Penn State Head Coach Joe Paterno FIRED *SuperMerge*

Stautner;4234468 said:
My post was pretty short, but apparently you managed to miss this part of it ....

Mind you I'm not saying there wasn't inappropriate contact, nor am I saying it was acceptible for him to take a shower in the lockerroom with a young boy even if there was no contact, I'm just saying it isn't a punishable legal issue without some indication of contact.

I get that, I just think it should be a legal issue for 55 year old man to shower naked with a 10 year old kid.
tecolote;4234481 said:
I get that, I just think it should be a legal issue for 55 year old man to shower naked with a 10 year old kid.

That alone is a crime. Having a child expose themself for sexual gratification is intself a crime. Even if all Sandusky did was have boys shower with and never took it further, he would still be in the exact same situation.
Manwiththeplan;4234524 said:
That alone is a crime. Having a child expose themself for sexual gratification is intself a crime. Even if all Sandusky did was have boys shower with and never took it further, he would still be in the exact same situation.

Ok, as it should be.
Stautner;4234365 said:
Just in this context, as stated here, he broke no law. Naked males have showered together in locker rooms since lockerrooms were created.

I know it's wikipedia, but that is a law if one of the participants was a ten year old boy (with the other being an adult).

I'm not gonna post the words here, but the first paragraph makes it clear that, that alone would be considered sexual abuse
Manwiththeplan;4234524 said:
That alone is a crime. Having a child expose themself for sexual gratification is intself a crime. Even if all Sandusky did was have boys shower with and never took it further, he would still be in the exact same situation.

I agree.

I think the DA in '98 thought that prosecuting Sandusky...then a legend at Penn State...would require a concrete case.

It was essentially Sandusky's word over the kid's word. Sadly, the kid was a disadvantaged kid and I think the DA knew that the jury would lean towards Sandusky, the adult with a then squeeky clean reputation over a disadvantaged youth. And by the looks of it, the 'you can't trust disadvantaged kids' defense is going to be used by Sandusky's lawyers.

The phone conversation between Sandusky and the mom seemed like Sandusky covered his tracks just enough and I don't think was recorded.

With all of that...I think the DA wanted more evidence and proof. Had Sandusky actually been accused of fondling the boy or raping the boy, I think the DA would've gone further. Yes...showering with a boy and giving him a bear hug in the shower is illegal, but isn't considered as serious as fondling or rape in the courts.

Unfortunately, it's obvious that the bear hugs were part of Sandusky's way of testing the boys to see how far he could go with them.

You guys might want to read this.

Criminal Charges are possible for Paterno

While Pennsylvania Attorney General Linda Kelly says that her office won't file charges against Joe Paterno for not reporting the alleged child sexual abuse by former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky, the 84-year-old coach could eventually face criminal charges for perjury, obstruction of justice and violating the state's Child Protective Services Law. Paterno could also become a defendant in civil lawsuits filed by Sandusky's alleged victims. Those lawsuits could allege that Paterno negligently failed to prevent a third party with whom he had a supervisory relationship (Sandusky) from committing abuse.

Perjury and Obstruction of Justice
Under Pennsylvania law, as in other jurisdictions, perjury refers to knowingly lying while under oath.

Read more:
Dallas;4234568 said:
You guys might want to read this.

Criminal Charges are possible for Paterno

While Pennsylvania Attorney General Linda Kelly says that her office won't file charges against Joe Paterno for not reporting the alleged child sexual abuse by former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky, the 84-year-old coach could eventually face criminal charges for perjury, obstruction of justice and violating the state's Child Protective Services Law. Paterno could also become a defendant in civil lawsuits filed by Sandusky's alleged victims. Those lawsuits could allege that Paterno negligently failed to prevent a third party with whom he had a supervisory relationship (Sandusky) from committing abuse.

Perjury and Obstruction of Justice
Under Pennsylvania law, as in other jurisdictions, perjury refers to knowingly lying while under oath.

Read more:

I think the Attorney General looked to see if she could legally absolve Paterno and felt like she got that out of the way. However, with all of the heat being brought upon this and there's rumors the feds might get involved because of the Clery Act...she may wind up having to press charges on Paterno.

I highly doubt showering with someone not your own child would ever be considered OK. Hell I don't shower with my son. I don't hide myself from him, he has seen me with nothing on when he's walked into our room as I am getting changed, or in the bathroom, I don't think there is a problem with that but I don't shower with him.
60 yr old nake male

Alone in a shower

10 yr old naked boy

Even if that is all Paterno heard, .. who here does not think that is inappropriate and weird?

Paterno is a sharp, educated man, ... he was just protecting himself, his legacy, his buddy, and Penn St.

Like a good King would do.
ConcordCowboy;4233800 said:
When Paterno coaches at the Shoe his last time...the fans are going to be brutal.
Not gonna happen. The Board of Trustees seems bent on stalling just long enough so that he can get his undeserved hero's sendoff this Saturday, then they will fire him. Your anticipated fan reaction is one of the reasons.
CanadianCowboysFan;4233811 said:
Problem is JoePa never really saw what happened, he just heard it. What more do we have to do when we hear a rumour than what he did?
Hearing a first hand account of anal rape told to you by the very individual who personally witnessed it does not count as having "heard a rumor." :bang2:
StanleySpadowski;4234060 said:
1. He wasn't prosecuted in 1998, but I guess an accusation is enough for you. May God have mercy on your soul if you're ever accused of anything.
Bullcrap. There's no way someone so closely tied to the football program was investigated for child molestation without someone mentioning it to Paterno. The "doddering old fool" defense doesn't hold.
StanleySpadowski;4234060 said:
2. Many on Penn State's coaching staffs are technically professors.
And how many of them have been caught in the showing raping a 10 year old?
CanadianCowboysFan;4234611 said:
I highly doubt showering with someone not your own child would ever be considered OK. Hell I don't shower with my son. I don't hide myself from him, he has seen me with nothing on when he's walked into our room as I am getting changed, or in the bathroom, I don't think there is a problem with that but I don't shower with him.

It's not appropriate and it is against the law. But, a guy like Sandusky is going to have attorneys defending him and could very well be found not guilty (particularly since it's a case in his backyard and he was a legend there).

Tough to say since the AD, Gricar, is apparently dead. But, I think that he didn't think that the case was strong enough. There's plenty of cases where the DA knows very well who committed the crime, but if they don't have the evidence to back up their case, they'll put off prosecuting him.

I can't say that what Gricar did by not going after Sandusky was without reason or not. I'm just saying that I think it's plausible that he may not have had enough evidence to arrest him. And it's also plausible that he did and failed to do so for whatever reason.

Cajuncowboy;4234156 said:
Well since we want to rewrite history without any proof, let's try this...

McQeary comes to Paterno and tells him.

Paterno goes to Sandusky and confronts him..

Joe...Jerry, someone saw you fondling a boy in the shower. What do you have to say?

Sandusky... I didn't do it.

Option 1...

Joe..."OK Jerry, since you are a life long friend, I believe you. I will let it drop."

Sandusky..."Thanks pal."

Nine year later this blows up and it's "Joe covered up for his boy! Off with Joe's head.

Or....Option two....

Joe..."Jerry I don't believe you and I am going to the authorities."

Sandusky..."I don't care. I didn't do it."

Sandusky flees town and disappears.

Joe is accused of NOT going to the authorities first and allowing the perp to get away. Off with Joe's head!!!!

Which would be the preferred option?
I choose option 3:

Joe: You swear you didn't do it, this GA says you did and he saw it with his own eyes, so we're gonna get the police to sort the whole thing out.
Rogah;4234714 said:
I choose option 3:

Joe: You swear you didn't do it, this GA says you did and he saw it with his own eyes, so we're gonna get the police to sort the whole thing out.

For some, this is impossible to figure out.

And you don't need the benefit of hindsight. Just common sense and some morality.

Probably too busy with Joe Paterno chants.

RoyTheHammer;4234252 said:
Paterno is a 75 year old man, and a football coach. Not the judge, jury, and executioner.

If someone is banned from campus, or banned from bringing kids onto campus, its up the the university to enforce it.. not the football coach who has nothing to do with Sandusky at this point.
Bullcrap. When that "someone" is so closely tied to the football program, but it still regularly chumming around with the fellas in the athletic center, it falls on Paterno to say something.

But instead he just got along to go along. Which would be fine if we were talking about a former player or coach. Not so fine when we're talking about a child rapist.
Stautner;4233702 said:
McQueary shouldn't have as well.
McQueary is the one who should have went to the police, and he should have done something about what he walked into instead of walking away and leaving a young boy to be sexually raped. Where is the uproar about this guys inactions on this particular incident? Nope, nothing in the press that I've read condems this man for leaving the scene and not taking the boy with him to safety and for not calling the police right away.McQueary failed this young boy first and foremost.
Yakuza Rich;4234274 said:

On Penn State grounds... Paterno is the judge, jury and executioner.

In the world outside Penn State grounds he's not the judge, jury and executioner.

Everybody pretty much knows this.

One second Paterno's this 'God' and 'is Penn State' and is the highest paid employee and once that doesn't fit...he's this meager, powerless, old man who is 'just a football coach.'

Nobody outside of blind loyalists buy that. I don't think Joe Paterno would say that.

In fact, he's said in hindsight he should've done more.
+1. The Paterno apologists forget that the admins already tried to get rid of Paterno a couple times over the past decade, and he overruled them.

Basically, the coach told the adminstration to get stuffed and he wasn't leaving his job. I can't imaging that happening at any other university in the country. But at Penn St, that's how much power Paterno had.
Blast From The Past;4234724 said:
McQueary is the one who should have went to the police, and he should have done something about what he walked into instead of walking away and leaving a young boy to be sexually raped. Where is the uproar about this guys inactions on this particular incident? Nope, nothing in the press that I've read condems this man for leaving the scene and not taking the boy with him to safety and for not calling the police right away.McQueary failed this young boy first and foremost.

Go on the radio. PLENTY of radio hosts are blasting McQueary for his lack of action.

And I agree. At the age of 28, you're supposed to be a grown man. Instead, this guy has to be told what to do by his dad and then sticks his head in the sand when nothing happens.

Those who knew and did next to nothing, deserve blame.

Yakuza Rich;4234274 said:

On Penn State grounds... Paterno is the judge, jury and executioner.

In the world outside Penn State grounds he's not the judge, jury and executioner.

Everybody pretty much knows this.

One second Paterno's this 'God' and 'is Penn State' and is the highest paid employee and once that doesn't fit...he's this meager, powerless, old man who is 'just a football coach.'

Nobody outside of blind loyalists buy that. I don't think Joe Paterno would say that.

In fact, he's said in hindsight he should've done more.


Does everybody pretty much know this?

Because I went to PSU, and that's why i roll my eyes at your every post. All you continue to do is assume things, make false accusations, and now bring in media cliche's that you think show that you know what you're talking about.. when really it just makes you look like more of a fool each time you post.

Nowhere is Joe the "judge, jury, and executioner" and to be honest, this entire situation has very little to do at all with the football program, as Sandusky wasn't even associated with it or employed by them at all when these incidents took place. Keep buying into the media circus act of this being mainly an issue involving Joe Paterno and PSU football. Its good comedy.

Joe said that knowing what he knows now, he wishes he had done more. That's the point. We still don't know exactly what he was told by McQueary, but he seems to have known vaguely about one incident that occured, and with that info he went straight to his superiors and the head of campus police was informed.

That doesn't mean he, or anyone else around the football program for that matter, had any idea as to the extent of the issue or knew what kind of man Sandusky really was. As many ex players and peers have come out and stated, as well as Joe.. "We were all fooled."

Joe was told it was being investigated and he was lied to more than once about what took place. He thought that the incident he had heard about had been resolved and that nothing really happened according to what he was told. He had no reason at that point to believe he was being lied to.

Resume with your silly cliche's and accusations..

"Joe knew everything that was going on.. he just hates little boys and wants them to be raped."

"Joe only donated millions and millions of dollars to the university because he was selfish and wanted things named after him."

"Joe wakes up in the morning and slams baby seals in the face with nail boards."

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