Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal (Indictment Post #144, "Pimping" Allegations Post #442)


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yimyammer;4236390 said:
It stuns me that so many people didn't do more to stop this, I hope to God if I am ever in a similar situation I fight to my last dying breath to do everything I can to stop this from occurring and rescue the child on the spot.

There's probably several reasons why things didn't go differently.

When I was taking a psych class we studied the Kitty Genovese murder...

There are times when things happen and your mind just isn't prepared to deal with what it's seeing or hearing.

Up in Buffalo, there have been a series of fatal hit & runs. And the folks doing the running have been supposedly smart people... I'm talking a lawyer, a physician and even a judge. It's stunning.

In another case, the passenger in the car of a (thankfully) non-fatal hit & run told the driver to take off! The passenger was found guilty for doing that.

Not an excuse for what some did or didn't do, it's just that sometimes rational thought just sort "leaves the building".


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one factor that will hit hard is how much Paterno was used to raise money for not just the AD but the whole school; that is done right now.

It is going to be hard for at least the next year or so for Penn State to get ANYONE to pony up much of anything.

And they are going to need a new monkey for the organ grinder.


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yimyammer;4236390 said:
Then again, its pretty cowardly to rape young boys so he may not have the guts to do himself in.

espn showed a video of him speeding off in his earlier today. amazing the freedoms given to a pedophile. wouldn't be suprised if he offs himself today


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The30YardSlant;4236338 said:
I'm sure they could find some obscure loophole to exploit, but they won't. This mess will destroy their program by itself.

I fully expect a lawsuit against the school by the families, though.
isn't there a limit to what you can sue a state school for or is that just a Texas thing? I seem to remember this being an issue with the bonfire tragedy.


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burmafrd;4236410 said:
one factor that will hit hard is how much Paterno was used to raise money for not just the AD but the whole school; that is done right now.

It is going to be hard for at least the next year or so for Penn State to get ANYONE to pony up much of anything.

And they are going to need a new monkey for the organ grinder.

I would imagine the alumni will still pony up, especially the way they have defended Joe Pa in all of this.

Not to mention, this "situation" occured because of *atleast* 3 men. Sandusky who committed the crime, and the University President along with the Athletic Director (BTW former Penn State QB) who covered it up.

I still question whether the GA was told not to take things further or not, but my point is the entire institution isn't corrupt. There's no reason to burn Penn State to the ground because this *could have* happened at another school.

Baylor had a coach try to hide the murder of player. There are corrupt people in this world and as long as Penn State gets rid of those people of anyone who had anything to do with this, they're fine with me.


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Manwiththeplan;4236413 said:
espn showed a video of him speeding off in his earlier today. amazing the freedoms given to a pedophile. wouldn't be suprised if he offs himself today

I can't believe he's not in jail, I assume he got out on bail? If they get him in jail soon, that may prevent him from committing suicide, but if he knows its coming, I'll be shocked if doesn't do himself in. It sounds like the witnesses are piling up like cord wood and I doubt he'll have the heart to sit through that.

The one thing that may save his *** is the stupid statute of limitations which I've heard may keep several of the victims from getting justice. IMO, there should be no statute of limitations when it comes to child molestation, especially considering it takes years for the children to grow up and realize the magnitude of the attrocity that was done to them.


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burmafrd;4236410 said:
one factor that will hit hard is how much Paterno was used to raise money for not just the AD but the whole school; that is done right now.

It is going to be hard for at least the next year or so for Penn State to get ANYONE to pony up much of anything.

And they are going to need a new monkey for the organ grinder.

You don't know how folks will react.

Yeah, some will not pony up. No doubt about it.

But others will take a "Let's circle the wagons" approach. They're so into PSU, that they'll write that check no matter what.


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MichaelWinicki;4236404 said:
There's probably several reasons why things didn't go differently.

When I was taking a psych class we studied the Kitty Genovese murder...

There are times when things happen and your mind just isn't prepared to deal with what it's seeing or hearing.

Up in Buffalo, there have been a series of fatal hit & runs. And the folks doing the running have been supposedly smart people... I'm talking a lawyer, a physician and even a judge. It's stunning.

In another case, the passenger in the car of a (thankfully) non-fatal hit & run told the driver to take off! The passenger was found guilty for doing that.

Not an excuse for what some did or didn't do, it's just that sometimes rational thought just sort "leaves the building".

I can imagine being pretty shocked if I was the graduate assistant and saw what he saw in the shower, perhaps so much so that I don't stop what was occurring, but I would hope I would call the police asap and if the university didn't do more, I wouldn't let it die. It infuriates me to see helpless people victimized by bullies and job be damned, I would have raised hell about it to the point of at least having it clearly on the record in multiple locations what I saw. I would then take every opportunity to get this story out regardless of the consequences. It would infuriate me to look at that man's face every time I saw him on campus for the next 9+ years and I would be outraged that Penn St wasn't doing more, especially considering how much they purport to be the beacon of morality. I don't know how he continued to work there.

Now if this was the mob we're talking about instead of Penn State and my life was at stake, I admit I'm not sure how much courage I would have.

I'm reading a book about the slow infiltration of fear into German society by the ****'s and you can see how they gained so much power because too many people were more concerned about self preservation than speaking out in mass against what they knew was wrong. It just shows me how important it is to never look the other way when you see something you know isn't right, especially when it's done by a so called pillar of the community. It's so dangerous, imo, when people look up to individuals to the point of almost deifying them because its this very status that gives them license to get away with the atrocities they are committing. It's amazing how often you read about serial killers who are caught and people say they never would have dreamed good old "so & so" was a killer, he was so nice, handsome, personable, etc. These people are always wolves in sheeps clothing so be very careful who you choose to idolize, strike that, don't idolize anyone.


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SDogo;4236331 said:
I'm actually expecting something of the sort before it's all said and done.

Paterno has hired J. Sedgwick Sollers as his attorney...

He's a powerful defense attorney that represented George H. W. Bush in the Iran-Contra affair...

I expect he's anticipating civil suits at the least...

Yakuza Rich

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I think Paterno's next course of action will be to discredit what McQueary told him. He will claim it was so vague that he didn't know what to make of it. And that when he saw Sandusky still around, he'll claim that the vagueness of what McQueary told him led him to believe it wasn't a big deal or was a misunderstanding.

If that doesn't work, he'll claim he wanted to tell authorities, but somehow couldn't.

Those are his only 2 legs to stand on.



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don't know if this is in the thread.

SAN ANTONIO -- Penn State's trip to the Alamo Bowl in 1999 has attracted the interest of Texas authorities amid allegations of child sex abuse involving a former assistant coach.

San Antonio police Sgt. Chris Benavides said Thursday his department is "looking into the possibility that an offense may have happened" while the football team was in town.

Former Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky faces child sex abuse charges in Pennsylvania. A grand jury report says Sandusky took one boy he allegedly molested to the game and threatened to send him home when the victim resisted his advances.

The Alamo Bowl was Sandusky's last game at Penn State, where he coached for more than 30 years and was once the heir apparent to Joe Paterno. Paterno was fired for failing to do more about an abuse report involving Sandusky.


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MichaelWinicki;4236457 said:
You don't know how folks will react.

Yeah, some will not pony up. No doubt about it.

But others will take a "Let's circle the wagons" approach. They're so into PSU, that they'll write that check no matter what.

some will; but any publicly traded company will not. And big pocket Alumni will more than likely stand back; not wanting to catch flack for donating while things are hot.

And I think you are all discounting the disgust, disapointment and disillusionment that many will start to feel in the weeks and months ahead. This story will get worse as more comes out.

Chocolate Lab

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Yakuza Rich;4236471 said:
I think Paterno's next course of action will be to discredit what McQueary told him.

Heh, that's what they were saying on GAC... McQueary is about to get thrown under an 18 wheeler by Joe Pa.

jimmy40;4236480 said:
don't know if this is in the thread.

SAN ANTONIO -- Penn State's trip to the Alamo Bowl in 1999 has attracted the interest of Texas authorities amid allegations of child sex abuse involving a former assistant coach.

San Antonio police Sgt. Chris Benavides said Thursday his department is "looking into the possibility that an offense may have happened" while the football team was in town.

Former Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky faces child sex abuse charges in Pennsylvania. A grand jury report says Sandusky took one boy he allegedly molested to the game and threatened to send him home when the victim resisted his advances.

The Alamo Bowl was Sandusky's last game at Penn State, where he coached for more than 30 years and was once the heir apparent to Joe Paterno. Paterno was fired for failing to do more about an abuse report involving Sandusky.
Wow. :( :mad:

GAC also had on some writer from the State College local paper, and he sort of hinted around that he knew this would get even worse the more people looked into it. And he said there were some pretty big-time journalists in town digging around right now.

He also said he'd heard rumors about Sandusky for a few years now.


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burmafrd;4236489 said:
And I think you are all discounting the disgust, disapointment and disillusionment that many will start to feel in the weeks and months ahead. This story will get worse as more comes out.

That's a valid point. Certainly the length of the "investigation phase" and what they uncover is going to affect things.

I would think the folks at PSU want to get to the "punishment phase" as quickly as they can, deal with it and move on.


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This is going to be an absolute disaster.

You just gotta believe this goes back decades. No way did a guy like that pick up his habit that late in the game.


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trickblue;4236469 said:
Paterno has hired J. Sedgwick Sollers as his attorney...


What a name. J. Sedgwick Sollers. Even the names in this story just keep getting worse and worse. Sedgwick? Never heard of it.

Sedgwick \s(e)-dgwi-ck, sed(g)-wick\ as a boy's name is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Sedgwick is "sword place". Place name possibly referring to a sharp, reedlike type of grass or to the actual weapon of a swordsman.


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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I don't know wth some of you people are thinking. Paterno is going to throw McQueary under the bus???

In all of this "I hate child molesters more than you" competition you are all having and trying to show that by wanting to hang Paterno, McQueary is the worst of the lot other than Sandusky. I mean he was a 28 year old man at the time and he didn't stop the action. He had to call his daddy to find out what to do. Didn't call 911 at the time. Went to Paterno with a story that was not in as great detail as what we have now and you think McQueary is going to get "Thrown under the bus"?


Unf'n real.


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Cajuncowboy;4236555 said:
I don't know wth some of you people are thinking. Paterno is going to throw McQueary under the bus???

In all of this "I hate child molesters more than you" competition you are all having and trying to show that by wanting to hang Paterno, McQueary is the worst of the lot other than Sandusky. I mean he was a 28 year old man at the time and he didn't stop the action. He had to call his daddy to find out what to do. Didn't call 911 at the time. Went to Paterno with a story that was not in as great detail as what we have now and you think McQueary is going to get "Thrown under the bus"?


Unf'n real.

Cajun... small fish in a big pond... he took it to the big fish and the ball was dropped...

Paterno is not the monster in this thing, but it seems he was complicit...


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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trickblue;4236664 said:
Cajun... small fish in a big pond... he took it to the big fish and the ball was dropped...

Paterno is not the monster in this thing, but it seems he was complicit...

This isn't about big fish/small fish. The hate towards Paterno on this forum and in general is completely out of place with respect to what should be directed at McQueary. He was an adult who saw it happeneing and sisn't stop it. Didn't call 911 and didn't go to Paterno until the next day after he called his dad and asked him what to do. And oh yeah, his dad didn't call 911 either.
