PS4 vs Xbox One

I will give credit to EA for NHL and FIFA, they do a good job. Madden is the biggest joke of a game I have ever seen, they don't even attempt to make a decent game. I actually bought the new Madden not long ago because I wanted something new to play. I took it home and made it through about one quarter of a game, then turned off my PS4 and exchanged it within a week. I'll stick to FIFA and NBA.
Recently picked up a PS4, really enjoying it so far. It came with NBA2k14. I like the game, but geez enough with all the video cuts that you cant bypass. I have been playing the MyCareer mode and it is annoying sitting there watching these video clips between every game. Also had to sit through like 20 minutes of BS before finally getting drafted and actually getting to game 1. It has you talk to the GM and 5 times in a row he mentions how tomorrow is the janitor's birthday. I just want to play basketball!
I will give credit to EA for NHL and FIFA, they do a good job. Madden is the biggest joke of a game I have ever seen, they don't even attempt to make a decent game. I actually bought the new Madden not long ago because I wanted something new to play. I took it home and made it through about one quarter of a game, then turned off my PS4 and exchanged it within a week. I'll stick to FIFA and NBA.

I hear that Rasta; EA is more than capable. Battlefield, Deadspace, Mass Effect, Crysis and Fifa/NHL in sports. That is what makes their business model towards Madden so shameful. It is simply a cash cow that allows them to allocate resources to other games, etc. @ the moment. It is frustrating that the #1 sport in the US gets such a poor representation in the gaming world. Football gaming was HUGE amongst NFL fans. Now it is just a game people buy out of routine that generally lose interest within weeks.
Madden is the most unfair online game I have ever played.

It is all about abusing receiver picks, as well as as the rating system.

For online they need to get rid of the rating system. Or at least make the disparity between teams different.
I really hate EA's business model. They couldn't make a decent NASCAR game to compete with the Papyrus PC games that were excellent, so they buy the exclusive license out from under the other guys because they have the cash to do so, then go on to make terrible games until they finally just gave up on it. The 2K football games were gaining a foothold, so EA bought the exclusive license out from under them rather than try to compete. It's the same reason I don't like Microsoft. If you can't compete with your product, then I'm not interested in your product.

Yet, oddly, the major sports that don't have an exclusive license for their games have great games, especially MLB The Show. Funny how that works.
Just grabbed Child of Light and Daylight (former amazing, the latter very boring and disappointing). MLB The Show next week...Wolfenstein and Watch Dogs right after. Yeah, I have TOO MANY GAMES for my PS4. Really don't understand those who are underwhelmed.
Just grabbed Child of Light and Daylight (former amazing, the latter very boring and disappointing). MLB The Show next week...Wolfenstein and Watch Dogs right after. Yeah, I have TOO MANY GAMES for my PS4. Really don't understand those who are underwhelmed.

None of them seem flashy or REAL different than a PS3 game.
None of them seem flashy or REAL different than a PS3 game.

Don't care. Just getting the most out of MY PS4 and I am loving it. Too bad you wasted your money on next-gen.

Edit: Especially if you're an Xbox One owner. Then I feel REAL sorry for you haha.
Welp, I just landed a job today so it looks like I can buy some new releases when they come out. :D

Will be picking up The Show on release date. I loved it on PS3 and can't wait to see what they do with the PS4.
Don't care. Just getting the most out of MY PS4 and I am loving it. Too bad you wasted your money on next-gen.

Edit: Especially if you're an Xbox One owner. Then I feel REAL sorry for you haha.

No I still have my PS3 and I would never get an Xbox One lol. Hopefully there's some good PS4 deals at black friday this year. The only way I would get a next gen console at this point.

Hate to say it, but was kinda underwhelmed after watching that. The gameplay looked OK, but the graphics were very last gen. The physics seemed off with their running coordination, etc. He did change it up a few times, but him sticking with the hand cannon made him feel like he was a spectator instead of aggressor. I saw his grenade had a little something extra to it which was cool (he jumps and throws it down on the foes). Thanks for the vid though, always like to be informed, etc.
Finally! The Show is out and installed.

For anybody that is new to the franchise, then I will go ahead and send you a link to a place where you can find rosters. If you are into franchise mode like I am, then you will not want to play without these rosters. Some fans over at Operation Sports fully create accurate minor league rosters every single year, and they are absolutely amazing for franchise or anything really. Here is the link, where you can get a lot more information.

If you are confused and have questions, fire away. You should learn a lot just skimming through there though. Whats even better is you don't have to wait since the PS4 version came out after the PS3 version; they have been working on these rosters for months and are ready to go.
Agree on all points Rasta. I play The Show 13 on my ps3 and love the series. Like NBA2K, not a huge fan of the sport, but the game make you fan, etc. is a great sports video game site that covers all the big titles and smaller indie projects maintained by the community.

Some other PS4 titles to look out for coming out in May/June are an action-rpg "Bound by Flame" similar to Dark Souls and Dragons Dogma. Due out May 9th.

"UFC" (Due 6/17) Fighting


"Wolfenstein: The New Order" (Due 5/20) Linear FPS with a good twist of powers (nothing too crazy) mixed in similar to Bioshock. Big fan of Wolfenstein on 360 (2008)

Hate to say it, but was kinda underwhelmed after watching that. The gameplay looked OK, but the graphics were very last gen. The physics seemed off with their running coordination, etc. He did change it up a few times, but him sticking with the hand cannon made him feel like he was a spectator instead of aggressor. I saw his grenade had a little something extra to it which was cool (he jumps and throws it down on the foes). Thanks for the vid though, always like to be informed, etc.

I can't really pinpoint it but I'm a little underwhelmed as well. Just not really sure.

One thing I thought was funny was the sniper kicked and seemed to make the view go weird when fired. Bungie royally screwed up the sniper after Halo 2 and it looks like they've decided to carry on with having horrible snipers in this game.

I think they stuck with the pistol to obscure as little as possible. It's pretty common for people who post footage to have the smallest possible weapon in front of them so the viewer can see all that is going on and so the person can move as quickly as possible.

I just don't know. I guess I don't even know how the game is structured. Supposed to be some ridiculous living world type setting but not sure I understand where it begins and where it ends. It looks like they have a level scaling system as there were different numbers above the different enemies.

To be honest, it almost looks like a 1st person World of Warcraft or something to that effect. I was pretty excited for the game when it was announced but the video just isn't doing anything for me. They only have 3 classes of characters?

I read they're going to spend $500M on this game which I think was said to be almost double what GTA5 spent. If that's the case, there better be a whole lot more to this game than what the video lets people see.
Apparently the Sony E3 press conference has been leaked. Looks wayyyyyyy too good to be true, but if it is in fact true...check mate Nintendo and M$. I'm very skeptical about it but we shall see.

"Uncharted PS4 3 Minute Trailer showcasing ”In-engine” footage interspersed with gameplay segments. Visuals are supposedly unprecedented and set a benchmark for console graphics. Summer 2015 release date. It looks absolutely stellar. Features tropical setting and differing time periods with Nate/Francis.
Media Molecule’s new title will be a landmark title for Morpheus. 3D world building, beautiful, quirky visuals.Extremely creative and fun. Possibly related to the ”Entwined” trademark filed last week by SCE (not sure). Late 2015.
Gran Turismo 6 is coming to PS4 as 1080p 60FPS repackaged title in the vein of Gran Turismo 7: Prologue. Stunning visuals, extra features (social connectivity, new tracks, dlc etc). Coming mid-late 2015.
God of War 4 teaser will be present – will be CG with snippets of in-engine footage. A little early for reveal, but is designed to offset negativity surrounding canceled new IP and generate excitement – also to partially offset CG announce of Gears of War at Microsoft presser. Late 2015. Date wont be announced.
Kill Strain trademark is related to Syphon Filter reboot for PS4. Sony Bend working on revamping the franchise. Stealth, beautiful visuals and a possible Winter 2014 title. Bend finally getting to join the big boys.
Wipeout is also making the transition to PS4. Source is unsure of who is developing it, but hints that it could be Sony London, Evolution, or Firesprite.
Quantic Dream has a trailer prepared – unsure whether it is penciled in for Gamescom or E3. Sony will be watching Microsoft’s presser earlier in the day to gauge whether additional titles will need to be slotted in to dampen hype. Expect Dark Sorcerer- like visuals in real time. Off-topic, but still relevant – they are close to deal to become a Worldwide Studios developer, along with Ready At Dawn.
Speaking of Ready At Dawn, The Order:1886 will get a stage demo. Big title for Fall 2014. Sony is expecting great things from said title – franchise hopes rest on its performance.
Ninja Theory working on a PS4 exclusive – possible Heavenly Sword sequel which was shelved a number of years ago. Quite far into development.
Sony London will be at E3. First AAA title in many years. 3rd person title. Gorgeous. They’re back with a bang,
Guerrilla Games bringing their RPG to E3. Provocative setting – very interesting. Insane visuals as usual. A good reaction to the title is expected. Will please the hardcore.
Sucker Punch busy at work on an inFAMOUS: Second Son DLC. Really cool. New powers. Possible new setting. E3 debut.
Sony Japan Studios debuting two, maybe even three titles. Project Beast – spiritual successor to Demon Souls. The other is The Last Guardian. Retooled for PS4, possible Winter 2014 title. The Other title is shrouded in secrecy.
Evolution will give Driveclub some time in the limelight. It’s shaping up to be incredible with jaw-dropping visuals. Demo release will be timed with the press conference."
Doubt it's even half that good in reality

The thought of a new Syphon Filter makes me pretty exited, i loved those games on PS1