Players receiving death threats

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Its obviously race and it always has been.

The country is filled with entitled white evangelical morons who are longing for the good ol days.

and that is all the left has, the race card. don't like something they throw race out there. It has proven to be a great weapon to attack and silence people except it is getting old and more and more are tired of the crying wolf and race baiting of the left.
I think in any case where some one is accused of such acts charges should be filed and the person should be fired. How about Zeke? is the accusation enough or should there be real evidence not just claims?

Zeke had 1 accuser where a grand jury deemed not enough evidence to take to trial. The head of Fox and O'Reilly had numerous women accuse them off sexual abuse. Let's keep it real.
As I posted below. FOX that is it, most major networks are liberal. You are right FOX is the conservative voice. Thing is FOX never had issues as a network to call out GW Bush or Trump. MSNBC had chills up their leg for Obama

Radio is virulently reactionary and right wing
Zeke had 1 accuser where a grand jury deemed not enough evidence to take to trial. The head of Fox and O'Reilly had numerous women accuse them off sexual abuse. Let's keep it real.

I am being real, I would still expect evidence. I don't know if he did or didn't. He seems intent to clear his name we will see, but FOX has already terminated him. So now it is over? I would think the women who have made the claim would seek more than that.
and that is all the left has, the race card. don't like something they throw race out there. It has proven to be a great weapon to attack and silence people except it is getting old and more and more are tired of the crying wolf and race baiting of the left.

Yea I end all conversations with the race card.

It was one of the required answers to the liberal multiple choice test I took at the George soros communist conversion center in greenwhich village. It was pretty crowded in there.
Yea I end all conversations with the race card.

It was one of the required answers to the liberal multiple choice test I took at the George soros communist conversion center in greenwhich village. It was pretty crowded in there.

lol I'm sure it is.
I bet even more black men would like to stop being harassed by the police and old white people so that they actually don’t die, literally.
I bet even more cops would like black men to comply with directions when being detained and then their situation wouldn't escalate to the point the cop has to use deadly force. It's traumatizing for those cops to have to do that.
I bet even more cops would like black men to comply with directions when being detained and then their situation wouldn't escalate to the point the cop has to use deadly force. It's traumatizing for those cops to have to do that.

Obviously there will never be racial equality in your world. You probably still think white men aren’t born with an inherent advantage over Black men.
Obviously there will never be racial equality in your world. You probably still think white men aren’t born with an inherent advantage over Black men.
Not in our lifetime... we live in the same world. Oh white privilege definitely exist. That was made loud and clear when I white woman told Ezekiel Elliott that the white NFL commissioner would believe her word over his because he's black and that's exactly what happen.
sad believe you were born with the deck stacked against you?

I’m white and I know that I was born at the 50 yd line of a 100 yd race. I didn’t realize it until I joined the military and traveled the world and married a non-white. Until the ignorant white man/woman understands this, racism will exist.
I’m white and I know that I was born at the 50 yd line of a 100 yd race. I didn’t realize it until I joined the military and traveled the world and married a non-white. Until the ignorant white man/woman understands this, racism will exist.
racism exists in all colors, unfortunately

EDIT I'd venture to say the majority of this country are descendants of immigrants, self made against the odds
Yes but my point is still relevant. In America it mostly all stems from the fact that white people were born at the 50 yard line.
I'd venture to say the majority of this country are descendants of immigrants, self made against the odds
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