Pretty much exactly how I feel. I still play Halo 2 with a couple of friends from time to time, and I think you're spot on about CoD.I don't really care how the game looks. I'm far more concerned with how the game is played.
If Ghosts broke from the COD tradition and decided to avoid catering to everyone, I'd probably still be playing it.
You get about 2 weeks of good COD gameplay before people figure out which combinations of guns and perks gives them the easiest route to a kill and then the entire community is doing nothing but sitting in corners with that setup.
I'd probably still be playing Halo 2 if I could. You put Halo 2 on dedicated servers and I'd be set. You put Perfect Dark (N64, not XBOX 360) on dedicated servers and I would be set. Halo 3, ODST, and Reach all looked worlds better than Halo 2 but the gameplay sucked because they started instituting their level playing field BS. Nearly non-existent times on weapons disappearing, forced weapon re-spawning even if the weapon is being held, and worst of all the armor abilities.
I don't get enthralled with a games graphics during multiplayer. Maybe with the campaign but during a multiplayer game I'm far more concerned with how the game plays.
The games are slowly churning out but it does feel the initial release for both systems came about a year earlier than needed. The last generation consoles had playback compatability to allow you to play your past gen games on the system while waiting for more exclusives, etc. Without this feature, this next gen console selection seems bare out of the gates. There are several great releases coming in 14 but this has cooled the excitement over the two systems. Of course by Summer I probably will have forgotten these feelings as I'm saving up for next gen release after another. Just an impatient man child is all.
Ren: great recommendation of Dark Souls. Still got some hackin n slashin to get through before getting the sequel coming out in a few weeks (which I hear looks/plays sick: IGN Preview).
I personally feel that the systems were released too late. If they were to release during the summer, we could of got the last NCAA game, NHL and GTA V, After playing many hours of the Xbone, I'm somewhat bored because most of games I like are also on CG. I played the Titanfall beta and although I'm not too thrilled of the wall jumping stuff, I can see it having great replay value once you unlock everything that wasn't in the beta.
Still waiting on a game to make either system worth buying. The Order: 1886 looks interesting from what little I have seen.
Also, Titanfall looks like COD with mechs.
picked up a ps4 about a month ago and its been about a month since I turned it on
Titanfall is getting pretty solid reviews.
For some reason I didn't think it was on 360.
Probably won't look as good but I hope the game plays well.
I think I'm going to get my XB1 tomorrow, Titanfall looks like a can't pass up type of game.
Not me. It looks like a game I will never have an interest in playing. Might have something to do with it being a FPS.
I've started to get more and more into FPS games. I don't play them so much for the story-line, but they're great for multiplayer.
Bioshock Infinite (best of the three released in my opinion) is an amazing FPS with a great story. Far Cry 3 is another great single player FPS with a good story that isn't linear by any means. There are some single player FPS but you're certainly correct that it has been almost an exclusive Multiplayer field by proxy the last decade or so.
Yeah, I think that it's the post-op Modern Warfare effect. There was a time that the only people playing nerdy FPS games were the computer playing Doom 2/Duke Nukem crowd, but now they're so engrained in everyone.
Doom!!! DN was good too. That was IT for the most part back in the day for FPS before COD turned the genre on its head (pros and cons).
I probably spent more times replaying Doom and DN than I'd care to admit. I guess the Battlefield games were there before CoD too, those were pretty game changing, as far as multiplayer goes.
Bioshock Infinite (best of the three released in my opinion) is an amazing FPS with a great story. Far Cry 3 is another great single player FPS with a good story that isn't linear by any means. There are some single player FPS but you're certainly correct that it has been almost an exclusive Multiplayer field by proxy the last decade or so. Battlefield/COD players usually rush through the short campaign just to get comfortable; if they play it at all.
My b, meant to respond to Childs Play.