PS4 vs Xbox One

Yuck! TItanfall???? On a console?!?!?!
Down with FPS on consoles !!! =p

Titanfall is simply Battlefield 2142 Two so far.

As for the Original debate. PS4 is just seeming the all around superior machine at this point.
MGS5 will run at 1080 on PS4, and XB1 only at 720. And since that's the only next gen game I'm currently interested in....!

I quite enjoy my FPS console games. I have a PS4 and love it, but Titanfall is what will make me pick up a XB1.
I am really liking the Xbox One. It seems like all the negatives were either corrected or turned out to be non-issues. The voice controls are really cool for movies/music and controlling the system. You don't have to use any of the kinect stuff if you don't want to, but I actually think that is what makes it feel like a "next generation" console.

I don't know. I think people wanted a reason to only go one way or the other and jumped on the early mistakes, but it didn't turn out to be a big deal.
I am really liking the Xbox One. It seems like all the negatives were either corrected or turned out to be non-issues. The voice controls are really cool for movies/music and controlling the system. You don't have to use any of the kinect stuff if you don't want to, but I actually think that is what makes it feel like a "next generation" console.

I don't know. I think people wanted a reason to only go one way or the other and jumped on the early mistakes, but it didn't turn out to be a big deal.

Now their problem is that it's native resolution sucks because it is underpowered. Most games on the Xbox One are upscaled.
I was really thinking Titanfall would be a system seller and swinger, but nah...behind the glossy curtain is an inferior FPS mixed with mechs on an inferior console. To me, the PS4 is just killing it overall. inFamous looks so much better. And the amount of exclusives on PS4 makes it a WINNER.
I was really thinking Titanfall would be a system seller and swinger, but nah...behind the glossy curtain is an inferior FPS mixed with mechs on an inferior console. To me, the PS4 is just killing it overall. inFamous looks so much better. And the amount of exclusives on PS4 makes it a WINNER.

Big Infamous fan and also the reason I'm going PS4(exclusives). X1 lost me with the extensive push towards media entertainment aspects, etc. as well as the frame rate comparisons of some of the bigger titles. I also thought Titanfall would've been X1's "Halo" but impressions haven't been favorable though I like the idea of reintroducing big mechs (Armored Core) as a way to shake up the FPS genre.
Yuck! TItanfall???? On a console?!?!?!
Down with FPS on consoles !!! =p

Titanfall is simply Battlefield 2142 Two so far.

As for the Original debate. PS4 is just seeming the all around superior machine at this point.
MGS5 will run at 1080 on PS4, and XB1 only at 720. And since that's the only next gen game I'm currently interested in....!

Down with FPS all together!

I certainly don't see a reason to get a next gen console right now, not even MGS. The difference I have seen in the videos (admittedly not running on a big TV in HD), don't make it worth it. Pretty confident I can wait for a price drop, especially with the XB1.
ROFL! Talk about overhyping a not very good game. It's CoD with mechs, and CoD is terrible.

I'll have to play it before saying its COD.

COD is garbage. Recycled crap every year.

I thought Crysis 2 was going to be good and it had some unique stuff. EA basically launched it with dial up modem servers and it failed horribly online.

I'm excited to see how Titanfall plays.

If they have good servers then there's enough new aspects to distinguish it from COD. Any FPS that has solid network support and allows the game to distinguish good players from bad players will automatically go down a different path than COD.

COD caters to every system owner and wants every person who can press the buttons to do well enough to stay interested. The result is garbage and camping for kill streaks.
I'll have to play it before saying its COD.

COD is garbage. Recycled crap every year.

I thought Crysis 2 was going to be good and it had some unique stuff. EA basically launched it with dial up modem servers and it failed horribly online.

I'm excited to see how Titanfall plays.

If they have good servers then there's enough new aspects to distinguish it from COD. Any FPS that has solid network support and allows the game to distinguish good players from bad players will automatically go down a different path than COD.

COD caters to every system owner and wants every person who can press the buttons to do well enough to stay interested. The result is garbage and camping for kill streaks.

All I need is some gameplay, this game looks like a steaming pile of COD crap. It's made by the co-creators of COD, graphics are nearly identical, menus are similar, and everything about the game looks exactly like COD if you ask me.

All I need is some gameplay, this game looks like a steaming pile of COD crap. It's made by the co-creators of COD, graphics are nearly identical, menus are similar, and everything about the game looks exactly like COD if you ask me.

I don't really care how the game looks. I'm far more concerned with how the game is played.

If Ghosts broke from the COD tradition and decided to avoid catering to everyone, I'd probably still be playing it.

You get about 2 weeks of good COD gameplay before people figure out which combinations of guns and perks gives them the easiest route to a kill and then the entire community is doing nothing but sitting in corners with that setup.

I'd probably still be playing Halo 2 if I could. You put Halo 2 on dedicated servers and I'd be set. You put Perfect Dark (N64, not XBOX 360) on dedicated servers and I would be set. Halo 3, ODST, and Reach all looked worlds better than Halo 2 but the gameplay sucked because they started instituting their level playing field BS. Nearly non-existent times on weapons disappearing, forced weapon re-spawning even if the weapon is being held, and worst of all the armor abilities.

I don't get enthralled with a games graphics during multiplayer. Maybe with the campaign but during a multiplayer game I'm far more concerned with how the game plays.
I don't really care how the game looks. I'm far more concerned with how the game is played.

If Ghosts broke from the COD tradition and decided to avoid catering to everyone, I'd probably still be playing it.

You get about 2 weeks of good COD gameplay before people figure out which combinations of guns and perks gives them the easiest route to a kill and then the entire community is doing nothing but sitting in corners with that setup.

I'd probably still be playing Halo 2 if I could. You put Halo 2 on dedicated servers and I'd be set. You put Perfect Dark (N64, not XBOX 360) on dedicated servers and I would be set. Halo 3, ODST, and Reach all looked worlds better than Halo 2 but the gameplay sucked because they started instituting their level playing field BS. Nearly non-existent times on weapons disappearing, forced weapon re-spawning even if the weapon is being held, and worst of all the armor abilities.

I don't get enthralled with a games graphics during multiplayer. Maybe with the campaign but during a multiplayer game I'm far more concerned with how the game plays.

I'd easily be playing Halo 2 if it was still online, nothing has ever come close to matching it's online gameplay if you ask me. Halo 3 was great, but still not the same.

When I mention "looks", I am talking about how the game is played as well. To me, everything about Titanfall looks like a copycat of COD. I gave up playing COD after a little bit of MW2.
ROFL! Talk about overhyping a not very good game. It's CoD with mechs, and CoD is terrible.

You were obviously going into it blind lol its DEVELOPED by the people who made CoD popular.... And its nothing like CoD at all, If you think TitanFall is just like CoD you must not play much CoD or TitanFall. Other than it being a first person shooter. EVERYTHING is different. But I'm sure you didn't even play the closed or open beta.
You were obviously going into it blind lol its DEVELOPED by the people who made CoD popular.... And its nothing like CoD at all, If you think TitanFall is just like CoD you must not play much CoD or TitanFall. Other than it being a first person shooter. EVERYTHING is different. But I'm sure you didn't even play the closed or open beta.

I'm not going into it blind, I gave you my opinon and it obviously differs from yours.

All I need is some gameplay, this game looks like a steaming pile of COD crap. It's made by the co-creators of COD, graphics are nearly identical, menus are similar, and everything about the game looks exactly like COD if you ask me.

It looks JUST like COD.

And I laugh my off that their are AI bots in a competitive game in 2014. Titanfall "Which team can pwn the bots harder" Sign me up.
Even tough I will probably get a PS4 I want the XBox 1 to succeed. Competition is a good thing.
Even tough I will probably get a PS4 I want the XBox 1 to succeed. Competition is a good thing.

It will succeed, it's almost impossible for it to fail. Now something like Steambox will probably fail, but never XBox; at least with the current market structure.
Yup...I was excited about Titanfall (on PC) until I saw gameplay footage. And it's online-only, to boot. Pass.

That said, it's been weeks since I've even powered on my PS4. I've been back in Warcraft, but playing Rocksmith 2014 on the PS3 and still poking around GTAV. Waiting for Driveclub to come out.

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