QB Options without Dak in 2025


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I have not moved back to outright support.

Just because I don't trash him incessantly doesn't mean I am.supporting. that is the issue with those who hate dak, it's either you trash or else you must be a supporter.

I don't see any of them as options since they will all be FA

Time for us and Dak to move on from each other. Lance is a FA. If he does well, then he will cost a lot. If he doesn't, then he is cheap but nothing more than a bridge. Rush is not the answer.
Nothing wrong with what you've said there, other than the opinion about those, YOU SEE, as trashing Dak. Im sure you see me in a 'hate Dak'/ 'trasher', when in reality my preference is a career ending long term contract, as that would give the opportunity to restructure and provide a defense which can keep Dak in a game (or for long enough that he hopefully regains that composure).


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I my world we would have a GM that new what the hell he was doing.
Obviously, but how would that resolve this Dak contract? You're placing blame on Jerry, when in reality, Dak's 1st performance v GB has the made the decision more difficult.

Playing 'GM Football Manager', my offers, in descending order would be:

a) Career ending 5 year contract, allowing restructuring and splitting salary, which allows restructuring into further Void Years (over a 7, 8 year period).
b) 3 year contract at $55m (ish)........but with no NTC
c) 4 year at $55M, with easily achievable incentives, but with partial NTC (comes into effect after 2 years).

I dont think Dak would accept any of the above, what would you be offering (and something close to what Dak would accept)?