News: PFT: NFL may fine Giants for illegal use of walkie-talkies


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Well there is a rumor that they had our frequency, but that seems unlikely. It was my understanding that only the Giants were having "radio problems" and switched to their own handhelds. So I don't believe a comm breach was an issue/possible seeing that the Cowboys were still using the league regulated devices (heavily encrypted). Now, if Dallas was having problems, too, and the Giants handed them some ham radios and said "Hey, Friends...use these!", then possible.

But to answer your question. Just having the ability to keep communcation with the QB of your defense up to the snap of the ball (to see last-minute pre-snap movements or giving more time when offense is using hurry-up), compared to cutting it off at 15 seconds prior is an advantage. Do I believe that's what happened? I don't know. More than likely not, but out of spite for John Mara screwing us in that 2010 uncapped salary year debacle, I hope something happens. If the league doesn't set a precedence, then what's to stop other teams from having "comm issues" and breaking out their own hand-helds?

oh they potentially had communication with an LB when on Defense after 15seconds pre snap?


It's all in the reflexes
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oh they [potentially had communication with an LB when on Defense after 15seconds pre snap?
Sure. They send plays into him via radio frequency, too. But don't worry..this will all be swept under the rug. Mara will call up a few of his NY media pals and sitting on the front porch tomorrow will be another story in the sports section about "Zeke's ongoing domestic assault investigation" instead of this, just like they did when reports resurfaced about their wife-beating kicker Josh Brown. Having a NY-based team has its perks. Nothing will come of this, although it should.


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Sure. They send plays into him via radio frequency, too. But don't worry..this will all be swept under the rug. Mara will call up a few of his NY media pals and sitting on the front porch tomorrow will be another story in the sports section about "Zeke's ongoing domestic assault investigation" instead of this, just like they did when reports resurfaced about their wife-beating kicker Josh Brown. Having a NY-based team has its perks. Nothing will come of this, although it should.


i didnt realize this. thanks for answering my questions. it would make sense though. we seemed like we couldnt get anything done on offense. it was a weird game.

i hear ya about sweeping this under the rug. its a very very very very bad look for the NFL. makes deflategate look tame.

i know its tin foil stuff but it might be a possibility.

but how could they be on the same frequency as the cowboys since the cowboys frenquency is encrypted?

and why did they have walkie talkies on the sideline in the first place ready to go? :huh:


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Giants story doesn't make sense. Teams keep backup helmet for each of the earpiece players on the sideline. If the one in use malfunctions they simply swap the helmet out. How come this didn't happen?

Also if the Giants could pick up official league encrypted communications on a non-issued walkie talkie, surely anyone can?


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There's a weak rumor going around that they might have been able to use the two way radios to hear Cowboys play calls. I don't give it much credence, but it's interesting to talk about.
They did know our plays other then the TD


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Unfortunately, it's only a big deal if the media says it's a big deal.

I just saw that picture. Wow, dude. That's one smart coach right there.

At this point, no one can say he wasn't talking on it, you could really blow it up on a projector to provide some needed clarity.

So it's really "Okay, was it cool though?", which it obviously wasn't or the NFL wouldn't be doing a formal investigation.

Maybe he did follow normal protocol with the actual walkie talkies, but 1) he's dumb, 2) how embarrassing is it when your coach doesn't know even some basic rules?, but the fact that no one knows can only make you assume that it's a POSSIBILITY that they did use it. 15 seconds is a lifetime

Honestly, the game should be forfeited. And i'm not saying that as a Dallas homer. It's a basic rule, one you should know because it's so obvious. It'd be fine if he actually cleared it, and it's a simple procedure to follow, he just .... didn't.

Not knowing that rule should automatically come with a demotion. What an idiot.


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I just saw that picture. Wow, dude. That's one smart coach right there.

At this point, no one can say he wasn't talking on it, you could really blow it up on a projector to provide some needed clarity.

So it's really "Okay, was it cool though?", which it obviously wasn't or the NFL wouldn't be doing a formal investigation.

Maybe he did follow normal protocol with the actual walkie talkies, but 1) he's dumb, 2) how embarrassing is it when your coach doesn't know even some basic rules?, but the fact that no one knows can only make you assume that it's a POSSIBILITY that they did use it. 15 seconds is a lifetime

Honestly, the game should be forfeited. And i'm not saying that as a Dallas homer. It's a basic rule, one you should know because it's so obvious. It'd be fine if he actually cleared it, and it's a simple procedure to follow, he just .... didn't.

Not knowing that rule should automatically come with a demotion. What an idiot.
If I was betting on it, I would bet that the Giants only get a fine.

The truth, however, is that nobody knows what was really going on or being said with the walkie talkies. There are multiple ways that they could have been using them to gain an unfair advantage. The most important thing for any commissioner is to uphold the integrity of the game. We'll see if he can do that.


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If I was betting on it, I would bet that the Giants only get a fine.

The truth, however, is that nobody knows what was really going on or being said with the walkie talkies. There are multiple ways that they could have been using them to gain an unfair advantage. The most important thing for any commissioner is to uphold the integrity of the game. We'll see if he can do that.



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Walkie-TalkieGate.......cheaters!!!! Let's go Roger...go get 'em.


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How do we know these walkie talkies geared to be used with the earphones in the helmets aren't a regular part of the Giants communications system and only Eli's helmet malfunctioning with THE NORMAL equipment monitored by the NFL employee made the Giants reveal their walkie talkie system?

The NFL employee is just monitoring the NFL wavelength and shutting the comms off at the 15 second mark. *How* would he know if a team with a separate walkie talkie system was communicating with players on the field?
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Active Member
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So only because there are camera angles on the sideline showing the coach talking into the walkie-talkie wouldn't they be able to match that up to the video of the play clock to see when he stopped talking into it? 15 seconds is the cut off point is it not?


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Goodell can't even figure out whats going on with Randy Gregory after 10 weeks. How on earth do we expect him to process Mara n Giants being in violation. What I see him doing is slapping Tom Brady with another suspension until he can sort things out.