PFT: Reeves: “Coaches Never Punch A Clock”

theogt;2726986 said:
I honestly think he just didn't want to work coach's hours. Hell, he actually says he didn't want to work "day to day." I wanted him here, but screw that if he's not putting in the effort.

Why can't anyone understand how that term 'day to day' was being used?

It's not Reeves saying I didn't want to work day to day.

It's Reeves saying he didn't want to be on a contract that could be voided Wednesday because he wasn't there for 8 hours on Tuesday.

Read it again.
dcfanatic;2727000 said:
Why can't anyone understand how that term 'day to day' was being used?

It's not Reeves saying I didn't want to work day to day.

It's Reeves saying he didn't want to be on a contract that could be voided Wednesday because he wasn't there for 8 hours on Tuesday.

Read it again.
I've read it. And he's saying that the contract required him to work day to day and he couldn't do that. He emphasizes that Jerry wanted him working coach's hours (i.e., as much as Garrett and Wade), but he didn't want to.

You can read it again if you like.
Glad it didn't work out, woulda been too many chiefs and not enough indians.
theogt;2726989 said:
Reeves was a one of a kind deal. Jerry stated this and it's kinda obvious if you think about it, because of Reeves' and Phillips' relationship.

Ridiculous and totally unproven. A 65-yo man is not a "one of a kind deal." They're more like a dime a dozen. The fact that he had a fleeting association with Wade is little more than trivia. If he was hired, it was due to his gravitas and his longtime Cowboy tenure. To reiterate: if he was brought in to solve institutional problems, and those problems still remain, then where's his replacement? No one in their right mind thinks that Dan's the only outsider qualified to tackle these things.
Apollo Creed;2727003 said:
Glad it didn't work out, woulda been too many chiefs and not enough indians.

Agreed. Reeves would have automatically became the best coach in the organization the first day he moved his stuff into his office, but it would just have added one more ambiguous layer of beurocracy to an organizational structure that is already a cluster f of the highest order. Jerry either needs to give Wade and Garrett the opportunity to earn their money or let them crash and burn and fire them.
bbgun;2727005 said:
Ridiculous and totally unproven. A 65-yo man is not a "one of a kind deal." They're more like a dime a dozen. The fact that he had a fleeting association with Wade is little more than trivia. If he was hired, it was due to his gravitas and his longtime Cowboy tenure. To reiterate: if he was brought in to solve institutional problems, and those problems still remain, then where's his replacement? No one in their right mind thinks that Dan's the only outsider qualified to tackle these things.
People with his talent and knowledge may be a dime a dozen.

People with his talent and knowledge AND his relationship to the head coach and the organization are not.

And as to why he was brought in -- he was brought in by Wade to babysit Garrett, not to "solve institutional problems" so I'm not sure why you're barking up that tree at all. He wasn't Jerry's idea, he was Wade's.
theogt;2727013 said:
People with his talent and knowledge may be a dime a dozen.

People with his talent and knowledge AND his relationship to the head coach and the organization are not.

And as to why he was brought in -- he was brought in by Wade to babysit Garrett, not to "solve institutional problems" so I'm not sure why you're barking up that tree at all. He wasn't Jerry's idea, he was Wade's.

Ridiculous pro-Jerry spin. The fact that Dan and Wade once crossed paths is nice, but wholly irrelevant. No one gives a crap about Wade's "comfort level" at this point, and the vast majority of consultants do not have a prior working relationship with their clients. So if not Dan, then who will be babysitting Mr. Garrett? Logic tells us there's still a need. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been sniffing around Reeves in the first place.
InmanRoshi;2727010 said:
Agreed. Reeves would have automatically became the best coach in the organization the first day he moved his stuff into his office, but it would just have added one more ambiguous layer of beurocracy to an organizational structure that is already a cluster f of the highest order. Jerry either needs to give Wade and Garrett the opportunity to earn their money or let them crash and burn and fire them.

He would've been the only 'coach' - the other two are just glorified coordinators.

I don't know what goes inside Valley Ranch, but one thing I do know - from an organizational standpoint, there is absolutely no authoritative heirachy. If someone doesn't like Wade or RJ's policies, they run to Jerry - for yet another case of.... C'mon mom, dad said it was okay.

So Reeves would've just added, as you eloquently eluded to, an ambiguous layer of beaurocracy - as full of sound and fury as that sounds, its exactly what is wrong with our team/organization/culture whatever the hell you wanna call it. It also doesn't help one guy is a total pushover and the other looks like your little brother.
The fact that Wade himself suggests that he needs someone from the outside to 'babysit' a coach on his staff is just sad to me. For gosh sake's man ... we already have a 'baby sitter' on the staff. You, the head coach. Are you really that afraid of confrontation? Grow a pair, please.

And I know some people claim he cant because Jerry has cut him off at the knees, but he hasnt even sternly addressed one of his players on the sidelines in two years. And this is a team that leads the NFL in penalties, it isnt like there havent been ample opportunities for a dressing down in the heat of the moment. If Wade cant be the alpha male in a coach vs. player relationship where there is one firmly pre-established dominant role and one firmly pre-established submissive role, he must pee his coaching shorts in fear of having to confront Garrett.

Im not trying to be a Wade basher ... he just makes it so hard for me to come around on him. I know hes a good and likeable family man, probably a very good Xs and Os guy on defense, but between this and his constant whining on how much his feelings have been hurt by the local Dallas Media pissants, who should be about as troublesome to Wade as a cloudy day .... he comes across as such a whiny, passive aggressive beta male.
bbgun;2727020 said:
Ridiculous pro-Jerry spin. The fact that Dan and Wade once crossed paths is nice, but wholly irrelevant. No one gives a crap about Wade's "comfort level" at this point, and the vast majority of consultants do not have a prior working relationship with their clients.
What? Both Wade and Jerry said as much. You can believe otherwise, but you really have no reason to.

So if not Dan, then who will be babysitting Mr. Garrett? Logic tells us there's still a need. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been sniffing around Reeves in the first place.
Of course there's still a need. But there's no one they feel comfortable with that has the kind of authority that would be willing to do it. Reeves was the perfect fit, but the guy apparently didn't want to work like a coach. Or more precisely, I'm sure he felt that if he was going to be required to work like a coach he wanted the authority, stature, and pay of a coach.
InmanRoshi;2727068 said:
The fact that Wade himself suggests that he needs someone from the outside to 'babysit' a coach on his staff is just sad to me. For gosh sake's man ... we already have a 'baby sitter' on the staff. You, the head coach. Are you really that afraid of confrontation? Grow a pair, please.
He needs someone because he's being required to run the defense himself and he was apparently having to put in a lot of time on the offense as well. Garrett needed a babysitter in '08 and he needs one now.

And I know some people claim he cant because Jerry has cut him off at the knees, but he hasnt even sternly addressed one of his players on the sidelines in two years. And this is a team that leads the NFL in penalties, it isnt like there havent been ample opportunities for a dressing down in the heat of the moment. If Wade cant be the alpha male in a coach vs. player relationship where there is one firmly pre-established dominant role and one firmly pre-established submissive role, he must pee his coaching shorts in fear of having to confront Garrett.
It's not that Jerry has cut him off. It's that he physically and mentally can't run every faucet of the team himself. No one could. They typically hire competent staff to help them out, but Jerry screwed himself with the Garrett contract. That is precisely why Jerry was more than happy to see Garrett off to another job.
theogt;2727077 said:
It's not that Jerry has cut him off. It's that he physically and mentally can't run every faucet of the team himself. No one could. They typically hire competent staff to help them out, but Jerry screwed himself with the Garrett contract. That is precisely why Jerry was more than happy to see Garrett off to another job.

Lots of coaches have overseen every facet of the team. Belichick has been doing it with the Patriots for years. Landry and Parcells both did it here.

And if it truly is impossible for Wade, then he should have told Jerry to hire a defensive coordinator so he can focus on being a head coach. An overseer who ensures a top to bottom organizational phiolosophy and week to week gameplan is vastly more important of a role to fill than glorified defensive coordinator.

And this goes back to bbgun's question. So now we have no consultant/baby-sitter for Garrett and now we've also not hired a defensive coordinator to free Wade up to be an executive head coach ... if an over-seer for Garrett was really a problem Jerry identified to fix this offseason, seems like he's gone about it in a funny way .... by basically doing the exact opposite. Are we not going to fill any position unless Wade has a 'perfect fit'? If Ray Sherman's doctor tells him next week that he needs to leave coaching because of a heart condition, are we just going to go without a WR coach next year because there isnt one of the market thats worked with Wade before?
InmanRoshi;2727087 said:
Lots of coaches have overseen every facet of the team. Belichick has been doing it with the Patriots for years. Landry and Parcells both did it here.

And if it truly is impossible for Wade, then he should have told Jerry to hire him a defensive coordinator so he can focus on being a head coach who ensures a top to bottom organizational phiolosophy and week to week gameplan is vastly more important of a role to fill than glorified defensive coordinator.

And this goes back to bbgun's question. So now we have no consultant/baby-sitter for Garrett and now we've also not hired a defensive coordinator to free Wade up to be an executive head coach ... if an over-seer for Garrett was really a problem Jerry identified to fix this offseason, seems like he's gone about it in a funny way .... by basically doing the exact opposite.
No, Belichick doesn't. He doesn't even watch his offense when it's on the field.

And again, this was Wade's idea. Not Jerry's. He wanted Reeves because of their relationship. He likely just can't find anyone else with Reeves' knowledge and authority that is willing to take on such a role. Reeves really was a one-of-a-kind type of situation.
theogt;2727089 said:
No, Belichick doesn't. He doesn't even watch his offense when it's on the field.

Please, hes been the main offensive strategist in New England since Weis left. There is a reason why he replaced Weis with a completely unproven 30 year old McDaniels and why he's made no effort to fill McDaniels role from the outside ... he knows the role of 'offensive coordinator' is meaningless, because he does most of the gameplanning and decision making on offense anyway. He'll let someone else call the plays on Sunday, but only with a play chart that he filled out.
theogt;2727076 said:
Of course there's still a need. But there's no one they feel comfortable with that has the kind of authority that would be willing to do it. Reeves was the perfect fit, but the guy apparently didn't want to work like a coach. Or more precisely, I'm sure he felt that if he was going to be required to work like a coach he wanted the authority, stature, and pay of a coach.

You're asking us to believe that they will only consider candidates who possess some sort of connection to our lame-duck head coach. That's either a lie or a damning indictment of Valley Ranch management. If the latter, God help us all.
InmanRoshi;2727096 said:
Please, hes been the main offensive strategist in New England since Weis left. There is a reason why he replaced Weis with a completely unproven 30 year old McDaniels and why he's made no effort to fill McDaniels role from the outside ... he knows the role of 'offensive coordinator' is meaningless, because he does most of the gameplanning and decision making on offense anyway. He'll let someone else call the plays on Sunday, but only with a play chart that he filled out.
Not likely at all. Unless of course, he completely scripts every single play. Which is beyond stupid, so I'm not sure why you'd even suggest it.
bbgun;2727097 said:
You're asking us to believe that they will only consider candidates who possess some sort of connection to our lame-duck head coach. That's either a lie or a damning indictment of Valley Ranch management. If the latter, God help us all.
It was brought up by Wade Phillips. What don't you get? He's not going to bring someone else up unless they have all the qualities I've listed numerous times.

It's not like you can just go pick up a guy like this off the street. If you can, name a single candidate.
theogt;2727098 said:
Not likely at all.

Belichick called the offensive plays in the 2005 season after the Patriots lost Charlie Weis. Its already been widely speculated that hell do it again this year as Bill O’Brien cuts his teeth as a coordinator.

And no one is asking Wade to get that involved. Just be the over-seer of the entire team.
theogt;2727099 said:
It was brought up by Wade Phillips. What don't you get? He's not going to bring someone else up unless they have all the qualities I've listed numerous times.

Oh, I have no trouble believing that this is how it went down. After all, dysfunction is our middle name. The fact that Wade was allowed to orchestrate this hiring tells me that we're more screwed up than I could have possibly imagined.

It's not like you can just go pick up a guy like this off the street. If you can, name a single candidate.

Um, he was unemployed when we contacted him, which means we literally "picked him up off the street." The notion that he and he alone could have helped us is as implausible as it is laughable. He's obviously competent, but let's not lose our heads about it.

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