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Recreational marijuana use has been decriminalized in various ways in 21 states and D.C. 28 states, D.C., Guam and Puerto Rico have enacted laws legalizing medical marijuana use.You may have read it the wrong way. Pot is decrimalized up here and now legal just 30 mins from me. So we dont take pot too seriously anymore. Nothing against American Indians either just they did Pow Wows and smokem peace pipes that where rumored to have had some weed in those pipes. All in fun, nothing discriminatory or meaning to make other feel bad. I would be up for a deletion if I could just based on one member wanting it so in order to keep harmony in the forum.
The main point is: the NFL is taking Pot (something that legal in states now) too seriously and what next? testing for alcohol usage. Maybe I should have suggested Mile High Stadium instead of Dallas Stadium as Pot is legal in Denver..
The N in NFL stands for National. National equals 50 states in the U.S. In my opinion, the league will reverse it's stance on marijuana when the number of states that fully decriminalizes recreational marijuana use is much closer to 50 than 21. The NFLPA may make a concerted effort to force the league into reversing its position before than happens but I doubt it. Also, I think other modifications to cultural norms, like the increasing number of states legalizing medical marijuana, leniency concerning marijuana use by other sports leagues, etc., will not sway the league's opinion whatsoever.
Yeah, the league is headed by a bunch of fuddy duddies, who would rather not rock the ship (e.g. the country) to appease a portion of its passengers (e.g. the states who have been progressive about recreational marijuana use). Not sure how things will eventually work out but I highly doubt change will happen as quickly as some people expect it shall.