RoyTheHammer;4236157 said:
"Children and youth" meaning the PA State Dept of Welfare?
If this is true, this is unbelievable how they could have two reports and one admittance of guilt from the guy and yet do absolutely nothing!
Absolutely pathetic. Yet another group of people who simply didn't do what they should have and just didn't care enough to bother.
dreghorn2;4236320 said:
Well you better get used to it because it's only going to get worse.
For years that school will be fodder for every type of joke, story, comment you can imagine, just as the Catholic Church has been facing, and they will have no one to blame but themselves.
The behavior at Penn St. is totally and completely criminal.
As far back as '98 you have officers who heard it from Sandusky himself about his 'inappropriate' behavior. He mysteriously retires and we are led to believe that Paterno and others were not aware of these accusations?
2002 McQueary catches him raping a kid in the locker room, the next morning, next morning mind you, they are at Paternos home and he only tells Paterno that there was some 'misconduct' B.S.
Nothing is done and this guy frequents the school like it never happened.
McQueary sees him around, Paterno shoots the breeze with him over coffee (hey Jerry how about that Michigan run game) etc.. unbelievable. How many kids, how many, were assaulted after these events occurred -- shame, shame, shame.
And if it comes out that it really was common knowledge that Sandusky was tainted, as some have alluded to, and that perhaps alums were involved, forget it.
This smell will not go away for a long long time, nor should it.
Agreed. Completely.
realtick;4236322 said:
I agree. But I think even without sanctions Penn State will suffer from this for years in terms o recruiting.
Already has. They've had one kid already pull his name from going there and apparently another top high school kid posted on twitter yesterday that Penn State has now been removed from his list of schools to consider.
I heard about those two on Mike and Mike in the Morning today. So it's already starting to hit their recruiting and it will for a long time to come.
The30YardSlant;4236325 said:
But on what grounds? The NCAA has no case, Penn State did not violate any NCAA rules. It's entirely a legal matter.
Just because we might all want to see their program burnt to the ground, there is simply no grounds for it.
Maybe so but that, to me, is an issue all of its own then. If you can get people for buying cars for students, giving them money, for drugs, for all that then you should have it pretty clear that if your program is caught in a situation where they're covering up a series of child molestations then you should be hit harder than for any other thing.
in fact they shouldn't even NEED a set or rules outlining this fact. This fact is common sense and therefor shouldn't need to be spelled out.
The30YardSlant;4236338 said:
I'm sure they could find some obscure loophole to exploit, but they won't. This mess will destroy their program by itself.
I fully expect a lawsuit against the school by the families, though.
As do I. This is going to be going on for many years I believe.
SDogo;4236345 said:
I have a hard time controlling my emotions with this for obvious reasons beyond being an alum and a parent.
Right now it's a battle to walk the line in the middle and neither nail anyone (besides Sandusky) to a cross nor get on my knee's and praise the legend and the program that is/was Penn St and Joe Pa.
It may be years but I'm prepared to let the process play out and hope in the end everyone gets the vindication or penalty that they have coming. If that includes the University so be it.
I understand your emotion and understand this. My anger isn't toward you, the Penn State students, or Penn State the University itself.
It's about all the people involved here from Sandusky all the way down. Sandusky reserves the most disgust and villifying, without question, because he's a monster.
But all those who stood by and did little, or nothing, for years while this was going on, for years allowing this guy to continue to have the access he needed to get to more and more children they're vile and disgusting in their own ways as well.
Yakuza Rich;4236471 said:
I think Paterno's next course of action will be to discredit what McQueary told him. He will claim it was so vague that he didn't know what to make of it. And that when he saw Sandusky still around, he'll claim that the vagueness of what McQueary told him led him to believe it wasn't a big deal or was a misunderstanding.
If that doesn't work, he'll claim he wanted to tell authorities, but somehow couldn't.
Those are his only 2 legs to stand on.
That's quite possible. In fact it's already been getting speculated that it's already been done (I don't know that because I haven't read much about anything Paterno has or hasn't said in the last couple days) but last night on GAC they were saying Paterno had already changed his story about McQueary being visiably shaken and describing it as fondling, or whatever, to McQueary didn't really tell him anything that made it seem like molestation and that he was very vague with what he said.
I don't know if Paterno has really said any of that its just what they were disgussing on GAC last night.
Chocolate Lab;4236511 said:
Heh, that's what they were saying on GAC... McQueary is about to get thrown under an 18 wheeler by Joe Pa.
GAC also had on some writer from the State College local paper, and he sort of hinted around that he knew this would get even worse the more people looked into it. And he said there were some pretty big-time journalists in town digging around right now.
He also said he'd heard rumors about Sandusky for a few years now.
This bolded part has started to become more and more disturbing as well. That's not the first time i've seen someone say they have heard about these rumors for a while now.
A radio show guy in OKC said the same thing yesterday and last night on ESPN they were quoting Barry Switzer, after he'd been asked about it, and he indicated that he'd heard the rumors about this a long while back, or something of that effect.
I could be wrong on that part a bit cause I can't recall off the top of my head exactly what they showed him saying about that part.
But that's even more appauling to me that apparently people outside of the University and such have been allegedly hearing these rumors for years and no one thought to go let anyone in the proper authorities know? That's very disturbing to me.
Cajuncowboy;4236555 said:
I don't know wth some of you people are thinking. Paterno is going to throw McQueary under the bus???
In all of this "I hate child molesters more than you" competition you are all having and trying to show that by wanting to hang Paterno, McQueary is the worst of the lot other than Sandusky. I mean he was a 28 year old man at the time and he didn't stop the action. He had to call his daddy to find out what to do. Didn't call 911 at the time. Went to Paterno with a story that was not in as great detail as what we have now and you think McQueary is going to get "Thrown under the bus"?
Unf'n real.
McQueary is pathetic for not doing anymore than he did. I'm right with you on your outrage at him.
Joe Paterno didn't do anything really either. I know he told his boss and talked to the head of campus security, which is like talking to a mall cop, but that's nothing in a situation like this.
The reason they're saying he'll throw him under the bus is that he probably will. He's going to try and make it look like he didn't know what was going on, at all, and thus thats why he did little more. He'll try and make it seem like McQueary down played it so much that it was nothing.
Now that's speculation of course. No one knows for sure if Joe Pa will do that. Maybe he'll just come out and say "You know I just didn't do what I should have given the information he gave me." It's possible he'll do that. We'll see.
But them potentially going overboard on what Joe Pa might do to discredit the guy who could have helped stop things much sooner, you're out here trying to make it like he's the biggest to blame for it not being done sooner cause he didn't do anything and that means Joe Pa is off the hook.
Completely opposite. They're both equally on the hook here because neither of them did anywhere near what they could have and should have done to help stop this situation and prevent others from happening.
Cajuncowboy;4236696 said:
This isn't about big fish/small fish. The hate towards Paterno on this forum and in general is completely out of place with respect to what should be directed at McQueary. He was an adult who saw it happeneing and sisn't stop it. Didn't call 911 and didn't go to Paterno until the next day after he called his dad and asked him what to do. And oh yeah, his dad didn't call 911 either.
I agree. Pathetic. How can you see something like that and not immediately step in and stop it? How can you not go to the authorities yourself screaming the story for all to hear?
He's terrible for having done next to nothing in this situation as well.
Cajuncowboy;4236733 said:
Don't tell me to shut my mouth. Who do you think you are? This is a forum to discuss things. Where do have proof that he KNEW about the 1998 incident?
I find it incredibly niave to believe that the guy was investigated on these allegations and his HC, and major face of the University, had no idea he was investigated for these allegations.
Are you telling me that Joe Pa is the only person in that area who didn't know he was under investigation for those allegations? Come on man. Seriously?
If Sandusky had been some random Joe blow who Joe Pa didn't know, then yeah I can believe he didn't know about it. We're not talking about that. We're talking about a guy he'd known, been friends with, and close with for 30 years at that point at the University. We're talking about his DC and most prized coach.
If you think that Sandusky had people investigating for those allegations and Joe Pa was completely oblivious to that fact then you're at best completely crazy.
Cajuncowboy;4236767 said:
Paterno lost his job based on speculation that he knew more than what is known. If there is proof that he knew more, then yes, she should have been fired and should face whatever comes his way.
But people acting like McQueary wasn't more culpable is so insane. He was the ONLY adult who could have saved that little boy. And yet he still has a job (at least for now).
he doesn't need to know anymore than Sandusky was investigated in 1998 for allegations of inapproperiate behavior with children and then being told about an even worse situation with a child in 2002. If those are the only 2 things he knows about, and knew nothing else of the entire situation, he'd still be wrong and completely incompetent when it came to the handling of this matter.
He knew about those two incidents and he should have done a whole hell of a lot more to ensure things were being done about and the proper authorities knew about it and he didn't. He was fine with simply letting the University sit back and essentially do absolutely nothing about it...just so long as he made sure he did the bare minimum to cover himself by telling his boss.
Cajuncowboy;4236848 said:
Ever consider that he told Sandusky he wasn't going to be coach because Paterno wasn't leaving? Oh look, Paterno stayed for another 13 years.
Ever consider that Sandusly publically lobbied for the HC job and maybe Paterno cooled towards him at that point since he was under pressure from the trustees?
Ever consider that all this tool place in 1998?
But the only possible answer was that Joe Paterno knew of the abuse and so he said "Since you are abusing children, I want you to retire, next year, and I will sweep all of this under the rug. Then you can go on abusing kids."
Yeah, that sounds more likely.
Are you serious? You're saying he did that because of those things and had no idea that his DC was under investigation for showering with a 10 year old?
Seriously? That's what you want to try and defend that with.
If you honestly believe, and maybe you do I don't know, that Joe Pa, the HC of Penn State, the be all end all of Penn State football, had NO IDEA that his DC, his friend of 30 years, was under investigation then you're quite frankly the most niave and clueless person I've ever seen.
There is litterally ZERO CHANCE that Sandusky was investigated in 1998 and Joe Pa had no idea that it happened.
ZERO chance.
joseephuss;4237040 said:
Paterno knew Sandusky. Knew him very well.
Excellent point.