"Put the anointing oil away"

windward;1323647 said:
That's nice. Once again there's very little purpose in having such a deterministic attitude

Hey look! No more deterministic attitude!!! :D
BigDFan5;1323645 said:
Yes you agree with a cowboy hater and trying to say a skins fan is unbiased is hilarious

As for 2007 we will be in the playoffs yet again

Yes. Hopefully under Ron Rivera. Your boy Parcells is out the door. :lmao2:
BigDFan5;1323682 said:
making the playoffs is always the first goal

for you to believe we will have a better shot at a superbowl by changing all our coaches and starting a new system is seriously reaching.

Consider yourself reached. :D
bratchek;1323692 said:
I dont think he'd answer the phone.

There's no worry about that now. :lmao: The only phone calls Parcells takes from here on out come from the AARP.
BigDFan5;1323718 said:
Superbowl is the goal of every team, but it is not an entitlement.

You cant win one without making the playoffs, yet you want to change the entire coaching staff and system coming off a playoff system. That is not a fast track to the superbowl, that is the fast track to waiting a couple more years to make a push

As for stability ever team needs it and to downplay it is silly

34-32 is not a goal of mine. bye bye manboobs! :laugh2:
summerisfunner;1323766 said:
and you don't think he expects more from the coaches? can't it be that BigD thinks that BP is our best coaching shot?

Could it be that BP is absoultely not our best head coaching shot? :D
BigDFan5;1323797 said:
There is no contradiction at all, I want the team to win superbowls, but unlike others I do not feel we are entitled to win them because we are the Cowboys

I am also not dumb enough to believe the best way at becoming a better team and winning the superbowl is by changing the entire coaching staff and system

Tom Landry won 2 superbowls in 29 years you would have fired him in the mid 60s

Looks like you're smarter than a lot of people. :lmao2: :lmao:
summerisfunner;1323816 said:
because bringing BIll backs is bringing the system back that we've spent 4 years working on

BLECH. Thank goodness the light a the end of the tunnel shines brighter today. You Parcells lemmings had me a little down on next year after yesterday.

34-32 :ralph:
BigDFan5;1323853 said:
I would guarantee when we change coaches we miss the playoffs that following year unless Romo has developed into an Aikman like performer and glenn and TO are still on their game

The difference between us and the Saints is Dree Brees and mcallister and bush, with them we are in the playoffs still

I appreciate you asking a question and I take time to type a long answer and you quote a little bit of it and give me a one liner reply thanks

I'll hold you to your guarantee. Whoops. Here we have yet another one lined response. ;)
Shouldn't you be embarrased that you keep bumping your own thread?
summerisfunner;1323876 said:
well, all I got to say is

get used to it, it's coming back :laugh2:

but seriously, just stop watching the Cowboys

Not it's not! :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:
summerisfunner;1323905 said:
and yet here you are hanging your hat on 'if we get another coach'

funny how that works

There you were hanging your hat on a 34-32 mediocre shell of his former self. Funny how that works. ;)
BigDFan5;1323914 said:
so what u are saying is you wont answer the questions I asked because the answers will make u look bad. understandable

Man oh man. I look really bad today. :lmao:
summerisfunner;1323917 said:
but we're in for mediocrity already w/ Parcells at the helm, what's the point in rooting for them? I mean, you already have things figured out so far

The future in 07 is bright once again! :starspin
BigDFan5;1323928 said:
you didnt ask a question, you made 2 statements

I however asked 2 questions are you going to answer them or continue to duck them? Because if you intend to just duck them there is no need to continue the conversation since you are unable to have an honest debate

Who's ducking today? :muttley: :muttley: :muttley:
BigDFan5;1324019 said:
i havent twisted anything your contention was he should be fired because he hasnt won in the playoffs. Now yu switched saying even if he had won u would want him fired. The only one twisting is you

everyone was tingly over vanderjagt too, shows how realistic us fans feelings are

How many players are on the team now that was on the tam in 03?

We have changed an entire roster over, and we have now found a QB which was a big problem for years.

But now that we seem to have alot of pieces in place you want to change systems and schemes and coaching staff etc. Sorry not me, I want a chance at a superbowl

It looks like you're finally going to get that chance. :lmao:

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