Quincy Carter story Monday on NFL Network

ilovejerry;1491741 said:
Go ahead and try giving "a" kid a kick in the pants. They will call Difuss on you, We are a long way from yesteryear im affraid

Yeah Dooms seems to think it is 1957 and not 2007.
ilovejerry;1491740 said:
You just made my point read your own words, I never said I pity him I said I feel empathy towards him theres difference
They are synonyms.

ilovejerry;1491735 said:
I guess your right, I dont know what im talking about
Well, you're not going to get any argument from me about that, that's for sure.
CanadianCowboysFan;1491744 said:
Yeah Dooms seems to think it is 1957 and not 2007.

Yeah...Coca Cola was invented in 1886.

Maybe we need to get back to some of the "old ways" and kick some of these kids in the arse! I know my dad did to me and my brothers. I even got 7 wood paddles on the butt in Jr. High! It helped me out...

The world is to soft nowdays....that is why I like the lesson PacThug is getting now!

Carter had his chance, yet he STILL, STILL TO THIS DAY...does not figure that out? Yet, what do we have now with him? "Ohhh...poor Carter...(sniff, sniff) it's not his fault that he HAD SEVERAL CHANCES to succed...!

If someone would have kicked his butt while he was in college when he was known as a druggie...maybe then, maybe then, he would have figured it out!

DallasEast;1491754 said:
Well, you're not going to get any argument from me about that, that's for sure.

Of course not, I really would like to tell you how I feel but I'm afraid I will get another infraction, because to sit here and waste my time on you you would be futile.So I will just leave you thinking what you think is correct.
ilovejerry;1491762 said:
Of course not, I really would like to tell you how I fell but I'm afraid I will get another infraction.

Please tell us how you "fell"...did it hurt? Did you fracture something?

Hostile;1491748 said:
They are synonyms.

Carter has been treated like a little kid his whole life and having people throwing pity parties for him does him no good at all

Thats fine I never used the word Pity,
5Stars;1491758 said:
Yeah...Coca Cola was invented in 1886.

Maybe we need to get back to some of the "old ways" and kick some of these kids in the arse! I know my dad did to me and my brothers. I even got 7 wood paddles on the butt in Jr. High! It helped me out...

The world is to soft nowdays....that is why I like the lesson PacThug is getting now!

Carter had his chance, yet he STILL, STILL TO THIS DAY...does not figure that out? Yet, what do we have now with him? "Ohhh...poor Carter...(sniff, sniff) it's not his fault that he HAD SEVERAL CHANCES to succed...!

If someone would have kicked his butt while he was in college when he was known as a druggie...maybe then, maybe then, he would have figured it out!


There is such a thing as progress. Belting kids around as used to happen did not make them better behaved, just abused.

While we are at it, why not go back to the time when you could sexually abuse your children and it just stayed "in the family" or how you could beat your wife if she was dissing you, not putting out enough, or well just because.
CanadianCowboysFan;1491778 said:
There is such a thing as progress. Belting kids around as used to happen did not make them better behaved, just abused.

While we are at it, why not go back to the time when you could sexually abuse your children and it just stayed "in the family" or how you could beat your wife if she was dissing you, not putting out enough, or well just because.


I have never been around anything like that! I hope it turned out good for you...
Guys be very careful where you are heading with some of these conversations.

Someone getting a spanking as a child does not equate into sexual abuse.

Take it slow before you go over the line please.

If you find someone does not agree with you to the point it gets you upset, maybe you should put that person on ignore.
ilovejerry;1491762 said:
Of course not, I really would like to tell you how I feel but I'm afraid I will get another infraction, because to sit here and waste my time on you you would be futile.So I will just leave you thinking what you think is correct.
Whatever. :cool:
BrAinPaiNt;1491794 said:
Someone getting a spanking as a child does not equate into sexual abuse.
Keep it real, BP. Keep it real. :thumbup:
Wow... Yet another QC thread that has BLOWN UP! I guess a good majority of the posters love a good train wreck. ;)

Cue the snide remark by superpunk in 3, 2, 1...
CanadianCowboysFan;1491751 said:
They might be synonymous but pity has far uglier connotations than empathy does.

That is just a matter of taste. Nietszche said that sympathy was the most evil of all human emotions.
Wrangler87;1490649 said:
Hostile is right, you fought tooth and nail talking about how great Carter was back in 2003. Shortly after he got released, you changed your screen name. Now you are busy trying to convince us that you were not as big of a Carter lover as you claim. But many of us, who have been around the Cowboys discussion boards for four or five years now, remember you quite well. You were not only the biggest Carterite this side of SilverBear, you founded the club.

I always hated that sumbeyotch... :D
DallasEast;1491541 said:
If you had an infant who was crying, would you first reach for a pacifier or a roach to relax him?

Neither-- I'd put Valium in his formula... failing that, I'd rock him to sleep (with a three pound rock)...

Problem solved...
Hostile;1490565 said:
Do you imagine that I have forgotten that post? That hope still stands unless you can somehow regain the flair you used to have. In spite of that last tasteless shot you took at me that day I still do like you. I just want back the poster who used to be here, not this whining, pathetic shell.
Keep Hope Alive!!!! I haven't changed IMHO.......the only thing that has changed is OUR opinions don't agree or align as much as they used to.....So I am not suprised you'd want me gone because you know I've got a "flair" and I have thought "provoking post". You don't want this poster around ripping/ challenging your opinions..........maybe:lmao2:

Hostile;1490565 said:
Word to the wise, crap stirrers eventually get silenced.
oooooooh I am shaking in my boots. Get a grip Hostile. That is your opinion.

Am I supposed to assume that if I take an opinion different that yours or any other poster it equates to "crap stirring".:lmao2:
Hostile;1490565 said:
I haven't given up on Henson. Figured you needed a bone since you got nothing else. If Henson never makes it, that's on him, no reflection on me.
Of course you haven't given up on Henson. I wouldn't either if I had seen the "IT". I never saw "IT".

I knew he wouldn't make "IT" onto the 2006 roster even before training camp started. Remember losing that BET Hostile?. That prediction would be within the 5 year window that you stated I've been wrong!!!
Hostile;1490565 said:
No, what you love is rehashing old battles like they still matter. You can't move on past being butt sore by how many spankings you took. You label the people who dared to oppose you and you haven't got the sack to let things die. You're stuck in the past because you're nothing but a broken record that was a bad song in the first place.
Does taking a spanking equate to being wrong about some of my opinions?

If so, then let me be the 1st to tell you that I take my spankings like a man.

I've been wrong several times. Infact I consistently own up to them, but I can't seem to remember getting any spankings from you.

Consider this a call out Hostile? List atleast one spanking I've received from you.

It's real easy to say it, but please prove it...........I mean I think some folks (maybe the "most crew") would like to know what you are talking about.

Hostile;1490565 said:
This is exactly what I mean. Nice attempt at spin control, but Merriweather isn't the topic. You think he's a feather in your cap for some reason because he got drafted? Hey that's fine, I never said he wouldn't get drafted. I said I didn't want him on the Cowboys. Every draft grade out there has mentioned it as a risky pick because of what? His character? You don't say? Go figure.
Ever heard of ANALOGY? I used the Meriweather conversation between as an example of how YOU and I can have differing opinions about a player, situation or topic.

In the Brandon Meriweather thread YEA or NAY prior to the draft I posted a "choir boy crew" smirk in reference to the posters who were against drafting Meriweather. You quickly replied with the "he's our thug crew" smirk.

What are you insinuating???? A little homework or less ignorance of the Meriweather situation would immediately halt any reference of THUG when discussing Meriweather. I think the Patriots (the ultimate charater team) 1st RD pick justifyied my opinion and Scott Pioli's excellent track record squashed any worries you might have had about Meriweather......

Hostile:" I didn't want him (Meriweather) to be a Cowboy"

Why? The most successful team in the NFL this side of our Dynasty thinks he's worth it. :lmao:

So you stick to your gospel (mediot draft grades) and I'll stick to mine, the same gospel that told me that Maurice Clarett would get drafted on day one ooopss another fact that blows you theory that I've been consistently wrong over the past 5 years.
Hostile;1490565 said:
Like this means something. Last year at the NFL draft I saw a Lawrence Phillips jersey and a Maurice Clarett as well as several other NFL flops. It's a funny fashion statement to wear the jersey of a flop. Go to any NFL game this year and you will see evidence of it.

It's a fashion statement to wear the Jersey of a flop!!!!


Interesting Fashion statement!!!!

Hostile;1490565 said:
I never once said Stoerner was a good starting QB. In fact I questioned his NFL credentials at all. Something I never did with Carter. I said he was more a backup than starter. Yet you never once got upset about my opinions of Stoerner, or Hutch...just the one guy who was a true threat to Carter. My opinions on him piss you off to this day even though it's ancient History. Damn that's pathetic man.
:lmao2: The only threat Drew Henson possed was re-inventing the "ROBOT" not seen since the days of Shabba DOO and Boo-galo-Shrimp from the BREAKDANCE movies in the 80's.

You think it pissed me off. It didn't I just called you out for predicting "IT" when no shred of evidence can prove that Drew Henson even had what it took.

Hostile;1490565 said:
Sure it is Charlie. 5 years of being wrong is real easy when you're good at it.
Former Iraqi Minister of Communications:"We are devastating the American Force at Baghdad Airport. The infadels are fighting like women.

Hostile;1490565 said:
Just for the guys at DCC, this is from me to you...props.

Are you talking about DallasCowboys Central? If so..............

Sad thing about this statement is there are very informative posters on every site. I've been posting long enough to know that while some sites might be putrid there are still nuggets of truth here and there, while I agree this is the best Cowboys forum I don't look down on others.

I knew you back when you were trying to find a nitch on our old stomping ground DMN. I welcomed you and enjoyed you feisty posts. Now you've got the balls to look down on other forums and insinuate that they are cocnsistently wrong:bang2:

Once again get off you fying high horse.

All I ever did was support Carter. We invested a 2nd RD pick and he was our starting QB. If that means I am the founding member of the Caterite club then so be it.......

I did the same for Walsh and Troy almost 18 years ago. No one knows who will have the mental fortitude to get over the hump. All players that earned the grade to be drafted need to be extended the same luxury to develop.

For some reason defending that developement process for Carter equates to some form of stigma.........:)

Not surprised at all, that those who don't think Carter is worth damn would be berating posters that empathize with Carter and try and trivialize the buzz he's generating at AFL2 (not surprised again that AFL2 was equated to Special olympics). If he ain't worth a damn then why waste your time on this thread. But if those posters are so bent on cleaning out the trash why aren't they berating those that equate AFL2 to Special Olympics.

I say kudos to Carter for humbling himself to get a JOB paying $200 a week doing what he loves doing and subsequently not hiding from the spotlight when his performance on the job creates a buzz.
ilovejerry;1491451 said:
1- I just saw the interview, and thats how I feel. After watching it
2- Because I see a young man throw away a career

kill me for having empathy for him.

I see you've ran the Quincy Carter Gauntlet:lmao2:

It's amazing how folks who claim to not give a damn about Carter would waste time on this thread.

One things for sure ilovejerry, from now on everyone of your post regardless of topics, player or situation will be prefix with "he had empathy for Carter"....:eek::

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