Possible Loophole In Vick Case...

FuzzyLumpkins;1829955 said:
well i dont remember that and you should know by now that im not afraid to admit when im wrong.

ROTFLMAO... son, I have never seen ANYBODY go through the convoluted semantic tapdancing that you do in order to avoid admitting that you're wrong...

It all depends on what the definition of "is" is, right Fuzz??
silverbear;1830386 said:
ROTFLMAO... son, I have never seen ANYBODY go through the convoluted semantic tapdancing that you do in order to avoid admitting that you're wrong...

ive admitted to being wrong on two counts in this thread. again making baseless nonsense.
FuzzyLumpkins;1829977 said:
when people resort to name calling in an argument that shows they dont have a leg to stand on.

This from the guy who claims that some of us want Vick "burned at the stake"...

Could you possibly be a bigger hypocrite??
silverbear;1830388 said:
This from the guy who claims that some of us want Vick "burned at the stake"...

Could you possibly be a bigger hypocrite??

thats not namecalling or bluster perhaps you should look up what those words mean. this is boring and youre just being petty at this point.

youre part of the baby boom generation arent you?
FuzzyLumpkins;1830014 said:
im not against it. there is a difference.

Dance, Fuzzy, DANCE...


Well, I'm startin' to doubt your humanity, does that mean it would be OK for me to torture you??

Maybe I shouldn't have sold my waterboard...
FuzzyLumpkins;1830026 said:
how have i looked stupid?

There's not enough bandwidth on the internet to explain that...

not agree with my position but i have very valid reasons and am able to explain them.

No, you don't... you have some crackpot notions, nothing more...

rankly you came into the middle of the conversation adn started spouting when it is quite clear that you have no idea what has been said.

Seems fair, that's what you've been doing all along...
FuzzyLumpkins;1830046 said:
im sure it happens. the funny thing is youre not claiming that the fighting is mean but rather the way in which they cull the animals. and yes certain types of animals are killed by electrocution to preserve their fur. but thats okay huh?

Guys, stop indulging Fuzzy when he goes off on this tangent... bottom line, it's IRRELEVANT that there are other, legal forms of animal cruelty; it's THIS form of animal cruelty that is illegal... if Vick was slaughtering animals for food at his house, he wouldn't have been charged with a CRIME...

So Fuzzy's arguments on this are non sequiturs... he's trying to nudge the argument away from the real argument, which he's losing badly...

im not deranged or ignorant i just choose not to ignore the other forms of animal abuse that are pervasive throughout society. people just have dosg as pets so they get special treatment. Cows are food so you can do whatever you want to them.

Yup, that's the way it works, all right... you might not like that, but if you live in this society, you'd best by God follow the laws on this one...

Either that, or maybe Vick can use a good bunkmate...

All I'll say is that if your conscience tells you that slaughtering animals for food is wrong, then your conscience should guide you to fighting against that wrong... but it's ASININE to use that believe to justify the barbaric cruelty practiced by Michael Vick...
Yup i figured that i would come back to see more insults from you.

BTW its completely relevant. the fact that this society routinely advocates a myriad of forms of animal abuse certainly is meaningful in the context that this individual form of it is singled out. Thats called inconsistency and quite frankly whats good for the goose is good for the gander. pun intended.

im sure youre going to fall back to the typical 'well its illegal here nonsense' which truly is meaningless in the context of what Im saying. Thats a given and again posits nothing.

Im going to bed as i doubt youll bring anything substantive to the table beyond your typical insults and bluster.
dcowboysfan76;1829103 said:
Hey guys I found out a little something from one of my fraternity brothers....what are your thoughts to this:

Vick could get out in less than a year because of a loophole in the system. Mike Vick is planning on entering the prison's Residential Drug Abuse Treatment Program (RDAP) - an intensive substance abuse treatment program which qualifies eligible graduates for a one year sentence reduction. It's been said that Vick has already requested to be admitted to the program.

So therefore, the story gets even better for Vick because he entered prison before his sentencing date, his release date will likely be pushed up even further. Not to mention that with credit for good behavior and the RDAP sentence reduction, Vick may even be out by the beginning of next year's NFL season.

This all makes sense especially the early entry part and the positive test on the marijuana (when he knew he would be tested)........I mentioned this in the NFL Zone, but I figured it would be a hot topic in the Fan Zone....Sorry Mods;)

yeah, that's not a "loophole". ;)
FuzzyLumpkins;1830401 said:
Yup i figured that i would come back to see more insults from you.

BTW its completely relevant. the fact that this society routinely advocates a myriad of forms of animal abuse certainly is meaningful in the context that this individual form of it is singled out. Thats called inconsistency and quite frankly whats good for the goose is good for the gander. pun intended.

im sure youre going to fall back to the typical 'well its illegal here nonsense' which truly is meaningless in the context of what Im saying. Thats a given and again posits nothing.

Im going to bed as i doubt youll bring anything substantive to the table beyond your typical insults and bluster.

hey, for once fuzzy wuzzy and I find some common ground. We haven't agreed on anything since I said that Tony Romo was the next best thing since sliced bread (3 years ago). But I agree with you here.

It's really nothing but hypocrisy.
silverbear;1830392 said:
a CRIME...

blah blah blah... yeah yeah yeah... a "crime" is nothing more than a label that other's put on you for breaking what they perceive as normal. Across the entire world, much worse things than this happen to animals. But Mike Vick has to be just another statistic in the country with the largest prison population in the world, all because of the America's puppy love syndrome.

C'mon.... There is no common sense trying to give a man year(s), plural for taking a dog's life, when people have received similar sentences for killing other human beings.

This puppy love thing and Mike Vick is a stoopid issue that people have drawn some sort of spurious relationship between Mike Vick and a murderer (one who kills another HUMAN). This is not the case... we eat pork--pigs have been proven to have higher intelligence than dogs--so what's the freakin' deal?

Oh. . .

I know what it is... hypocrisy.
dbair1967;1830060 said:
actually I have claimed dog fighting is bad...but its also the sick behavior that comes with it that angers me...decent people dont do what Vick and others that take part in this filth do...people with any real moral responsibility dont take part in this

its a disgrace...I'm not a member of PETA or any other extremist group, but I have had dogs all my life and honestly I would kill somebody who used a pet of mine to "warm up" his pit bull...

I wouldn't kill such an individual, I'd just beat him until he wished he was dead...

And then, I'd almost certainly go to jail-- as I should...
FuzzyLumpkins;1830066 said:
So its okay to shoot a deer for its horns but its not okay to fight dogs.

Yes... first, deer hunting is LEGAL... second, deer hunting helps control the deer population, which keeps deer from starving to death...

A quick bullet is better than dying of starvation, IMO...

And once again, this is not a MORAL debate, this is a LEGAL debate... do quit trying to cover up for your asinine position on the law, by trying to turn this into a moral argument... that's quite disingenuous of you...
FuzzyLumpkins;1830070 said:
your arguing a meaningless point. who cares?

If you don't care, why are you continuing to argue??

again i said problem and im not going to waste my time arguing the semantics of the word.

I see, you're careful to choose when you engage in semantic tapdancing...
silverbear;1830352 said:
What's amusing about that is that most contrarians ENJOY causing outrage, while you're apparently nursing deep resentment over the abuse you've been receiving for your contrarianism...

What's even more amusing is people who rely on the term "contrarian" in an attempt to ridicule someone's argument. That's simply stating the obvious, Captain obvious. Of course someone who disagrees with you has a contrary view. But you're not interested, like you never have been, in people's arguments that oppose yours.

Instead, you're bent on making irrelevant points and fallacious arguments.

It's quite amusing, for someone who bumbles on like a babbling board bully who knows everything, that you don't even know when you're committing formal fallacies from an argument's standpoint left and right.

I digress.

Eat your pork and use your diabetes as an excuse not to change the way animals are treated. Yet, hang balloons and have a confetti party when Mike Vick is hung by the media and elites in the court system who don't want to lose their jobs by the pressure of the public and elections, which in turn ruins Mike Vick's livelihood....

What it equates to is Mike Vick is being imprisoned by the law using him as an example, due to political pressure from animal rights groups.

And then the media portrays this as a crime against humans, since dog's are man's best friends, and then people like you go on bumbling rampages about technicalities in laws, as if "We the people" included dogs as well...

Plain silly.

Did know you that it's a misdemeanor to be punished "up to six months in jail" for negligent homicide for a company that violates a safety compliance rule?

Yet, somehow killing a dog-as brutal as this seems to some-is punished by a far greater magnitude with a far lessor crime.

Let me guess, you'll break this down premise by premise (to make yourself look smarter) rather than see the argument as a whole and talk from that standpoint. Because you do seem to have this holier than thou attitude that really comes off as ignorant, non-objective and self-absorbed, since we're name calling apparently.

Funny thing that you might want to recall is that people called me a contrarian and worse things for being a Romo fan and not a Henson fan...

What the masses of previous ages thought to be true, actually turned out to be the contrary.
FuzzyLumpkins;1830072 said:
no its not but you keep thinking that. if youre a multiple felon you cannot even get into it.

Show me where it says that...

making up stuff is fun though.

You mean, like you claiming that you can't get into that drug program if you're a "multiple felon"??

i killed an elephant with my bare hands today.

What, you couldn't find a pit bull??
silverbear;1830415 said:
Yes... first, deer hunting is LEGAL... second, deer hunting helps control the deer population, which keeps deer from starving to death...

A quick bullet is better than dying of starvation, IMO...

And once again, this is not a MORAL debate, this is a LEGAL debate... do quit trying to cover up for your asinine position on the law, by trying to turn this into a moral argument... that's quite disingenuous of you...

who died and made you the judge of what the debate is about? and quite frankly the entire basis for the law is a moral background. in this case the two are inseperable. what disingenuous is you trying to ferret out of that point with this tripe.

ilike how you get to play god with deer and not dogs. its nice. how about they take dogs off the street? oh yeah that wouldnt work in your eyes.
silverbear;1830419 said:
Show me where it says that...

You mean, like you claiming that you can't get into that drug program if you're a "multiple felon"??

What, you couldn't find a pit bull??

its not eligible to multiple felons read the article i posted. i linked it in this thread find it.
BHendri5;1830210 said:
Vick will not do the whole 23 months, it has already been stated that he could be in someone's training camp in August.

Yeah, that'll happen...

Personally he should have just got fined and the kennel shut down. I had the baddest dog in my neighborhood growing up, that is what we did.

Then you're no better than Vick...

Also whenever I went to my grandparents who lived in the country, we had a big boar hog that was kind of a pet as well as a stud, and my grandfather had other boars to, we would put them in a pen with a female that was in season so they would fight. We also fought roosters, and we made our studs horses fight. It was something we did we made our own fun.

So, you're a sadist... you must be SOOO proud...

Your idea of "fun" is SICK... serial killers often got started by doing precisely what you describe doing, torturing animals as kids...

that is the type of stuff that goes on in the Hood, Ghetto, East side or whatever name you want to call it, it was part of our environment.

Congratulations on being raised wrong... shame on you for trying to convince us that those raised in "the hood" approve of this behavior... decent people, no matter where they come from, do not approve of this behavior... if YOU do, that means you have no decency in you... and if what you say about your family is true, the apple did not fall far from the tree...
smarta5150;1830328 said:
13 and counting... chug chug chug!

Knowing it annoys you just makes the experience all the more enjoyable... trust me when I say there's lots more to come...

Now, you got anything that's actually on-topic??

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