Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal (Indictment Post #144, "Pimping" Allegations Post #442)

bbgun;4237640 said:
Anyone who knew about this but did not report it to the police should be gone. McQueary took the coward's way out (calling Daddy instead of the authorities in deference to his future job prospects).

I know what a frickin Pansy.

You see a 10 year old boy getting anally raped and you just walk out and call your Daddy?

Honestly he should go to jail just for being a *****.

He's disgusting
bbgun;4237683 said:
Holding on to him would not have spared the school a civil suit or him criminal charges, so I'm not sure what their logic was in retaining him. He's no victim; he was part of the conspiracy of silence.

the school likely doesn't want it known he was told to keep quiet.
Manwiththeplan;4238149 said:
the school likely doesn't want it known he was told to keep quiet.

Even if true, it doesn't absolve him from blame. And we already know there was a quid pro quo coverup (i.e. telling Sandusky to retire in lieu of calling the police).
bbgun;4238152 said:
Even if true, it doesn't absolve him from blame. And we already know there was a quid pro quo coverup (i.e. telling Sandusky to retire in lieu of calling the police).

not at all, but they likely didn't want to give him a reason to tell the "truth"
“Of course we’re going to riot,” Paul Howard, a 24-year-old aerospace-engineering student at Penn State University, told the New York Times. “What do they expect when they tell us at 10 o’clock that they fired our football coach?”

bbgun;4238168 said:
“Of course we’re going to riot,” Paul Howard, a 24-year-old aerospace-engineering student at Penn State University, told the New York Times. “What do they expect when they tell us at 10 o’clock that they fired our football coach?”


you should be rioting that the university turned a blind eye to child is NOT and should not even be a part of the equation right now.
VietCowboy;4238171 said:
you should be rioting that the university turned a blind eye to child is NOT and should not even be a part of the equation right now.

these kids have no moral compass
bbgun;4237683 said:
Holding on to him would not have spared the school a civil suit or him criminal charges, so I'm not sure what their logic was in retaining him. He's no victim; he was part of the conspiracy of silence.
It's entirely possible that he still knows an awful lot that hasn't come out and Penn State is trying to buy his silence. It's also entirely possible (and this is my personal theory) that they made a deal with him to protect Paterno. Now they can't just cut him loose free and clear or he'll start babbling.

For now, he's on "indefinite leave" - whatever that means.
bbgun;4238168 said:
“Of course we’re going to riot,” Paul Howard, a 24-year-old aerospace-engineering student at Penn State University, told the New York Times. “What do they expect when they tell us at 10 o’clock that they fired our football coach?”


sizing up his prey
Franco Harris defends Paterno, McQueary, blasts trustees

Former Pittsburgh Steelers running back and Penn State alum Franco Harris blasted the school's Board of Trustees for its decision to fire Joe Paterno and defended Mike McQueary, according to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

"I feel that the board made a bad decision in letting Joe Paterno go," Harris told the Tribune-Review's Kevin Gorman. "I'm very disappointed in their decision. I thought they showed no courage, not to back someone who really needed it at the time. They were saying the football program under Joe was at fault.

"They really wouldn't give a reason. They're linking the football program to the scandal and, possibly, the cover-up. That's very disturbing to me. I think there should be no more connection to the football program, only in the case that it happened at the football building with an ex-coach. I'm still trying to find out who gave him access to the building, who signed that contract."

read more:
casmith07;4237625 said:
YR -- just wanted to follow-up on the Whistleblower Protection Act question/thought, the WPA of 1989 only protects Federal employees, and only when they report government agency failures, crimes, gross negligence, fraud waste & abuse, etc. through the approved channels, all of which are listed in the statute.

I'm unsure of why McQueary still has a job if they're cleaning house from the top down.

He is a key witness, If he is fired out-right he possibly knuckle under the pressure, get an attorney and go mum or worse in court he could "fall on the sword" and admit perjury.

It is a balance and it will impact civil suits. The DA and prosecution have to have the victims in mind. It is why they may not get a fair trial in or near Penn State much less the state of Pennsylvania due to the hero worship and "deity" status of Paterno. Even the laywers of victims are worried their clients will be made as villians in taking down Penn State ie: the reaction of having a riot, Franco Harris reaction and others who can't imagine Paterno and Penn State doing anything wrong.

Sandusky says its a lie and his legal team will place the victims under some very harsh light in order to keep Jerry out of jail. Penn Sate attorneys will also run them through the mill.
magic-sword;4238345 said:
Franco Harris defends Paterno, McQueary, blasts trustees

Just read on one of the comments that Franco is on the BoD for Second Mile foundation, so he's going to do everything he can to mitigate the issue b/c likely his booty is gonna get dragged into this sooner or later by proxy.
VietCowboy;4238392 said:
Just read on one of the comments that Franco is on the BoD for Second Mile foundation, so he's going to do everything he can to mitigate the issue b/c likely his booty is gonna get dragged into this sooner or later by proxy.

never had any respect for him anyway; always running out of bounds to keep from getting hit; even if he was close to a first down.
bbgun;4238168 said:
“Of course we’re going to riot,” Paul Howard, a 24-year-old aerospace-engineering student at Penn State University, told the New York Times. “What do they expect when they tell us at 10 o’clock that they fired our football coach?”


just one more reason no one should ever take anything any student says seriously.

Stupid drunk ignorant is the typical student

But it seems to have gotten worse; but then morality is supposedily being judgemental and therefore evil; and personal responsibility is another dirty set of words to all too many.
bbgun;4238168 said:
“Of course we’re going to riot,” Paul Howard, a 24-year-old aerospace-engineering student at Penn State University, told the New York Times. “What do they expect when they tell us at 10 o’clock that they fired our football coach?”

I weep for the future.
burmafrd;4238401 said:
never had any respect for him anyway; always running out of bounds to keep from getting hit; even if he was close to a first down.
:rolleyes: ....
It's "see no evil" idiots like Franco who give the rioters cover for what they do. Hey Franco: friendship has its limits.
bbgun;4238168 said:
“Of course we’re going to riot,” Paul Howard, a 24-year-old aerospace-engineering student at Penn State University, told the New York Times. “What do they expect when they tell us at 10 o’clock that they fired our football coach?”


That punk needs a hard fist square in the nose...

Get a grip you idiot...
burmafrd;4238401 said:
never had any respect for him anyway; always running out of bounds to keep from getting hit; even if he was close to a first down.

Yeah... couldn't stand him... talented, but he was afraid of contact...

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