PS4 vs Xbox One

Maybe it's just me but I've played my nephews xbox 1 and I am not impressed at all . Let me say I barely notice a difference in graphics from 360 . The controller isn't as comfortable as the 360 . The games are just very average for 500$ I'll stick with my 360 .
Maybe it's just me but I've played my nephews xbox 1 and I am not impressed at all . Let me say I barely notice a difference in graphics from 360 . The controller isn't as comfortable as the 360 . The games are just very average for 500$ I'll stick with my 360 .

Depends on the game. Maddens graphics look like dog poo for next gen. Forza and Ryse look fantastic and every bit next gen.
3 days ago , i dont know maybe i just need to get use to it. It just feels like PRO EVO for me ..... i dont like how its so easy for defenders to catch playerse like ribery and ronaldo...

See the thing is they did a server update about 5 days ago and the game feels like crap again.

Before that the game play was so nice and smooth.
I'll be picking up FIFA for Xbox One.

Forza has been outstanding for the little time I've been able to play.
Depends on the game. Maddens graphics look like dog poo for next gen. Forza and Ryse look fantastic and every bit next gen.

Change the camera on zoom. It's a big difference compared to default camera.
Change the camera on zoom. It's a big difference compared to default camera.

I've always felt Madden should embrace a closer camera angle, especially in the running game, the zoom in and out doesn't offer much flexibility but the AI OL is pretty bad anyway...
NBA 2K14 has the best graphics of the games I own. BF4 looks outstanding as well.
NBA 2K14 has the best graphics of the games I own. BF4 looks outstanding as well.

Battlefield is amazing all around. It's got it's issues, like any FPS, but I've been enjoying the hell out of that game.

I'm looking to get 2k14 as my next game purchase. It looks amazing.
Man, I am really, really bad at BF4.

I thought I was bad at CoD, but jeez.
Man, I am really, really bad at BF4.

I thought I was bad at CoD, but jeez.

Ya it's a bit of a learning curve. CoD allows you to run and gun a lot more than BF4. In order to do well at BF4 you need to stick with your squad and not run around on your own. Teamwork is key in Battlefield.
BF4 64 player games are too big and almost stupid if you're outside of a vehicle.

They also changed a ton of button.

I dunno if it's the crappy internet I was playing on but XBONE has many qwerks to get out.
Ya it's a bit of a learning curve. CoD allows you to run and gun a lot more than BF4. In order to do well at BF4 you need to stick with your squad and not run around on your own. Teamwork is key in Battlefield.

This is it exactly.

The problem I'm finding is that if you don't have a group of friends online with you and you're just jumping into random games, on your own, that you're going to struggle to find players who adhere to this. It seems like 95% of the time I wind up in the games where I have all the idiots running around like chickens with their heads cut off and the other team has all the players who run together so that every time you engage one you have 8 others there as well.

It's frustrating in that regard.
Ya it's a bit of a learning curve. CoD allows you to run and gun a lot more than BF4. In order to do well at BF4 you need to stick with your squad and not run around on your own. Teamwork is key in Battlefield.

I know FPS is all aoubt MP but COD: Ghosts campagin was actually surprisingly good. It felt like a shorter, linear, Far Cry because of the variablity in the missions (flying, unerwater, sliding down scyscrapers, shooting the ice from under vehicles. I usually race through the campaigns, but it took me back how much I was actually enjoying it (when compared to other FPS campaigns)
i traded and went to the darkside ! went with the better value and the ps4 and have no regrets. I was a xbox loyalist but that silly kinect and the 499$ turned me away.
I know FPS is all aoubt MP but COD: Ghosts campagin was actually surprisingly good. It felt like a shorter, linear, Far Cry because of the variablity in the missions (flying, unerwater, sliding down scyscrapers, shooting the ice from under vehicles. I usually race through the campaigns, but it took me back how much I was actually enjoying it (when compared to other FPS campaigns)

I really enjoyed the campaign for it more than I've enjoyed any since MW2. I agree with you on this one. I thought it was a real bright spot of the CoD game this year.

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