PS4 vs Xbox One

Recently got myself a PS4 for 64$

Traded in my PS3, Xbox360, Wii and all my games/equipment.

They were pretty much just collecting dust anyhow.

Only have Ground Zeroes though. Waiting for titles I'm interested in. Think I'm going to get Last of Us remastered for it though.

I was extremely doubtful about The Last of Us being as hyped at as it is. I was beyond wrong. I just RIGHT NOW finished it on Grounded difficulty and it was one of the more fulfilling and ultimately challenging achievements I have accomplished in all of my years of gaming.
The PS4 isn't going to have a price drop for quite some time (probably next spring, or 2015 holiday season bundled with Uncharted 4). They are so far ahead in the lead that it would pretty much be pointless for them to reduce the price this year. And all of the white Destiny bundles are going to sell like crazy.

I don't think they will be dropping at all for the next couple of years due to the Playstation TV coming out for $100 and the deluxe for $140.00

If anything, they will probably bundle the PS4 and the PS TV deluxe for $499.00 next Spring.
Sick: Dark Souls inspired

Far Cry 4 (personal fav)

Assassins Creed Unity (gameplay)

Loved the naval/pirate aspect and they will continue with that in Assasins Creed Rogue: Last Gen gets a different edition. Will buy both.:D

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I was extremely doubtful about The Last of Us being as hyped at as it is. I was beyond wrong. I just RIGHT NOW finished it on Grounded difficulty and it was one of the more fulfilling and ultimately challenging achievements I have accomplished in all of my years of gaming.

I've had The Last of Us PS3 version since last Fall and I'm just started playing it. I finally have the time to devote to it. I'm looking forward to it. The guy I got it from through game trades raved about it. He says it was the only game he ever thought about playing through again after he finished it. I'm looking forward to it.
Did anyone pay for the EA access? I see that people are playing Madden 15 and the presentation are getting good reviews.

However, I think it is hilarious for EA to only give 6 hours of gameplay to those who subscribed.
I bought it last year, thought it was a complete joke and i never will again.

I'll buy the game either way, so it's useless.
I am absolutely loving my PS4 so far. It is a HUGE upgrade over the PS3 in my opinion. First off the graphics are amazing. Game environments are incredibly real. Secondly, everything is very fast! You exit games and navigate through the menus very easily and hardly ever is there a wait time! When simming a season in Madden on the PS3, it would take 30+ minutes to do so. On the PS4 it takes 10-15 minutes.

Fifa is amazing on the PS4. The gameplay is so smooth and the crowd is so realistic. You can see police in the crowd for god's sakes lol.

Madden is much better on the PS4 gameplay wise. The presentation is a slight upgrade, but the gameplay is much smoother and more realistic. The field is the most realistic thing in the game.

I can't wait to play other games. I have PS Plus, so the games included are "Road Not Taken" and "Fez." Both are just OK, kind of disappointing. A couple of games I have my eye on are Destiny, NHL 15, Batman Arkham Knight, and Uncharted 4. Any other game I'll wait for a price drop.
I am absolutely loving my PS4 so far. It is a HUGE upgrade over the PS3 in my opinion. First off the graphics are amazing. Game environments are incredibly real. Secondly, everything is very fast! You exit games and navigate through the menus very easily and hardly ever is there a wait time! When simming a season in Madden on the PS3, it would take 30+ minutes to do so. On the PS4 it takes 10-15 minutes.

Fifa is amazing on the PS4. The gameplay is so smooth and the crowd is so realistic. You can see police in the crowd for god's sakes lol.

Madden is much better on the PS4 gameplay wise. The presentation is a slight upgrade, but the gameplay is much smoother and more realistic. The field is the most realistic thing in the game.

I can't wait to play other games. I have PS Plus, so the games included are "Road Not Taken" and "Fez." Both are just OK, kind of disappointing. A couple of games I have my eye on are Destiny, NHL 15, Batman Arkham Knight, and Uncharted 4. Any other game I'll wait for a price drop.

Just to be clear, you didn't get Madden 15 early right (cus PM me;)) but I hear you on the improvements to last year as well. The interface navigation is so much smoother than last gen (both systems) and is great to hit that ps button. Do what you gotta do, come back to it hours later and start right back up mid gun battle. I wouldn't worry about the PS Plus free games quite yet (agree on the quality of them so far on PS4) bc if it were anything like last gen, PS is great at putting out free quality PSN and ACTUAL games you will want to download (Crysis 3, Dead Space 3, NBA 2K14, Tomb Raider (the good one),Payday 2 (sick armed robbery heist game that takes place in DC with accurate police uniform, locations, etc.) Metro: Last Light, BioShock Infinite, DmC: Devil May Cry, Borderlands 2, Hitman: Absolution)

I think I was able to download a free pinball game on Live:D
Just to be clear, you didn't get Madden 15 early right (cus PM me;)) but I hear you on the improvements to last year as well. The interface navigation is so much smoother than last gen (both systems) and is great to hit that ps button. Do what you gotta do, come back to it hours later and start right back up mid gun battle. I wouldn't worry about the PS Plus free games quite yet (agree on the quality of them so far on PS4) bc if it were anything like last gen, PS is great at putting out free quality PSN and ACTUAL games you will want to download (Crysis 3, Dead Space 3, NBA 2K14, Tomb Raider (the good one),Payday 2 (sick armed robbery heist game that takes place in DC with accurate police uniform, locations, etc.) Metro: Last Light, BioShock Infinite, DmC: Devil May Cry, Borderlands 2, Hitman: Absolution)

I think I was able to download a free pinball game on Live:D

Nah it was Madden 25 lol. I can't wait to see the black Friday deals this year for the PS4. Definitely going to stock up if there's some good deals. Add me on the PS4! Also, do you have fifa on it?
Nah it was Madden 25 lol. I can't wait to see the black Friday deals this year for the PS4. Definitely going to stock up if there's some good deals. Add me on the PS4! Also, do you have fifa on it?

No not much into Fifa but just got back into NBA2K last year. Played Madden for about a month but lost interest (really loved franchise from the older games). Just got the 4 last week myself and only have a couple of chapters into KZ and around end of Act 1 in WDogs. Obligations:mad: I'll send you a PM. Will have Madden by next Thu.
I think I was able to download a free pinball game on Live:D

So far on Live, i've gotten Dishonored, Gotham City Imposters, Dark Souls, Saints Row 3, Hitman: Absolution, Dead Island, Civilisation, Sleeping dogs, Gears of War, Rainbow Six Vegas, Crackdown and Assasin's creed. That's not counting the arcade game they give away free each month too. Not to mention games i got for 5$ on their sales (Skyrim, Dragon Age Origin, Deus Ex Revolution, Red Dead Redemption just to name a few)

Let's just cut the whole "the other game console sucks" rhetoric out. We can all discuss things without bias, no?
So far on Live, i've gotten Dishonored, Gotham City Imposters, Dark Souls, Saints Row 3, Hitman: Absolution, Dead Island, Civilisation, Sleeping dogs, Gears of War, Rainbow Six Vegas, Crackdown and Assasin's creed. That's not counting the arcade game they give away free each month too. Not to mention games i got for 5$ on their sales (Skyrim, Dragon Age Origin, Deus Ex Revolution, Red Dead Redemption just to name a few)

Let's just cut the whole "the other game console sucks" rhetoric out. We can all discuss things without bias, no?

No I hear you but would still say the quality was better for PSPlus. I'm getting an X1 down the road too but owned most of those games years before. No NBA2k14s for instance.. Was more telling him it will get better once more games come out.
The PSN is down due to an apparent hacking of the network. Unbelievable. Thought this was stop in the next generation...
The PSN is down due to an apparent hacking of the network. Unbelievable. Thought this was stop in the next generation...

It's a ddos attack which is not a hack, and it's pretty much unpreventable. Some of the largest companies in the world with much better security have been ddos'd. Apparently Live is down on the 360 as well. It sucks but it happens quite a bit.
It's a ddos attack which is not a hack, and it's pretty much unpreventable. Some of the largest companies in the world with much better security have been ddos'd. Apparently Live is down on the 360 as well. It sucks but it happens quite a bit.

the kid apparently pranked an airplane that has the Playstation Online President on board and has made it divert it's flight because of a bomb threat. lol the guy has just become a Cyber Terrorist.
the kid apparently pranked an airplane that has the Playstation Online President on board and has made it divert it's flight because of a bomb threat. lol the guy has just become a Cyber Terrorist.

Yikes. This little punk means business. I believe Sony already announced that no personal data was compromised, which is good.
Yikes. This little punk means business. I believe Sony already announced that no personal data was compromised, which is good.

yeah this group has apparently been DDOSing of bunch of game servers like Runescape, League of Legends, Blizzard's battle-net these past days
Yikes. This little punk means business. I believe Sony already announced that no personal data was compromised, which is good.

Yeah that was good to hear for those folks who put personal information on their account.

I, personally, never do. They don't have my real name or anything on mine. I don't put credit card information on mine at all. It just doesn't make sense to do so.
Bonus! Target is doing $35 gift cards with an XBox One purchase, so with my discounts I got the Madden bundle for basically $330 after taxes.
I'm a Wii U guy, but I'm still keeping my ps3 around. I got a chance to play Madden 15 on a next gen console and the quality is night and day compared to the ps3 version. Seems like EA phoned it in with Madden on the "old" consoles.

Probably won't get a ps4 or xbox one until the next game in the Elder Scrolls series comes out.