Prisco Ranks Cowboys Number 4 in NFL; Tops in NFC

firehawk350;1621072 said:
You are a freaking piece of work hostile... Your attempts at condescension at weak at best. I don't think I've ever met somebody so consistently insistent on being wrong.

Thank you. Seriously.

Firesquawk said:
My intent was showing that Prisco is not a good analyst. He has every advantage in the world and only manages to pick it right 51% of the time. A relatively random event ended up picking better. BUT, oh no, somebody picks the Cowboys to be really good and now he's smart. That's my point. I'm sorry if you are too slow or too close-minded to comprehend it.
Oh so now you admit this is what you intended? I already knew that. I just find it ironic that you said he was "outsmarted" by the coin flipping monkey. The key word being "OUTSMARTED." You can spin all of the rest of it any way you want to, but that word hangs you and is in fact what I expressed surprise at.

I have no faith in Prisco, conversely no lack of faith. I don't care where he ranks us. But you will NEVER catch me saying a monkey is smarter than him.

Firesquawk said:
No, I'm not saying that football prognostication (check your spelling BTW, you clearly MISSED something there) is an inexact science. That goes without saying. But my point is that Pete Prisco IS a moron because, though I'm not expecting 100% ability to predict, I don't think asking for 60%-65% is too much to ask for since it's his job.
Thanks for the spell check. I missed that when I edited my post.

Doesn't change anything.

Firesquawk said:
You miss nothing??? Wow, I'm so glad you come down to converse with us mortals. Even Einstein didn't always get it right. Get the hell over yourself dude. Your just somebody on a message board that follows football for fun. If you were so intelligent, I'd venture to say that you could have found a job doing this for a living. After all, you'd only have to be right 51% of the time.
Not when it comes to reading between the lines and intent I don't.

Fireaquawk said:
Outsmarted was a sarcastic remark. Outsmarted is literally impossible when your flipping a coin. You missed the point again. It doesn't matter if a monkey does it or a nuclear physicist does it.
There's hope for you yet. I wish I could be sure you grasped this before I pointed it out to you, but given your very first post I'm not sure benefit of the doubt is warranted.
The truth is, Pete likes to drink.

firehawk350;1621083 said:
It has nothing to do with the Commanders. Skins at #22, I don't care. It has to do with the hypocrisy of this board. Anybody who says the Boys will do bad will be blasted. Anybody who says that the Boys will do good makes it automatically a "good post" or "good read!:)". The fact is, he's a moron. And JPM, the link is in the first post. Can't spell thread without read... Coincidence???

Here's a novel idea....try another team's board. It's likely you'll have better luck finding people that won't "blast" you for saying the boys will do bad. Just a hunch. :rolleyes:
superpunk;1621084 said:
It's too bad that your point is ********.

Noone praised Prisco's picking prowess (see what I did there?) in this thread. Noone claimed he knew his stuff.

Now, you can either choose to continue being wrong and barking up not only the wrong tree -but a tree that doesn't exist....or you can shut the hell up. For me, it wouldn't be a tough decision - for you.....who knows?
Wow, you really circumvented the filter with that post. Calm down dude, if you are so upset that you have to resort to cursing to get your point across (against board rules no less), I think you are the point that you are desperate to make your point sound legit. What is your point anyways? You agree with me in saying Prisco is a moron, so... But is it you agree with Prisco in thinking you have a top 5 team? But you don't want to agree with a moron because you'd be stupid by association. Oh well...
firehawk350;1621103 said:
Wow, you really circumvented the filter with that post.
I was not aware that the filter wouldn't catch that. There was no circumvention attempt - circumvention would be if I substituted symbols for letters - i.e. "@" for "a", and so on, so that the word still looks like a curse word, but the filter won't catch it. In this case, I simply found a combination it didn't recognize, which is something else entirely.

Sometimes you surprise me with how little you know.

Calm down dude, if you are so upset that you have to resort to cursing to get your point across (against board rules no less),
I am calm. Don't resort to the "calm down" tactics as though you could actually upset me. In keeping with a theme here today, I find your lack of intellect disturbing.

You agree with me in saying Prisco is a moron, so... But is it you agree with Prisco in thinking you have a top 5 team? But you don't want to agree with a moron because you'd be stupid by association. Oh well...
This makes no sense.

Find me anyone who read this article and declared Prisco "smart". Those are your words - that's what you are speaking out against. It's only too bad it doesn't exist except in your poor little world. Produce a quote from anyone in this thread, before your little diatribe began, who declared that Prisco was smart because of his take on the NFC's best teams.

And when you don't, just save yourself the embarassment and get the hell out. Your third-grade "superpunk circumvented the language filter, daddy" bull**** is played out, genius.
firehawk350;1621103 said:
Wow, you really circumvented the filter with that post. Calm down dude, if you are so upset that you have to resort to cursing to get your point across (against board rules no less), I think you are the point that you are desperate to make your point sound legit. What is your point anyways? You agree with me in saying Prisco is a moron, so... But is it you agree with Prisco in thinking you have a top 5 team? But you don't want to agree with a moron because you'd be stupid by association. Oh well...

Hers a better question whats the highest that a national media member has the skins ranked?

Most everyone simply said 'WOW, that rank is pretty high compared to what weve been seeing' and not taking what Prisco says as gospel. I personally think that Prisco is a sycophant to the league office based on his track record of what he actually writs and says but it is always nice when people that have no direct affiliation with your team are looking on your team favorably.
tomson75;1621092 said:
Well, we can start with you...

Are you seriously suggesting that there are no members of this board that agree with journalitst when they knock the Cowboys organization or its daily operations? You're not that blind.

No members? No. Hell, I'm one of them. This screed also qualifies as putting words in my mouth. Do the kneejerk media haters outnumber the neutral types by a ratio of 80:20? Probably.

There have been hundreds in the last two days alone.

Hundreds of what? Sensible media defenders? Where?

Or is this simply one of your "I'm superior to all of the sheep because I don't agree with anything my team EVER does" threads. It's been awhile...guess its due.

I don't relish being the conscience of this board, but it'll probably get me into Heaven someday.
Hostile;1621098 said:
Thank you. Seriously.

Oh so now you admit this is what you intended? I already knew that. I just find it ironic that you said he was "outsmarted" by the coin flipping monkey. The key word being "OUTSMARTED." You can spin all of the rest of it any way you want to, but that word hangs you and is in fact what I expressed surprise at.

Hmmmm, I don't ever saying that I didn't think Prisco was a moron. So again, I'm not sure why you think I changed my argument. You realize that football prognostication can be dodgy AND Prisco is a moron. Those aren't two incompatiable ideas.

Hostile;1621098 said:
I have no faith in Prisco, conversely no lack of faith. I don't care where he ranks us. But you will NEVER catch me saying a monkey is smarter than him.

That's not even the point! It wasn't about the monkey, or else they'd train a monkey to pick up a card or something to indicate a winner. The point was Prisco is stupid because he's wrong as often as he's right and that a completely random event can predict better then him.

Hostile;1621098 said:
Thanks for the spell check. I missed that when I edited my post.

Yet you miss nothing... Hmmmm... I sense some spin control coming on...

Hostile;1621098 said:
Doesn't change anything.

Not when it comes to reading between the lines and intent I don't.

Oh, first you missed NOTHING, and now you don't miss "reading between the lines" and intent. Anyways, maybe that's a particularly harsh way of proving my point, but you see how you can quote something or take it out of context and it makes the person look like they are doing spin-control? You quote me and then I have to refine my point as to better state it or clarify it and you assume I'm just trying to talk out of both sides of my mouth.

Hostile;1621098 said:
There's hope for you yet. I wish I could be sure you grasped this before I pointed it out to you, but given your very first post I'm not sure benefit of the doubt is warranted.

Clarify please...
FuzzyLumpkins;1621115 said:
Hers a better question whats the highest that a national media member has the skins ranked?

Most everyone simply said 'WOW, that rank is pretty high compared to what weve been seeing' and not taking what Prisco says as gospel. I personally think that Prisco is a sycophant to the league office based on his track record of what he actually writs and says but it is always nice when people that have no direct affiliation with your team are looking on your team favorably.
I don't care that the Skins are ranked low. I saw one at 19 a while ago, but it doesn't mean anything.
I haven't seen a single "sheep" thought in this entire thread.

I've seen the same negative blowhard though.
dallasfaniac;1621134 said:
How about: Monkey > Prisco > Firehawk
Hell, now someone is going to have to explain to the math expert what ">" means.
firehawk350;1621128 said:
I don't care that the Skins are ranked low. I saw one at 19 a while ago, but it doesn't mean anything.

Well apparently you do care because youve come in here trying to discredit this ranking to the best of your ability when just about every Cowboys fan ahs failed to put much significance into it. Wonder why that is?

Actions typically speak louder than words and most everyone has your team at the bottom of the division.
bbgun;1621119 said:
No members? No. Hell, I'm one of them. This screed also qualifies as putting words in my mouth. Do the kneejerk media haters outnumber the neutral types by a ratio of 80:20? Probably.

Well I can't argue that. Sorry for misinterpreting your sense of duty.

Hundreds of what? Sensible media defenders? Where?

There have been numerous threads where this board has collectively taken the side of the media in regards to roster moves, the lack of roster moves, injuries, etc. I'm sure you'd read them more carefully if there were people for you to call "sheep" posting in them. ;)

I don't relish being the conscience of this board, but it'll probably get me into Heaven someday.

lol...I didn't realize you held that post alone, although sometimes it appears that way. Was there a vote? I'm sure you'd win by a landslide regardless.

Good luck with that heaven thing. You'll need it. :D
theogt;1620908 said:
You act like this is some sort of demerit to Prisco, but after looking at the article, it's not. The "coin flipping monkey" actually had an extremely good record in picking games. He had a better record than every single "expert" they matched him too. This is a pretty odd occurrence. I'm not a mathematician, but I think that if it was completely random, the monkey would have been at about .500. In fact, he was not. Not counting ties (or whatever the 3rd number is) the monkey's record was .543. That'd pretty far off from what you'd expect.

So basically, when you put up an "expert" against a "coin-flipping monkey" and the monkey's results represent what should be a statistical anomaly, the monkey can win. If the monkey's results were more in line with probability, Prisco would have beat him quite handily.

The .543 simply means that the sample size is not adequately representative of the population with a 95% or better confidence interval. In laymen’s terms, the data (sample) is not sufficient enough.
theogt;1621137 said:
Hell, now someone is going to have to explain to the math expert what ">" means.

Hopefully it isn't necessary, although he may be thinking a > is just a bent |.
theogt;1621137 said:
Hell, now someone is going to have to explain to the math expert what ">" means.


That was a good one. :D
dallasfaniac;1621148 said:
Hopefully it isn't necessary, although he may be thinking a > is just a bent |.

HA! That's funny! It deserves another HA!

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