PS4 vs Xbox One

I was thinking either it drops down to $350 or it will stay at the $400 level and come with maybe 2 games and a PlayStation plus membership. I'd be so pumped if it went down to $300 lol

Ahh, I see what you're saying...that definitely makes more sense then a $100 price drop. That would be a decent scoop though...wonder what games they would include in that type of deal? Hopefully not dated stuff like Infamous/Knack (fan of the series but could probably get that game really cheap by then, etc.)
Ahh, that definitely makes more sense. That would be a decent scoop, wonder what games they would include in that type of deal? Hopefully not dated stuff like Infamous/Knack (fan of the series but could probably get that game really cheap by then, etc.)

I haven't been keeping track, but have they announced any big games coming out in the Fall? Seems like watch dogs is the most hyped game to come out this year.
I haven't been keeping track, but have they announced any big games coming out in the Fall? Seems like watch dogs is the most hyped game to come out this year.

1886: The Order is getting a lot of hype but they also have Batman and Assassins Creed coming out in October now that I think about it. Far Cry 4 is coming out this fall (really excited for that release) but doubt it would be included in a package. Also the NBA 2K series tends to come out around that time bc I usually take that deal and whatever else I haven't scooped yet. Shoot just looked it up, COD: Advanced Warfare is coming out 11/4 so they would likely package that, maybe Madden/Fifa. Would be a really sweet deal to get Batman/AS5, and of course the actual PS4/X1 for 350. Don't see any major exclusives though in fall 2014 (Halo/God of War-Uncharted set for 2015)
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1886: The Order is getting a lot of hype but they also have Batman and Assassins Creed coming out in October now that I think about it. Far Cry 4 is coming out this fall (really excited for that release) but doubt it would be included in a package. Also the NBA 2K series tends to come out around that time bc I usually take that deal and whatever else I haven't scooped yet. Shoot just looked it up, COD: Advanced Warfare is coming out 11/4 so they would likely package that, maybe Madden/Fifa. Would be a really sweet deal to get Batman/AS5, and of course the actual PS4/X1 for 350. Don't see any major exclusives though in fall 2014 (Halo/God of War-Uncharted set for 2015)

Oh dude I love uncharted! That might just be the breaking point of me getting a PS4 lol
I haven't been keeping track, but have they announced any big games coming out in the Fall? Seems like watch dogs is the most hyped game to come out this year.

They've almost overhyped Watch Dogs and hope they aren't setting folks up to be disappointed. It looks intriguing, but seen other big money AAA's flop plenty of times. Anytime one brings up the lack of game selection, Watch Dogs seems to be the first game used as justification for the slight wait. Just hope its GTA V level good.
Oh dude I love uncharted! That might just be the breaking point of me getting a PS4 lol

The exclusives are definitely all on PS4. Titanfall didn't quite meet expectations, Forza is niche, as is Dead Rising. I heard Killer Instinct is a great fighting reboot but they wrongly made it only avaialbe via XBL which further buried its relevance (should've sold as hard disk and would've assisted in gaming sales). I hate buying expensive XBL games bc I like the sense of ownership holding my purchased item. Little changes like that could've assisted in that PR catastrophe they faced initially and still have many reluctant to trust their motives even with the recent modifications to Kinect, etc. They better get the Gears of War series rebooted ASAP to even try to resemble a competition regarding console exclusives. PS4 has Infamous, GOW, Uncharted, Kill Zone, Resistance, Yakuza, and The Sly/Jak/Racthet for the zainy fun types.

I loved my X360 and only bought a PS3 for the exclusives all my friends kept reiterating were qaulity/even superior to the AAAs I was enjoying on the 360. I already have my Netflix, Amazon Prime, Youtube, and Hulu synched into my account; starting any program within 15 seconds. It was insulting for them to tell its customers that they were reinventing the wheel by allowing access to ALL these great features as a way to bring casual fans and soccer moms into a "new experience only made possible via this X1 technology." Omitted of course, is that ALL these same features existed on the 360, the only difference being they falsely have the casual customers believing that with this new technology, that they they would be able to verbally relay "with unheard ease" their commands to there television, music, etc. Giving them that Gattaca image of "this is the way of the future type deal." All one has to do is type in Kinect issues with X1 into youtube to only show the "faulty technology" to put it kindly.

Microsoft was much more interested in the idea than their capability of successfully implemented such technology while still trying to pass it off as an equally attractive contraption to hardcore gamers who are only interest in how the hardware relates to graphics, game play, servers, etc. They wanted both worlds, and then insulted gamers in the process (the primary perspective customers) by relaying that you don't deserve the privilege of a X1 without continual internet access. The type of arrogance that justifies a slap in the mouth.

Hoofbite pointed out that the man behind this catastrophic business and marketing plan has been fired as CEO; basically reversing all the failed policies and dropping the required kinnect feature and overall price of the console on par with PS4 @ $400.00. XBL had a great navigational interface and user friendly options for media (Netlfix/YouTube/Redbox, etc.) and it feels they almost felt under appreciated for their superiority regarding those aspects and went a little overboard on how to Supe-up the system on the next gen. A lot of group think amongst Microsoft execs made them lose focus of what the organizational goal is. Consumers trust Apple and are willing to wait in lines for their new products bc they believe in the company's purpose. Xbox should look closer at the Apple business model to ensure they don't become an afterthought when the next round of consoles are released in 5-10 years.

Sorry about the essay there (you don't need any more school work on your plate;)), got a few xannies in me and just kept writing:D
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wow that price drop for the is a good business move but at the same time it is such a slap on the face to those who bought because they were looking forward to the kinect and it's future but now i doubt it will get any kind of support.
wow that price drop for the is a good business move but at the same time it is such a slap on the face to those who bought because they were looking forward to the kinect and it's future but now i doubt it will get any kind of support.

I would feel very slighted if I was an initial X1 customer who made the purchase for the exclusive reason that it heavily centered around kinect sensor and media umbrella technology. You are very correct that it will likely see less continued innovation or support from Microsoft considering the change and the new leadership. Interesting side effects to the change that I never really considered. I wonder if there will be any movement towards retroactive restitution to the initial customers for those reasons or does the fact that PS4 was also considered an equally worthy option negate that legally?
wow that price drop for the is a good business move but at the same time it is such a slap on the face to those who bought because they were looking forward to the kinect and it's future but now i doubt it will get any kind of support.

I think motion gaming itself is stupid. Leave it to the Wii.
Thanks for that info bro. Might pick it up if for that fact: that you can still take it on through single player; making it your own experience without the need to team up, etc. PC gaming is simply too overwhelming from my limited console player perspective. I'm no dullard in terms of console gaming, but PC gaming seems like a different world. I even hooked up my XBOX controller to my laptop to play DC Universe but never even booted it up (the game).

Just to make sure I wasn't misunderstood. There is technically no "Single Player". You can't play it offline. You will definitely see other people running around, but I have done 90% of my leveling without ever grouping. I've only grouped with some friends I wanted to play with.

There is harder content made specifically for groups, but none of the main storyline quests or leveling up require groups to do. The crafting system is also set up to where if you max out your crafting skills, you can more or less make all the best armor in the game on your own. It's also the easiest crafting system I've come across in an MMO, and doesn't really require any actual paying attention to do.

The main storyline is pretty interesting if you like Elder Scrolls Lore. It's definitely set up as a singleplayer type of thing. You are the "Hero" of the story, which is the first time I've experienced that in an MMO. Everything is fully voice acted, and you can expect about the same quality of dialogue/storyline as you got from Skyrim.

PVP is there if you want to partake, but you don't have to, it's in it's own separate zone that you don't have to visit if you don't want.
Just to make sure I wasn't misunderstood. There is technically no "Single Player". You can't play it offline. You will definitely see other people running around, but I have done 90% of my leveling without ever grouping. I've only grouped with some friends I wanted to play with.

There is harder content made specifically for groups, but none of the main storyline quests or leveling up require groups to do. The crafting system is also set up to where if you max out your crafting skills, you can more or less make all the best armor in the game on your own. It's also the easiest crafting system I've come across in an MMO, and doesn't really require any actual paying attention to do.

The main storyline is pretty interesting if you like Elder Scrolls Lore. It's definitely set up as a singleplayer type of thing. You are the "Hero" of the story, which is the first time I've experienced that in an MMO. Everything is fully voice acted, and you can expect about the same quality of dialogue/storyline as you got from Skyrim.

PVP is there if you want to partake, but you don't have to, it's in it's own separate zone that you don't have to visit if you don't want.

That actually sounds pretty cool (other players running around in your game) seeing as I'm not generally use to that aspect outside of online FPS and would be a different concept to try out. Thanks for the details into crafting/leveling up, in that I don't feel as intimidated going into that type of game (online exclusive) having played games like that on the consoles (Dogma and Dark Souls mostly). Is the combat a basic cross over from Skyrim?
That actually sounds pretty cool (other players running around in your game) seeing as I'm not generally use to that aspect outside of online FPS and would be a different concept to try out. Thanks for the details into crafting/leveling up, in that I don't feel as intimidated going into that type of game (online exclusive) having played games like that on the consoles (Dogma and Dark Souls mostly). Is the combat a basic cross over from Skyrim?

Combat is a good bit different when it comes to abilities and spells. You still block with right click, swing with left click, hold left click for power swing, hold right click and push left click to shield bash etc, so that's more or less the same

As for the ability system.. Hrm how to explain.

You get "Weapon Slots". You start out with one weapon slot, and at level 15 you get a second slot.

Each Weapon slot has a hotbar of 5 Abilities + 1 Ultimate ability. You can switch between the weapon slots at any time, even in combat. You can switch the abilities on your bar at any time EXCEPT for when you are in combat.

You basically choose which abilities you want on your hotbars by what you intend to do. Tank? Do lots of damage? Area damage? Heal/Utility? Etc. There are tons of combos and some real good synergy between abilities to think about, these are referred to as "builds".
You can level up tons of different abilities in the game, but can only ever have 5 at a time on a hotbar, and switch between 2 hotbars, so you basically have access to 10 abilities at any time, and 2 Ultimate abilities.
Every class has 3 Skill lines with 5 or 6 abilities, every type of weapon set has it's own set of 5 or 6 abilities, and there are various other skill lines available throughout the game. For example Vampires and werewolves have their own set of skills you could choose from if you became either of those. You don't "have" to use any abilities from any particular skill set, you just choose which abilities you want.

Nearly all abilities are instant cast, with no cool down, and cost either Stamina or Magika, pretty similar to skyrim. The exception to this is Ultimate abilities, which have their own resource and costs. Dealing damage, or taking damage, builds your Ultimate up, so you can't use them every fight, but they are really strong when you have them available.

As for actual combat mechanics, it's somewhat similar in regards to being offensive. You aim spells and abilities as opposed to targeting specific enemies like most MMOs. Defensively is a bit different. You Block/Swing when appropriate, but enemies will use different abilities and power attacks. When they use an ability it will put a red marker on the ground showing where the ability will go off. You can dodge or simply move out of these areas to avoid the effects. Very important as you will find yourself getting killed pretty often if you're not dodging these types of attacks.

For example an Archer enemy has a "Volley" attack. A large Triangle cone of red will come out for about 2 seconds from the archer, and you have that time frame to get out of the way, or take a ton of damage. Or a mage enemy might shoot a fireball into the sky, and the red circle will appear on the ground where it will land, etc. Other than that it's pretty simliar to skyrim, but dodging these attacks is a pretty key part of combat, especially in harder dungeons etc.

The Class system is pretty user friendly. There are 4 classes total, and while some do things a little better than others, and have their own unique flair; no class is really locked into a specific role. Which role you want to play as depends on the weapons and armor you use. If you want to be a healer, you can use a Restoration staff as your weapon. The Restoration staff has healing spell you can level up and put on your hotbar. Want to be a mage? Use destruction staff. Get up close with melee damage? 2 hand weapon, dual wield, or 1 hand and shield.

Want to be able to take some hits? Wear heavy armor. Do more damage? Wear Medium or Light armor for Melee/Spell damage respectively. It's all pretty customizable and easy once you spend some time with the system. It's definitely a pretty user friendly game if you aren't used to MMO's, but have played Skyrim type games.

I leveled my first 50 levels as a tank type with sword+Shield and heavy plate armor. Now I've been playing as a fully robed fire mage.
As for actual combat mechanics, it's somewhat similar in regards to being offensive. You aim spells and abilities as opposed to targeting specific enemies like most MMOs. Defensively is a bit different. You Block/Swing when appropriate, but enemies will use different abilities and power attacks. When they use an ability it will put a red marker on the ground showing where the ability will go off. You can dodge or simply move out of these areas to avoid the effects. Very important as you will find yourself getting killed pretty often if you're not dodging these types of attacks.

Thanks again for the easy to digest run down and can definitely see a lot of cool combinations to mess around with to set up before going into specific battles. I also like the type of customization you're speaking of in terms of armor, etc. as is in the case with Dark Souls, I've gone almost bare minimum in that regard in order to dodge/roll. The one thing I'm not clear on is when you say you "aim your spells and abilities as opposed to targeting specific enemies" you are speaking more of a hack n slash "simpler" kind of game in that it just effects any in the vicinity, correct? Thanks again for the info on this game in particular, but other MMOs in contrast. Good look.
Almost all the recent PS3 games are near $20 on Amazon. I love it, I have so many games to catch up on. I own too many old games
Thanks again for the easy to digest run down and can definitely see a lot of cool combinations to mess around with to set up before going into specific battles. I also like the type of customization you're speaking of in terms of armor, etc. as is in the case with Dark Souls, I've gone almost bare minimum in that regard in order to dodge/roll. The one thing I'm not clear on is when you say you "aim your spells and abilities as opposed to targeting specific enemies" you are speaking more of a hack n slash "simpler" kind of game in that it just effects any in the vicinity, correct? Thanks again for the info on this game in particular, but other MMOs in contrast. Good look.

More or less. Though say for instance you are using a bow/arrow, if you are not pointing your cursor at an enemy you will just shoot no where in general and hit nothing, where as in most MMO's you select a target and your character automatically attacks it.

Anyhow. I made a quick twitch video (will only be up for 4 days) showing some of what I talked about.

The quality isn't great. But I switch between weapon sets, and you can see the abilities change on the bottom of the screen. I also switch from Heavy armor, to Light, to Medium and do a couple of really easy fights. I Bring up the ability screen to kind of show you how the skill sets are set up, and i move some around onto my hotbar to give ya the gist.

Some of the Crocodiles I fight put a red cone on the ground that I dodge (and fail to dodge) a few times, though it might be hard to see with the crap quality.

Also note, I'm running a few addons. All the text flying on the screen is not there by default, so don't worry if it looks unappealing. I also have an addon that instantly switches my gear and spell sets so I don't have to manually do it all. Addon's are fully supported by ESO and they do a really good job of letting that type of stuff be integrated with their game.
More or less. Though say for instance you are using a bow/arrow, if you are not pointing your cursor at an enemy you will just shoot no where in general and hit nothing, where as in most MMO's you select a target and your character automatically attacks it.

Anyhow. I made a quick twitch video (will only be up for 4 days) showing some of what I talked about.

The quality isn't great. But I switch between weapon sets, and you can see the abilities change on the bottom of the screen. I also switch from Heavy armor, to Light, to Medium and do a couple of really easy fights. I Bring up the ability screen to kind of show you how the skill sets are set up, and i move some around onto my hotbar to give ya the gist.

Some of the Crocodiles I fight put a red cone on the ground that I dodge (and fail to dodge) a few times, though it might be hard to see with the crap quality.

Also note, I'm running a few addons. All the text flying on the screen is not there by default, so don't worry if it looks unappealing. I also have an addon that instantly switches my gear and spell sets so I don't have to manually do it all. Addon's are fully supported by ESO and they do a really good job of letting that type of stuff be integrated with their game.

Damn that was a cool vid bro. Thanks for showing me the contrast bw the hand to hand towards the croc and I saw what you meant about the red "cone" showing where his wingspan would do damage. The second dude with the magic was just sick, actually flinched when that stake came down on the 2nd croc. I'm assuming there is no lock-on button for combat? Thanks for running down the list of skill sets/equipment too. Then a little hack n slash to finish off with that last character. Seems like a game I would get the hang of after poking around for an hour or so and figuring out what equipment/crafts cater to what, etc. I thought the graphics and environment looked pretty sharp too me. Really appreciate the effort and am definitely picking this up! Thanks again.
What games you looking at? Probably played near all of em:D

Going off the list on Amazon lol:

AC4, COD: Ghosts, South Park, Battlefield 4, Ratchet and Clank: into the nexus, Batman Origins, Beyond Two Souls, Ni No Kuni: White Witch, Saints Row 4, NHL 14, NCAAF 14, Injustice Gods Among Us

There's probably plenty more that I can't find too
Going off the list on Amazon lol:

AC4, COD: Ghosts, South Park, Battlefield 4, Ratchet and Clank: into the nexus, Batman Origins, Beyond Two Souls, Ni No Kuni: White Witch, Saints Row 4, NHL 14, NCAAF 14, Injustice Gods Among Us

There's probably plenty more that I can't find too
Haven't played South Park but is one of my next buys along with Dark Souls 2. Those are all quality games on that list (AC4 was amazing and some of the ship battles were really intense; they really got the Pirate atmospehere down and coul've made a whole game on the sea if they wanted to). Batman was great as well; had a lot of fun playing as Deathstroke in the training challenges. The COD Ghosts campaign was one of the better FPS campaigns I've played in awhile. BF4 is great as well for the team aspects and a somewhat more "authentic" feel to war gaming(Omar from the Wire is a main character). Injustice is the best fighting game I have played in a minute (MK guy) and somewhat reinvigorated the genre in my opinion. I own Ratchet/Ni No Kuni but haven't gotten to them as of yet but heard great things (shroom gaming :D). Great selection to choose from bro, happy gaming!
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