Please do not pay this guy


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Who is this QB? Can you name him? How do we acquire him?

Tank the season, get rid of the awful players we have, trade Dak and pick the best QB of the litter next spring. We have to start all over because of all the
bad trades and missed seasons we've had.


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Have you ever watched Dalton play? How can you possibly be this stupid?

He was playing better than Dak with this roster in training camp.. What part of completely different rosters don’t you understand? What did Dak do when Zeke was suspended and Cooper wasn’t here? Dude was worse than Quincy Carter, with a much better roster..


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First four are fine and perfectly understandable.

What puts Watson above Dak?

Brees is washed. Brady and Roethlisberger aren't far behind. They have better resumes, certainly. Are they better QB's as we sit here today?
I take Brees and Brady for a year or two. Not long term. I like Watsons intangibles, maybe a stretch, Listen I like Dak but man I wish he could win a big game over a good team 1-8 last couple of years when trailing late...


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If Dak doesn't have the perfect game, Some of you think the sky is falling. I don't hear any of you talking about Tank. Dude has been horrible since gettin paid. And he's the 2nd or 3rd most important position on the team. Dak had a couple turnovers last night that generated 14 points. The defense gave up the other 24. Dak lead us to 31. You do the math. Some of you should get over it. Dak's not the problem. Dak's not going anywhere. You have one of the top RB's in the NFL and you throw the ball 57 times and hand the ball off 14 to Zeke. We were never down so we were with not be balanced on offense. The play calling is still horrible. The defensive playcalling is horrible. 4th and 3 and you run a zone defense....wth?!? No discipline...horrible penalties, Poor decision making from the coaching staff. Special teams looked bad. YET....yet....some of you think that's it's all Dak's fault. Wow! I don't know why some of you are worried about his money anyway. You don't want anyone worried about your pockets at your job. Well, leave his alone.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Defense is 25th in yards allowed, 30th in points allowed, 30th in takeaways, while the special teams have missed two extra points and botched 2 fake punts.

All of that is Dak's fault. :muttley:

Meanwhile, the offense is first in yards and 7th in scoring.


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Tank the season, get rid of the awful players we have, trade Dak and pick the best QB of the litter next spring. We have to start all over because of all the
bad trades and missed seasons we've had.

That's easier said than done, and even if you tank the season and get a shot at a QB, you're trusting Jerry and Stephen Jones to draft your QB of the future.


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You take a QB that's:
- not being paid $40m
- not being paid $40m that seriously impacts on the ability to plug obvious holes and depth issues with in the team
- a QB that gives you better value for your $.....if D cant push the team to success with x$, how come he will with XX$.
- a QB that may well not be great at accumulating yards marching up the field only to stall when the space starts to restrict and his throwing isnt accurate enough.
- a QB that (with the saved money and thus improved O-LINE) will be able to feed that extremely talented WR corp
- a QB that MM wants, as @gjkoeppen mentions, we are not the front office.

At $30m I suppose i'd take Dak, but at $40m (and more than someone like Wilson, even at his age), no.

Look at the Texans, pay Watson his $40m (a good QB), but they've got no money for near bottom ranked Rush Offense and Defense.

I'm not sure why I got dragged into this but to respond yes I've said that none of us here is in the Cowboys front office but also none of us here can read McCarthy's mind like you seem to think you can. There is NO proof by any DIRECT quote from McCarthy that says or IMPLIES that he did not prior to the season nor now he does not want Prescott as his QB. In fact he has been on the record saying the complete opposite. You are another person that wants to place the entire blame for losses on Prescott like it's just Prescott alone against the other teams, no 10 other guys on offense and no defense, just Prescott. Just this season alone the Cowboys were EXTREMELY lucky to win against the falcons because after the shell shock of the first quarter every time the Cowboys would score the defense let the falcons score. This went on until after the 4th quarter started. Then that 2% chance of getting an on-side kick to win the game is the ultimate in luck. Yesterday the Cowboys lost again because of the defense specifically all the penalties especially on 3rd downs that gave seattle new life and they would score TD's. Prescott puts up almost 500 yards passing yet people like you still want to put all the blame on Prescott. Your rant is nothing more than Prescott hating and that and 2 bucks can get you some coffee at Starbucks.


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Did you see Wilson's O-Line today? I find it hilarious that both QB's had the same situation on offense. Yet Dak Fans want to grasp to the O-Line excuse.

Dak wants Wilson Money. . . and Russel was like No Son, you ain't at this level and never will be

Much if not most of Wilson's success yesterday came by way of all the penalties committed by the defense that on 3rd downs that gave then new downs that they used to score TD's. or just poor play by the defense.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Who has a makeshift offensive line? Russel Wilson. Because that dude balled out, even made our defense look bad.

That man, Russel is worth every penny. If he were my QB I would never complain. . . and you never have to make excuses

Every QB we’ve faced this season has made our defense look bad because it is bad. Wilson’s OL wasn’t as patched up as ours. We ended up with a rookie at center yesterday and were moving players around. Our defense is worse than his. We have the Keystone cops for a secondary. Nothing but a comedy of errors. If wide receivers weren’t running free because they flat out beat our corners, they were running free because of blown coverages. This is one of the worst secondaries I can remember the Cowboys having.


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The Prescott haters are out in force today COMPLETELY overlooking a TERRIBLE defense and special teams. What is so hilarious are the ones that are babbling on about only one read and that's it. Do you really think that people that actually know the game are going to believe that a QB that racks up 475 passing yards did that solely and only throwing to his first read? It just happened that his first read was ALWAYS open but hey that makes sense to the Prescott haters. Of course the defense and all of their penalties on 3rd downs that gave Wilson new downs that he then turned them into TD's had nothing to do with the loss or the mishandled kickoff return or lack there of that turned into a safety had nothing to do with it or the missed extra point and then the line missing a block on another extra point that got blocked had nothing to do with the loss. To Prescott haters none of the other mistakes made by the rest of the team had no affect on the outcome of the game. That's why it's so easy to pick apart Prescott haters arguments because they don't see ALL of the other factors in the game that had to do with a loss.


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Lol I knew this thread was coming.

I got an idea. Give Lawrence’s and Jaylons money to Dak. Team would not take a single step back and be in better cap situation.
Sadly this is probably true. I still have hopes for Lawrence. He was disruptive yesterday.


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Tank the season, get rid of the awful players we have, trade Dak and pick the best QB of the litter next spring. We have to start all over because of all the
bad trades and missed seasons we've had.

Tank the season? Lmao. Riiiiight.


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Every QB we’ve faced this season has made our defense look bad because it is bad. Wilson’s OL wasn’t as patched up as ours. We ended up with a rookie at center yesterday and were moving players around. Our defense is worse than his. We have the Keystone cops for a secondary. Nothing but a comedy of errors. If wide receivers weren’t running free because they flat out beat our corners, they were running free because of blown coverages. This is one of the worst secondaries I can remember the Cowboys having.

I've said it before and I'll say it again that Nolan's idea of having so many different schemes to try to fool the offense is just fooling the defensive players and not allowing them to play in a scheme that matches their talent. Stop this trying to fool the offense that is just causing blown coverages and and work on perfecting a base defense that works because the players are using the skills they were successful using prior to doing this keystone cop scheme. I don't know if the secondary is as bad as they seem or if its because of blown coverages because some of the defenders think this scheme means they are to do this and others think it means they do that.


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I'd take Andy Dalton right now rather than pay Dak another penny.

I'd at least give Dalton a shot to start a few and take the cap into account. The average NFL QB should do well if they could use the offensive weapons Dallas has now.

Many teams have won SB's with a journeyman QB, but none have won with a mediocre defense.

I would have pulled the franchise tender and bought a better secondary and pass rushers. Everyone talks about Dak's huge stats.......the only one that really counts, is wins. He's above average but not elite. He makes way too many throws behind his receivers. They twist mid run to catch behind. He did throw a few good passes leading them this game, but that's not the norm.

All of his numbers last year were racked up against teams that all had losing records, and considering the NFC opponents for half the season the numbers fell in line.

Dalton should get a shot and his salary would go a long ways to building an elite defense.

Dak is worth maybe $25M.....maybe.


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Lol I knew this thread was coming.

I got an idea. Give Lawrence’s and Jaylons money to Dak. Team would not take a single step back and be in better cap situation.

cannot believe the Dak haters....he brought our team back from 30-15 to stupid to blame Dak for loss