Possible Loophole In Vick Case...

i love how you refuse to use the multiquote feature to attempt to get you post count up. that and try and spam in an argument in an attempt to win it.

plus perhaps you should read again Cobra stated that the prison he went to didnt have the program and that he wouldnt be eligible for it.

i also stated that it was completely up to the judge i had misinterpreted that from before.
FuzzyLumpkins;1829866 said:
And your dog IS property.

Hey, I clearly own you too, does that mean I can torture you??

I mean, physical torture, as opposed to the emotional torture I've been puttin' you through... :D
FuzzyLumpkins;1829871 said:
there only criminals because the activity they are involved in is illegal. if they legalize dogfighting then this is no longer an issue.

So now you favor making dogfighting legal??

At this point, it's official-- you're no better than Ookie Mexico... and if that gets me an infraction, even a ban, it's worth it... anybody who advocates making that CONTEMPTIBLE "hobby" legal deserves to be insulted...
peplaw06;1829873 said:
Those Ex-prison wardens aren't gonna have any namby pamby tree huggers telling them how to run their prison system. They won't care what PETA says. PETA involvement doesn't equal intense public scrutiny.

The prison system, especially the federal system, isn't going to be easily susceptible to intimidation.

I've known a few federal wardens in my time, they don't strike me as being all that different from "regular people"...

But you're right, that's just my opinion...
Typically bluster and namecalling are indicative of losing an argument. I hope they make you feel better for all your 500 posts in this thread that posit just about nothing.
FuzzyLumpkins;1829886 said:

I dont care if Vick skates in the long run. He seems like a scumbag in general but really what im hoping is that you and your ilks punitive natures are not satisified.

So, you'd rather see a "scumbag" escape punishment, if it will piss off me and the DVS??

What a guy...

Sure hes only has been busted once but that doesnt mean squat. i would be willing to bet Vick is one serious dopehead.

I would too, but he has to PROVE it, to be admitted to the program...
FuzzyLumpkins;1829888 said:
that hes not going to be eligible for this program and that he generally be burned at the stake.

Again with the lies... I MIGHT be in favor of YOU being burned at the stake, but I challenge you to show me ONE POSTER who has advocated such a thing...

The one guy that said he hoped he was made into somones girlfriend in jail was really cute.

I enjoyed it... I guess you've never heard of hyperbole before...
silverbear;1830370 said:
So, you'd rather see a "scumbag" escape punishment, if it will piss off me and the DVS??

What a guy...

I would too, but he has to PROVE it, to be admitted to the program...

Again i think your sanctimonious outrage is amusing. i think you and your ilk running around acting like idiots because some guy you see on TV doesnt get nailed to the wall is quite amusing.

I dont need to do anything to get that.

And you must be losing it because my stance for quite some time is that i dont feel dogfighting should be illegal.
FuzzyLumpkins;1829894 said:
its not that i like vick its that I DONT like people like you.

Aw, I'm crushed... and you dislike me so much that you'd be happy to see a criminal escape punishment??

That says a lot about your emotional maturity...

you still havent figured that out.

Oh, I've known all along that you chafe at being the object of scorn and ridicule... but typically, you try to blame others for your own problems...

You OTOH are more than happy to presume guilt

I presumed guilt only after lengthy online investigation of the facts of the case... and lo and behold, I was RIGHT...

and go looking for a rope.

Again with the bulls*** mischaracterizations (i.e., lies)... I guess you don't care if people start to question your integrity, which is kinda weird, since you're desperately trying to portray yourself as morally superior to me and guys like me... but we don't have to resort to outright lies to defend our arguments, you're the only one doing that...

I wear your contempt as a badge of honor... I wouldn't WANT the respect of the likes of you...
FuzzyLumpkins;1829904 said:
read the article from the ABA. Even if Vick was put into a low security pen which didnt have RDAP he could still tranfer to one that does. Cobra was just plain wrong.

Except Cobra never said anything on that subject... LOL...

And pep said he was guessing he has absolutely NO idea what that interview process entails. i mean maybe just maybe Vick has been a big pothead the entire time. its not like thats uncommon in the NFL.

Fact of the matter is I used to party like a madman in high school and in college but i never got busted. By that logic I never had a drug problem which is absurd.

By that standard, you couldn't prove that you qualify for admission to the drug program in question... all you'd have is your WORD (which at that point would be the word of a convicted felon) that you'd qualify...
Beast_from_East;1829913 said:
What is wrong with you buddy, are you messed up in the head???

Let me break this down for you. In a democracy, laws are created to govern what is considered acceptable conduct and what is not. The laws are made by Congress, who are made up of representatives from every state. These representatives are elected by the residents of those states.

So when the majority of people feel strongly about something (murder, rape,ect...), they elect people with their same views. Those elected officials them propose laws to address the concerns of their district. Laws are then passed, agreed upon by both the House and the Senate and signed into law by the President.


Fuzzy thinks he's a libertarian, when what he really is is a closet anarchist...
silverbear;1830373 said:
Aw, I'm crushed... and you dislike me so much that you'd be happy to see a criminal escape punishment??

That says a lot about your emotional maturity...

Oh, I've known all along that you chafe at being the object of scorn and ridicule... but typically, you try to blame others for your own problems...

I presumed guilt only after lengthy online investigation of the facts of the case... and lo and behold, I was RIGHT...

Again with the bulls*** mischaracterizations (i.e., lies)... I guess you don't care if people start to question your integrity, which is kinda weird, since you're desperately trying to portray yourself as morally superior to me and guys like me... but we don't have to resort to outright lies to defend our arguments, you're the only one doing that...

I wear your contempt as a badge of honor... I wouldn't WANT the respect of the likes of you...

You just said you thought that the allusion to rape was amusing. Spare me.

Oh and now maturity smack. The fact that you are spamming this thread with 400 simultaneous replies is much more indicative of emotional development than anything.

Im not desperately trying to show anything. But I will comment that is one load of hypocritical tripe. Silverbear is accusing ME of trying to prove moral superiority. Thats rich.

Thats all you do. Sit back and pass judgement on people. Hey you want to burn me at the stake thats nice.
silverbear;1830375 said:
Fuzzy thinks he's a libertarian, when what he really is is a closet anarchist...

actually im not even remotely a libertarian. keep guessing though maybe if you keep trying youll figure it out.
FuzzyLumpkins;1829914 said:
im not willing anything. really what i want to see is if he indeed is/was a big pothead that he get the same chance everyone else gets.

Why should he get cut some slack on his convictions for gambling/dogfighting, just because he might be a "big pothead"??

Are you suggesting that smoking pot made him do those things??

but whats funny here is the presumption on the Vick lynch mob in what it will take to prove anything in this interview. we really dont know but making absolute statements is laughable.

As laughable as your contention that all he'd have to do is stand in front of the judge and say "your honor, I have a drug problem"??

I'm not making an absolute statement when I say that he'd have to be able to show to the court's satisfaction that he really does have a drug problem in order to be accepted, rather I'm engaging in COMMON SENSE when I say that he's gonna need more than his word... especially not when the judge dropped the hammer on him in sentencing because he was convinced that Vick was not being honest, as his plea agreement required him to be...

So, we have a judge who already clearly thinks that Vick is a liar, now you think that same judge would take Vick's word for it about his drug problems??

Clearly, common sense is an alien notion to you...
cobra;1829611 said:
To the original poster: you fraternity brother is grossly misinformed. That is not true in this federal pen for this sentence.

Hey SB read the OP and then reread this. it might take you a bit but i think eventually you may get it.

Ive also said that I dont know the requiremtns for Vick saying that your recent trend of just making up crap is cute and all but again it posits nothing.

plus the judge doesnt handle RDAP entry but keep trying.
FuzzyLumpkins;1829931 said:
we know he failed his piss test. so we know that hes smoked weed at least once within the 30 days prior to taking that test.

Unfortunately for you, that program requires that he have had a drug problem for a YEAR prior to being jailed, not a MONTH... so that piss test doesn't get him in, does it??

As far as the courts know, Vick tried pot for the first time the night before he flunked that test...
FuzzyLumpkins;1829948 said:
i never claimed to but seeing his history and everything else its not all that hard to believe. I mean admit it. if it wasnt for the fact that being a head might actually help Vick you would agree with that wholeheartedly.

Hey, I agree with it wholeheartedly NOW... I'm dead morally certain Vick has been gettin' high for 10-15 years now...

Unfortunately for your argument, the courts will have a somewhat higher standard of proof than that...
silverbear;1830381 said:
Unfortunately for you, that program requires that he have had a drug problem for a YEAR prior to being jailed, not a MONTH... so that piss test doesn't get him in, does it??

As far as the courts know, Vick tried pot for the first time the night before he flunked that test...

this is boring and your rehashing old arguments that have been gone over. You even quoted one of my responses earlier. How about you read that response again and think about it. Youre right the standard you guys are trying to assert would make it impossible for anyone to gain admittance.

and again the courts dont handle the RDAP entry and quit making up crap about what the standard or proof is.

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