Image: Playoff Wins Since 2000 For Every Team


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Can we make a “Super Bowl wins since 1992” chart and see where we stack up? Or how about a “Total Super Bowl wins” chart?

No? Didn’t think so.

Personally, I don’t give a damn about the “playoff wins” stat. 1 winner, 31 losers.

This is the attitude homers take. They can't just openly admit that the last two decades have been a pretty poor run for their favorite franchise, so they try to rationalize it away.

In other words, Nav22 is basically saying there is no difference between winning 3 playoff games in 20 years and or winning say 10 games and making a couple of champ games in the process.


PS - And frankly, looking since 2000 is a pretty good time frame. There is a clear difference between those early 90s teams and then what we have seen over the last 20 years. For those SB teams, Johnson was a heavy influence in personnel, etc. Over the last two decades, Jerry has been the GM. So yeah, it's a pretty fair assessment period. Sorry it hurts your homerism to have to digest the reality that this franchise hasn't been all that good for 20+ years.


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0, and I’m sure that applies to most of the NFL. Still a bunch of teams that have NEVER won it all.

And you’re only choosing “last 26 years” because of a predetermined agenda.

There have been two eras in the Cowboys under Jerry. There was the Jerry + Jimmy run. And then there was the Jerry only run.

The last 26 years encompasses the Jerry is the GM only era. It's a fair period to assess. You don't like it because you struggle to admit reality.


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There have been two eras in the Cowboys under Jerry. There was the Jerry + Jimmy run. And then there was the Jerry only run.

The last 26 years encompasses the Jerry is the GM only era. It's a fair period to assess. You don't like it because you struggle to admit reality.
Keep making up bull**** and hoping it sticks.

Jerry was the “GM” when Jimmy was here too, smart guy. He never relinquished that title.

Jerry was the “GM” when Parcells was here too, even though Parcells had a LOT of power and influence.

Jerry’s the “GM” now even though Stephen and Will McClay have a ton of influence.

And it’s simply ADORABLE that you’d be overjoyed by anything other than a Super Bowl win.

No, really. It’s cute.

Not for me. Not for those of us who remember that feeling of being on top.

But hopefully for fans like YOU, we’ll earn another “NFC East Champions” hat and T-shirt this season.

It might even come with an NFC Championship loss!!! Wouldn’t that be exciting!?!?!


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Just checking in to see which page of the Jerry GM-For-Life Apologetics handbook we're at now.

If you have to go back 3 decades to justify your job performance, then your performance sucks. I hired a number of people over the years. No one ever tried to sell themselves to me based on what they achieved 28 years ago. If the only thing they could tell me about the years since then were they tried hard, replaced their subordinates several times, but only produced average results over those decades - never reaching a goal - then they'd be politely dismissed and someone else would get the job. It's not complicated, folks.


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Just checking in to see which page of the Jerry GM-For-Life Apologetics handbook we're at now.

If you have to go back 3 decades to justify your job performance, then your performance sucks. I hired a number of people over the years. No one ever tried to sell themselves to me based on what they achieved 28 years ago. If the only thing they could tell me about the years since then were they tried hard, replaced their subordinates several times, but only produced average results over those decades - never reaching a goal - then they'd be politely dismissed and someone else would get the job. It's not complicated, folks.

True in any other FO the GM does not get 26 years to reproduce success he had, Again Jerry the owner is great except for his refusal to deal with the GM for the past 26 years....


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“Since 2000”

How about since 1992? How about all-time?

“No, it has to be since 1996 or later!!!”

You’re being silly.
Yes since 2000 i.e. the 21st century. What have the Cowboys done in the 21st century?
Care to answer?


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The millennium is still young. Dig me up in 2080 and show me what the chart looks like then.
Hoping modern medicine would progress over the next one -two decades to extend my life to double where I'm at now = 125 years- and being functional and conigzant (Need to start cutting out bad living habits now :p:D:rolleyes:)


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Keep making up bull**** and hoping it sticks.

Jerry was the “GM” when Jimmy was here too, smart guy. He never relinquished that title.

Jerry was the “GM” when Parcells was here too, even though Parcells had a LOT of power and influence.

Jerry’s the “GM” now even though Stephen and Will McClay have a ton of influence.

And it’s simply ADORABLE that you’d be overjoyed by anything other than a Super Bowl win.

No, really. It’s cute.

Not for me. Not for those of us who remember that feeling of being on top.

But hopefully for fans like YOU, we’ll earn another “NFC East Champions” hat and T-shirt this season.

It might even come with an NFC Championship loss!!! Wouldn’t that be exciting!?!?!

It's understandable that you'd just end up babbling here because there is no real defense for the stance you've taken. Your rant is bizarre and silly but again, that's to be expected.

Any knowledgeable Cowboys fan knows that while Jerry was the "GM" during that early 90s run, Jimmy had an heavy influence in the roster, moreso than any coach since then (and a reason why the relationship eventually fractured and Jerry has largely hired the coaches he has since). So if one is going to argue that Jerry was the genius, the mastermind behind those teams, then one isn't going to be taken seriously. So from that perspective, it's hard to not laugh as you continue to babble ridiculousness. You've dug out a position that essentially claims Jerry is a good GM and that the last 20-25 years have not been a poor and disappointing run. And from that awful position, you have to make bizarre and, frankly, stupid arguments. There is a clear line in Cowboys history under Jerry's ownership - and that line is Jimmy Johnson.

The second part of your post is a real doozy but not surprising given the pretzels twists you've already made.

The goal is to win the SB. No one has ever suggested otherwise, I never did. No, just winning a few playoff games isn't the goal nor does it make me, or most Cowboys fans feel good. But, it's downright bizarre to sit here and argue that the last 20+ years have been fine because if you aren't winning the SB then all seasons are equal. That if a team goes 4-12, it's the same as a team that went 12-4 and lost in the title game. It's dumb. It's stupid. It's idiotic. But it's understandable coming from someone who is trying their very best to justify that the Cowboys run the last 20 years hasn't been one of the bottom third worst in the NFL over that period.


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Browns fans are revered around the league for their fandom....
Great fans up there.

I think another 25 years of this more Cowboy fans will grow used to losing . We still have a couple generations alive who became accustomed to winning.

Losing drowns all hope. I can attest. My Alma matter suks . It’s not so bad. We still love our school and team. But one thing for sure. No wagon fans . lol


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My greatest hope is we lose long enough to lose our America’s Team label. That has to go. And all of the wagon fans with it.


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I've been saying this same thing for years.

People actually try to argue the last 20 years have not been a poor run in Dallas. LOL.
Addendum: People trying to argue that the Cowboys success 25 -30 seasons ago should make you content - despite what has transpired since 2000.


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Just checking in to see which page of the Jerry GM-For-Life Apologetics handbook we're at now.

If you have to go back 3 decades to justify your job performance, then your performance sucks. I hired a number of people over the years. No one ever tried to sell themselves to me based on what they achieved 28 years ago. If the only thing they could tell me about the years since then were they tried hard, replaced their subordinates several times, but only produced average results over those decades - never reaching a goal - then they'd be politely dismissed and someone else would get the job. It's not complicated, folks.
My job performance was awesome in the 80’s & 90’s. Lol

I’ve been riding on my laurels ever since. And have memorabilia all over my office to support. I was great for awhile. But closer to average since.

When you own your own business it’s not about what have you done for me lately.