News: PFT: NFL may fine Giants for illegal use of walkie-talkies


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How do we know these walkie talkies geared to be used with the earphones in the helmets aren't a regular part of the Giants communications system and only Eli's helmet malfunctioning with THE NORMAL equipment monitored by the NFL employee made the Giants reveal their walkie talkie system?

The NFL employee is just monitoring the NFL wavelength and shutting the comms off at the 15 second mark. *How* would he know if a team with a separate walkie talkie system was communicating with players on the field?

How do we know this walkie talkie geared to communicate with players on the field outside the NFL monitoring wasn't up there in the COACH'S BOOTH where they have the 'All 22' view of the field, and once the regular NFL monitored radio malfunctioned, somebody rushed it down to the field so McAdoodledoo could use it?

Are people merely assuming the walkie talkie was sitting turned off in a box on the sidelines somewhere? What evidence is there of that?


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The Giants should have to forfeit the game for cheating. I mean, the only reason they cheated was to beat the Cowboys, which makes us the victims. Fining the Giants doesn't compensate us at all, and isn't going to prevent the Giants from cheating in the future. If using the walkie talkies made a difference of one yard in field position, that very well could have been the yard we needed to make the field goal that bounced off the cross bar, and the game would have been tied at the end of regulation.
That's about as good as I can do, and I did keep a straight face while writing it. ;)
:lmao:I love it


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There won't really be anything come of this, as we all suspect.

Just remember it as fans because it will make beating them in the playoffs, and derailing a Superbowl run for them, that much sweeter.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It must not be too difficult. Paul Brown managed it in the 1950s, but scrapped it after he kept picking up the dispatcher for a local can company during a game.

No, I'm not making that up.
Most of us assumed that the NFL system that allows communication between the coach and QB would be a secure method; however, if a common walkie-talkie can communicate to the QB then that is a non-secure system.


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Most of us assumed that the NFL system that allows communication between the coach and QB would be a secure method; however, if a common walkie-talkie can communicate to the QB then that is a non-secure system.

I keep hearing people claiming the NFL system is 'encrypted'. It could be the Giants had to do some work here to get the walkie talkie to work with the helmet headsets. Out of the box this device would not be compatible with the NFL helmet headsets. Somebody had to configure it.


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The cowboys need to raise all manner of hell and don't stop!!

I just wish Randy Gregory was worth fighting for because I would love nothing more than good fight with league. But Dallas should save the 'walkti-talkie gate' for if they (league/NY) make move on Zeke.


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Of course, Midgets fans in various Web groups are calling us crybabies, and much worse.

I hope Detroit beats them on Sunday. They, and their fans need to be taken down a peg or two. The way their fans are acting, you'd think they won a SB. Not just one game. SMH.

Go Big D!

Destination End Zone
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Of course, Midgets fans in various Web groups are calling us crybabies, and much worse.

I hope Detroit beats them on Sunday. They, and their fans need to be taken down a peg or two. The way their fans are acting, you'd think they won a SB. Not just one game. SMH.
Our fans would be saying the same thing if it were reversed lol but here's the thing.. I don't think we are making a big enough commotion about it. And I damn sure know that if we had done that to them they would be crying and boohooing and the media would be going nuts over it. So they can just sit down and shut up :D:p


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"S.Jones said the team believes the use of the walkie-talkies did not play a part in the outcome of the game."

I dont think that was smart to say as he would not really know. Better to leave that unanswered??


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I tweeted the author of the piece. He hasn't said 1 word about where he got this info from.

still nothing?

man. what a lamer.

anyone know of this guy and his history with stories or news?

Mike Ortiz Jr...Mike, started Did You See That?! back in the summer of 2010 when he was a junior at Liverpool High School. The company originally was just a newspaper however, as time progressed, Mike decided to grow and make a website naming it Mike has also done writing for the Bleacher Report,, which he started the blog "Inside The Loud House" there, the City Eagle, Eagle Star-Review, Clay Insider, and the Life Guard. Mike has been fortunate enough to interview several famous people/players such as famous broadcaster, Bob Costas, the first African American NBA player, Earl Lloyd, NFL player, Chandler Jones, as well as many more professional and collegiate athletes. Mike has been featured on ESPN, CBS Sports, Fox Sports, TMZ, ********, The Bleacher Report, Fansided, SB Nation and many more. For questions, comments, or anything else you can email him at
