Prosecutor in Taylor's case screws up.

sacase said:
But for real. I do think that the defense is really worried about letting the case get to trial. They are tryin to use things that have no bearing on the trial to get it thrown out. sounds to me like they are the ones who are worried.

If the defense was really that worried they would have talked Taylor into accepting the plea agreement.

The defense team knows that the charges won't hold up in a jury trial, but it's their job to do everything possible to not even let it go that far.
sacase said:
See look at what you just said the FBI has a strict limit on drug use. Not a strict limit on being around people who use drugs or a strict limit on being in clubs where drug use may occur. I think I know a little something about the requirements for some government service jobs, especially since I have a full scope polygraph done every 5 years as a condition of my employment. Not once have I been asked about being around people who use them or being in a club that has it going on. Again, he did nothing wrong and being a DJ is not showing he has poor ethics or character.

Hey we can go back on forth on who takes TSSCI polys w/lifestyle and get a few different sets of questions based on what we spoke to with our polygrapher about our past issues

I took one also in July of 05 and I my line of questioning did involve my associations. Why? Because my character matters in my line of work. So does the DA's and the prosecutor

Now we will see if the defense attorney is right. Me thinks this is a case of an overmatched DA against high priced lawyers. Just like OJ. Remember, the burden of proof is on the state, and it doesn't look like there is much proof except by a few guys who stole ATV's from Sean Taylor
iceberg said:
i didn't point it out, did i?
No you didn't. That was a knee-jerk rant, and that's a "my bad"

You did say he was guilty though, and beyond shoddy judgement, what is he guilty of?
Renesis said:
No you didn't. That was a knee-jerk rant, and that's a "my bad"

You did say he was guilty though, and beyond shoddy judgement, what is he guilty of?

i also said i don't care - i'm just amazed as hammered moose manure a bunch of Commanders fans actually think sean taylor is gonna get a fair "trial" on a cowboys board. next thing i'll expect civility at and art to be polite on and then my online experiences will never be the same.
SkinsHokieFan said:
Why? Because my character matters in my line of work. So does the DA's and the prosecutor

The point you simply cannot seem to get through your head though is that the prosecutors character doesn't matter AT ALL in this case. He is not the one on trial here, Taylor is.

The sooner you understand this the sooner you will realize what a non-event this is in regards to the trial itself.
Come on Cowboy fans. Let's be real. The prosecuting attorney just stepped aside, the trial has been delayed a grip of times, the evidence is weak, and the "victims" are thugs. Everybody should know what is going to happen. Taylor will be cleared of the charges, placed along side of Archuleta in the secondary and then will split Owens doom wide open.
silverbear said:
Nope... it sounds tacky, it sounds like shameless self-promotion, but it doesn't sound like misconduct...

It's completely ignorant of you to think that the prosecutor would do something that would get this case kicked, because that would spell the end of his career as a prosecutor... any lawyer would be VERY wary of doing anything so public that smacked of misconduct...

Seems you and common sense aren't on speaking terms...

Wow. What do you think misconduct is you idiot? It was unethical, and immoral to use this to promote himself (use of misconduct)... A prosecuter is there to prosecute the defendant. If he uses this case for anything else, including self promotion it is called MISCONDUCT. Misconduct gets you kicked off of the case, then they will bring a new prosecuter in. This helps Sean Taylor immensley because the judge has to look at every aspect of the case... Not just the case itself. The way the case has been run so far between the Prosecuter and the Defendant. They look at EVERYTHING. This case has not been run well since the start. That's what sealed the deal for Sean.
wileedog said:
The point you simply cannot seem to get through your head though is that the prosecutors character doesn't matter AT ALL in this case. He is not the one on trial here, Taylor is.

The sooner you understand this the sooner you will realize what a non-event this is in regards to the trial itself.

read my last post.
rdsknsbaby said:
Wow. What do you think misconduct is you idiot? It was unethical, and immoral to use this to promote himself (use of misconduct)... A prosecuter is there to prosecute the defendant. If he uses this case for anything else, including self promotion it is called MISCONDUCT. Misconduct gets you kicked off of the case, then they will bring a new prosecuter in. This helps Sean Taylor immensley because the judge has to look at every aspect of the case... Not just the case itself. The way the case has been run so far between the Prosecuter and the Defendant. They look at EVERYTHING. This case has not been run well since the start. That's what sealed the deal for Sean.

sean is the one on trial for what HE did.

what the world does around him *after that* doesn't change a damn thing.

there - a little dose of reality just for you.
iceberg said:
sean is the one on trial for what HE did.

what the world does around him *after that* doesn't change a damn thing.

there - a little dose of reality just for you.

It absolutely does... so what youre saying is.... we could get a bum off of the streets, and put him into a court room??? the way the case is run has everything to do with the outcome. that is why the judge will see that Seans case has been a bunch of BS since the beginning. the judge will look at why the other prosecuter is now off of the case... that right there (a change in prosecuters) changes the whole thing. especially because he used misconduct. the judge will see that things have not been run well and then Sean will be cleared. get it through your head.
SkinsHokieFan said:
Actually though if the defense was in such a bind here, why not take the plea bargin? And why did the prosecutor offer the deal?

Why even allow this to get to trial?

ROTFLMAO... if you'd just pay attention, you'd recognize that the defense is doing ANYTHING to get the charges dismissed, to avoid having to go to trial...

That's precisely what this whole fuss about his "pornographic" DJ website is all about, which is what the State's Attorney (Grieco's boss) said when it was announced that Grieco was taking himself off the case...

Grieco is a moron for having such a site in the first place, and has probably destroyed his future as a prosecutor by having it... I don't feel sorry for him, not one little bit...

But ultimately, this does nothing to change the likelihood of the trial going on... all it does is delay it a little longer, which in turn will cut into Sean's preparation for the upcoming season if he DOES beat the charges (which I think is likely)...

And as I've pointed out on a number of occasions, the way you guys are jumping all over this in the obvious hopes that it will lead to the charges being dismissed against Taylor is the clearest possible indication that you're all worried sick that he actually did do what he's accused of...

If you were REALLY so confident that the state has a "weak case", you wouldn't have a problem with the trial continuing... clearly, you just want your football player to beat the rap, and don't care one little bit if he's guilty or not...

Which makes all you folks' pious pontificating about Grieco's lack of ethics an exercise in hypocrisy, because you're all seriously lacking in any sort of ethical foundation your own self...
menace said:
Sean Taylor isn't going to jail.

You're probably right...

At the same time, you didn't try to claim that he's innocent of the charges, did you??
hermitkid said:
If the defense was really that worried they would have talked Taylor into accepting the plea agreement.

What a pathetic piece of propaganda... Taylor refused to cop a plea for one reason, and one reason only-- the prosecution refused to drop the charges to a misdemeanor... they were willing to offer probation, no jail time, but they insisted that he plead to a felony...

There are a coupla reasons why Sean COULDN'T accept such a deal:

1) Any plea to a felony would result in a suspension by the NFL... it would probably only be for a few games, but that would result in loss of pay for that time (and he's got attorney's fees to pay)...

2) Any guilty plea would seriously hurt any chances he had at off-field income like endorsements, commercials, offers to partner up in business ventures... nobody would want a felon representing them... of course, after having seen a few of those painfully bad commercials he's done for Eastern Auto, that would amount to a public service...

3) A guilty plea would have a negative effect on any future contracts he might negotiate... at the minimum, teams would want to insert clauses guaranteeing he wouldn't run afoul of the law again, at the maximum it would cause teams to not enter the negotiations in the first place, because they wouldn't want to risk bringing in a player whose character is problematic...

4) Finally, there's the irreparable damage to his reputation... a reputation that was already pretty much in the toilet even before this alleged crime took place...

The defense team knows that the charges won't hold up in a jury trial, but it's their job to do everything possible to not even let it go that far.

Which apparently includes gleefully engaging in some pretty slimy tactics... it's a wonder to me that the prosecution hasn't asked the judge to issue a gag order on all participants, with the way the defense is trying to taint the jury pool by trying this case in the media...

Taylor's lawyers knew perfectly well that what Grieco did, while incredibly tacky, incredibly low-class, didn't come CLOSE to prosecutorial misconduct... what this was about was simple-- they were looking to slime the prosecution, in an effort to gain a tactical advantage...

And look here, it WORKED... it won't get the state to drop the charges, but it did get Grieco to run away...
menace said:
Come on Cowboy fans. Let's be real. The prosecuting attorney just stepped aside


the trial has been delayed a grip of times

Again, true... of course, the vast majority of delays have been at the DEFENSE'S request, which is hardly an indication of a weak case by the prosecution...

the evidence is weak

I'll tell you what, prove to us that you know what the evidence is-- give us a list of the witnesses the prosecution will be calling... give us a summary of what that evidence is...

That's a serious challenge, and until you can meet that, you're just talkin' out your anal orifice, because you don't have the first clue what the evidence is...

and the "victims" are thugs.

1) Name the victims... you can't, can you?? If you can't, then your criticism is BS... all you know is what TAYLOR'S ATTORNEY has told you, which is some BS about how the victims are all "in jail, going to jail, or should be in jail"... and you know that he claims they were found to be in possession of an ATV that was reported as stolen... but what he does NOT claim is that any of them were ARRESTED for that alleged crime...

IOW, the only picture you have of the victims is one given you by an advocate with an agenda, that agenda being to slime the victims in the court of public opinion, in a blatant attempt to poison the jury pool...

2) Even if the victims ARE all "thugs", it's STILL illegal to point guns at them, and chase them with baseball bats...
rdsknsbaby said:
Wow. What do you think misconduct is you idiot?

Misconduct is an act by the prosecutor that denies the defendant a fair trial-- the concealment of evidence that would prove to be exculpatory, the suborning of perjury, the failure to provide the defense with full disclosure of the evidence that the prosecution intends to use against the defendant...

Using his participation in the case to promote his side job does none of the above... it is in fact totally irrelevant to the case...

If you can't grasp that basic fact, then you're the idiot here...

Misconduct gets you kicked off of the case, then they will bring a new prosecuter in.

Except he wasn't "kicked off" the case, he RESIGNED... and in that press conference announcing that resignation, his boss called the defense's tactics slimy...

This helps Sean Taylor immensley because the judge has to look at every aspect of the case... Not just the case itself. The way the case has been run so far between the Prosecuter and the Defendant.

Ultimately, it will be the jury and not the judge that decides the case... and the judge won't allow the defense to drag this garbage into the proceedings...

Which is, of course, why the slimy lawyers Taylor hired went through the media, rather than just spring this on the prosecution in court... in court, it would be ruled inadmissible, but out here in the court of public opinion, it will likely taint the jury pool...

This case has not been run well since the start.

On that much, we can agree... Grieco is a moron, and probably ought to be fired...

That's what sealed the deal for Sean.

LOL... this little sideshow hasn't "sealed" anything for Sean... if you think that the state will now drop the charges, the way his slimy lawyer suggests they should, you're delusional... you see, Grieco only pursued the case in the first place because his BOSS gave him the green light to do so... the same BOSS who will be naming his replacment (he might even choose to prosecute it himself, he sure sounds pissed at this little ploy by the defense)...

There ain't a snowball's chance in Hades that the State's Attorney's office is gonna drop the charges, homer... ALL that happened today is that some slimy attorneys managed to delay the inevitable trial a little longer...

Ironically, doing so is not in the best interests of their client, as pushing the date back serves to make it tougher for Taylor to prepare for the upcoming season...
rdsknsbaby said:
It absolutely does... so what youre saying is.... we could get a bum off of the streets, and put him into a court room??? the way the case is run has everything to do with the outcome. that is why the judge will see that Seans case has been a bunch of BS since the beginning. the judge will look at why the other prosecuter is now off of the case... that right there (a change in prosecuters) changes the whole thing. especially because he used misconduct. the judge will see that things have not been run well and then Sean will be cleared. get it through your head.

This case WILL go to trial, moron... get THAT through YOUR head...

There is no legal basis for a judge to dismiss the charges, so the ONLY way that it would not proceed is if the State's Attorney's office CHOSE not to pursue it any further, and withdrew the indictment... if you think that's gonna happen, you clearly didn't read the words from the State's Attorney when it was announced that Grieco was taking himself off this case, and you clearly don't understand that the State's Attorney signed off on prosecuting him in the first place...
silverbear said:
Misconduct is an act by the prosecutor that denies the defendant a fair trial-- the concealment of evidence that would prove to be exculpatory, the suborning of perjury, the failure to provide the defense with full disclosure of the evidence that the prosecution intends to use against the defendant...

Using his participation in the case to promote his side job does none of the above... it is in fact totally irrelevant to the case...

If you can't grasp that basic fact, then you're the idiot here...

Except he wasn't "kicked off" the case, he RESIGNED... and in that press conference announcing that resignation, his boss called the defense's tactics slimy...

Ultimately, it will be the jury and not the judge that decides the case... and the judge won't allow the defense to drag this garbage into the proceedings...

Which is, of course, why the slimy lawyers Taylor hired went through the media, rather than just spring this on the prosecution in court... in court, it would be ruled inadmissible, but out here in the court of public opinion, it will likely taint the jury pool...

On that much, we can agree... Grieco is a moron, and probably ought to be fired...

LOL... this little sideshow hasn't "sealed" anything for Sean... if you think that the state will now drop the charges, the way his slimy lawyer suggests they should, you're delusional... you see, Grieco only pursued the case in the first place because his BOSS gave him the green light to do so... the same BOSS who will be naming his replacment (he might even choose to prosecute it himself, he sure sounds pissed at this little ploy by the defense)...

There ain't a snowball's chance in Hades that the State's Attorney's office is gonna drop the charges, homer... ALL that happened today is that some slimy attorneys managed to delay the inevitable trial a little longer...

Ironically, doing so is not in the best interests of their client, as pushing the date back serves to make it tougher for Taylor to prepare for the upcoming season...

I never said that they would drop the charges... He will not be sentenced to any jail time... he will be with Archuleta come September.
rdsknsbaby said:
I never said that they would drop the charges...

Then what exactly is the point in commenting on the removal of Grieco from the case?? Of COURSE that's what you're hoping will happen, quite desperately, in fact...

He will not be sentenced to any jail time... he will be with Archuleta come September.

Whether or not he's sentenced to any jail time, if he's found guilty of a felony he'll be suspended by the NFL for at least a few games...

And if he IS found guilty, then jail time is MANDATORY in Florida on gun charges... the only way he could have avoided that is to have pleaded to the lesser charges the state offered in their plea bargain...

Frankly, it's quite contemptible that you care more about whether or not he'll "be with Archuleta come September" than whether or not he actually did the things he's accused of...

This shows a deplorable lack of character, of integrity, on your part... you don't really care if he's a punk and a thug, you just want him making tackles for you...
silverbear said:
Then what exactly is the point in commenting on the removal of Grieco from the case?? Of COURSE that's what you're hoping will happen, quite desperately, in fact...

Whether or not he's sentenced to any jail time, if he's found guilty of a felony he'll be suspended by the NFL for at least a few games...

And if he IS found guilty, then jail time is MANDATORY in Florida on gun charges... the only way he could have avoided that is to have pleaded to the lesser charges the state offered in their plea bargain...

Frankly, it's quite contemptible that you care more about whether or not he'll "be with Archuleta come September" than whether or not he actually did the things he's accused of...

This shows a deplorable lack of character, of integrity, on your part... you don't really care if he's a punk and a thug, you just want him making tackles for you...

actually that's what you would call an assumption... so because i have never said that i thought he was guilty, that means i lack in character and integrity? grow up... If he did the crime, then he should be punished... but guess what. he wont be. have i said anything that makes me sound desperate? oh, so youre saying because i say that he wont go to jail, and the trial was BS, that means im desperate? grow up, and act your age.
rdsknsbaby said:
actually that's what you would call an assumption... so because i have never said that i thought he was guilty, that means i lack in character and integrity?

Nope, IF you're so eager to have him playing for the Skins that you don't care about his guilt or innocence, THEN you're lacking in character and integrity...

And at no point until now, when challenged, have you stood up and said that he should be punished if he's guilty... to the contrary, you're chortling at what you perceive to be his increased chances of never even going to trial...

That conveys the impression that you're uneasy about his chances if he goes to trial, and wish desperately to avoid such a situation... which in turn suggests that deep down, you're afraid that he might indeed have done what he's accused of doing...

grow up...

This from the guy who belligerently labelled me an "idiot" back in post 127, just because I dared to point out the fallacies in his argument...

Excuse me if I don't care to accept guidance from somebody who substitutes gratuitous ad hominem for logica argument...

but guess what. he wont be.

LOL... you keep saying that over and over, and my logical response is always the same-- you don't have the first flippin' clue what kind of case the prosecution has...

grow up, and act your age.

Oh, the hypocrisy... how 'bout YOU grow up, and address one or more of the arguments I've offered in rebuttal to your weak BS??

And then, answer this simple question-- are you REALLY so sure that Taylor didn't do what he's accused of?? Does it strike you as impossible that a guy who got fined for leaving the rookie symposium because he was being evicted from his apartment back in Florida, a guy who blew off team workouts last offseason, a guy who has spit on opposing players, would be capable of getting pissed off, and getting a gun and going after the folks he thought had ripped off his ATVs??

That sure seems to be the impression you're conveying, that you're dead morally certain that Taylor didn't, indeed COULDN'T, commit this crime...

In response to that, I'm saying that he has demonstrated a lack of character on numerous occasions, and that you don't know what kind of case the prosecution has, so your ignorant, arrogant assurances that he'll never be convicted is nothing less than asinine...

The likelihood is that he'll skate, but if he does, there's a very good possibility that the reason will be that he's a celebrity, and celebrities get away with lots of crap... juries are just reluctant to convict somebody famous... and of course, that's PRECISELY what you base your assurances on, because you can't offer any RATIONAL, LOGICAL arguments to support your claim...

If you can, now would be the time to bring 'em on, because all you're doing is making yourself look silly...

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