PS4 vs Xbox One

Borrowed Killzone and Infamous from a buddy.

I've played some Killzone multiplayer and I've got to say I absolutely love it. I need to try the campaign still.

I'm going to give Infamous a run pretty shortly as well. It looks great.
"Deep Down" trailer for PS4. Looks sick! Agree Ominous, The Order is looking like the Fall blockbuster PS4 exclusive for 14 along with Infamous/KZ. Far Cry 4, AS5, Batman, COD, Destiny, etc. they are racking up for the fall. Looks like they will milk Watchdogs (looks sharp too) for the summer. Sports gaming for late summer (UFC, Madden, FIFA), then a flood of games.

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Yeah, I still haven't picked up my jaw from the dirt after watching this. WOW....

Graphically that game looks insanely good. Some of the best gameplay graphics I've seen for sure.

Gameplay wise? Looks pretty standard. =(

I'm still waiting on "Next Gen" game play and AI. Those two aspects of games have been pretty much stalled for a while.
"Deep Down" trailer for PS4. Looks sick! Agree Ominous, The Order is looking like the Fall blockbuster PS4 exclusive for 14 along with Infamous/KZ. Far Cry 4, AS5, Batman, COD, Destiny, etc. they are racking up for the fall. Looks like they will milk Watchdogs (looks sharp too) for the summer. Sports gaming for late summer (UFC, Madden, FIFA), then a flood of games.

Looks very interesting to be honest.
Waiting on Witcher 3, and Alien Isolation.

As usual, every Madden and UFC game ... NHL etc.

Xbox one will be best system out once the Halo remastered editions come out.
Looks very interesting to be honest.

Still getting ESO btw, and thanks again for all the help in detailing the game, etc. But I am punking out and waiting for it on PS4, just doubt I would play it if I bought it for PC. Thanks again!
"Lords of Fallen" (a lot of hype around this game/ due out late 2014) Similar to the ideology/concept behind the Dark Souls franchise (a good thing in my book) Trailer:

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Still getting ESO btw, and thanks again for all the help in detailing the game, etc. But I am punking out and waiting for it on PS4, just doubt I would play it if I bought it for PC. Thanks again!

No problem. It's probably better that you wait. The game does not have very much to do once you reach Max level currently. When it's released on PS4 I imagine it'll have added a bit more to the late game.

That did look sharp (dude on the sticks knew how to glide). The graphics when he overlooked Arkham was the next gen visuals we've been waiting on. I like that they are incorporating the Bat mobile in a real way and felt it was an aspect they tended to overlook in the previous three. Assassins Creed and Far Cry got a lot of pub. A lot of action (rpg/hack n slashers) announced (almost too many dragons:D).
I've been on the fence about getting a ps4 and moving on from my ps3 and then...I heard they are releasing a white ps4 in September and well on the fence no more come September I'll be rocking the white
I've been on the fence about getting a ps4 and moving on from my ps3 and then...I heard they are releasing a white ps4 in September and well on the fence no more come September I'll be rocking the white

lol...the color mattered to you? That's hilarious. :p
Ahhh well thats as good an extra reason as any. :)

It was like I was waiting for that moment where that devil whispers in your ear the exact phrase needed to get you to buy something, and then I heard "dude its gonna be in white" and Sept 9 is now on the calender lol.

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