Hostile;1492371 said:
Oh please. I welcome the challenges. My objection is to your painting me as a racist. You can take that BS and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. When called on it you don't even have the sack to deny it or apologize for the misconception. Know why? There was none. That is exactly what you tried to accuse me of and it is complete and utter BS. I would prefer to never read that crap again.
IMHO I believed you stereotyped Brandon Meriweather. You didn't want him based on the character issues noted by draft publication grades, when presented with evidence contrary to the general sentiment that Meriweather had character issues you still held fast to your opinion.......that my friend in a nutshell is bigotry.
You can be a bigot without being a racist.
You can stereotype without being a racist.
If some reason you extrapolated racism from my contentions then get in touch with your reasoning faculties because as I meantioned above one can be a bigot and stereotyper without having racist feelings.......capiche!!!!
Hostile;1492371 said:
I can't believe someone as smart as you are needs to have this explained to you. The "crap stirring" is the celebration of the attention these threads receive like it's some kind of badge of honor for YOU. Shut the hell up already.
Once again that is your opinion. I didn't celebrate the attention that Carter threads get. Infact I am amazed it. That is why when I come across his threads I always comment about the 1000 view threshold and why folks seem to always gravitate towards Carter threads.
For some reason you seem to equate that to
celebrating. Once again another perfect example of how we view things differently.
And yes..........I am smart. Thank You!!!

Hostile;1492371 said:
This is hilarious. Dude, you are in such denial. Why do you suppose you take shots at me in these QB threads even if I'm not involved? The constant mentions of "QB gurus," "It factor," "pedigree," "sig pictures," etc. You and I both know those are all references to me. Why deny it?
Are you the only one (poster) who surmised that Drew Henson and Chad Hutchinson had "IT"?
Are you the only one (poster) who surmised Henson and Hutchinson had pedigree?
Are you the only one (poster) that claimed to know that Carter didn't have what it took (QB Gurus)?
If you answer yes to the above questions then you might have a point.
In fact you are not the only one who shared those sentiments, therefore I could be referencing not only you, but many other posters that shared those opinions.
Once again get off you fying high horse.
Do you have a persecution complex?
Have I ever been one to beat about the bush. If I wanted to call you out I'd do. Infact my track record is proof. I don't need foreplay. If I am calling you out you'll know it.
You just fit the describtion and felt the need to push yourself to the front of the line.
Hostile;1492371 said:
How about your failed attempts to read my mind and interpret what my thoughts were? Remember the whole I was "seeking improvement" and Carter improved, therefore I should be "satisfied" stuff? How about where you constantly have tried to paint me as Hutch guy, and can't get it done? How about the racist accusations?
Chicken Little is that you!!!!
Truer words have never been spoken......."Every
HEROE needs a villain"
Hostile;1492371 said:
You're constantly wrong. Everyone is used to it. The only problem is, you can't own up to it.
So far in this thread I've admitted to being wrong several times.
What more does it take?
Once again........I don't give an "F" about everyone. Not surprised you care about what "everyone" and "most" think.......Mr.Persecution Complex
Hostile;1492371 said:
Every heard of nonsense? You used it because you wrongly think it proves your analysis of me. It doesn't.
The Meriweather anaology proves that WE look at things differently.
Not surprised again that you'd think I was using as an "analysis of me".
What a complex.......
Hostile;1492371 said:
I have no idea what this blather is about and frankly it doesn't interest me in the least. Congratulations on Scott Pioli justifying something that in your mind is a big freaking deal.
I guess.
I repeat, I didn't want him, we didn't get him, Anthony was our pick all along. How his going to the Patriots is relevant, I have no idea, but again congrats.
Well let me explain it Hosplex........
Based on your interpretation of various draft guides and grades (as you mention earlier in the thread) you stated you didn't want Meriweather on the team.
Based on my knowledge of Meriweather as a high school player, collegiate player and various friends who work on sports representing agency, I knew he wasn't a bad character guy as paint by the various draft grades.
Scott Pioli who runs the most successful franchise since the 90's Cowboys must agree with my sentiments or he wouldn't waste a 1st RD pick on Meriweather.
It's not a big freaking deal. It just shows we look at things from different vantage points........capiche.......the same applies to Quincy see train wreck.........I see a young man making $200 a week doing what he luvs, creating a buzz and taking pictures with fans who like making funny fashion statements

Do you now see the relevance?
Hostile;1492371 said:
Then go be a Patriots fan. I have no idea what you find so funny about this Charles. It isn't even interesting. I wouldn't care if he was the overall #1 pick. I didn't want him, and we didn't take him. It's really just that simple. Unless we had taken him I don't see what you think you have to thump your chest about.
I am not thumping my chest just showing a very distinct in how we go about formulating our opinions.
Hostile;1492371 said:
Maurice Clarett is a success story for you? My goodness talk about scraping the bottom of the barrell to find a cracker.
Another congrats I suppose.
Oh, for the record, I NEVER said he wouldn't go on day 1, that is someone else, though it doesn't surprise me in the least that you associate it with me.
Who said anything about Clarett being a success story?
Juvenile yet very common tactic used on forums these days.
Create a premise.......then proceed to ridicule it
You stated that I hadn't gotten anything right in the past 5 years. Well I was right prior to the draft that Clarett would be drafted on Day one. That was evidence that I had been correct within the past 5 years. At no point did I say or insinuate that it was or it was going to be a success story.
Very Juvenile Hosplex......Why create a premise associate it to me then proceed to ridicule it
Come on Hosplex, take that juvenile style of posting and try it elsewhere.
By the way Hosplex, I didn't associate the Clarett stuff with you, once again I used it as evidence to show that I have been right sometimes over the past 5 years.
There's that complex again.
Hostile;1492371 said:
I think so too. Personally I wouldn't do it. I won't even wear a TO jersey. He's not an original Cowboy, or a Cowboys legend. The only players whose jersies I own who ever played for another team are Emmitt and Tony D. I was a friend of Mike Lucky. Dallas is the only team he ever played for. I wouldn't own a Mike Lucky jersey unless he gave it to me. Not my thing, but people do it.
But but didn't you just say wearing Jersey for players that have flopped in the NFL is a funny fashion statement, then when I proceed to show you a Cowboy fan wearing a Quincy Carter No.17 jersey you decide to come up with this drivel
What you don't think the Cowboy's fan in the wheel chair is trying to be funny or make a funny fashion statement? full of it sometimes. I have friends and family whom have attend these games and the one thing they say is how amazed they are at the support Quincy is getting from Cowboy fans in attendance.....making funny fashion statements was weak...........
Hostile;1492371 said:
Whose days were numbered as soon as Henson signed the dotted line? Certainly wasn't Tony Romo. Was it? Can you admit to the truth? I doubt it.
That is a good question?
Whose days were numbered?
One thing for sure there were only 3 QBs on roster the day Henson came aboard who were good enough to
FINISH an NFL game.
Since you are into numbering I'll let you do the math.
Hostile;1492371 said:
I'll admit it, that was funny. The rest of this, not so much.
Yes, I was, because they have some kind of fascination with the word "props" and associate it with me even though I rarely use it.
That wasn't me looking down on that site or their posters. It is entirely about what I said above. They have a strange fascination with the word.
Your interpretation is WAY off base as I've explained above. I have nothing against DCC, or any other forum. I have a friend named Wade who is a Cowboys fan, but he is not exactly "family friendly." He's funny and is smart. He knows about this site and he knows about DCC because I've told him about both. I even suggested he would be more comfortable at DCC because of his style and our Guidelines. I have no idea if he ever joined there or not because I haven't seen him about 6 months since he moved up to Phoenix for a job.
I consider boozeman and NoDak Cowboy among others (I will surely forget names so I am limiting it to those) at DCC to be very good posters and great fans. I find sbk92 and Bob_Roberts funny. They know that. I always did. As far as I am concerned any of them are welcome to come back here any time and talk football. Three years ago just isn't interesting anymore.
I apologize. My interpretation was WAY off base.
Hostile;1492371 said:
All of us supported Carter Charles. Every one of us who breathes, sings badly in the shower, and dances when no one is around. No one wanted him to fail unless they were a complete idiot.
That is not true. You can't speak for everyone, but you've made a habit of being real inclusive in this thread.........."everyone can see it" "most" etc.
Quincy Carter brought out the worst in Cowboy nation for and against.
Hostile;1492371 said:
A lot of us felt like we deserved better talent for our starting QB. For that we put up with all kinds of mania and crap that to this day amazes me. I have said this dozens of times but it still doesn't sink in with any of you guys who were so rabid in your defense of Carter.
I think everyone wanted another Staubach or Troy , but I didn't understand the reasoning behind no extending Carter the luxury of developing.
QBs like Roger and Troy just don't fall into our laps, just because QBs don't live up to their status doesn't mean they can't help the Cowboys succeed. I was rabid in my defense of Carter because up until we signed Bledsoe and then Romo's emergence no other QB had played better for the Cowboys since Troy Aikman.
You can't dial up 1-800-QB. You and the Henson croonies couldn't convince me he had "IT" just because his father was a coach, Jerry slaughtered a sacred Cowboy during the secret dinner and he looked like Troy starring down a defense.
I never saw Henson complete a game winning pass like Carter did several times. I never saw Henson make a play with his legs to pick up a key 1st down. I never saw Henson beat the eventual NFC SuperBowl representatives Panthers during a play-off push or lead the Cowboys into a divisional foe on the road to cement a play-off berth..........yet you'll have us believe Carter's days were numbered the day Henson signed the dotted line

Get that BS outta. Carter's days were numbered the minute he decided to roll up a fat spliff and smoke is opportunity away the Robot had nothing to do with it.
Hostile;1492371 said:
"Where were you when I was criticizing Hambrick, Ekuban, Testaverde, or any other player?" That question has never been answered by any of you. I don't think you have the nads to admit you were off base about a lot of really good people.
I do have the nads. I have been wrong about many people, but I don't need you to tell me when it's time to apologize.
Where was I, I don't know..........maybe I didn't care about Hambrick, Ekuban or Vinny. Maybe I missed those threads ..........maybe you have a Persecution complex that flares once in a while..........
Hostile;1492371 said:
It was always about getting better, just like it is for every position on the team. Only where it pertained to that player some of you were simply beyond believing. I have never seen anything like it in my life and I hope I never do again.
If it was about getting better then why couldn't you see "IT" in Romo. I mean the minute Henson signed you and "everyone" or "most" crew had signatures of this robot side by side Troy Aikman and Staubach.
It wasn't about getting better Hosplex. It was about anyone but Carter!!!!
Hostile;1492371 said:
Point of fact Mr. No Clue, but I have NEVER once said AFL2, AFL, CFL, or NFLE aren't worth a damn. Hell, I never said that about XFL or USFL either. I have also never said Carter isn't "worth a damn."
Hosplex........did I associate those statements to you or didn't I clearly state in terms of just conversating that there are posters in this thread who dodn't think Carter is worth a damn yet proceed to add to the thread count........get a grip Hosplex
Hostile;1492371 said:
I repeat what I did say then, and I make no apologies for it. "I think we needed to get better at starting QB." On that topic, (which is the only one I ever discussed while you spun around the world and got dizzy) you never had a prayer of proving me wrong.
And who exactly was you 1st choice a way of getting better. Drew Henson

........A player that was so inconsistent in practice and his development that he couldn't even hold on to the back-up job when all he had to do was fend off a undrafted free agent.
Hostile;1492371 said:
Kudos to Carter. Will that end the discussion? Hell no. This ain't my first rodeo.
Yes it will. I am done here Kudos to Carter!!!