Quincy Carter story Monday on NFL Network

ilovejerry;1491530 said:
And thats the reason I have empathy toward him not pity, And then again we don't know how or if he is getting help, I'm not going to judge him by that interview, Yes he does have a history of drug abuse if you want to call it that, So hopefully he can realize his situation and make up for his past, Or maybe he will find G-d and that will make it all better just like Cornelius Bennett who raped a woman and found G-d. So that made it OK ( Scum bag should have been thrown out of the NFL ) But hey I don't live my life in hypocrisy Like others.

Since you feel so strongly about this, why don't you start up a Save QC from his own demise foundation?

You could work with QC to save some of that game check and get donations for the charity. Down the road if QC ever makes it back into the league the money would increase and you could help others with similar problems.
ilovejerry;1491534 said:
Thank-G-d you dont have children. You know I heard weed actually relaxes you.... Hmm Im thinking........... you may want to give it a shot.

I smoked before when I was younger, I'm no longer a kid I'm a grown man with responsibilities and have my priorities in order thank you very much. Problem is Carter has been treated like a little kid his whole life and having people throwing pity parties for him does him no good at all. You may want to try growing up as well. Myself I treat a child as a child but I treat adults like adults sorry you can't tell the difference.
Doomsday101;1491547 said:
Problem is Carter has been treated like a little kid his whole life and having people throwing pity parties for him does him no good at all.

An intervention could help Carter, if necessary. However, "pity parties" are NOT "interventions". Simple.
DallasEast;1491549 said:

An intervention could help Carter, if necessary. However, "pity parties" are NOT "interventions". Simple.

I see a lot of this around the court house where I work. I think people need to go back to getting a good swift kick in the pants instead of this wuss treatment of you poor little thing.
DallasEast;1489706 said:
"AF2 is the place for me.
Semi-pro livin' is the life for me.
Casinos spreadin' out so far and wide
Keep Dallas, just give me that downside.

Bossier City is where I'd rather stay.
I get allergic not smelling pot, okay?
I just adore a basement view.
Dah-ling I love you but give me Jewella Avenue.

The herbs.
The curbs.
Reefer air.
Village Square.

Pot is my vice.
Good bye, NFL life.
AF2 we are there!"

That was very creative,well done and funny.:bow:
Bleu Star;1489893 said:
I'll bet you anything no blame gets tossed and the whole segment is positive. Remember, this is a guy trying to one day make it back to the big leagues. He knows people will be watching his every move and word. Whether he'll ever get back to the bigs... that's largely debatable. However, in his mind, he is probably determined to prove a lot of people wrong about him.

I, personally, see him having a long career in the AFL but the NFL is a crap shoot at this moment in time. He burned quite a few of the NFL bridges and I don't know if there are any left for him to cross.

Does the phrase "I think so" make it sound like he is convincing the NFL he wants to get back to the "bigs" ?
Doomsday101;1491556 said:
I see a lot of this around the court house where I work. I think people need to go back to getting a good swift kick in the pants instead of this wuss treatment of you poor little thing.

Would you agree if it was your kid with a drug problem?
ilovejerry;1491521 said:
No it just shows me( and everyone else ) the caliber of person I'm trying to have a discussion with

DallasEast;1491536 said:
Oh, cry me a river already. :rolleyes:

DE, you a vedy vedy bad man.....

jackrussell;1491638 said:
DE, you a vedy vedy bad man.....

I know JR :) . That's Seinfeld sitting down, right? I rarely watched his show. Who's the other guy?
DallasEast;1491645 said:
I know JR :) . That's Seinfeld sitting down, right? I rarely watched his show. Who's the other guy?

BABU: But where are people? You see people? Show me people. There are no people!
JERRY: You know, I think I'll just take the check.
BABU: You bad man! You very very bad man!

Green Acres yes? Seinfeld no?:confused:
jackrussell;1491650 said:
BABU: But where are people? You see people? Show me people. There are no people!
JERRY: You know, I think I'll just take the check.
BABU: You bad man! You very very bad man!

Green Acres yes? Seinfeld no?:confused:
I know. I know. Loved Green Acres, but never really cared for Seinfeld. Heck, I've seen more episodes of Julia Louis-Dreyfus' Old Christine than I have Seinfeld (what little I did watch of his show, it was because of her :) ).
CanadianCowboysFan;1491668 said:
Yeah Old Christine looks pretty good, better than the original bohemian Elaine on Seinfeld.
THAT, we both agree on. ;) :)
CanadianCowboysFan;1491635 said:
Would you agree if it was your kid with a drug problem?

Again Carter is not a child. I treat a child as such but I don't pamper adults. I went through my share of problems with the law and until I was willing and ready to change my behavior nothing else was going to help. Not my parents or anyone else it was ME. It gets me when see these athletes hanging out at clubs at 2 AM and some around here say there is nothing wrong with that? I went through the years of being a party animal I damn well know there is nothing but trouble at 2 am in the morning so I'm not shocked when I read in the paper of a player being busted outside a club in the early morning hours, I don't stick my head in the sand, I deal with what the reality is. Now either a person grows up and takes responsibility for their own action or not the choice is theirs to make. What I see more and more of today is excuses of why it is not my fault instead of manning up and dealing with your own actions. I learned the hard way but I learned.
DallasEast;1491541 said:
If you had an infant who was crying, would you first reach for a pacifier or a roach to relax him?

You can call Carter if you need a lifeline.

I guess your right, I dont know what im talking about
BrAinPaiNt;1491545 said:
Since you feel so strongly about this, why don't you start up a Save QC from his own demise foundation?

You could work with QC to save some of that game check and get donations for the charity. Down the road if QC ever makes it back into the league the money would increase and you could help others with similar problems.

Thats not the point I was making, You dont get it either.
Doomsday101;1491683 said:
Again Carter is not a child. I treat a child as such but I don't pamper adults. I went through my share of problems with the law and until I was willing and ready to change my behavior nothing else was going to help. Not my parents or anyone else it was ME. It gets me when see these athletes hanging out at clubs at 2 AM and some around here say there is nothing wrong with that? I went through the years of being a party animal I damn well know there is nothing but trouble at 2 am in the morning so I'm not shocked when I read in the paper of a player being busted outside a club in the early morning hours, I don't stick my head in the sand, I deal with what the reality is. Now either a person grows up and takes responsibility for their own action or not the choice is theirs to make. What I see more and more of today is excuses of why it is not my fault instead of manning up and dealing with your own actions. I learned the hard way but I learned.

We are all someone's child. Yeah the hardline approach is all fine and dandy for some but it does not work for others.
Doomsday101;1491547 said:
I smoked before when I was younger, I'm no longer a kid I'm a grown man with responsibilities and have my priorities in order thank you very much. Problem is Carter has been treated like a little kid his whole life and having people throwing pity parties for him does him no good at all. You may want to try growing up as well. Myself I treat a child as a child but I treat adults like adults sorry you can't tell the difference.

You just made my point read your own words, I never said I pity him I said I feel empathy towards him theres difference
Doomsday101;1491556 said:
I see a lot of this around the court house where I work. I think people need to go back to getting a good swift kick in the pants instead of this wuss treatment of you poor little thing.

Go ahead and try giving "a" kid a kick in the pants. They will call Difuss on you, We are a long way from yesteryear im affraid

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