Quinn tried to get Bobby Wagner to Dallas


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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12 win teams are mediocre.
Nope, just good enough that the front office doesn't feel the need to change its ways. Instead of being mediocre, we're always a few players away from where we need to be if we want to contend for titles.


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Why would Stephen pay a legit LB? It's not like he wanted them to make a deep playoff run. I like LVE but he had a history of injuries, serious neck career ending injuries, and no other replacement on the roster.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Why would Stephen pay a legit LB? It's not like he wanted them to make a deep playoff run. I like LVE but he had a history of injuries, serious neck career ending injuries, and no other replacement on the roster.
The argument against Wagner is age/wear and tear-related. It's understandable that there might be concerns that he could hit the wall at any minute. That's a good reason not to pay him like he's an All-Pro linebacker in his 20s. Thing is, he didn't receive that level of pay. The Joneses' problem is that they have essentially set a limit for what they are willing to pay outside FAs and are not willing to make exceptions to it. Most fans aren't asking them to pay $100 million, but when we see holes in the lineup and they are not willing to even patch it for a lower-end market value price, that is frustrating.

It's like Jerry finally figured out the draft is important, but at the same time turned from a wildcat into a *****cat. This franchise can't be expected to relive the glory days as long as the front office fails at one of the means of player acquisitions. That's why I don't blame the coach (although I did blame Garrett for his coaching philosophy that I felt restricted the offense) and why I don't blame the quarterback. Lesser quarterbacks than Romo and Dak have competed for championships (I mean, Eli has two) because their front offices built complete teams around them.


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Nope, just good enough that the front office doesn't feel the need to change its ways. Instead of being mediocre, we're always a few players away from where we need to be if we want to contend for titles.
They let Quinn walk and signed a tougher DC. They’ve improved the o-line. I know it’s not good enough for you Madden players and your cheat codes.


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The argument against Wagner is age/wear and tear-related. It's understandable that there might be concerns that he could hit the wall at any minute. That's a good reason not to pay him like he's an All-Pro linebacker in his 20s. Thing is, he didn't receive that level of pay. The Joneses' problem is that they have essentially set a limit for what they are willing to pay outside FAs and are not willing to make exceptions to it. Most fans aren't asking them to pay $100 million, but when we see holes in the lineup and they are not willing to even patch it for a lower-end market value price, that is frustrating.

It's like Jerry finally figured out the draft is important, but at the same time turned from a wildcat into a *****cat. This franchise can't be expected to relive the glory days as long as the front office fails at one of the means of player acquisitions. That's why I don't blame the coach (although I did blame Garrett for his coaching philosophy that I felt restricted the offense) and why I don't blame the quarterback. Lesser quarterbacks than Romo and Dak have competed for championships (I mean, Eli has two) because their front offices built complete teams around them.
Correct. If he was paid some multi year big contract, that would be understandable to walk away. He wasn't on a cheap 2-3 million dollar deal but he would have proved more than his worth.


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“We just feel like there’s better value with the guys we have. We love Clark’s potential.”

Things like that are something that Stephen would say after listening to a position coach talk a player up. They can’t see it for themselves.

What’s that same coach supposed to do, say ‘hey…I can’t make this guy into something he isn’t, so go ahead and spend millions on a free agent?’

No, and that in a nutshell is why this whole FO setup is terribly flawed and will never work. There’s a reason no other pro sports team is run that way. The bosses have to ultimately be the most knowledgeable and that’s not the case here by a longshot. Not when it comes to building a winning NFL roster.
The GM of the Cowboys openly said he had no idea what the cap was at when he made his "all-in" comment. Talk about telling everyone this isnt about football for you. Its about marketing.

Then you have the story of Stephen hanging up on Detroit because he didnt know the player they were talking about.


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The argument against Wagner is age/wear and tear-related. It's understandable that there might be concerns that he could hit the wall at any minute. That's a good reason not to pay him like he's an All-Pro linebacker in his 20s. Thing is, he didn't receive that level of pay. The Joneses' problem is that they have essentially set a limit for what they are willing to pay outside FAs and are not willing to make exceptions to it. Most fans aren't asking them to pay $100 million, but when we see holes in the lineup and they are not willing to even patch it for a lower-end market value price, that is frustrating.

It's like Jerry finally figured out the draft is important, but at the same time turned from a wildcat into a *****cat. This franchise can't be expected to relive the glory days as long as the front office fails at one of the means of player acquisitions. That's why I don't blame the coach (although I did blame Garrett for his coaching philosophy that I felt restricted the offense) and why I don't blame the quarterback. Lesser quarterbacks than Romo and Dak have competed for championships (I mean, Eli has two) because their front offices built complete teams around them.
Age and wear and tear probably didnt even factor in considering they signed LVE who was literally a hit away from retirement to 500k less.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Age and wear and tear probably didnt even factor in considering they signed LVE who was literally a hit away from retirement to 500k less.
The difference is LVE was our free agent. We pay our own.


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In other words, we were too cheap. This is just another indication of what the real problem with the Dallas Cowboys is.
Exactly, this is 100% the problem. They’re saving up for a Super Bowl run in 5 years.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Exactly, this is 100% the problem. They’re saving up for a Super Bowl run in 5 years.
I don't think we're saving up for anything. Twiddle Dee and Tweedle Dum believe this is the way to win a Super Bowl despite all the evidence that it doesn't work. It's kind of the same as sticking with Garrett for 10 years despite evidence being against him ever being able to win a Super Bowl when he was unable to accomplish it in his first five years. (Note: I'm holding his failures less and less against him and more and more against the Joneses, even though I still think his offensive philosophy sucked, hampering the offense.)


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In other words, we were too cheap. This is just another indication of what the real problem with the Dallas Cowboys is.
So If you don't go out and buy an expensive car, right now, it's because you're too cheap? No, it's because you are strapped for cash and can't afford it. When will you people get it through your thick skulls that we have bills coming due that you want to get paid?


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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So If you don't go out and buy an expensive car, right now, it's because you're too cheap? No, it's because you are strapped for cash and can't afford it. When will you people get it through your thick skulls that we have bills coming due that you want to get paid?
Just like Philly does? Just like San Francisco does? Just like the LA Rams did ... twice?

The cap is set up to be manipulated. The Joneses' choice not to do that, at least for outside free agents, is simply that, a choice. You can buy into the idea that they can't afford FAs, but then please explain how Philly pays its players AND loads up on outside free agents every year. The Eagles have been to the Super Bowl twice by doing that while we're still struggling to make an NFC title game, and Philly loaded up again this offseason while paying its quarterback more than we are paying ours.

I will say that saying the Joneses are too cheap isn't exactly correct. They are too cheap when it comes to outside FAs. They don't believe they get enough value out of them to justify signing them. This has been their mantra since after signing Brandon Carr. It's not hard at all to follow that trail back. They are not cheap when it comes to signing their own free agents, paying market value or beyond.