I don't really care how the game looks. I'm far more concerned with how the game is played.
If Ghosts broke from the COD tradition and decided to avoid catering to everyone, I'd probably still be playing it.
You get about 2 weeks of good COD gameplay before people figure out which combinations of guns and perks gives them the easiest route to a kill and then the entire community is doing nothing but sitting in corners with that setup.
I'd probably still be playing Halo 2 if I could. You put Halo 2 on dedicated servers and I'd be set. You put Perfect Dark (N64, not XBOX 360) on dedicated servers and I would be set. Halo 3, ODST, and Reach all looked worlds better than Halo 2 but the gameplay sucked because they started instituting their level playing field BS. Nearly non-existent times on weapons disappearing, forced weapon re-spawning even if the weapon is being held, and worst of all the armor abilities.
I don't get enthralled with a games graphics during multiplayer. Maybe with the campaign but during a multiplayer game I'm far more concerned with how the game plays.