Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal (Indictment Post #144, "Pimping" Allegations Post #442)


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trickblue;4236794 said:
I have been TRYING to get this through your thick head... he KNEW... proof is here...

You are letting your love of JoePa cloud judgement...

Who am I? A guy wanting to discuss things... you are not willing to be objective... A guy that is a faithful husband and father... a guy that would have kicked Sandusky's *** or died trying...

You are too blinded with homerism to discuss things...

Joe Pa is NOT the villain, but he could have stopped this whole crap...

I usually agree with you trick, and you're usually one of the more level headed ones here, but first of all.. as a mod, telling one of your posters to shut their mouths is ridiculous.

Second, this article you posted as "proof".. really? REALLY DUDE?

The guy claims to have known for years, yet said nothing. That sound like it makes sense to you?

Then he claims at the very end of the article that "everybody knew" for years now.. AND NOT JUST AT PENN STATE.

He's claiming pretty much everybody associated with college football knew about Sandusky being a pedophile, and that's why he never got another job. Really? Everybody in every college football program across the country knew, and no one said a word? You expect me or any other rational person on earth to believe that?

Im sorry, but this is most certainly not "proof" that Joe knew anything other than the information told to him by McQueary. Its a media bum looking to get his name out there and generate some press for himself because he's too lazy to work hard at his craft.


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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Cajuncowboy;4236930 said:
Ummm, no. Why would I do something like that?

I meant yay you had a great dad. So did I. That's why I put it there.

But it was irrelevant to the discussion. I would think you would know me better than that.

And yes, All I have done is defend Joepa. I did not however defend him not going to the cops. I said he should have. But with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, I'm sure we all wished we would have done some things in our lives different.

You got all upset over me bringing McQuesry into this but there is a guy who really could have done something at the moment and if that's the case, none of these discussions even happen.

And you say give us something You mean why am I defending Joepa? Tell you what, I will send you a pm a to why.

I could care less for JoePa at this point... or McQuery...

They directly contributed to more boys being abused...


Blank Paper Offends Me
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:lmao: I'm getting a kick out of people who say they "knew" Joe Paterno therefore they knew he couldn't do such things.


How many mothers know their son well enough to know he didn't commit that murder right up to the day he gets the lethal injection?

You're kidding yourself if you think you knew anything about the man by having a few conversations with him. People who were invited to his home for dinner once or twice a month probably didn't know the man as well as you're professing to know him.


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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SaltwaterServr;4236950 said:
:lmao: I'm getting a kick out of people who say they "knew" Joe Paterno therefore they knew he couldn't do such things.


How many mothers know their son well enough to know he didn't commit that murder right up to the day he gets the lethal injection?

You're kidding yourself if you think you knew anything about the man by having a few conversations with him. People who were invited to his home for dinner once or twice a month probably didn't know the man as well as you're professing to know him.

Get kick all you want. It really doesn't matter to me what you think. But my relationship with him goes beyond a couple conversations. But whatever.


Blank Paper Offends Me
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Cajuncowboy;4236953 said:
Get kick all you want. It really doesn't matter to me what you think. But my relationship with him goes beyond a couple conversations. But whatever.

I'd still get a kick out of it if you were meeting him once a week for lunch. It means nothing. You didn't know the man no more than I know people who I work with 8 hours a day, every day. Once they leave work I have no idea how they spend their lives, how they think, how they behave when a person comes to them and says he saw a kid in the shower with another man.

The fact that you do think you know him is erroneous.


Original Zoner (he's a good boy!)
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I can no longer edit my post above, but i would like to mention that i unintentionally misspelled McQueary's name.

Looking back i just wanted to make sure that people realize that.


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SaltwaterServr;4236954 said:
I'd still get a kick out of it if you were meeting him once a week for lunch. It means nothing. You didn't know the man no more than I know people who I work with 8 hours a day, every day. Once they leave work I have no idea how they spend their lives, how they think, how they behave when a person comes to them and says he saw a kid in the shower with another man.

The fact that you do think you know him is erroneous.

My biggest problem with a lot of the opinions is the revisionist history viewpoint.


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Cajuncowboy;4236893 said:
He knew what McQueary told him the next day. And what he told Paterno was a very watered down version of what he told Schultz and Curley and ultimately the Grand jury. nd again, since Paterno was told the investigation was done and there was nothing to it, Paterno was expected to play detective? Paterno was nothing more than the middle man for the information. He didn't see it and he didn't have authority to investigate it.

Now, if it is proven Paterno knew more, then that's a whole different thing. But as I have been saying from the beginning, before we crucify the guy, lets wait for the evidence. But people on this forum can't wait for that. We have to hang him right now before we know anything.

So you're admitting that Paterno knew in 2002.

How watered down was the story? They were in the shower together. Do you honestly believe that the graduate assistant brought his dad in to meet with Paterno and said something along the lines of "I saw Sandusky hanging out with a young boy", and he left it at that?

Give me a damn break man. Remove your blinders and go read the freaking indictment!

Here, I'll break it down for you: Paterno knew in 2002, may have known in 1998 and could have stopped it. Do you realize he could have saved a bunch of kids from being molested by this monster?

I like what I heard on the radio the other day. "A Coward Conspiracy" - exactly what it is.


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Jerry Sandusky's Attorney: My Client Says He's Innocent
by Charlie Wilmoth

Former Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky’s lawyer, Joe Amendola, says his client claims he is innocent of charges of sexual abuse against minors. He also says his client is “shaky”:

“He’s shaky, as you can expect. Being 67 years old, never having faced criminal charges in his life, and having the distinguished career that he’s had, these are very serious allegations. He’s taking them seriously, but he also has realized that he has to face them and go from there and proceed with his defense.”

Amendola also says that Sandusky had been out of state visiting family, but he returned to State College “voluntarily” when told that he needed to return.

It sounds like Amendola will have more to say when he has been able to discuss the charges with Sandusky, and after he has had time to develop a defense.

As this story unfolds, we’ll have more updates on this situation in this storystream.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Read a tweet that Cars.Com have pulled their ad from the penn state games on ESPN.


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SaltwaterServr;4236950 said:
:lmao: I'm getting a kick out of people who say they "knew" Joe Paterno therefore they knew he couldn't do such things.


How many mothers know their son well enough to know he didn't commit that murder right up to the day he gets the lethal injection?

You're kidding yourself if you think you knew anything about the man by having a few conversations with him. People who were invited to his home for dinner once or twice a month probably didn't know the man as well as you're professing to know him.

Paterno knew Sandusky. Knew him very well.

Yakuza Rich

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Here's what the Paterno apologists want us to believe along with the timeline of events:

1. In 1998, Sandusky is investigated for having a shower with 2 boys, grabbing one and bear hugging him naked in the shower. UNIVERSITY police investigate the matter fully along with the DA.

Despite UNIVERSITY police investigating the matter, they are able to carefully orchestrate it as such so Paterno does not know about the incident.

Apparently, Paterno's status of 'a God' and 'is Penn State' and all of the power he wields is a charade and in reality he's just a clueless, powerless old man who is more or less a figurehead at this point. This makes it reasonable to the apologists as to why Paterno would not have known about the investigation.

2. It just so happens that Paterno notifies Sandusky after the 1998 incident that he will never be the head coach at Penn State. Presumably to the apologists because he just wanted Sandusky to know that. Again, it's just a coincidence here.

3. And in another coincidence, Sandusky just happens to retire, at the age fo 55, abruptly in June of 1999. No need to look at a coach retiring right before the season started, despite 30 years with the program and still in his 'coaching prime' and very revered. Just another coincidence. And Paterno still never knew about the 1998 incident.

4. From 1998 to 2002, no rumors are ever spread about Sandusky and Paterno never hears about them. Again, just a charade of him having power. He's a figurehead, that's it.

5. In 2002, Paterno is told...according to his own testimory, that Sandusky was found to be fondling a boy in the shower by McQueary. And that, according to Paterno's own testimony, McQueary was visibly upset about the incident and required a private meeting with Paterno and McQueary's dad to discuss the incident.

6. The apologists want us to believe that this was Paterno's FIRST time ever hearing about Sandusky and molesting boys.

7. The apologists want us to believe that Paterno, who was good friends and a close colleague of Sandusky for over 30 years with a supposedly squeeky clean image....immediately decided that McQueary was telling him the truth and required no proof nor did not ask Sandusky for his side fo the story. Paterno just went immediately to the Athletic Director.

It's the most fascinating story I have ever heard.



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Cajuncowboy;4236767 said:
Paterno lost his job based on speculation that he knew more than what is known. If there is proof that he knew more, then yes, she should have been fired and should face whatever comes his way.

But people acting like McQueary wasn't more culpable is so insane. He was the ONLY adult who could have saved that little boy. And yet he still has a job (at least for now).

Joe lost his job because of how the 2002 incident was handeled. We and he all agree he could have done more. To help the University to move on Joe had to go, the entire staff needs to go.

Yakuza Rich

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I think Paterno lost his job because there's a fear that as more and more come out between now and the bowl game, the worse it looks.

I think the the Board wanted to see if they could get him to coach against Nebraska. It would be a home game and 'Senior Day.' They could have the final send-off.

I think the Board was going to wait until Friday to make a decision on that...get a feel for the public opinion.

But, when Paterno made that unauthorized statement and told the Board to not spend one more minute on him because his status is that he's retiring at the end of the year...the board was fed up and realized that Paterno was out of control. I think on Monday, the Board was probably a 50/50 split on Paterno, Tuesday's 'pep rally' hurt his support on the Board, and then Wednesday's unauthorized statement made it so even his most ardent supporters on the Board simply could not defend him anymore.


WV Cowboy

Waitin' on the 6th
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It sounds to me after all I have read and seen on TV, .. if McQueary had gone in the shower and kicked Sandusky's xxx, .. that too would have been covered up.

Anything to protect PSU, the football program, the tradition, their reputation, Joe Pa and all the rest.

And why?

Turns out that the cover-up is almost as sickening as Sandusky's deeds.

Yakuza Rich

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WV Cowboy;4237090 said:
It sounds to me after all I have read and seen on TV, .. if McQueary had gone in the shower and kicked Sandusky's xxx, .. that too would have been covered up.

Anything to protect PSU, the football program, the tradition, their reputation, Joe Pa and all the rest.

And why?

Turns out that the cover-up is almost as sickening as Sandusky's deeds.

On the radio they are alluding that McQueary is still around because of the 'Whistle Blower' law which protects federal and state gov't employees.

Although, I'm not quite buying into it. I asked a friend of mine who is an attorney (and a PSU grad) about it.

To me, Sandusky wasn't an employee...and neither was McQueary at the time. So I don't know how they can use the whistle blower law.

There is also some talk of McQueary being kept around so he will *not* plead the 5th. Sounds really far fetched to think PSU is now 'going legit' and helping with the case. And if McQ did plead the 5th, there should be a corner in hell reserved for that guy. And apparently, all that stuff Paterno was supposed to teach these guys was a load of crap. But, we get that idea anyway.



Mr. Buckeye
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SaltwaterServr;4236950 said:
:lmao: I'm getting a kick out of people who say they "knew" Joe Paterno therefore they knew he couldn't do such things.


How many mothers know their son well enough to know he didn't commit that murder right up to the day he gets the lethal injection?

You're kidding yourself if you think you knew anything about the man by having a few conversations with him. People who were invited to his home for dinner once or twice a month probably didn't know the man as well as you're professing to know him.

SaltwaterServr;4236954 said:
I'd still get a kick out of it if you were meeting him once a week for lunch. It means nothing. You didn't know the man no more than I know people who I work with 8 hours a day, every day. Once they leave work I have no idea how they spend their lives, how they think, how they behave when a person comes to them and says he saw a kid in the shower with another man.

The fact that you do think you know him is erroneous.

This is so very true.

There is no way in hell he knows Paterno anywhere near a well as he thinks he does.

I Love my parents more than I can say and lived with them till I was 27 and got married...we are as close as you can be and they don't know anywhere near all the things that I have done.

They know what I tell them.

There are things that I have done that I will never tell them and they will never know...nothing awful...just some stuff maybe I'm not proud of and don't want them to know.

I watch stuff about Serial Killers all the time...everyone swore that there was no way that Ted Bundy was anywhere near capable of doing what he Paterno's no Serial Killer but you should get the point.

I just watched a show the other night called "The Devil You Know"

This woman was married to this guy in the Navy and had a kid with him.

But there was a peeping tom going around the neighborhood...which eventually led to women getting raped.

Her husband eventually became a suspect.

But she swore up and did his friends and family that there was no way he could be the guy.

Guess who the guy was?

History is littered with stories like this.

Bottom line...he doesn't know really anything about Paterno that Paterno doesn't want him to know and just because it MAY seem out of character for someone to do something doesn't mean that they aren't capable of doing it or that they didn't.

WV Cowboy

Waitin' on the 6th
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SaltwaterServr;4236954 said:
I'd still get a kick out of it if you were meeting him once a week for lunch. It means nothing. You didn't know the man no more than I know people who I work with 8 hours a day, every day. Once they leave work I have no idea how they spend their lives, how they think, how they behave when a person comes to them and says he saw a kid in the shower with another man.

The fact that you do think you know him is erroneous.

We have been discussing this issue at work the past month or so.

One guy was offended when I told him that I didn't know him well enough to introduce him to a girl at our church.

I didn't mean him personally, but anyone I work with in general.

You are right, we don't really know. I jokingly told him he could have a girl chained up in his basement, .. I wouldn't know.

(I know, too much Criminal Minds)

People think they know, but they don't.

Yakuza Rich

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I just heard back from my attorney friend and he says that he doesn't see how McQueary would be protected under the Whistle Blower law.



Double Trouble
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Further Mark Madden comments from yesterday:

“Joe Paterno comes from a different time. None of what I’m saying is justified because everything that has happened there is no justifying. I’m sure you guys understand me when I say that, but Joe Paterno comes from a time where you covered this kinda thing up. Back in the day all you thought about is what the neighbors knew and the neighbors thought of you. Joe Paterno comes from a time where something like this happened you swept it under the rug and got on with it the best you can, and I’m sure that’s what Paterno was thinking. I’m sure Paterno can’t believe all this has come to light in the fashion it has.”