PS4 vs Xbox One

I'm getting let down by the next gen @ the moment. Not the capability of the hardware, just the attention to game releases in general. Not indie throw back games that resemble SNES graphics etc. It is becoming more and more frustrating. Many games are still set to release to the last gen in 14. The bigger games being promised are severely lacking, and the ones announced are being delayed again and again. They released these systems a couple of years too early it seems. It feels they are milking both sides in a way (last gen/current)

Not an expert on the game industry, just enjoy gaming. So just a casual gamer observation more so.

Developers want to make money. When new systems are released, there just aren't going to be nearly as many people who own them, so they have to sell them on the previous generation to reach a bigger audience. This will always be true no matter when they release new generation systems.
Developers want to make money. When new systems are released, there just aren't going to be nearly as many people who own them, so they have to sell them on the previous generation to reach a bigger audience. This will always be true no matter when they release new generation systems.

I hear your point completely CP and understand the reasoning for that. Refresh my memory (honestly) though, but didn't the 360/PS3 start off with many more launches, or initial releases in the opening months/year?

EDIT: 18 games on release date for launch of XBOX 360, PS3 had 12. It is much lower in comparison this go round.
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I'm getting let down by the next gen @ the moment. Not the capability of the hardware, just the attention to game releases in general. Not indie throw back games that resemble SNES graphics etc. It is becoming more and more frustrating. Many games are still set to release to the last gen in 14. The bigger games being promised are severely lacking, and the ones announced are being delayed again and again. They released these systems a couple of years too early it seems. It feels they are milking both sides in a way (last gen/current)

Not an expert on the game industry, just enjoy gaming. So just a casual gamer observation more so.

Totally agree, not sure why I even have a PS4 yet. Have to say I'm disappointed in releases so far. I've been back on PS3 playing GTA V lately since I never finished it. Still playing Rocksmith 2014. PS4 hasn't even been turned on in months.

The games will come but I do wish I had waited.
Totally agree, not sure why I even have a PS4 yet. Have to say I'm disappointed in releases so far. I've been back on PS3 playing GTA V lately since I never finished it. Still playing Rocksmith 2014. PS4 hasn't even been turned on in months.

The games will come but I do wish I had waited.

Really no fault of anyone who did buy one, I almost scooped one near release, but my 20+ games I have to get through on last gen kept me from jumping on it. I figured I wouldn't go back to them if I bought the next gens. Seems like the only games I would play so far are Infamous and Killzone on PS4 and Killer Instinct on X1 (Don't like forced online/MP on Titanfall) and already scooped COD/BF4 on 360. Titanfall could have taken a page out of their muse "Armored Core" and allowed some single player missions to be sprinkled in. Not everyone like to play competitive MP with teens who learn the ins and outs the first day they buy the game and learn the cheap tricks.

They led us to believe that 14 would have plenty of great games to keep us busy even if the launch titles were minimal upon release. It just didn't follow that way and felt they misled customers about the "overwhelming" amount of games that would be plugged out. Watch Dogs, delayed but coming soon. 1886 (SP?) delayed. Uncharted delayed to 2016? (That's BS) Dark Souls II exclusive to last gen? Witcher 3 delayed to 2015. At least as of right now, Assassins Creed and Batman are set for the Fall but again, WAITING TIME (those releases are released at that time every year so that is fair). Wolfenstein may be okay (5/20 release). Loved Wolfenstein on 360 and was very underrated but is more of a cult favorite among fans.

Don't feel bad though Wheeltax, they won't be dropping the prices anytime soon so it won't be like you will get taken that way. But I hear your frustration already possessing one only to be stumped due to the lack of quality games @ the moment.
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It's not even frustration, really. On one hand, it's saved me some money out of the ol' game budget, haha.

And I read you loud and clear on the disinterest in Titanfall - I can't get into any FPS shooter for that reason alone. I'm just too old and slow to be any good at them at all. At any rate, I played a little bit of Titanfall and found it to be Call of Duty version 4,992. Totally uninteresting, but that's just me.

I really want Driveclub but that's apparently been sent back to the drawing board. 1886 looks cool. I'll probably get Watch Dogs and hope that Ubisoft leaves me pleasantly surprised as my expectations for their games are typically fairly low.
I play my PS4 daily. To each their I own I guess. If I make a $400+ purchase you better be damn sure I'm going to get use out of it. Even though my games are majority of cross-platforms, they are SUPERIOR versions (no elitist PC yapping pleaz). My backlog is crazy. The only game I've platinum'd is inFamouSS.

Lego The Hobbit
Tomb Raider
KIllzone SF
All of the free PS+ games.
I play my PS4 daily. To each their I own I guess. If I make a $400+ purchase you better be damn sure I'm going to get use out of it. Even though my games are majority of cross-platforms, they are SUPERIOR versions (no elitist PC yapping pleaz). My backlog is crazy. The only game I've platinum'd is inFamouSS.

Lego The Hobbit
Tomb Raider
KIllzone SF
All of the free PS+ games.

Those are some great games in that list. I hear you completely on the superior graphics; I'm not buying any PS3/360 games that are also being released on PS4 for that reason. I already bought most of that list on last gen before making that decision. Played through AC4 and Tomb Raider (Great Games) but holding out on Thief & and MGS for next gen. Definitely itching to play Infamous and KZ though. Good selection Ominous!
Those are some great games in that list. I hear you completely on the superior graphics; I'm not buying any PS3/360 games that are also being released on PS4 for that reason. I already bought most of that list on last gen before making that decision. Played through AC4 and Tomb Raider (Great Games) but holding out on Thief & and MGS for next gen. Definitely itching to play Infamous and KZ though. Good selection Ominous!

Yeah one of the reasons I am enjoying the PS4 so much is because I didn't play those select ones on last gen consoles. I knew there would be superior PS4 versions, so I was able to wait and enjoy the heck out of them. Like I've stated before, I never owned a PS3 so now I even get to enjoy the remastered classics like The Last of Us which I absolutely can not wait for! Thief kind of sucks though haha but I only payed $19.99 for it on the PS4 firesale.
Yeah one of the reasons I am enjoying the PS4 so much is because I didn't play those select ones on last gen consoles. I knew there would be superior PS4 versions, so I was able to wait and enjoy the heck out of them. Like I've stated before, I never owned a PS3 so now I even get to enjoy the remastered classics like The Last of Us which I absolutely can not wait for! Thief kind of sucks though haha but I only payed $19.99 for it on the PS4 firesale.

I wish I waited as well tbh. You will love "Last of Us." Don't know anyone who didn't enjoy it except for the "i'm different" just-cause types. People leave out that it's a great action game on top of a good story. You're not sitting and watching cinematic cuts much at all which is what I somewhat assumed with all the great story talk. Very well done game. Can only imagine how sick God of War on the 4 will be as well. I've heard that Thief is kind've "meh" but loved the original version way back on the original Xbox so wanted to give it a play-through. I'm likely picking one up in September with the next Madden even though I could write an essay on why I despise it (2K fanboy here):D
Finally played Titanfall.

Like it a lot. XBONE as a system far from impressive.

Should have spent more on the guts. Dashboard is overly bogged down.
I got NBA 2K14 now and I'm LOVING this game. First basketball game I've played in years and I'm having a blast with The Park feature. That's the most fun thing in a long time from sports.
I got NBA 2K14 now and I'm LOVING this game. First basketball game I've played in years and I'm having a blast with The Park feature. That's the most fun thing in a long time from sports.
2K Sports games really magnifies the lack of progression in the Madden franchise, and the reason that a "convenient" deal bw EA and the NFL was established after NFL 2K5 totally revolutionized football gaming. It makes me sick to think of what 2K could do with the NFLPA. Madden is so stagnant that it borders on criminal that they even have an annual release. I agree Brave, NBA2K14 is reason enough to have a next gen system on top of the other titiles mentoned in this thread. I'm not even a huge fan of basketball, but LOVE to play that franchise. That is what sports gaming should resemble in terms of innovation, graphics, and physics related to gameplay.
2K Sports games really magnifies the lack of progression in the Madden franchise, and the reason that a "convenient" deal bw EA and the NFL was established after NFL 2K5 totally revolutionized football gaming. It makes me sick to think of what 2K could do with the NFLPA. Madden is so stagnant that it borders on criminal that they even have an annual release. I agree Brave, NBA2K14 is reason enough to have a next gen system on top of the other titiles mentoned in this thread. I'm not even a huge fan of basketball, but LOVE to play that franchise. That is what sports gaming should resemble in terms of innovation, graphics, and physics related to gameplay.


Some games I am looking forward to through out this year are The Order, Watch Dogs, Dying Light, Destiny, and the new Batman game. Those are all games I'll likely be getting at this point. I'm sure I'll wind up buying the new CoD near the end of the year when it comes out, I almost always do, but that one is a lot more iffy than these others.

I will say that I loved the Ghosts campaign, and I look forward to the next Infinity Ward game so I can see how that game continues on, and I absolutely LOVE the Extinction mode on Ghosts. That is a freaking blast.

Of course BF4 is amazing and I love playing it still as well.
2K Sports games really magnifies the lack of progression in the Madden franchise, and the reason that a "convenient" deal bw EA and the NFL was established after NFL 2K5 totally revolutionized football gaming. It makes me sick to think of what 2K could do with the NFLPA. Madden is so stagnant that it borders on criminal that they even have an annual release. I agree Brave, NBA2K14 is reason enough to have a next gen system on top of the other titiles mentoned in this thread. I'm not even a huge fan of basketball, but LOVE to play that franchise. That is what sports gaming should resemble in terms of innovation, graphics, and physics related to gameplay.

I have always thought 2K5 was overrated. I thought it was a solid game, and an awesome value at only $20, but that it wasn't anything groundbreaking or anything.
I have always thought 2K5 was overrated. I thought it was a solid game, and an awesome value at only $20, but that it wasn't anything groundbreaking or anything.

That's fair for personal preference, etc. EA didn't agree;)
That's fair for personal preference, etc. EA didn't agree;)

I wouldn't say they thought it was groundbreaking, but they definitely didn't want to compete with a $20 game that was just as good, if not better. I have only bought one Madden game since then (2006). EA survives on lack of competition and it's sad. I wonder if 2K5 would have as much adoration as it does if it had been $50 though?
I wouldn't say they thought it was groundbreaking, but they definitely didn't want to compete with a $20 game that was just as good, if not better. I have only bought one Madden game since then (2006). EA survives on lack of competition and it's sad. I wonder if 2K5 would have as much adoration as it does if it had been $50 though?

They would ($50) and it was a marketing ploy that year alone to almost force Madden loyalists to at least try it. They did (Madden loyalists), and it opened an ugly can of worms about the "development" of Madden in comparison. It wasn't just that the game was a masterpiece by any means. The pass D AI was poor, etc. The physics engine they incorporated really allowed players to feel the one on one battles (esp in the running game) among other innovations (gang tackling, not relying on animations for but physics based momentum, etc). Aspects EA claimed weren't possible due to the hardware of the systems.

It was a big "eye opener" to how EA has "developed" the franchise and the refusal to incorporate aspects that fans were clamoring for but were told by EA as being unreasonable expectations to improvements that could be made as a result of the hardware. 2K listened to fans, incorporated innovative features, etc. in a very short span (5 years) where Madden was "coasting" to put it kindly. Then came the monopoly; cutting off 2K from the NFL video game genre.

You totally understand my main gripe as evidenced by your post above. Just wanted to give a little more history/detail on other aspects of that debacle.
I got NBA 2K14 now and I'm LOVING this game. First basketball game I've played in years and I'm having a blast with The Park feature. That's the most fun thing in a long time from sports.

Oh mannnnn, 2k14 is freakin amazing. It's probably been my most played game on PS4 for months now. It's funny because in relation to the EA vs 2K debate EA actually has competition in the basketball dimension and they STILL put out garbage like NBA Live.

Also back to 2K14, trying to turn the Magic into a contender has been quite the uphill battle haha.
I wouldn't say they thought it was groundbreaking, but they definitely didn't want to compete with a $20 game that was just as good, if not better. I have only bought one Madden game since then (2006). EA survives on lack of competition and it's sad. I wonder if 2K5 would have as much adoration as it does if it had been $50 though?

2k5 was ahead of it's time in so many ways, gang tackling years before EA managed to put it into madden and online leagues that put EA efforts a decade later to shame.It was much much better then any madden at the time and it still look and plays good now 10 years after it came out. Take a look at NBA2k14 and just imagine what NFL2k14 could have been like, then look at PS4/Xbone Madden 25