PS4 vs Xbox One

CoD and BF was not 1080p on xbone. The added 8% of memory devs can use now that kinnect support is no longer mandatory should close the PS4 XBone power gap some
Forgive me if I'm mistaken, as I have not paid a lick of attention to Xbox1 myself since I chose way back last summer to go PS4, but it's my understanding from some friends of mine that Xbox1 still doesn't play in 1080 on their games. The last I was told a couple of weeks ago the best they still get up to is like 850 or 900?

I know quite a few people probably don't care about all that but why would I have paid 100 more for an Xbox1 with less exclusives, less free games (Which I'll be honest PS4 has given me quite a few free games and I've enjoyed pretty much all of them), and that runs in less than 1080 HD? I mean I have an HD tv for a reason so I don't know why I'd want to pay more for a system to do less than what my PS4 can do for 100 dollars cheaper.

Not to mention that even though they backed off all that garbage they attempted to throw out there at E3 last year but it's the principle of the fact that they thought they were just so amazing at Microsoft that they could just swindle their console players into buying their system with all those stupid restrictions they were attempting to impliment. They lost me as a Xbox person on that day.

It really is a mystery that people wanted an inferior console with limited power, a useless Kinect system, and limited exclusives. Even now with the Kinect gone, a $100 price drop (seriously, when was the last time a major console dropped its price $100 within 6 months?) the PS4 is still outselling it in markets where both are available. Xboner's claim that the PS4 is available in more countries, thus the sale discrepancy, but the logical problem with that is that when the Xbone is released in such countries, they don't even care or acknowledge Xbox products and the gap will widen.

I believe the White PS4 Destiny bundle will severely cripple the X1 until well into next year. Then we can see what each company has up their sleeves. But yeah, the PS4 is obviously the superior console for now and the immediate future.
CoD and BF was not 1080p on xbone. The added 8% of memory devs can use now that kinnect support is no longer mandatory should close the PS4 XBone power gap some

Plus the whole "power of the cloud and DX12" which Xboners claim will even things up. I think it's just over-reaching by M$ trying to even the sales gap. The Xbone is pure and simply an inferior console.
Forgive me if I'm mistaken, as I have not paid a lick of attention to Xbox1 myself since I chose way back last summer to go PS4, but it's my understanding from some friends of mine that Xbox1 still doesn't play in 1080 on their games. The last I was told a couple of weeks ago the best they still get up to is like 850 or 900?

I know quite a few people probably don't care about all that but why would I have paid 100 more for an Xbox1 with less exclusives, less free games (Which I'll be honest PS4 has given me quite a few free games and I've enjoyed pretty much all of them), and that runs in less than 1080 HD? I mean I have an HD tv for a reason so I don't know why I'd want to pay more for a system to do less than what my PS4 can do for 100 dollars cheaper.

Not to mention that even though they backed off all that garbage they attempted to throw out there at E3 last year but it's the principle of the fact that they thought they were just so amazing at Microsoft that they could just swindle their console players into buying their system with all those stupid restrictions they were attempting to impliment. They lost me as a Xbox person on that day.

I liked the x1 and the main reason I switched was so I can get the ps tv. With the 100 difference, the states only received the kinect to justify the gap that sucked. In the uk, it did come with FIFA. That made xbox ones a better deal than ps4 if people wanted a camera.

Regarding the last paragraph, Sony had some of the same restrictions as Microsoft. The difference is that Microsoft was first in announcing it. Then Sony backtracked after the response Microsoft received. I bet Sony wasn't going to say a word about their restrictions.
I liked the x1 and the main reason I switched was so I can get the ps tv. With the 100 difference, the states only received the kinect to justify the gap that sucked. In the uk, it did come with FIFA. That made xbox ones a better deal than ps4 if people wanted a camera.

Regarding the last paragraph, Sony had some of the same restrictions as Microsoft. The difference is that Microsoft was first in announcing it. Then Sony backtracked after the response Microsoft received. I bet Sony wasn't going to say a word about their restrictions.

To be fair, the pre owned aspect was never in PS plans and why they were so quick to jump on Microsoft for that policy (remember the youtube video where Sony president hands the game to his colleague : how preowned games can be shared on PS4) so they never went that far in their prospective restrictions. The camera aspect doesn't interest many console PS4 owners and with the spec differential (didn't know of the X-1 being behind on this) it does seem to be the more powerful machine. The 'always online' aspect is something that didn't seem to make it to PS4 as well (big gripe for some in areas with shaky wifi). I am simply more interested in the PS4 exclusives and now the AAA titles with the spec differentials, but also interested in getting X-1 in the future to play the exclusives I miss out on initially so glad they lifted those policies.
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It really is a mystery that people wanted an inferior console with limited power, a useless Kinect system, and limited exclusives. Even now with the Kinect gone, a $100 price drop (seriously, when was the last time a major console dropped its price $100 within 6 months?) the PS4 is still outselling it in markets where both are available. Xboner's claim that the PS4 is available in more countries, thus the sale discrepancy, but the logical problem with that is that when the Xbone is released in such countries, they don't even care or acknowledge Xbox products and the gap will widen.

I believe the White PS4 Destiny bundle will severely cripple the X1 until well into next year. Then we can see what each company has up their sleeves. But yeah, the PS4 is obviously the superior console for now and the immediate future.

None of that matters, what is the point of saying one console is superior than the other console when BOTH consoles NEED each other to be competitive?

Xbox 1 vs PS4 argument is deserving of a giant facepalm. Only the nerds fuel the fire of "console wars".

If I wanted a superior console to the other, I would spec up my PC and play on that.

I choose gaming systems in regards to the controller and how it feels in my hands, and the exclusives. Quite frankly BOTH systems are almost spitting images of each other in regards to the games that come out. There are NOT very many exclusives for each console. Sony is still looking for their own version of "Halo".
I liked the x1 and the main reason I switched was so I can get the ps tv. With the 100 difference, the states only received the kinect to justify the gap that sucked. In the uk, it did come with FIFA. That made xbox ones a better deal than ps4 if people wanted a camera.

Regarding the last paragraph, Sony had some of the same restrictions as Microsoft. The difference is that Microsoft was first in announcing it. Then Sony backtracked after the response Microsoft received. I bet Sony wasn't going to say a word about their restrictions.

Either way they didn't announce them, they didn't try them, and there for Microsoft got roasted because of it.
To be fair, the pre owned aspect was never in PS plans and why they were so quick to jump on Microsoft for that policy (remember the youtube video where Sony president hands the game to his colleague : how preowned games can be shared on PS4) so they never went that far in their prospective restrictions. The camera aspect doesn't interest many console PS4 owners and with the spec differential (didn't know of the X-1 being behind on this) it does seem to be the more powerful machine. The 'always online' aspect is something that didn't seem to make it to PS4 as well (big gripe for some in areas with shaky wifi). I am simply more interested in the PS4 exclusives and now the AAA titles with the spec differentials, but also interested in getting X-1 in the future to play the exclusives I miss out on initially so glad they lifted those policies.

Gotta go against you to some degree. There was an article back months before e3, which stated that Sony tried to stop used games on ps4 by creating a patent.

It was rumored in an article, that they wanted to include the ps eye with the console. Everything you said and what Sony did with the disc sharing was after Microsoft made that announcement. The president admitted to the change in an Japanese article (I read that he admitted thru another article so I didn't read his interview).
Maybe it was a plot and they never wanted to have restrictions but their plan was to adapt to what Microsoft was doing and counter the negative of what ms was doing. But anyways it's over now, as long as they both entertain me (still got a 360) during the football offseason, I'm good.
Either way they didn't announce them, they didn't try them, and there for Microsoft got roasted because of it.

Yeah they did and the always online didn't help either. Sony was smart in staying quiet and letting ms display their arrogance about how great they are. I still remember the interview of some rep from ms saying that if people can't stay online with the xbox one, then they should buy a 360. Smh.

I will say that xbox one was good for me and the ps4 is even better. The vita ps4 combo works great because I can be on my bed playing a game from the ps4. I think the xbox needs to improve in their technology because the ps tv will be an xbox killer IMO. Maybe backwards compatibility or playing 360 games thru xbox one via live would counter it.
Thanks for the info, I wasn't aware of this "behind the scenes" action going on with Sony, really just read IGN headlines and select articles from time to time. Love to game though (took a break from it for a bit and just getting back into it the last few years) On the final point, when does the NFLPA license bw EA and NFL expire? I miss football gaming SO much. I buy Madden ever year and am done within a month (outside of the occasional itch). They took out player editing and ended what little joy I was able to make out of the offline franchise mode. That would really get folks excited, a REAL next gen football title that mirrors NBA 2K14 in quality.
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None of that matters, what is the point of saying one console is superior than the other console when BOTH consoles NEED each other to be competitive?

Xbox 1 vs PS4 argument is deserving of a giant facepalm. Only the nerds fuel the fire of "console wars".

If I wanted a superior console to the other, I would spec up my PC and play on that.

I choose gaming systems in regards to the controller and how it feels in my hands, and the exclusives. Quite frankly BOTH systems are almost spitting images of each other in regards to the games that come out. There are NOT very many exclusives for each console. Sony is still looking for their own version of "Halo".

None of what you said matters. See how I can do that as well?

The facts and specs say that the PS4 is superior hardware. In my book when two things are in competition, the superior version of anything should win out. The games are debatable, and IN MY OPINION, the PS4 is the place where I PERSONALLY want to play games. And IN MY OPINION the PS4 also has a really superior controller, which you used to describe how you enjoy console gaming.

And only the truest NERDS OF NERDS (your wording, not mine) just go down the redundant, well if I was the NERDIEST I would just build a great PC. See logically your opinion is inferior because this isn't even A PC GAMING TOPIC.

Carry on though, my ill-informed acquaintance.
Gotta go against you to some degree. There was an article back months before e3, which stated that Sony tried to stop used games on ps4 by creating a patent.

It was rumored in an article, that they wanted to include the ps eye with the console. Everything you said and what Sony did with the disc sharing was after Microsoft made that announcement. The president admitted to the change in an Japanese article (I read that he admitted thru another article so I didn't read his interview).
Maybe it was a plot and they never wanted to have restrictions but their plan was to adapt to what Microsoft was doing and counter the negative of what ms was doing. But anyways it's over now, as long as they both entertain me (still got a 360) during the football offseason, I'm good.

Came across this looking at Lords of Fallen (IGN autoplay). Evidently the PS was going to include flash memory instead of the hard drive and that initial model would have included the PS camera? They also prop up the hard drive as requiring 1B from Sony to incorporate. It could just be a PR after the fact kind of the thing "look how much we care...". Definitely glad they didn't go that route though (PR or not).

I agree with you though and think both companies/developers wanted to get away from used hard copy games this generation but the base wasn't playing that this go round. XBOX definitely took one for the team in feeling out that policy but they also did it in such a smug, overbearing demeanor that it turned off gamers on the fence about which direction to go with in the future. That's why the new CEO(?) has taken a much more gamer friendly approach to their direction (no camera, 24 hour online not required, used games can by played on any console) and felt some of that stench lifted.
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None of what you said matters. See how I can do that as well?

The facts and specs say that the PS4 is superior hardware. In my book when two things are in competition, the superior version of anything should win out. The games are debatable, and IN MY OPINION, the PS4 is the place where I PERSONALLY want to play games. And IN MY OPINION the PS4 also has a really superior controller, which you used to describe how you enjoy console gaming.

And only the truest NERDS OF NERDS (your wording, not mine) just go down the redundant, well if I was the NERDIEST I would just build a great PC. See logically your opinion is inferior because this isn't even A PC GAMING TOPIC.

Carry on though, my ill-informed acquaintance.

At this point in gaming, specs don't matter anymore. The difference between the PS4 and Xbox 1 spec wise isn't very wide. If you use the specs as a crutch for superiority then you look quite foolish.

The only reason you should be choosing which system fits your style is based upon exclusive IP, and controller layout. I like both systems, but Xbox has the superior exclusives. Sony still has no answer for Halo.

I will take a look into your little crystal ball and predict the xbox 1 outsells the PS4 this year by a decent margin due to the release of the Master Chief Collection.
I have both. Right now I'm leaning slightly towards the XB1. Probably the neatest feature is the fact that I can turn the console off, and when I turn it back on, the game keeps going from wherever I left off. No need to worry about save points.

Yeah I love that feature... unless im playing UFC and I had previously rage quit during a KO loss. It is a nice friendly reminder of the suckage that was performed earlier..
At this point in gaming, specs don't matter anymore. The difference between the PS4 and Xbox 1 spec wise isn't very wide. If you use the specs as a crutch for superiority then you look quite foolish.

The only reason you should be choosing which system fits your style is based upon exclusive IP, and controller layout. I like both systems, but Xbox has the superior exclusives. Sony still has no answer for Halo.

I will take a look into your little crystal ball and predict the xbox 1 outsells the PS4 this year by a decent margin due to the release of the Master Chief Collection.


Not at all on the exclusives.

Last of Us would get me to buy PS long before Halo would get me to buy a Xbox.

But I hate Halo. I think it's garbage. I always have and I always will.

Now I understand that I'm in the minority on that opinion, and I'm fine with that, but I never found even 1 thing at all entertaining about Halo. So that exclusive has absolutely zero pull when it comes to my decision making.

Basically what the Xbox 1 had, in exclusives, to try and draw me to it when it came out was Titan Fall and quite frankly that wasn't even remotely good enough to make me consider the Xbox1 over the PS4.

I'm lucky, I suppose, in that most of the games I want to play are going to be on both systems so it didn't have to come down to a factor of which system has the better games. They have virtually the same games and to this point knowing that I'll get The Last of Us on PS4 far out weighs buying an Xbox 1 for Titan Fall.

Not at all on the exclusives.

Last of Us would get me to buy PS long before Halo would get me to buy a Xbox.

But I hate Halo. I think it's garbage. I always have and I always will.

Now I understand that I'm in the minority on that opinion, and I'm fine with that, but I never found even 1 thing at all entertaining about Halo. So that exclusive has absolutely zero pull when it comes to my decision making.

Basically what the Xbox 1 had, in exclusives, to try and draw me to it when it came out was Titan Fall and quite frankly that wasn't even remotely good enough to make me consider the Xbox1 over the PS4.

I'm lucky, I suppose, in that most of the games I want to play are going to be on both systems so it didn't have to come down to a factor of which system has the better games. They have virtually the same games and to this point knowing that I'll get The Last of Us on PS4 far out weighs buying an Xbox 1 for Titan Fall.

Halo is a good game but agree that I don't see what sets it apart from other mainstream shooters. Destiny looks on par with Halo outside of the single player campaign story. I would add Infamous and Killzone to the exclusive library for PS already available but exclusives like Last of Us, Uncharted, Bloodborne, Drive Club, No Man's Sky, The Order: 1886 and Planetside 2 are only set for PS4. I like PS4 specifically for the exclusives and would imagine that the free games offered by PSN will dwarf those offered by Xbox Gold as was the case last gen.

Not at all on the exclusives.

Last of Us would get me to buy PS long before Halo would get me to buy a Xbox.

But I hate Halo. I think it's garbage. I always have and I always will.

Now I understand that I'm in the minority on that opinion, and I'm fine with that, but I never found even 1 thing at all entertaining about Halo. So that exclusive has absolutely zero pull when it comes to my decision making.

Basically what the Xbox 1 had, in exclusives, to try and draw me to it when it came out was Titan Fall and quite frankly that wasn't even remotely good enough to make me consider the Xbox1 over the PS4.

I'm lucky, I suppose, in that most of the games I want to play are going to be on both systems so it didn't have to come down to a factor of which system has the better games. They have virtually the same games and to this point knowing that I'll get The Last of Us on PS4 far out weighs buying an Xbox 1 for Titan Fall.

One game doesn't sway me. I would like to play Last of Us, but not for the pricetag of the PS4.

Eh yes you are in the minority in that one, Halo was a fantastic console shooter. The HD re-release of the first 4 (Particularly the first 2) are going to sell many many x1's just because Halo 2 was such a massive multiplayer game.

Aside from Super Smash Brothers, Halo was the only other game we could get 20+ guys in one basement full of food and drinks, and play until morning on our projector screens and various TV's in epic tournament fashion.

I thought Titanfall was a very very good game. Respawn is one of the few companies that actually are pushing lots of content into their game still with different modes and such. It does feel rather incomplete without a singleplayer campaign, but i think it is very good and worth 60. It won't be an exclusive much longer, the sequel will be multiplatform. I think that route will be more common and we will see less exclusives as a whole.

I do mostly play multiplatform games so It doesn't affect me either for the most part. I enjoy the xbox controller more than the ps4 one, and Halo is always a bonus. Each to their own.
Halo is a good game but agree that I don't see what sets it apart from other mainstream shooters. Destiny looks on par with Halo outside of the single player campaign story. I would add Infamous and Killzone to the exclusive library for PS already available but exclusives like Last of Us, Uncharted, Bloodborne, Drive Club, No Man's Sky, The Order: 1886 and Planetside 2 are only set for PS4. I like PS4 specifically for the exclusives and would imagine that the free games offered by PSN will dwarf those offered by Xbox Gold as was the case last gen.

Of course Destiny looks on par with Halo... Bungie !! They used a very heavy halo influence on that game. Seeing as it is multiplatform ill pick it up of course though.
Just finished Sniper Elite III, great game, lots of fun. If you played the 2nd one of PS3 or like sniping you will enjoy this game.
Just finished Sniper Elite III, great game, lots of fun. If you played the 2nd one of PS3 or like sniping you will enjoy this game.

I've never played that but was interested. Glad to know you enjoyed it! I bought CoD for 20 bucks off amazon for my brother.

Also snagged me a copy of Wolfenstein on amazon for 40 bucks. Waiting for that one to come in the mail!

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