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If the OP rant had any merit, Jerry Jones would not be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame next week. An honor of that magnitude does just happen, it is a carefully considered and thorough process that only the most deserving of individuals measure up to.
lmao.... That's a good one.
What is the Hall of Fame?
"Voters are instructed to consider only a candidates professional football contributions and disregard all other factors"
Notice, it doesn't say "NFL" contributions, it says "proffesional football" contributions. They are talking about the actual game and games pkayed.
So, now I would like to know what Jerry Jonea has done for professional football?
The answer would be easy foe someone like.....say......Tom Landry?
Coach Landry invented the 4-3 defense.
He invented offensive pre-snap motion. He also invented paasing from the shotgun.He pretty much invented half of everything you still see today when you watch a game.
He coached his team to a record 20 consecutive winning seasons, ten conference championship appearences, five Super Bowl appearences, and two championahips. During that time he had four different franchise quarterbacks.
And Jerry Jones? Hiw did he distinguish himself when it comes to the game of professional football?
..........He hired Jimmy Johnson!
And that's it. He asked Jimmy and Jimmy agreed so long as his contraxt apecified that he made all football related decisions. Jerry agreed.
Little did Jimmy realize that when a half dozen teams wanted him, he was choosing which owner was to be a Hall of Famer.
The committee for the "contributor" nominee ignored their fundamental rule and nominated Jerry Jones for his ability to make money or as they put it, Jerry " Changed thw way that the NFL ia marketed."
Every time you here someone justify hia induction, they replace " contribute to professional football" to" contribute to the NFL" which is the same a contributing to the wealth of the owners.
Perhaps a teams marketinf succeas should factor into the score of a game. Teams get a certain number of points depending on how many jerseys they sold that week. In a symbolic gesture, the ball could be handed to the owner who runs across the goal line.
I could see Jones now, running into the endzone turning around to do his version of Butch Johnson's sixgun salute before leaping into the stands.