Question for those that wanted Parcells gone


rock music matters
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Dave_in-NC;1347705 said:
Yeah, yeah, yeah. One hold away from going deep In my opinion.:D

one december collapse from making that one hold come a week early in my opinion... : )


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iceberg;1347844 said:
one december collapse from making that one hold come a week early in my opinion... : )

You lookin fer a fight? Buddy boy?:D


Mr. Wright
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iceberg;1347854 said:
you want a piece of the berg man??? YOU WANT SOME??? : )

Does your name symbolize anything about yourself?

Like you only show us 10% of who you are and keep the other 90% hidden away?

Not being a Smarta, I am just a curious person... and yes, I know curiosity killed the cat.


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smarta5150;1347890 said:
Does your name symbolize anything about yourself?

Like you only show us 10% of who you are and keep the other 90% hidden away?

Not being a Smarta, I am just a curious person... and yes, I know curiosity killed the cat.

He hides nothing. He's a whimp. He wouldn't be talking so bad boy if he knew I purchased my ticket to Texas to whoop him up a bit.:D


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CanadianCowboysFan;1347373 said:
Are you still glad he retired given who our next HC might be?


I think it is evident that Parcells was not ready for the grind of another season because if not he would still be here.

This is not the same Parcells that won two Super Bowls in NY. There is no shame in that. I would not expect a sixty five year old person to have the same energy, zeal, dedication, hunger, flexibility, creativity and such as he did 20 years ago.

I am not saying Parcells was missing all of those ingredients, but I am saying I doubt seriously they were there as strongly as they were when he was fifty.

Everyone comes down to the end of the line at some point. Does not mean they were not great at sometime or that someone slipped them a stupid pill.

How many coaches were greater than Landry? Having said that Landry should have been gone well before 1988. It is not an indictment against Landry as it is a fact that age catches up with everyone.

So in a nutshell I am glad Parcells is gone. I am glad he got this team point in the right direction, it is time to bring in new blood.

As was the case with BP, bringing in someone new does not always yield the results that one is hoping for. Time will tell.


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Who cares at this point? Sucked with him, will suck without him. Suckitude is all a matter of degrees: 9-7 sucks, 6-10 sucks, 3-13 sucks, etc.


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CanadianCowboysFan;1347373 said:
Are you still glad he retired given who our next HC might be?
This is why I preached continuity before hand. Oh well. Hopefully a guy like Garrett or Singletary will provide that organizational "continuity" I'm fond of.


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jgboys1;1348001 said:
But 3 years in a row of 5-11 REALY Sucks!
we're more talented than that now. Just take a look at our 2001 roster to see how bad it really was. Barring a complete meltdown, we won't go 5-11 next year even with Turner at coach. Now 7-9, that I could see.


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I'm soo happy he is gone... I cant cheer for the team the way I wanted to when BP was the coach... I hated the Giants growing up and I still hate BP and Jim Burt for acting like they have more tradition than the DALLAS COWBOYS!!!

I'm happy BP was able to use alot of high draft picks and free agent money to improve the team... But really, alot of guys could have done that! The fact that BP gets a pass from ESPN on everything he does... Helps when talking smack to other fans and that I will miss!

the days of calling "flashes in the pan" like ROMO the next TOM BRADY was fun and will be missed... getting blown out on National TV at least once a year will not!!!

I will also miss calling 7th round draft picks "steals of the draft" even though they havent played since Camp!

I will also miss other fans not giving the Boys a hard time everytime they get Ape Raped by the TEXANS front office!!!

But really how long did you want BP to coach anyway?


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CanadianCowboysFan;1347373 said:
Are you still glad he retired given who our next HC might be?


I never wanted Parcells as the coach in the first place. I have and will always view him as a New York Giant. When I was growing up and he was coaching the Giants, and we played them, his coaching style always made it painful to watch the games against them.

His giant teams made the games boring, his style is too conservative, on defense and offense.

Now I will admit that he brought some good attributes that made me give him the benefit of the doubt. I mean I thought he would bring some discipline to the team, that Campo let get away.

But he did not because our team still committed the same silly stupid penalties they did before he became the coach.

In 2003 when we made the playoffs it was encouraging and a surprise to me, but on the other hand I had always said that we had some decent players when Campo was the coach he just could not get the best out of those guys, and then he was too scary to, not to mention Jerry hired Coslet who was trying to undermine Campo so he could get the HC job, plus his man love for Hutch, when he should have been working on grooming Carter, instead he antagonized Carter. (Coslet did)

Parcells comes in and takes the time to get Carter to start to progress again, enough to help lead the team to the playoffs.

Yet, I still felt Parcells held the reins too tight on Carter and the offense, we had weapons then, I felt he should have let the guys go out and just play ball, if they made mistakes then fine, that is the only way they would learn from their mistakes.

Then he started bringing in his old players, which did not help any we went to 6-10. Parcells is set in his ways, he should have been open to new things to mix with his old, ways and football knowledge, not so domineering, trying to make the players fit his scheme and ways instead of fitting his scheme to his players.

If he had not retired he would have wnet out like Landry, Chuck Noll and Don Shula, fired.

Yes, I'm glad he is gone, and I will take a younger coach, Garrett, Turner, anyone with some aggressiveness about him.


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Im happy Parcells is gone, but that doesnt mean I am going to sugar coat some brain dead Jerry Jones move.


...Abbey someone
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Yep. Happy he is gone.

Does that mean I'm going to blindly defend the next guy? No.

BUT can we give the next guy the same 4 years that some people here were willing to extend to Parcells?

If the best thing Parcells brought to the table was that he kept Jerry from doing whacky things, that's a pretty sad statement about both of them.


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CanadianCowboysFan;1347373 said:
Are you still glad he retired given who our next HC might be?
im more glad parcells is gone then who will be the next hc.


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I thought we needed a change and regardless of who Jerry picks as HC, change was still needed. The December swoon this season was a huge event and a real condemnation of the approach our coaching staff took. No matter what Jerry does, he's rolling the dice. We'll see.


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Juke99;1348385 said:
Yep. Happy he is gone.

Does that mean I'm going to blindly defend the next guy? No.

BUT can we give the next guy the same 4 years that some people here were willing to extend to Parcells?

If the best thing Parcells brought to the table was that he kept Jerry from doing whacky things, that's a pretty sad statement about both of them.

Very well said. I am very happy he is gone and am more than willing to give any new guy a chance. Now if we don't show a continuing improvement over the next 3-4 years then I will be calling for the new guys head too.


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Ask certain posters this question in one year. THEN see if they have the guts to be honest.