PFT: Reeves: “Coaches Never Punch A Clock”

bbgun;2727108 said:
Oh, I have no trouble believing that this is how it went down. After all, dysfunction is our middle name. The fact that Wade was allowed to orchestrate this hiring tells me that we're more screwed up than I could have possibly imagined.
Yeah, it's completely dysfunctional to have the head coach picking his staff.


Um, he was unemployed when we contacted him, which means we literally "picked him up off the street." The notion that he and he alone could have helped us is as implausible as it is laughable.
No, he wasn't employed. He had been offered the 49ers OC job, but turned it down. I didn't think you'd be able to come up with a name -- even though as you say, they're a "dime a dozen."
InmanRoshi;2727106 said:
Belichick called the offensive plays in the 2005 season after the Patriots lost Charlie Weis.
I doubt that.

Its already been widely speculated that hell do it again this year as Bill O’Brien cuts his teeth as a coordinator.
Doubt that too.

And no one is asking Wade to get that involved. Just be the over-seer of the entire team.
No, they need him to be that involved. The word from inside the organization was when Wade had to take over the defense, the offense suffered because he wasn't able to oversee it. If the biggest criticism you can lay at Wade is that he can run both the offense and defense at the same time (something no one does -- your deification of Belichick nothwithstanding), then so be it.
theogt;2727099 said:
It was brought up by Wade Phillips. What don't you get? He's not going to bring someone else up unless they have all the qualities I've listed numerous times.

It's not like you can just go pick up a guy like this off the street. If you can, name a single candidate.

You've stated that ..

a) Wade believes Garrett is completely incompetent, which is why he needs a babysitter.


b) Jerry agrees, which is why he was hoping, praying and wishing that Garrett would walk.

Now youre telling us that since Reeves didnt work out, Jerry and Wade have decided to just let Garrett stew in his incompetence because theres not a perfect candidate.

In fact, if anything, they've given Garrett even less oversight this offseason, since Jerry-Wade have decided not to hire a defensive coordinator and force Wade to become the full time defensive coordinator and less of a 'CEO' head coach who oversees both sides of the ball.

Do you see the disconnect here?

So theyve identified the problem in the offseason and chose to address it by making it an even bigger problem?
InmanRoshi;2727117 said:
You've stated that ..

a) Wade believes Garrett is completely incompetent, which is why he needs a babysitter.


b) Jerry agrees, which is why he was hoping, praying and wishing that Garrett would walk.

Now youre telling us that since Reeves didnt work out, Jerry and Wade have decided to just let Garrett stew in his incompetence because theres not a perfect candidate.

In fact, if anything, they've given Garrett even less oversight this offseason, since Jerry-Wade have decided not to hire a defensive coordinator and force Wade to become the full time defensive coordinator and less of a 'CEO' head coach who oversees both sides of the ball.

Do you see the disconnect here?

So theyve identified the problem in the offseason and chose to address it by making it an even bigger problem?
Who are they going to hire? Who would be willing to take on such a role that has the experience and the relationship?

Do these types grow on trees? I think they feel they can do without someone, but because the opportunity presented itself, they tried to make it work.

Really, how is this so hard to understand?
theogt;2727112 said:
Yeah, it's completely dysfunctional to have the head coach picking his staff.


Jerry's not the GM? He doesn't do most of the hiring? Could've fooled me. And what idiot would give a career loser like Wade the keys to the kingdom?

No, he wasn't employed. He had been offered the 49ers OC job, but turned it down. I didn't think you'd be able to come up with a name -- even though as you say, they're a "dime a dozen."

Um, what are the criteria? That you be over 50, have playoff experience, and maybe even Super Bowl experience? Then how do guys like Vermeil, Fassel, or Billick sound? Oh right, they lack personal history with Wade. I guess they (and we) are plum out of luck. :rolleyes:
bbgun;2727121 said:
Jerry's not the GM? He doesn't do most of the hiring? Could've fooled me. And what idiot would give a career loser like Wade the keys to the kingdom?
LOL. You really just pick whatever argument suits you best at the moment don't you? One day it's Wade's an empty suit because he can't hire his own staff. The next day it's dysfunctional because he does.

Um, what are the criteria? That you be over 50, have playoff experience, and maybe even Super Bowl experience? Then how do guys like Vermeil, Fassel, or Billick sound? Oh right, they lack personal history with Wade. I guess they (and we) are plum out of luck. :rolleyes:
You're absolutely right, we're out of luck. It was the relationship that made it work. Otherwise you have a dysfunctional situation where it appears you've hired someone to babysit your head coach -- perhaps even take over if there's a misstep. Hence, the relationship is key.
InmanRoshi;2726992 said:
You must have missed the last TO contract extension. Which exemplified that Jerry will basically hand out blank checks if he really wants them here.

Well, if you think about it, he actually saved money. He didn't pay T.O. the 3 mills roster bonus he was due on June 1st.
theogt;2727122 said:
LOL. You really just pick whatever argument suits you best at the moment don't you? One day it's Wade's an empty suit because he can't hire his own staff. The next day it's dysfunctional because he does.

I just think it's odd that a man who was subjected to a humiliating gag order has veto power over something so important. If everything is going swimmingly, then what was Bach "right" about? Or was that a "post-TO" tantrum of yours?

You're absolutely right, we're out of luck. It was the relationship that made it work. Otherwise you have a dysfunctional situation where it appears you've hired someone to babysit your head coach -- perhaps even take over if there's a misstep. Hence, the relationship is key.

The fact that an NFL club, desperate for a playoff victory after 12 long years, would limit itself to an excruciatingly narrow list of candidates--to appease a coach with one foot out the door--betrays a certain lack of seriousness. I'm on solid ground when I use the word "dysfunctional."
headhunterroy05;2726883 said:
It seems it's Reeves that made it fall apart Hos.

CATCH17;2726888 said:

He thought he was to good to punch a time card so he got to punch his ticket out of town.

Its on him that he is not here.

jterrell;2726914 said:
I was at first but now I am not at all.

I was intrigued by Reeves going in but honestly this hard-headedness he displays over this time issue is a perfectly good reason to move on without him.

The last thing this teams needs is more overbearing egos.

Jerry has hired and fired lots of guys and exactly how mnay felt they got cheated financially?

Reeves was expected to work a coaches hours and he was gonan be paid a coordinator's salary.

As I suggested when this broke down it probably had to do with Reeves wanting to spent time in Atlanta and thus the break down.

If Reeves wanted a lesser salary as a consultant he could have had it. But he didn't. As he asked for more money came the extra stipulations.

I can see why Reeves asked what he did. He'd be losing 2 or 3 salaries he had coming in and wanted to at least replace those. End of the day this just wasn't the deal for either guy.
It is actually irrelevant to me who is more to blame between Reeves and Jones. The bottom line is this, I was excited to bring Reeves back to Dallas. It was a link to the Landry days. He is a class individual and a fantastic football coach. He would have been a great mentor for our next Head Coach, Jason Garrett.

I honestly cannot find a negative. I don't care who is more adamant in their position about the hours and the time clock, etc. I know this much. Jerry is the only one of the two who could make that clause go away. Reeves couldn't simply remove it. Jerry could have.

If the off season is about fixing the wrongs, then fix them. Jerry let a golden opportunity fly back to Atlanta.

This is on Jerry in my book. I have defended him when I feel he is right. I criticize when I feel he is wrong. I feel he is wrong on this.
bbgun;2727140 said:
I just think it's odd that a man who was subjected to a humiliating gag order has veto power over something so important. If everything is going swimmingly, then what was Bach "right" about? Or was that a "post-TO" tantrum of yours?

The fact that an NFL club, desperate for a playoff victory after 12 long years, would limit itself to an excruciatingly narrow list of candidates--to appease a coach with one foot out the door--betrays a certain lack of seriousness. I'm on solid ground when I use the word "dysfunctional."


(stupid cowboy fans)
Hostile;2727146 said:
It is actually irrelevant to me who is more to blame between Reeves and Jones. The bottom line is this, I was excited to bring Reeves back to Dallas. It was a link to the Landry days. He is a class individual and a fantastic football coach. He would have been a great mentor for our next Head Coach, Jason Garrett.

I honestly cannot find a negative. I don't care who is more adamant in their position about the hours and the time clock, etc. I know this much. Jerry is the only one of the two who could make that clause go away. Reeves couldn't simply remove it. Jerry could have.

If the off season is about fixing the wrongs, then fix them. Jerry let a golden opportunity fly back to Atlanta.

This is on Jerry in my book. I have defended him when I feel he is right. I criticize when I feel he is wrong. I feel he is wrong on this.

I do too. And I wonder if Jerry feels threatened by the presense of a long ago Cowboy that fans loved...he might feel that Reeves would take the limelight off of him?

And if the Cowboys came out like gangbusters this season that Reeves would get the credit...not Jerry?

theogt;2727112 said:
Yeah, it's completely dysfunctional to have the head coach picking his staff.


Like when Jason Garrett was hired before Wade was? Or the fact that Brian Stewart is no longer here? And should we even bring up the name Mike Solari again?

You make no sense Theo.

Wade brought up Reeves name and Jerry looked into it because he was looking for any help he could find. He got Reeves in the building for a few days and saw how it was going to play out. Reeves was going to be Wade's go to guy and Jerry decided maybe that's not such a good idea.

ADD the new clause in the contract. Reeves sees them and says why were these stipulations added. Jerry says they just were and they aren't coming out so take it or leave it.

Reeves walks and here we are. It's not rocket science.
I will never say a bad thing about Dan Reeves. There is no classier person in the NFL. And to think he would be a slacker is ridiculous.

Personally, I think Jerry couldn't stand to have someone like him around. I don't see him being a yes man, holding his opinion for fear of job or career, and standing firm against Jerry. I don't hold this over Jerry as he is free to run his business as he will.

At the least the clause is without merit and the worse is insulting. Jerry's reasons are now irrelevant. The insult remains.
CowboyFan74;2726793 said:
And why would you require a "Consultant" to work the same amount of hours as the coaches? Doesn't make sense, Jerry changed his mind and this was how to get out of it...

BINGO!!!!!!!!!!! :hammer:
arglebargle;2726777 said:
I doubt that very many Cowboys staffers have clauses that tie their work hours to those of the head coach.

Though Reeves did show an inability to use well one of the greatest QBs of the modern era.

Even though Jones specifically stated all his contracts, going back to Jimmy Johnson, had this clause.
jobberone;2727228 said:
I will never say a bad thing about Dan Reeves. There is no classier person in the NFL. And to think he would be a slacker is ridiculous.

Personally, I think Jerry couldn't stand to have someone like him around. I don't see him being a yes man, holding his opinion for fear of job or career, and standing firm against Jerry. I don't hold this over Jerry as he is free to run his business as he will.

At the least the clause is without merit and the worse is insulting. Jerry's reasons are now irrelevant. The insult remains.

Then why would Jerry go through the motions of interviewing him and offering him a contract. All he had to do was:

A. Don't consider him.


B. Don't offer him a contract.

The absurdity is people refusing to accept what it is.
They could have brought in my grand-mother,let alone Dan Reeves, for all I care to baby-sit Garrett. The guy needs all the help he can get.
dcfanatic;2727215 said:
Like when Jason Garrett was hired before Wade was? Or the fact that Brian Stewart is no longer here? And should we even bring up the name Mike Solari again?

You make no sense Theo.

Wade brought up Reeves name and Jerry looked into it because he was looking for any help he could find. He got Reeves in the building for a few days and saw how it was going to play out. Reeves was going to be Wade's go to guy and Jerry decided maybe that's not such a good idea.

ADD the new clause in the contract. Reeves sees them and says why were these stipulations added. Jerry says they just were and they aren't coming out so take it or leave it.

Reeves walks and here we are. It's not rocket science.

Pretty much how I see it.

First of all, how screwy is it to give someone an office, access to your inner-workings, and then discuss a contract?

That's dysfunction from the start!

I think Jerry got a vibe of Wade having a bigger say in things with Reeves around and changed his mind, inserting his nonsensical clause knowing Reeves would walk away.

And I'm sure either way it played out, it's done wonders for Wade.

There's a reason why teams outperform their on-paper talent like in New England and Pittsburgh, and why in Dallas they perform well below.

Some have solid foundations with good leadership, and some don't.
bbgun;2727140 said:
I just think it's odd that a man who was subjected to a humiliating gag order has veto power over something so important.
Oh, I see. So it has nothing to do with what you originally claimed and now you're just arguing that it'd odd, because well, you just need to something to complain about. Very good.

The fact that an NFL club, desperate for a playoff victory after 12 long years, would limit itself to an excruciatingly narrow list of candidates--to appease a coach with one foot out the door--betrays a certain lack of seriousness. I'm on solid ground when I use the word "dysfunctional."
LOL. So now a team not hiring a consultant is dysfunctional? Like I said, you really just argue for the sake of arguing, regardless of your stance.
dcfanatic;2727215 said:
Like when Jason Garrett was hired before Wade was? Or the fact that Brian Stewart is no longer here? And should we even bring up the name Mike Solari again?

You make no sense Theo.

Wade brought up Reeves name and Jerry looked into it because he was looking for any help he could find. He got Reeves in the building for a few days and saw how it was going to play out. Reeves was going to be Wade's go to guy and Jerry decided maybe that's not such a good idea.

ADD the new clause in the contract. Reeves sees them and says why were these stipulations added. Jerry says they just were and they aren't coming out so take it or leave it.

Reeves walks and here we are. It's not rocket science.
So, where in this post do you address that it's not dysfunctional to have a head coach hiring his own staff?

Oh, you didn't? Okay.

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