Possible Loophole In Vick Case...

FuzzyLumpkins;1829374 said:
Fair enough but it certainly lends to that. All he has to say is that he cannot control his dreadful marijuana addiction and that is why he was getting high while awaiting sentencing.

it shows that he has some sort of drug history thus his eligibility.

Wrong... what's particularly stupid and amusing at the same time is that I only know you're wrong because of what YOU posted, in post 21 of this thread:

"If you can show you had a substance abuse issue 1 year prior to entering custody you can get UP TO A YEAR knocked off your federal sentence."

So, it's not "some sort of drug history" that determines eligibility, it's a drug history that goes back at least ONE YEAR...
FuzzyLumpkins;1829394 said:
thats how fair, evenhanded leadership does. We on the other hand have Roger Goodell.

He can and will do whatever he wants on the whims of what garners the most revenue. If the mob says kill then he will kill so he can get 70 cents for every cable subscriber.

Choke on it, Vick apologist... money really does make the world, and the NFL, go 'round...

Welcome to the real world... LOL...
dcowboysfan76;1829397 said:
I'm just thinking of the hypothetical BigD....for example if the league turned over any evidence of him testing positive or if there was ever any other instances when he was in college.......I deal with people that smoke marijuana everyday and if you look at Vick's lips, and eyes you can see some of those same traits that I see daily....

Oh, I definitely believe he's been bellying up to the blunt for a long time, probably 10-15 years... but as you've said, he'll need to provide PROOF of that, the word of a convicted felon won't get it done...

Ans as you also said, if Vick was in the league's drug program, that ought to be enough to meet the requirement to prove his drug problem goes back at least a year...
FuzzyLumpkins;1829399 said:
Of course you doubt it cause you want him burned at the stake. Fortunately for Vick he has the best legal counsel money can buy.

Normally the idiots who think they can get away with it are the ones with drug problem.

ROTFLMAO... talk about arguin' out of both sides of your "disingenuous" mouth...

First, you think that Vick can prove that he has a drug problem, then you say that he couldn't possibly have thought he could "get away with it", because in your opinion, he doesn't have a drug problem...

And once again, you disingenuously keep on asserting that we want him killed, or burned at the stake, when NOBODY has EVER suggested anything like that...

Seems the only disingenuousity (is that a real word, or did I just make up a new one??) in this thread is YOURS... you can't defend yourself against our REAL arguments, so you dishonestly mischaracterize them to something considerably more extreme than what we're really saying...

Of course, when you have to resort to lying about what your opponents are saying, that's tantamount to admitting that you can't prevail in the argument if you restrict yourself to the truth...

This is actually such and easy case to make. "Youre honor, i just cant stop smoking the weed!!! Its got its hold on meh."

And of course, the judge will take the word of a convicted felon...

You believe in the tooth fairy too, don't you?? I can only hope that if I ever need the services of a good lawyer, I get one considerably smarter (and considerably more grounded in reality) than you are...

Hopefully this goes down in the offseason so we can get the full fury of the DVDS whipped up.

Chuckle... the DVS (again, do at least try to get the name right) has punked you out repeatedly, and you know it...
burmafrd;1829406 said:
He is not going to get any time off. That program is for habitual drug users with a history of doing drugs and getting caught. Vick does not in any way shape or form fit that description. Not to mention I do believe that JUDGE has final say and no way is he going to let vick get any slack.
Fuzzy, you lose here.

I'm pretty sure he's used to that by now... clearly, he doesn't LIKE it, but he has to be used to it by now...
03EBZ06;1829408 said:
That best legal counsel money could buy couldn't keep Vick out of prison, nor could prevent judge from giving stiffer sentence then what the DA recommended.

ROTFL... excellent point, all that high priced legal talent, and he's still sleeping behind bars as I type this...
burmafrd;1829410 said:
Fuzzy, he lied to everyone and now suddenly the judge is going to believe him?

The same judge who was so annoyed at Vick's ongoing lying that he sentenced him to the stiffest possible sentence... but now, he's gonna believe that liar??

Wanna bet that Fuzzy stays up real late on Christmas Eve, hoping to catch a glimpse of Santa??
FuzzyLumpkins;1829415 said:
ahh another one of those that wills things to happen.

last time i checked he was smoking pot while he was undergoing drug testing. Most people without an axe to grind would see that as a problem involving drugs.

Yup... but once again, you "conveniently ignore" the rules for admission to that program-- he has to prove that he's had that "problem involving drugs" for at least a YEAR...

This is Mike Vick we are talking about who grew up in a seedy part of VA and was actively participating in illegal activities, he was found in the airport with a waterbottle designed to smuggle things, his brother was a notorious pothead, and he has a positive drug test.

None of which proves that his problem goes back at least a year...

Yet somehow you guys come to the conclusion that he hasnt been smoking weed for the majority of his life.

I never concluded any such thing... all I've said is that Vick has to PROVE that he's been smoking weed for at least a year...

Which he does, according to the info YOU provided... it would appear that you didn't actually READ what you posted... either that, or your reading comprehension is somewhat below that of your average everyday third grader...

You guys are awesome.

You're not... :rolleyes:
Doomsday101;1829424 said:
No it is not murder it is cruelty to animals and there is a bit of a difference of taking a domesticated animal and having the rip each other apart and raising cattle as part of the nation’s food supply.

Don't waste your time trying common sense on the Fuzz-meister... he's beyond our help on that one...
locked&loaded;1829436 said:
I had no idea about the 29 million he was getting sued for, do you think the falcons will get all of it back? It seems unlikely.

Still, my point is no one should feel bad for this guy, he got off.

I still believe he will have another stint in the league, just my two cents.

Oh, he'll be back, unless the Commonwealth of Virginia surprises me and gives him a max sentence... if he gets out of jail before he's 31 or 32, somebody will take a shot at him...

But if past history is any predictor, he won't ever be worth a hammered crap again... he wasn't worth much more than a hammered crap at his very best... LOL...
5Stars;1829452 said:
Let me get this stright...

So, Vick has been smoking weed for a long time, according to you, right?

Vick participates in criminal activity, right?

Vick barehanded killed dogs, right?

With me so far, fuzzy?

Now, are you telling me all those traits are someone that YOU defend to the fullest? This is the kind of person that you think is getting a raw deal? This is an upstanding citizen that should catch a break?


Poor Ookie, he is such victim here...why any body be picking on poor Ookie.

Amazing, simply amazing....

Isn't it?? I think that when poor, persecuted Vick is finally freed, Fuzzy oughta give him a place to live, until he gets back on his feet... :D
FuzzyLumpkins;1829465 said:
Im not defending Vick as much as im attacking peoples punitive nature.

Oh, you're defending Vick, all right... you've even said, quite clearly in this very thread, that you want him to get off...

The sanctimonious crap I hear all the time sickens me.

Son, you have NO idea how many people you've sickened with YOUR "sanctimonious crap"...

Well that and quite frankly i dont think dogfighting should be illegal

Be thankful that I can't tell you what I think about you for saying, let alone thinking, that...

I cold care less if Vick wants to get baked and fight dogs all day long.

Well, that just about says it all...
Doomsday101;1829485 said:
His civil liberties are being violated because we have state and fed law that punish people who commit animal cruelty? How are his rights being violated? You don't think what he did was wrong vast majority do and thus laws were created.

Fuzzy thinks that torturing animals for fun and profit is a civil right...
FuzzyLumpkins;1829495 said:
and again i dont think dog fighting should be illegal. i dont like it nor do i condone it

You ARE condoning it... to such an extreme that I don't believe you when you say you don't like it...
FuzzyLumpkins;1829550 said:
Dogs are property. This law tells someone what they can or cannot do with their property.

Which our government has been doing right from the start...

i think youre confusing civil liberty with civil liberties you think people should have.

And I think you're playing stupid semantic games, just so you can play the contrarian...

What's amusing about that is that most contrarians ENJOY causing outrage, while you're apparently nursing deep resentment over the abuse you've been receiving for your contrarianism...
Big Dakota;1829593 said:
What you're really getting here is you want bestiality legalized, don't ya fuzz.:D :p:

Hey, getting laid might do him a world of good...

OK, I'm just kidding about that one, Fuzz...

At least, I THINK I'm kidding...
silverbear;1830352 said:
Which our government has been doing right from the start...

And I think you're playing stupid semantic games, just so you can play the contrarian...

What's amusing about that is that most contrarians ENJOY causing outrage, while you're apparently nursing deep resentment over the abuse you've been receiving for your contrarianism...

its not word games. a civil liberty is a freedom that a person has to not be interfered with by others. its not a word game but quite simple. if it confuses you i could care less.

additionally im not just contrarian. i happen to feel very strongly about this. I dont waste my time to just try and piss people off.
FuzzyLumpkins;1829684 said:
Umm its available to anyone in the federal prison system except for high security facilites and violent crimes. He was brough up on trafficing.

Ummm, once again, your lousy reading comprehension has done you in... the argument into which you inserted yourself had NOTHING to do with that drug program, it was about whether any sentence imposed by the Commonwealth of Virginia would run consecutively, or concurrently... that's all that Cobra was discussing in his post:

Can. Or they can run consecutively. It's whatever the judge decides.

Once again, you lack the ability to follow a rather simple argument...
LatinMind;1829859 said:
admitting to drug abuse? another suspension for the nfl to use against him.

Oooops, ANOTHER excellent point, that I hadn't thought of... if Ookie admits to long-term drug use, the league offices will be REAL interested to hear the specifics of that...

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