Actually the bottom line it was a business transaction and part of the deal was Jerry had to fire Landry. Unfortunately it does not matter if you or anyone else agree with it or how it was handled.
Also since it was now Jerry's team, do you really have an issue with him wanting his own people in place? Obviously that is very common with ownership or upper management changes.
Then if this is business I am not a fan, I am a customer. I am a disatified customer with the right to express my disatisfaction in whatever legal form that I wish.
Jerry Jones does not own the Dallas Cowboys. Those are human beings. He owns the franchise rights to market and sell their accomplishments as a football team.
I don't give a flea's rear end when it comes to the business operations of the franchise that operates the team, zero, zilch, nada.I only care about them as people that form a team that plays football, a team I root for and admire, the players, the coach, etc.
They are relevant in my life because they play football and I chose them long ago as the team I wanted to follow. I didn't choose them because I prefer their fianacial reports over game scores.
They are not winning at the same rate since Jerry Jones took over. Before Jerry the Cowboys won 61% of their games, under Jerry it has been 54%. In the 21st. century it is 52%.
Their last Super Bowl was 22 years ago. Tom Landry was fired 11 years after his last Super Bowl.
There are ao mamy examples of Jerry the Hypocrite. There are ao many examples of Jerry the revisionist. It is just sickening to watxh him claim credit for building the Cowboys when it was all Jommy