That actually sounds pretty cool (other players running around in your game) seeing as I'm not generally use to that aspect outside of online FPS and would be a different concept to try out. Thanks for the details into crafting/leveling up, in that I don't feel as intimidated going into that type of game (online exclusive) having played games like that on the consoles (Dogma and Dark Souls mostly). Is the combat a basic cross over from Skyrim?
Combat is a good bit different when it comes to abilities and spells. You still block with right click, swing with left click, hold left click for power swing, hold right click and push left click to shield bash etc, so that's more or less the same
As for the ability system.. Hrm how to explain.
You get "Weapon Slots". You start out with one weapon slot, and at level 15 you get a second slot.
Each Weapon slot has a hotbar of 5 Abilities + 1 Ultimate ability. You can switch between the weapon slots at any time, even in combat. You can switch the abilities on your bar at any time
EXCEPT for when you are in combat.
You basically choose which abilities you want on your hotbars by what you intend to do. Tank? Do lots of damage? Area damage? Heal/Utility? Etc. There are tons of combos and some real good synergy between abilities to think about, these are referred to as "builds".
You can level up tons of different abilities in the game, but can only ever have 5 at a time on a hotbar, and switch between 2 hotbars, so you basically have access to 10 abilities at any time, and 2 Ultimate abilities.
Every class has 3 Skill lines with 5 or 6 abilities, every type of weapon set has it's own set of 5 or 6 abilities, and there are various other skill lines available throughout the game. For example Vampires and werewolves have their own set of skills you could choose from if you became either of those. You don't "have" to use any abilities from any particular skill set, you just choose which abilities you want.
Nearly all abilities are instant cast, with no cool down, and cost either Stamina or Magika, pretty similar to skyrim. The exception to this is Ultimate abilities, which have their own resource and costs. Dealing damage, or taking damage, builds your Ultimate up, so you can't use them every fight, but they are really strong when you have them available.
As for actual combat mechanics, it's somewhat similar in regards to being offensive. You aim spells and abilities as opposed to targeting specific enemies like most MMOs. Defensively is a bit different. You Block/Swing when appropriate, but enemies will use different abilities and power attacks. When they use an ability it will put a red marker on the ground showing where the ability will go off. You can dodge or simply move out of these areas to avoid the effects. Very important as you will find yourself getting killed pretty often if you're not dodging these types of attacks.
For example an Archer enemy has a "Volley" attack. A large Triangle cone of red will come out for about 2 seconds from the archer, and you have that time frame to get out of the way, or take a ton of damage. Or a mage enemy might shoot a fireball into the sky, and the red circle will appear on the ground where it will land, etc. Other than that it's pretty simliar to skyrim, but dodging these attacks is a pretty key part of combat, especially in harder dungeons etc.
The Class system is pretty user friendly. There are 4 classes total, and while some do things a little better than others, and have their own unique flair; no class is really locked into a specific role. Which role you want to play as depends on the weapons and armor you use. If you want to be a healer, you can use a Restoration staff as your weapon. The Restoration staff has healing spell you can level up and put on your hotbar. Want to be a mage? Use destruction staff. Get up close with melee damage? 2 hand weapon, dual wield, or 1 hand and shield.
Want to be able to take some hits? Wear heavy armor. Do more damage? Wear Medium or Light armor for Melee/Spell damage respectively. It's all pretty customizable and easy once you spend some time with the system. It's definitely a pretty user friendly game if you aren't used to MMO's, but have played Skyrim type games.
I leveled my first 50 levels as a tank type with sword+Shield and heavy plate armor. Now I've been playing as a fully robed fire mage.