Plasticman's Jerry Jones Rant

If the OP rant had any merit, Jerry Jones would not be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame next week. An honor of that magnitude does just happen, it is a carefully considered and thorough process that only the most deserving of individuals measure up to.

lmao.... That's a good one.

What is the Hall of Fame?

"Voters are instructed to consider only a candidates professional football contributions and disregard all other factors"

Notice, it doesn't say "NFL" contributions, it says "proffesional football" contributions. They are talking about the actual game and games pkayed.

So, now I would like to know what Jerry Jonea has done for professional football?

The answer would be easy foe someone like.....say......Tom Landry?

Coach Landry invented the 4-3 defense.

He invented offensive pre-snap motion. He also invented paasing from the shotgun.He pretty much invented half of everything you still see today when you watch a game.

He coached his team to a record 20 consecutive winning seasons, ten conference championship appearences, five Super Bowl appearences, and two championahips. During that time he had four different franchise quarterbacks.

And Jerry Jones? Hiw did he distinguish himself when it comes to the game of professional football?

..........He hired Jimmy Johnson!

And that's it. He asked Jimmy and Jimmy agreed so long as his contraxt apecified that he made all football related decisions. Jerry agreed.

Little did Jimmy realize that when a half dozen teams wanted him, he was choosing which owner was to be a Hall of Famer.

The committee for the "contributor" nominee ignored their fundamental rule and nominated Jerry Jones for his ability to make money or as they put it, Jerry " Changed thw way that the NFL ia marketed."

Every time you here someone justify hia induction, they replace " contribute to professional football" to" contribute to the NFL" which is the same a contributing to the wealth of the owners.

Perhaps a teams marketinf succeas should factor into the score of a game. Teams get a certain number of points depending on how many jerseys they sold that week. In a symbolic gesture, the ball could be handed to the owner who runs across the goal line.

I could see Jones now, running into the endzone turning around to do his version of Butch Johnson's sixgun salute before leaping into the stands.
You can't be serious

In years past and up until recently, I've generally been a fairly hatsh GM Jerry critic.
Even that has disappated.

But Jerry the owner/creator/innovator is very good.
That is where his HOF induction is coming from.
Again, you are honoring his ability to sell you mediocrity since the days Jimmy's team began to erode.

What did he create that is related to winning football games.

Describe the innovation that improves the quality of professional football being played today.
I hereby declare this single thread to be the headquarters for expressing my opinion of Jerry Jones.

From this day forward, anytime I feel the need to express these thoughts, it will not effect the original post that I was responding to. I will simply build the link to this thread.

I do this out of respect for all my fellow posters so as not to deviate from the subject matter of other posts

Besides, my opinion may actually offend others, though not nearly as much as Jerry Jones offends his fans, the Cowboy's history, genuine NFL professional executives and the very game itself.

Jerry Jones is the Great Destroyer.

No matter how long it takes for others to build a winning team with the potential of lasting a decade, Jerry can rip it all apart in two years. He has already done this twice and if he is not properly restrained, he will certainly do it again.

It is difficult to know where to start, there seems an infinite number of possibilities. The important thing is that it doesn't have to be tonight.

However when I am ready I promise it will be eloquent.
perfect so i don't have to waste my time reading other posts. i can just ignore this one....Thx.
lmao.... That's a good one.

What is the Hall of Fame?

"Voters are instructed to consider only a candidates professional football contributions and disregard all other factors"

Notice, it doesn't say "NFL" contributions, it says "proffesional football" contributions. They are talking about the actual game and games pkayed.

So, now I would like to know what Jerry Jonea has done for professional football?

The answer would be easy foe someone like.....say......Tom Landry?

Coach Landry invented the 4-3 defense.

He invented offensive pre-snap motion. He also invented paasing from the shotgun.He pretty much invented half of everything you still see today when you watch a game.

He coached his team to a record 20 consecutive winning seasons, ten conference championship appearences, five Super Bowl appearences, and two championahips. During that time he had four different franchise quarterbacks.

And Jerry Jones? Hiw did he distinguish himself when it comes to the game of professional football?

..........He hired Jimmy Johnson!

And that's it. He asked Jimmy and Jimmy agreed so long as his contraxt apecified that he made all football related decisions. Jerry agreed.

Little did Jimmy realize that when a half dozen teams wanted him, he was choosing which owner was to be a Hall of Famer.

The committee for the "contributor" nominee ignored their fundamental rule and nominated Jerry Jones for his ability to make money or as they put it, Jerry " Changed thw way that the NFL ia marketed."

Every time you here someone justify hia induction, they replace " contribute to professional football" to" contribute to the NFL" which is the same a contributing to the wealth of the owners.

Perhaps a teams marketinf succeas should factor into the score of a game. Teams get a certain number of points depending on how many jerseys they sold that week. In a symbolic gesture, the ball could be handed to the owner who runs across the goal line.

I could see Jones now, running into the endzone turning around to do his version of Butch Johnson's sixgun salute before leaping into the stands.
Professional football is not just a game played on a field. Your issue seems to be that Jerry didn't contribute to the game of "football" worthy of the honor of induction but you neglect to understand it's not the "Football Hall of Fame", it's the "Professional Football Hall of Fame"... with emphasis on the word "Professional". It's a business that's all about getting folks paid and nobody get's folks paid in this professional league like Jerry Jones. He is a money maker that keeps the league in the black. Maybe you just don't appreciate the capitalism involved here.
Professional football is not just a game played on a field. Your issue seems to be that Jerry didn't contribute to the game of "football" worthy of the honor of induction but you neglect to understand it's not the "Football Hall of Fame", it's the "Professional Football Hall of Fame"... with emphasis on the word "Professional". It's a business that's all about getting folks paid and nobody get's folks paid in this professional league like Jerry Jones. He is a money maker that keeps the league in the black. Maybe you just don't appreciate the capitalism involved here.
Personally I'd rather have an owner that gets into the HOF for letting coaches do their job and winning, not make money for the NFL. Yeah, yeah, yeah...we all know about the 3 rings and we also all know that had everything to do with Jimmy. Sure Jerry hired him but he has done nothing since. What's that saying about a blind squirrel?

It's just like people giving credit to Jerry for last years draft. Please. He didn't even want Dak.
Personally I'd rather have an owner that gets into the HOF for letting coaches do their job and winning, not make money for the NFL. Yeah, yeah, yeah...we all know about the 3 rings and we also all know that had everything to do with Jimmy. Sure Jerry hired him but he has done nothing since. What's that saying about a blind squirrel?

It's just like people giving credit to Jerry for last years draft. Please. He didn't even want Dak.
I guess it's just my misfortune that I haven't been invited to what goes on behind the closed doors of Jerry Jones office like you and many of the posters here seemingly have been. I didn't have that advantage to know the things you claim he has not done. My bad, I sincerely apologize. :rolleyes:
I guess it's just my misfortune that I haven't been invited to what goes on behind the closed doors of Jerry Jones office like you and many of the posters here seemingly have been. I didn't have that advantage to know the things you claim he has not done. My bad, I sincerely apologize. :rolleyes:
I'm surprised as well since you seem to know everything that goes on behind the closed doors of Mara and Goodells offices. Apology accepted :cool:
Professional football is not just a game played on a field. Your issue seems to be that Jerry didn't contribute to the game of "football" worthy of the honor of induction but you neglect to understand it's not the "Football Hall of Fame", it's the "Professional Football Hall of Fame"... with emphasis on the word "Professional". It's a business that's all about getting folks paid and nobody get's folks paid in this professional league like Jerry Jones. He is a money maker that keeps the league in the black. Maybe you just don't appreciate the capitalism involved here.

So Jerry contributed to the professional part of "profesional football". The emphasis is on the word "professional"? It's all about terminology That's prettuy weak. I mean, those of you Dallas Cowboys fans that wanr t6o beleive that Jerry Jones contributed something worthy of induction are reaching for some long straws

By the Hall of Fame"s own stated goal, the emphasis is certainly not on the wotd "proffesional". It is on the word "football".

Profesional merely distinguishes the level of competition. There is High School Football, college football and proffesional football.

Nobody is ever going to say, " I realize the team lost again, but that player behaved so professionally. It didn"t even seem to phase him at all when he threw those three INT's that led directly to 17 points.

You can find in depth discuasion of the outcome of games on the NFL channel, not the investment channel.
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I hereby declare this single thread to be the headquarters for expressing my opinion of Jerry Jones.

From this day forward, anytime I feel the need to express these thoughts, it will not effect the original post that I was responding to. I will simply build the link to this thread.

I do this out of respect for all my fellow posters so as not to deviate from the subject matter of other posts

Besides, my opinion may actually offend others, though not nearly as much as Jerry Jones offends his fans, the Cowboy's history, genuine NFL professional executives and the very game itself.

Jerry Jones is the Great Destroyer.

No matter how long it takes for others to build a winning team with the potential of lasting a decade, Jerry can rip it all apart in two years. He has already done this twice and if he is not properly restrained, he will certainly do it again.

It is difficult to know where to start, there seems an infinite number of possibilities. The important thing is that it doesn't have to be tonight.

However when I am ready I promise it will be eloquent.

My opinion, for levity sake.
Excellent take, although I respectfully disageee with the suggestion that Jerry has changed. I believe he will never be convinced that he was the driving force in the Cowboys twenty year walk through the desert.

I look at the Cowboys current situation as two steps forward amd one step backwards with the latter typically Jerry"s "contribution".

Examples of this are the Cowboys playing in the Hall of Fame game, the loss of DeMarco Murray prior to 2015, the panic ridden change from Weeden to Cassel in 2015 and the Hardy experiment.

However, this all pales in comparison to the destruction that lies ahead.

I must congratulate the fans and media of the Cowboy's opponent. Their solution to the Cowboys emergence and furure potential is absolutely genius....and so evil.

Realizing that their only hope is to destroy the Cowboys off the field they have enlisted the help of the Hall of Fame committee, the Cowboy management and us, we rhe fama.

They have truly poured fire on high octame rocket fule. The adulation that Jerry recieves upon his induction to the Hall of Fame for this attentiom junkie will be like a double injection of 100% pure adrenalin., should last at least a few weeks
After that? He will want more. Much more!

His induction will pick the pockets of Stephen Jones, swipe the handcudf keys, and free an NFL abomination. Jerry won't stop until there is nothing to stop.

It is so terrible, unforgivable and insidious. But it will be so effective.

Bravo.......worthy opponents......bravo!
It's funny you call yourself Plasticman, since that's what Jerry's face looks like. LOL
:omg: :angry::angry::angry: :omg:
( I'm thinking the handle of @plasticman was because he's got that stretch Armstrong action going on below the belt,,, in the bedroom scenes:lmao::lmao::lmao:,, be kinda cool to evoke your mutant super casing-liner capabilities while impressing the ladies.):laugh:
Excellent take, although I respectfully disageee with the suggestion that Jerry has changed. I believe he will never be convinced that he was the driving force in the Cowboys twenty year walk through the desert.

I look at the Cowboys current situation as two steps forward amd one step backwards with the latter typically Jerry"s "contribution".

Examples of this are the Cowboys playing in the Hall of Fame game, the loss of DeMarco Murray prior to 2015, the panic ridden change from Weeden to Cassel in 2015 and the Hardy experiment.

However, this all pales in comparison to the destruction that lies ahead.

I must congratulate the fans and media of the Cowboy's opponent. Their solution to the Cowboys emergence and furure potential is absolutely genius....and so evil.

Realizing that their only hope is to destroy the Cowboys off the field they have enlisted the help of the Hall of Fame committee, the Cowboy management and us, we rhe fama.

They have truly poured fire on high octame rocket fule. The adulation that Jerry recieves upon his induction to the Hall of Fame for this attentiom junkie will be like a double injection of 100% pure adrenalin., should last at least a few weeks
After that? He will want more. Much more!

His induction will pick the pockets of Stephen Jones, swipe the handcudf keys, and free an NFL abomination. Jerry won't stop until there is nothing to stop.

It is so terrible, unforgivable and insidious. But it will be so effective.

Bravo.......worthy opponents......bravo!
That's a harsh assessment on Jerry. I'm sorry you don't appreciate making money or winning championships. The Cowboys were losing money when Jerry bought that franchise. It would not have won most of it's championships without him. The Cowboys would not have the outstanding stadium they have without Jerry and there would be no new Headquarters at The Star without Jerry. Yes Jerry is a money maker for the league but he makes money for the Cowboys specifically that the other teams don't see through his ability to make deals with individualized sponsors like Nike instead of Adidas . Pepsi instead of Coke, Miller instead of Bud. Jerry was pushing Papa Johns Pizza long before the rest of the league did. The Dallas Cowboys as a franchise is truly it's own Empire within the NFL brand, thanks to one man... Jerry Jones.
Hey,Star! How much revenue do you think the league is losing out on,cuz'
Master bizzness man Jerry retained sole ownership of franchise jersey/wearable apparel sales,where a % of those sales dollars ,I guess, even make it back to the individual players around the league,, pretty sure that's a sore point of contention in league hierarchy,,thusly filtering down to the vast plethora of non calls, non flagged calls that would've been to Dallas's benefit ( Tony Romo approved of this observation)
Excellent take, although I respectfully disageee with the suggestion that Jerry has changed. I believe he will never be convinced that he was the driving force in the Cowboys twenty year walk through the desert.

I look at the Cowboys current situation as two steps forward amd one step backwards with the latter typically Jerry"s "contribution".

Examples of this are the Cowboys playing in the Hall of Fame game, the loss of DeMarco Murray prior to 2015, the panic ridden change from Weeden to Cassel in 2015 and the Hardy experiment.

However, this all pales in comparison to the destruction that lies ahead.

I must congratulate the fans and media of the Cowboy's opponent. Their solution to the Cowboys emergence and furure potential is absolutely genius....and so evil.

Realizing that their only hope is to destroy the Cowboys off the field they have enlisted the help of the Hall of Fame committee, the Cowboy management and us, we rhe fama.

They have truly poured fire on high octame rocket fule. The adulation that Jerry recieves upon his induction to the Hall of Fame for this attentiom junkie will be like a double injection of 100% pure adrenalin., should last at least a few weeks
After that? He will want more. Much more!

His induction will pick the pockets of Stephen Jones, swipe the handcudf keys, and free an NFL abomination. Jerry won't stop until there is nothing to stop.

It is so terrible, unforgivable and insidious. But it will be so effective.

Bravo.......worthy opponents......bravo!
That's quite the conspiracy theory...

Unrelated question; does your bong have a name?

I keed, I keed.:muttley:

Ordinarily, I'd agree the Hall of Fame Game is a bad idea. But given the youth on this team, our bottom-of- the-roster could use the reps.

If anything, this is about money. Jerry and the Cowboys is a big draw, so if Dallas fans plan to attend the game, they'll likely make a weekend of it and attend the ceremony too. That keeps them there for the weekend and the whole town makes more money. And Dallas travels well by merit of living everywhere.
Seems to me some people forget that football is a game that is meant to entertain. You act like Jerry caused the war in the middle east or incited world hunger. You seem like one of those people that gets off on their own intellect so why don't you use that big ol' brain, go make yourself a few billion, and buy yourself a team and show us all how it's done? Regardless of what you think of Jerry's decisions, he has earned the right to make them. Literally. I hate to break your heart, but no one of any relevance to the Cowboys, least of all Jerry, gives a Taco Bell induced reeking fart what you or I think. He made some mistakes certainly but our current team is set up to contend for the next 5-8 years. But I'm sure Jerry had nothing to do with that.
You're breaking ranks. Currently it's bash Garrett time. Jerry already had his bashing heyday.

Get in line soldier!

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