Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal (Indictment Post #144, "Pimping" Allegations Post #442)

bbgun;4237649 said:
Fine, but they were prepared to let him coach this weekend, and that's outrageous.

On Thursday morning, interim coach Tom Bradley stated that McQueary would be coaching on Saturday against Nebraska, while admitting that he did not know whether the position coach would be on the sideline or in the press box. But later Thursday evening, the university announced on that McQueary would not coach against Nebraska.
Double Trouble;4237657 said:
I think they're probably uncertain as to what to do. It's uncharted water for all of them, I'm sure.

They probably thought they were going to hold onto him a while, so what's the difference? Only when they realized the public furor did they decide against it. I think they initially planned to let Paterno coach out the rest of the season before it began to sink in how bad this all was.

The one thing that I didn't get, and maybe someone else who saw it can clarify, but I'm not sure if Jack Ford (the attorney) was suggesting that PSU was holding onto McQueary to preserve the truth, or if it were in an effort to control what information McQueary lets out. As tight as the Happy Valley community was in protecting Paterno, it wouldn't shock me if the school officials thought that they could still control this thing, to a degree. But I think Ford was saying that they wanted to use McQueary to get to the unvarnished truth with as little filter as possible.

Holding on to him would not have spared the school a civil suit or him criminal charges, so I'm not sure what their logic was in retaining him. He's no victim; he was part of the conspiracy of silence.
bbgun;4237683 said:
Holding on to him would not have spared the school a civil suit or him criminal charges, so I'm not sure what their logic was in retaining him. He's no victim; he was part of the conspiracy of silence.
Penn State has now placed McQuary on administrative leave.
casmith07;4237663 said:
Absurd. The prosecution or the defense can subpoena witnesses relevant to their case.

Where'd that guy get his JD?

Edit: read your updated post. In theory that's a great idea, but in practice it's horrible.
No idea. Ford has been on espn and the networks for years in sports related legal matters.

Lester Munson on ESPN radio just said something to the effect that only the new president could take such an action.
Double Trouble;4237688 said:
No idea. Ford has been on espn and the networks for years in sports related legal matters.

Lester Munson on ESPN radio just said something to the effect that only the new president could take such an action.

It is not about the information he has getting out it is going to come out no matter what. They are trying to control when it comes out. The longer they wait some of the wrath will die down and it won't be front page news it will be moved to the next page of the news
bbgun;4237649 said:
Fine, but they were prepared to let him coach this weekend, and that's outrageous.

..and the reason they gave for him not coaching this weekend was to defend his personal safety. Sickening.

Also, no one talks about it, but why the hell is Curley still being paid and employed when he's the main guy who initiated the cover up?!

Its unreal.
Double Trouble;4237686 said:
Penn State has now placed McQuary on administrative leave.

Sweet, so now he and Curley can sit at home together and kick back a couple mai tai's while they're still being paid.
casmith07;4237625 said:
YR -- just wanted to follow-up on the Whistleblower Protection Act question/thought, the WPA of 1989 only protects Federal employees, and only when they report government agency failures, crimes, gross negligence, fraud waste & abuse, etc. through the approved channels, all of which are listed in the statute.

I'm unsure of why McQueary still has a job if they're cleaning house from the top down.

State Whisleblower Protection Act for PA.

From reading it, it seems that either both McQueary and Paterno should lose their jobs, or both should retain their jobs. Both reported the actions to their immediate superior. Im not understanding the difference after reading.
RoyTheHammer;4237701 said:
..and the reason they gave for him not coaching this weekend was to defend his personal safety. Sickening.

Also, no one talks about it, but why the hell is Curley still being paid and employed when he's the main guy who initiated the cover up?!

Its unreal.

I have no idea but from the outside it does not look good and they should be let go. As i stated before I think they are trying to control information flow they are in damage and spin control. This has a chance to blow back to the Board level (it is possible some of them knew of the cover up). I think it may get uglier for Pen State and is going to cost them dearly in lawsuits, etc etc
RoyTheHammer;4237701 said:
..and the reason they gave for him not coaching this weekend was to defend his personal safety. Sickening.

Also, no one talks about it, but why the hell is Curley still being paid and employed when he's the main guy who initiated the cover up?!

Its unreal.

They need a huge infusion of PR savviness, stat.
Kangaroo;4237730 said:
I have no idea but from the outside it does not look good and they should be let go. As i stated before I think they are trying to control information flow they are in damage and spin control. This has a chance to blow back to the Board level (it is possible some of them knew of the cover up). I think it may get uglier for Pen State and is going to cost them dearly in lawsuits, etc etc

At this point, its been a few days already and those two still have jobs.. so i hope it comes back to the board and all of them are removed as well. I have no idea what is going through their heads right now.
Joe's contract was up at the end of this even if they had to pay him for the rest of his contract it would not be too bad.

I wonder how many years McCreary has left on his contract and I wonder about the other people (if they are on contracts).

The reason I ask is I just don't get why they would put these guys on administrative leave instead of just firing them like they did Joe.
bbgun;4237633 said:

Looks like Chris Canty's helmet.

I had told someone on here that I wouldn't post in these threads anymore for reasons that are unimportant to the board. However I am compelled to make this post.....

I defended Joe in the thing since the beginning saying that We don't know what joe knew and what he was responsible for. I also said that until I knew more or I had some proof that Joe was complicit in either a cover up or he decided to simply not act based on him having more information, I would continue to support him. I believe that every person has a right to be defended and should not be tried for heinous acts in the court of public opinion until those facts are know. I still believe that.

With that being said, those of you who have read my posts know that I had a relationship with paterno that went beyond a few casual conversations. My relationship goes back to 1980 when I was still in high School. It continued until 2004. I will not discuss the nature of the relationship other than to say he was a supporter of several 501 (c)3's that I chaired or was president of.

Also, some of you whom I have talked to via pm know that I have a close friend who is in the media in PA and who has very close ties to Penn State. He has also been working on some stories surrounding this tragedy.

I expected to hear more from him yesterday but he didn't call. Well, he called today. Without going into detail because I was asked not to, There are some indication that while Joe did NOT know what the specific actions were with the 2002 incident, he did know there was something very wrong. The superiors did in fact tell Joe that they investigated and there was nothing to it. Now, there is more to the story, but I cannot be more specific.

However, with that said and knowing the information I know now, I no longer support Joe Paterno.

I have said all along that all I wanted was some proof and not a lot of speculation. Which is all that was presented on this forum and in the national media. Well, now I have it.

I am not embarrassed for defending the joe paterno I know. I would do that for anyone I know to be a good person. As American's we at least deserve that and should expect that of each other.

I know further that Paterno was put in a no win situation as well by the superiors but that doesn't excuse the in actions and what I have come to know.

My source is someone who is very close to me, whom I consider closer than a brother. I trust what he has said implicitly.

I wish and was hoping for different information. Sadly, it is not there. At least at this point. And I doubt there will be information to sway me back.

To those who I argued with, I don't apologize, I just ask you to understand why I defended him, sans proof.

This will be my final post on this subject.
Cajuncowboy;4237991 said:
I had told someone on here that I wouldn't post in these threads anymore for reasons that are unimportant to the board. However I am compelled to make this post.....

I defended Joe in the thing since the beginning saying that We don't know what joe knew and what he was responsible for. I also said that until I knew more or I had some proof that Joe was complicit in either a cover up or he decided to simply not act based on him having more information, I would continue to support him. I believe that every person has a right to be defended and should not be tried for heinous acts in the court of public opinion until those facts are know. I still believe that.

With that being said, those of you who have read my posts know that I had a relationship with paterno that went beyond a few casual conversations. My relationship goes back to 1980 when I was still in high School. It continued until 2004. I will not discuss the nature of the relationship other than to say he was a supporter of several 501 (c)3's that I chaired or was president of.

Also, some of you whom I have talked to via pm know that I have a close friend who is in the media in PA and who has very close ties to Penn State. He has also been working on some stories surrounding this tragedy.

I expected to hear more from him yesterday but he didn't call. Well, he called today. Without going into detail because I was asked not to, There are some indication that while Joe did NOT know what the specific actions were with the 2002 incident, he did know there was something very wrong. The superiors did in fact tell Joe that they investigated and there was nothing to it. Now, there is more to the story, but I cannot be more specific.

However, with that said and knowing the information I know now, I no longer support Joe Paterno.

I have said all along that all I wanted was some proof and not a lot of speculation. Which is all that was presented on this forum and in the national media. Well, now I have it.

I am not embarrassed for defending the joe paterno I know. I would do that for anyone I know to be a good person. As American's we at least deserve that and should expect that of each other.

I know further that Paterno was put in a no win situation as well by the superiors but that doesn't excuse the in actions and what I have come to know.

My source is someone who is very close to me, whom I consider closer than a brother. I trust what he has said implicitly.

I wish and was hoping for different information. Sadly, it is not there. At least at this point. And I doubt there will be information to sway me back.

To those who I argued with, I don't apologize, I just ask you to understand why I defended him, sans proof.

This will be my final post on this subject.

I'm not gonna blame you for defending him. If I were you I wouldn't want to believe it either. But there had to be at least some smidgeon of doubt deep down.

I mean, you were basing your entire position on your relationship with him that appears to be pretty extensive. From that relationship you were firmly convinced that there is no way he could ever just turn his back on something that like. From your relationship, you felt like you could accurately predict what he would or would not do in a hypothetical situation that hardly anyone is ever exposed to.

All the while, you're completely missing the fact that Paterno and Sandusky had a relationship that extends further back than your relationship and was likely much more personal in that they worked together every day for the better part of 30 years.

If your experiences can tell you what Joe would or wouldn't do in a hypothetical situation, how can anyone honestly believe that Joe wasn't aware of what Sandusky was ACTUALLY DOING right out in the open?

I don't think anyone is going to hold it against you that you defended him.
Listening to sports radio in PA - they are saying McQueary is in protective custody and he was telling people he is double fisting beers. I kid you not.

Also some former PSU former players are donating $$ to Jerry Sandusky for his defense fund. Unreal

Finally - someone threw a cinder block through the window of Sandusky's house last night. The report said he was not home.
Joe Realist;4238065 said:
Also some former PSU former players are donating $$ to Jerry Sandusky for his defense fund. Unreal

I read that too. I thought...

Joe Realist;4238065 said:
Finally - someone threw a cinder block through the window of Sandusky's house last night. The report said he was not home.
21,356 people came forth to take responsibility for that incident. Police are investigating. ;)

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