PS4 vs Xbox One

Nintendo has a pretty good E3 lineup, still don't want a wiiu at 300$ though
I've only played MGS 1, so The Boss and all the other protagonist's are new to me. Solid Snake guy all the way!
Nintendo has a pretty good E3 lineup, still don't want a wiiu at 300$ though

We bought one for our kids this past Christmas for $275 with two games at Best Buy. Maybe it was just a Holiday special.
Nintendo has a pretty good E3 lineup, still don't want a wiiu at 300$ though

On Cowboom, there would be deals for used deluxe for $150 and the basic for $100. Bundles right now start @ $220. If you factor in games, it is basically like you paying $150 for the system.

I agree that it isn't worth $300 but it is a steal @ 200 or less.
Well I sold my Xbox one for the PS4. IMO, other than the differences in load times and the exclusive games, I don't see how people can argue about one being better than the other. Both are great consoles with different flaws.

The reason(s) why I got the ps4 is because my wife has a vita for remote play and the announcement of playstation tv arriving in the U.S. PS4 gives me more options to play a game instead of playing on the TV it is hooked up to. Other than that, I enjoyed my Xbox one and you can't go wrong with either one. I guess just go with which one has the best deal on the day that you can afford it.
Well I sold my Xbox one for the PS4. IMO, other than the differences in load times and the exclusive games, I don't see how people can argue about one being better than the other. Both are great consoles with different flaws.

The reason(s) why I got the ps4 is because my wife has a vita for remote play and the announcement of playstation tv arriving in the U.S. PS4 gives me more options to play a game instead of playing on the TV it is hooked up to. Other than that, I enjoyed my Xbox one and you can't go wrong with either one. I guess just go with which one has the best deal on the day that you can afford it.

I agree both would get the job done. PS4 seems to have the edge with exclusives @ the moment but X-1 does have Halo 5. I hadn't even considered the benefits of Vita-PS4 dual play. Is it set up similar to PS3 where the system turns on when you are in a different location and are able to play console games? Vita is actually pretty damn powerful if they put more games out for it. I enjoyed the few I have played; Killzone Mercenary, Wipeout Pure, and Injustice.
Yeah quite frankly the xbox and ps4 are so similiar imo. The only few differences are the few "exclusives". Most exclusives nowadays just go multiplatform at some point regardless. It really doesn't matter which system you have, because in the end you get to have the same experience just about.

I went xbox because my father gets me employee discounts so its cheaper, but I enjoy Halo and whatnot.

To be honest both systems haven't had much of a library for games since the launch. Starting this summer is when you get to actually PLAY the heck out of your system.
I agree both would get the job done. PS4 seems to have the edge with exclusives @ the moment but X-1 does have Halo 5. I hadn't even considered the benefits of Vita-PS4 dual play. Is it set up similar to PS3 where the system turns on when you are in a different location and are able to play console games? Vita is actually pretty damn powerful if they put more games out for it. I enjoyed the few I have played; Killzone Mercenary, Wipeout Pure, and Injustice.

My wife didn't have a vita when I had the ps3 so I don't know how it was. However, it is how you described it. I don't think the vita turns on the system if it is powered off but it can take over the console if it is at least on standby mode.

I'm not sure if it was on the ps3 but you are also able to use it as a second screen like the wii u. However, I heard that they don't have many games where you can use the feature. The console games play well on the vita. I compared the ps4 mlb the show on vita to the vita's version and the ps4 on vita looks so much better IMO. NBA 2k14 plays well on vita also.

Through my experience and other forum posters, if you do a wired internet connection on the ps4 and have a good wifi connection with vita, there will be little to no lag playing the games.
My wife didn't have a vita when I had the ps3 so I don't know how it was. However, it is how you described it. I don't think the vita turns on the system if it is powered off but it can take over the console if it is at least on standby mode.

I'm not sure if it was on the ps3 but you are also able to use it as a second screen like the wii u. However, I heard that they don't have many games where you can use the feature. The console games play well on the vita. I compared the ps4 mlb the show on vita to the vita's version and the ps4 on vita looks so much better IMO. NBA 2k14 plays well on vita also.

Through my experience and other forum posters, if you do a wired internet connection on the ps4 and have a good wifi connection with vita, there will be little to no lag playing the games.

Thanks for the info. You are correct about the dual screen feature on the ps3 similar to wii u but correct that not many games were compatible to take advantage. NBA 2k14 on Vita would be sweet, along with other bigger titles of that caliber. I would definitely be using this feature as well when my gf is on a True Blood session:D and have good wifi so shouldn't be much problem there. Cool feature that is finally getting implemented in a way that is beneficial to the owner. Good look!
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I have both. Right now I'm leaning slightly towards the XB1. Probably the neatest feature is the fact that I can turn the console off, and when I turn it back on, the game keeps going from wherever I left off. No need to worry about save points.
Once they announce a new gears of war I might get a Xbox, I love those games. For now I more then happy with my PS4 and last Gen systems
I bought a PS4 for the family that I have never even turned on myself. I stood in line at Best Buy for several hours to get the dang thing when they first came out. My kids love it. I used the PS3 it replaced as a DVD player a few times. The last time I played a video game system was a Nintendo 64 when my son was really young playing with him.
Forgive me if I'm mistaken, as I have not paid a lick of attention to Xbox1 myself since I chose way back last summer to go PS4, but it's my understanding from some friends of mine that Xbox1 still doesn't play in 1080 on their games. The last I was told a couple of weeks ago the best they still get up to is like 850 or 900?

I know quite a few people probably don't care about all that but why would I have paid 100 more for an Xbox1 with less exclusives, less free games (Which I'll be honest PS4 has given me quite a few free games and I've enjoyed pretty much all of them), and that runs in less than 1080 HD? I mean I have an HD tv for a reason so I don't know why I'd want to pay more for a system to do less than what my PS4 can do for 100 dollars cheaper.

Not to mention that even though they backed off all that garbage they attempted to throw out there at E3 last year but it's the principle of the fact that they thought they were just so amazing at Microsoft that they could just swindle their console players into buying their system with all those stupid restrictions they were attempting to impliment. They lost me as a Xbox person on that day.

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