Prisco Ranks Cowboys Number 4 in NFL; Tops in NFC

I'd like to see this coin-flipping monkey you are all talking about.

bbgun;1621042 said:
No "mediot" barbs today? Funny how that works.

Prisco is a turd, always has been.
Happy ?
JPM;1621057 said:
I'd like to see this coin-flipping monkey you are all talking about.

I think he is owner of the Commanders ..... not sure though
bbgun;1621042 said:
No "mediot" barbs today? Funny how that works.
Yes, it is very humorous that people agree with people they agree with and disagree with people they disagree with.
JPM;1621057 said:
I'd like to see this coin-flipping monkey you are all talking about.

Prisco is a turd, always has been.
Happy ?


Don't worry: the homers will turn on him the second he utters a discouraging word.
theogt;1621065 said:
Yes, it is very humorous that people agree with people they agree with and disagree with people they disagree with.

Why aren't I laughing?

Because a car is the same thing as a ham sandwich.
zrinkill;1621064 said:
I think he is owner of the Commanders ..... not sure though

No, he's the guy that Snyder hired to make his personel decisions. He's very talented...better than 50% right...a marked improvement from when Snyder was making the decisions himself.
You are a freaking piece of work hostile... Your attempts at condescension at weak at best. I don't think I've ever met somebody so consistently insistent on being wrong.

Hostile;1621009 said:
I went back and got all of your posts in this thread to prove you just lied about the intent of your point was to show that predicting football was the point.

If your intent was to show that predicting football is an inexact science then why did you bring up a coin flipping monkey? No, your point was that Prisco is not smart, and him having us as the 4th best team is folly. Your post here has nothing to do with what you now claim.

My intent was showing that Prisco is not a good analyst. He has every advantage in the world and only manages to pick it right 51% of the time. A relatively random event ended up picking better. BUT, oh no, somebody picks the Cowboys to be really good and now he's smart. That's my point. I'm sorry if you are too slow or too close-minded to comprehend it.

Hostile;1621009 said:
Proof in the pudding with your 2nd post clairfying the last line with your next post.

The 3 year old you are going to consult as opposed to Prisco. Meaning he is smarter than Prisco. I'd ask how he fared against the coin flipping monkey but you might take that the wrong way.

The point being it was a slam at Prisco, not at the inexact science of football prognaistication as you now claim.

No, I'm not saying that football prognostication (check your spelling BTW, you clearly MISSED something there) is an inexact science. That goes without saying. But my point is that Pete Prisco IS a moron because, though I'm not expecting 100% ability to predict, I don't think asking for 60%-65% is too much to ask for since it's his job.

Hostile;1621009 said:
Finally, the proof of your attempted deviation here is in the bolded words. You are clearly saying he was "outsmarted" not that there was anything random about it.

So no, nothing went over my head. Especially not your attempt at spin control. I miss nothing.


You miss nothing??? Wow, I'm so glad you come down to converse with us mortals. Even Einstein didn't always get it right. Get the hell over yourself dude. Your just somebody on a message board that follows football for fun. If you were so intelligent, I'd venture to say that you could have found a job doing this for a living. After all, you'd only have to be right 51% of the time.

Outsmarted was a sarcastic remark. Outsmarted is literally impossible when your flipping a coin. You missed the point again. It doesn't matter if a monkey does it or a nuclear physicist does it.
Hostile;1620901 said:
I don't know if I should be amazed that you believe the monkey had reasoning and thoughts behind his actions rather than random luck and coincidence or not.

I really don't.

Not only that but who really believes they were flipping a coin, and not actually picking winners themselves
theogt;1621065 said:
Yes, it is very humorous that people agree with people they agree with and disagree with people they disagree with.
I never said I agree with Prisco. I said it was the highest I have seen. Doesn't mean I agree or disagree with it.
bbgun;1621067 said:

Don't worry: the homers will turn on him the second he utters a discouraging word.

Prisco is one of the many sports "writers" whose opinion I could give 2 cents about, whether he's praising or bashing.

The fact that he praises us actually scares me cause he's such a horse rear-end.

I enjoy the hatred.
theogt;1621065 said:
Yes, it is very humorous that people agree with people they agree with and disagree with people they disagree with.

Uh huh. Now all you have to do is unearth some fans who agree with him when he knocks Dallas. Happy hunting.
JPM;1621078 said:
Prisco is one of the many sports "writers" whose opinion I could give 2 cents about, whether he's praising or bashing.

The fact that he praises us actually scares me cause he's such a horse rear-end.

I enjoy the hatred.

Can we drop the "hatred" act? That's sooooo 2006. Time to turn a new page.
It has nothing to do with the Commanders. Skins at #22, I don't care. It has to do with the hypocrisy of this board. Anybody who says the Boys will do bad will be blasted. Anybody who says that the Boys will do good makes it automatically a "good post" or "good read!:)". The fact is, he's a moron. And JPM, the link is in the first post. Can't spell thread without read... Coincidence???
firehawk350;1621072 said:
My intent was showing that Prisco is not a good analyst. He has every advantage in the world and only manages to pick it right 51% of the time. A relatively random event ended up picking better. BUT, oh no, somebody picks the Cowboys to be really good and now he's smart. That's my point.

It's too bad that your point is ********.

Noone praised Prisco's picking prowess (see what I did there?) in this thread. Noone claimed he knew his stuff.

Now, you can either choose to continue being wrong and barking up not only the wrong tree -but a tree that doesn't exist....or you can shut the hell up. For me, it wouldn't be a tough decision - for you.....who knows?
bbgun;1621080 said:
Uh huh. Now all you have to do is unearth some fans who agree with him when he knocks Dallas. Happy hunting.
It all depends on how he knocks Dallas. If he said, "their cornerback situation looks bleak," then you'd be hard pressed to find anyone that disagrees with him. Like I said, people agree with people they agree with. It's shocking, I know.
Hostile;1621077 said:
I never said I agree with Prisco. I said it was the highest I have seen. Doesn't mean I agree or disagree with it.

4.58 buddy !
bbgun;1621080 said:
Uh huh. Now all you have to do is unearth some fans who agree with him when he knocks Dallas. Happy hunting.

Well, we can start with you...

Are you seriously suggesting that there are no members of this board that agree with journalitst when they knock the Cowboys organization or its daily operations? You're not that blind.

There have been hundreds in the last two days alone.

Or is this simply one of your "I'm superior to all of the sheep because I don't agree with anything my team EVER does" threads. It's been awhile...guess its due.
You only say that because it's not a 50% split. You are so freaking thick that you think because it's a random event with two outcomes, anytime you do it multiple times, it should end out at a 50-50 split. The world is an imperfect place and on top of that, the coin is heavier one side than the other.

More often then not, you won't end with a 50-50 split. The variance just happened to be on the right side.

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