PS4 vs Xbox One

Anyone hear about the new PS4 update coming out ? Lets say i have Madden ( or other Co-OP game) . Well with the new update only one friend has to have the game. That means if I want to challenge a friend all i have to do is invite them , and they'll be able to play just like they own the game. Thats a game changer in my book. It'll save huge $$ if you have a close gaming group.

But only for a 60 minute session. It is still a tremendous option that can save people money. The PS4 has sold over 10 million units compared to only 5 million shipped compared to the Xboner. So the share option should possibly add more numbers towards Sony's favor.

The PS4 is dominating. No games or exclusives as the haters spew? BOOOSH like Ellie would say.
But only for a 60 minute session. It is still a tremendous option that can save people money. The PS4 has sold over 10 million units compared to only 5 million shipped compared to the Xboner. So the share option should possibly add more numbers towards Sony's favor.

The PS4 is dominating. No games or exclusives as the haters spew? BOOOSH like Ellie would say.

What happens after the 60 min session ? I didn't hear these details yet .
But only for a 60 minute session. It is still a tremendous option that can save people money. The PS4 has sold over 10 million units compared to only 5 million shipped compared to the Xboner. So the share option should possibly add more numbers towards Sony's favor.

The PS4 is dominating. No games or exclusives as the haters spew? BOOOSH like Ellie would say.

I feel like you are the only one in this thread who is trying to pit the consoles against each other. Everyone else seems to be enjoying talking about the games they are currently playing.

Anyhow, Madden season folks. Gear up the sticks. Aren't we an 81 overall this year?
I feel like you are the only one in this thread who is trying to pit the consoles against each other. Everyone else seems to be enjoying talking about the games they are currently playing.

Anyhow, Madden season folks. Gear up the sticks. Aren't we an 81 overall this year?

Well, the thread title is PS4 vs Xbox One.
I feel like you are the only one in this thread who is trying to pit the consoles against each other. Everyone else seems to be enjoying talking about the games they are currently playing.

Still think the Master Chief collection, and Halo 5 have much more replay value than the PS4 exclusives.

YOU just recently posted this. Is this not trying to pit the consoles against each other? Also, check the topic title.
Still think the Master Chief collection, and Halo 5 have much more replay value than the PS4 exclusives.

YOU just recently posted this. Is this not trying to pit the consoles against each other? Also, check the topic title.

That was in response to the fanboy remarks you've made in saying xbox 1 has no good exclusives.

Fanboys are the worst thing to happen to video games.

Sony and Xbox need each other. Fanboys take this to a whole new level of extreme. The companies have such a respect for one another. If you don't appreciate what all consoles have to offer, you aren't a gaming fan. Plain and simple.

Without competition, there would be no need for improvement. If you need evidence of that, look no further to the quality of madden games year in and year out.
Went against my better judgment and preordered madden. Any of you ps4 guys plan on playing online? Add me my psn id is Mookoto
That was in response to the fanboy remarks you've made in saying xbox 1 has no good exclusives.

Fanboys are the worst thing to happen to video games.

Sony and Xbox need each other. Fanboys take this to a whole new level of extreme. The companies have such a respect for one another. If you don't appreciate what all consoles have to offer, you aren't a gaming fan. Plain and simple.

Without competition, there would be no need for improvement. If you need evidence of that, look no further to the quality of madden games year in and year out.

Game fanboys remind me a lot of wrestling fans from the last 90's. And once one of the 2 companies shut down...the product became crap because the remaining company didn't need to try anymore...they were the only show in town.

I own an xbox 360, but i definitely know the PS3/4 has amazing games and has it's own pro's and con's. I don't understand when people think 1 sucks because they own the other.
Went against my better judgment and preordered madden. Any of you ps4 guys plan on playing online? Add me my psn id is Mookoto

Im going to pickup my x1 copy first day. Already thinking about the roster changes im going to have to do for speed on this
I may actually join the new generation soon. It's earlier than I intended, but I have a 10% off coupon from Target, and the Xbox One has a Madden bundle coming out. Combined with the 5% from my Target card, it would be between $350-360 after taxes. Not too shabby for the console and game. I am still building Amazon reward points from my credit card for the PS4 (up to about $310 now). Still debating if it's worth it, or if I should wait until it drops to $300.
I may actually join the new generation soon. It's earlier than I intended, but I have a 10% off coupon from Target, and the Xbox One has a Madden bundle coming out. Combined with the 5% from my Target card, it would be between $350-360 after taxes. Not too shabby for the console and game. I am still building Amazon reward points from my credit card for the PS4 (up to about $310 now). Still debating if it's worth it, or if I should wait until it drops to $300.

I would say the next gen games are definitely worth it in my opinion. The releases are supposed to balloon in the fall and the few I've played were noticeably 'next gen'. Not just graphics, but fluidity in the gameplay is so much smoother and crisp. (Killzone, Watchdogs, Injustice)
I may actually join the new generation soon. It's earlier than I intended, but I have a 10% off coupon from Target, and the Xbox One has a Madden bundle coming out. Combined with the 5% from my Target card, it would be between $350-360 after taxes. Not too shabby for the console and game. I am still building Amazon reward points from my credit card for the PS4 (up to about $310 now). Still debating if it's worth it, or if I should wait until it drops to $300.

The PS4 isn't going to have a price drop for quite some time (probably next spring, or 2015 holiday season bundled with Uncharted 4). They are so far ahead in the lead that it would pretty much be pointless for them to reduce the price this year. And all of the white Destiny bundles are going to sell like crazy.
The PS4 isn't going to have a price drop for quite some time (probably next spring, or 2015 holiday season bundled with Uncharted 4). They are so far ahead in the lead that it would pretty much be pointless for them to reduce the price this year. And all of the white Destiny bundles are going to sell like crazy.

I meant if the Xbox One drops to $300. I am in no hurry to get either as they don't really have any must have games right now, and I have PS3 and 360 games I still need to play.
Recently got myself a PS4 for 64$

Traded in my PS3, Xbox360, Wii and all my games/equipment.

They were pretty much just collecting dust anyhow.

Only have Ground Zeroes though. Waiting for titles I'm interested in. Think I'm going to get Last of Us remastered for it though.
Recently got myself a PS4 for 64$

Traded in my PS3, Xbox360, Wii and all my games/equipment.

They were pretty much just collecting dust anyhow.

Only have Ground Zeroes though. Waiting for titles I'm interested in. Think I'm going to get Last of Us remastered for it though.

You will LOVE The Last of Us. Fantastic game.
I began playing Diablo III last night and I'm already absolutely loving this game. It's a whole lot of fun.

I've got one of every character started, briefly, but I've played the Demon Hunter and Monk quite a bit already and I love them both. They're a blast. The Witch Doctor seems like its going to be a whole lot of fun as well.
Getting a PS4 soon. Can't decide whether to wait for the Destiny bundle(not a huge fan of the white system but its a good deal) or buy one when I buy Madden.

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