and immature, but i don't expect much more from people nowadays.. and the board is as bad as the students.


Old bulletproof tiger
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joseephuss;4236001 said:
You just keep piling on more and more bull. It is ridiculous.

Isn't it rediculous? Its habit for the poster so meh...

Nobody should be surprised.


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BrAinPaiNt;4236039 said:
You are using the media as a scapegoat for what has happened and the role Joe played in this.

Its actually the other way around if you look at it rationally. The fact that all the coverage is going to one man even when you admit there are 100 or more people that could have also helped prevent this shows pretty clearly that the media are using that one man as a scapegoat for what has happened.. and everyone is eating it up. Again, that's why we have 300 pages of comments already mainly about that one man, just as an example from this board.


Not as good as I once was but as good once as I ev
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JBond;4235907 said:
I can't believe they decided to keep McQueary. They are fools of the highest order. As disgusting a group of people as exists on this planet. You of all people should want to clear out the trash from your own school.

Protecting an evil person is what got your school in trouble in the first place.

McQueary, the punk that watched a child be raped and did nothing? You keep him? LOL. Penn State is a complete joke. Pure 100% trash

That seems to be a change in progress as we speak


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cowboyeric8;4235975 said:
Agreed. Also, stop saying he went to the police. The campus police is not the real police, especially when they work for the university.

If I'm reading the indictment correctly, the only person that Paterno reported McQueary's information to was AD Tim Curley, his boss. It doesn't state that Paterno reported anything to the campus police initially.

Later it states that Gary Schultz, senior VP for Finance & Business, was called to a meeting with Paterno and Curley, where Paterno relayed some/all of McQueary's information. Curley is on record as never having reported the incident to the campus police (or any other police agency).

My interpretation of that is that Schultz, as a VP, is an administrative head, not the actual Chief of the campus police department. The Chief would be somebody that reported to Schultz.

So it isn't clear from the indictment that Paterno ever actually went to the police department itself, and neither Curley or Schultz chose to involve them, either.


Mr. Buckeye
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Yakuza Rich;4235992 said:
You are two faced.

You have stuck up for Paterno's actions. You have tons of posts defending him as a person, deflecting blame from him, attempting to minimize his action/inaction and tried to claim that he did what he was supposed to.

Just so you know...NOBODY on this thread believes that you 'never defended Paterno's actions.'

You're are clearly transparent.

I can't believe you if your tongue was notarized.




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Dallas;4236050 said:
Isn't it rediculous? Its habit for the poster so meh...

Nobody should be surprised.

Oh please.. spare us all the tweedle dee and tweedle dumb act.

There's alot ridiculous about what's been going on.. trying to point out that we all shouldn't be focused on one man when there are many many people involved who could have done more to help put an end to the situation is about the least ridiculous thing about the entire situation.

Yakuza Rich

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Aggie87;4236056 said:
My interpretation of that is that Schultz, as a VP, is an adminstrative head, not the actual Chief of the campus police department. The Chief would be somebody that reported to Schultz.

So it isn't clear from the indictment that Paterno ever actually went to the police department itself, and neither Curley or Schultz chose to involve them, either.

That's my interpretation as well. Kinda like the Chief of the University police runs things the way he deems fit, with no real guidance from Schultz. Unless crap hits the fan or there is a special situation, then the Chief would go to Schultz. And even then, it's more of a beaureaucratic structure. And then Schultz would go to the Spanier.

In fact, I think the structure is mainly for those 1 of a kind situations. Like a rape or murder in the dorms...or in this case...child molestation.

I wouldn't doubt if the Chief was shielded from the 2002 incident and Paterno was told not to tell him (or Paterno gave the orders to not tell him). Having cops in my family...rumors spread very quickly.



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Manwiththeplan;4235445 said:
I don't see why, everyone who had anything to do with this is being fired. Some will be going to jail. Punishing the kids on the team, some of whom are even younger than the victim's and punishing a coaching staff that likely had no idea of any incident would serve no purpose.

Not that it would make up for it, but the best thing Penn State could do at this point is just admit negligence and bring out their check book to anyone who steps foward and can prove they were victimized by Sandusky. That will atleast give the victim's some sense of closure.

I certainly understand and respect that.

But to me this is a chance for the NCAA to send a very clear, and powerful, message.

This kind of thing can not, and will not, be tolerated in any form or fashion. You make the biggest, and loudest, example of it by taking their football program away, which in turn takes money away from a University with people in charge that sat around and did nothing to help kids who couldn't help themselves.

Is it unfair to those who had nothing to do with it? Absolutely. To me that is simply a sad side note to making a bigger statement in this situation.


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The "hes a scapegoat" agruement doesnt hold water unless you can answer the questions I asked ... "Why did paterno give Sandusky a golden parachute in 1999?" and "Why did McQuery run outta the bathroom and only tell Paterno?" .... "Paterno is a scapegoat" doesnt asnwer those questions. All you PSU people can jam your heads into the sand or cover your ears and go "lalalala" until you are blue in the face but you havent answered those questions on why those people reacted like that. My theory (also Craig Miller's) does.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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RoyTheHammer;4236041 said:
Do these people not realize that by coming out with comments like these they are pretty much indicting themselves as well, by saying that they've known something about it for years?

Or do they not even care because they just want to get their name out there?

More of a disgrace to this entire situation.

Eighth-hand vague rumors aren't quite the same as the position Paterno was in.


Mr. Buckeye
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Jerry you keep this kind of stuff up and I might take your parking space away.


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JackWagon;4236077 said:
The "hes a scapegoat" agruement doesnt hold water unless you can answer the questions I asked ... "Why did paterno give Sandusky a golden parachute in 1999?" and "Why did McQuery run outta the bathroom and only tell Paterno?" .... "Paterno is a scapegoat" doesnt asnwer those questions. All you PSU people can jam your heads into the sand or cover your ears and go "lalalala" until you are blue in the face but you havent answered those questions on why those people reacted like that. My theory (also Craig Miller's) does.

I don't get the "Paterno is a scapegoat" argument, either. If he was a ture scapegoat, then he would be the only one gone from Penn St. right now. He isn't. He also wasn't the first one let go, nor will he be the last. They still need to deal with McQueary who should be let go. And there will probably be more still to come.