PS4 vs Xbox One

I really enjoyed the campaign for it more than I've enjoyed any since MW2. I agree with you on this one. I thought it was a real bright spot of the CoD game this year.
I agree about it being the best campaign since MW2 (Ghosts was better in my opinion) and the last campaign I've played through a second time on max diff in awhile. 2014 is going to be a great year for gamers...can't wait to get my 4 soon (damn PS3 compatibility).

Side note: AS4/GTA 5 were great action games to conclude 2013.
I'm about to start the second play through on Ghosts. When I beat it again I'll have every trophy you can get from the single player. All I'll have left is a few from the Extinction game type and you need people to do that stuff with you so those might prove to be more difficult.
Is there a difference between Battlefield and COD? I've only played COD at this point but keep hearing about how great Battlefield is.
Is there a difference between Battlefield and COD? I've only played COD at this point but keep hearing about how great Battlefield is.

They're both military shooters. If I were to compare them I'd say CoD is more of an arcade game where you jump in and run around in a frenzy until you die. Battlefield is a little slower-paced and takes a little more strategy. My favorite part about it is that, since I'm terrible at both games, at least with Battlefield if I get sick of being mowed down I can hop into a plane or a tank or a boat and do something a little different for a change of pace.

Frankly, I'm pretty disappointed in Ghosts - I got a lot more play out of the last few CoD games, but Battlefield has pretty much taken over as my shooter of choice.
Is there a difference between Battlefield and COD? I've only played COD at this point but keep hearing about how great Battlefield is.

People are different. I also heard how great Battlefield was by a friend and I gave it a try. I hated it and returned it back in a few days. Me and my friend couldn't join on the same team so that was a bummer.

As the poster above said, you can get a change of pace by going into a tank, plane etc. but imo that gets boring quick. The last battlefield I played before 4 was Bad Company 2 and that was great imo because it was easy to destroy tanks, helicopters etc. and the maps were small enough to have those close quarter combats.

I enjoy COD Ghosts more because imo each member is important and you can tell easily who is contributing, and a match can be done in a few minutes. The obvious con is that more people care about their stats than winning for the team, but that's with every COD. There is nothing like quietly moving with your shotty to your opponents side of the map.
B3 made me appreciate the military teamwork aspects and the tension that builds as you slowly progress through a hot zone. Took me awhile to adjust but would say prefer BF now as my primary shooter though I enjoy COD's run n gun aspects for the "fun" element compared to the "sim" element of accomplishment felt via BF. Like both for different reasons as other posters have stated.
People are different. I also heard how great Battlefield was by a friend and I gave it a try. I hated it and returned it back in a few days. Me and my friend couldn't join on the same team so that was a bummer.

As the poster above said, you can get a change of pace by going into a tank, plane etc. but imo that gets boring quick. The last battlefield I played before 4 was Bad Company 2 and that was great imo because it was easy to destroy tanks, helicopters etc. and the maps were small enough to have those close quarter combats.

I enjoy COD Ghosts more because imo each member is important and you can tell easily who is contributing, and a match can be done in a few minutes. The obvious con is that more people care about their stats than winning for the team, but that's with every COD. There is nothing like quietly moving with your shotty to your opponents side of the map.

The few minutes thing is no longer even a consideration. With the Close Quarters Domination game style put in on Battlefield 3, and now again 4, they've given a game style that not only is extremely fast paced but also keeps with the objective of holding down flags that Domination has on CoD.

Almost all Domination games end in 8-10 minutes and that's to take 300 tickets away from the other team. On the other hand it can take 10 minutes to get 50-60 kills in a game of TDM on Ghosts so it's really the slower paced game now because they've designed the maps in such a way to encourage a whole lot of camping.

Now don't get me wrong I enjoy the heck out of Ghosts as well but Battlefield has been, and continues to be, better than CoD. That's only my opinion though. Obviously others won't agree.

Battlefield just has a lot more options to do so many different types of games, and styles, and you've got to play as a team in order to score high and do well. You're not generally going to run around like a complete fool in Battlefield and expect to do well, unless you get into a lobby with a bunch of idiots. Most of time in Battlefield, no matter what game type your playing (Even faster paced like TDM or Domination) if you're run and gunning and running like a chicken with your head cut off you're going to run into buildings, around corners, or to a flag and find a group of 5-7 guys running together, as a team, and they're going to kick your *** over and over.

That's the biggest reason that big time CoD fans don't like Battlefield because Battlefield doesn't have nearly enough noobs sitting around the maps, alone, waiting for someone to come kill them. They're in units, working together to win and score big points, and they eat up fools running around alone.
I finished that CoD campaign on Veteran this weekend and I finished up all the trophies in Extinction, which btw is an AMAZING game mode that I love playing, and so Ghosts is my first ever platinum trophy on the PS4. Next up is Battlefield 4. I'm going to get that one complete as well.
I finished that CoD campaign on Veteran this weekend and I finished up all the trophies in Extinction, which btw is an AMAZING game mode that I love playing, and so Ghosts is my first ever platinum trophy on the PS4. Next up is Battlefield 4. I'm going to get that one complete as well.

Are they doing anything for rewards as far as earning plats? The same goes for xbox gamerscore. It would be neat to get some rewards for obtaining a certain level or points.
I don't know. I haven't gotten nearly enough points yet for anything like that if they are doing those kinds of things.
Finally got my PS4 today and picked up Killzone SF. Just a massively mixed amount of reviews I read for the game, one of the most bi-polar ever haha, but I am really enjoying it. Haven't messed with MP, but I'm saving the online experience for BF4. Anyway I'm probably in the minority in saying that I really like KZ. My main point is that I'm glad I went PS4 at first, even though I intended to get the X1. It just felt like the right choice.
Finally got my PS4 today and picked up Killzone SF. Just a massively mixed amount of reviews I read for the game, one of the most bi-polar ever haha, but I am really enjoying it. Haven't messed with MP, but I'm saving the online experience for BF4. Anyway I'm probably in the minority in saying that I really like KZ. My main point is that I'm glad I went PS4 at first, even though I intended to get the X1. It just felt like the right choice.

I enjoy KZ very much so feels no shame. Graphics have always been superior on KZ over COD/BF and there is a somewhat boxy feel to your character (not as agile in environment, etc.) but felt KZ3 improved on that as well. Enjoy your game!!!
CoD games can't hold a candle to BF games imo. At least not multiplayer. CoD has vastly better single player campaign if you're into that sort of thing =p

Weapon variety, and vehicles. Far more teamwork to be had in BF games. BF4 has been a blast so far.
Got my Ps4 finally ( they were all sold out for a while ). I'm very impressed , and I'm a huge xbox fanboy . I'm glad I made this choice . Xbox 1 went down wrong path for me with that kinect and all that media stuff . Ps4 feels more like a gaming console to me . Killzone is a great game !
Titanfall is going to help those sales a lot. I'm actually buying a XB1 just to start playing it.

Yuck! TItanfall???? On a console?!?!?!
Down with FPS on consoles !!! =p

Titanfall is simply Battlefield 2142 Two so far.

As for the Original debate. PS4 is just seeming the all around superior machine at this point.
MGS5 will run at 1080 on PS4, and XB1 only at 720. And since that's the only next gen game I'm currently interested in....!

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