Random wrestling thread


Ha, I was watching a little of TNA the other day ago and even they use Undertaker as pretty much the yardstick when it comes to talking the best... the guy that kind of knocked out Jeff Hardy (the fall from the cage) was going on and on - blah blah blah - to his brother Matt Hardy, saying something like, "I did what nobody else has ever been able to do! Not <name drop>! Not <name drop2>! Not <name drop3>! Hell, Not even THE UNDERTAKER HIMSELF! I put Jeff Hardy DOWN!" ...or something to that effect. My ears only really perked up when he name dropped the Taker...on a TNA show...

That's funny. That is a bad looking coat.

I found an even cheaper wrestling show than TNA. Lucha something. Just flipping thru the channels & I watched for a few minutes.

They look like they wrestle in a warehouse & it was so cheap looking.
That's funny. That is a bad looking coat.

I found an even cheaper wrestling show than TNA. Lucha something. Just flipping thru the channels & I watched for a few minutes.

They look like they wrestle in a warehouse & it was so cheap looking.


I've watched that a couple of times... Lucha Underground. It has its moments. The masked wrestlers are decent.

Yeah it's cheap looking, but for most of the history of TV wrestling, cheap was in. I think Vince has taken way too far the other direction but so be it.

I've watched that a couple of times... Lucha Underground. It has its moments. The masked wrestlers are decent.

Yeah it's cheap looking, but for most of the history of TV wrestling, cheap was in. I think Vince has taken way too far the other direction but so be it.

Yea I barely started watching compared to you guys so my senses are warped...I go for the bells & whistles so you know to see guys wrestling in what looks like a garage is cheap to me.

WWE is so grandiose to the others out there but I swear this Lucha show must have a budget of next to nothing.

They must be making a killing being on TV because it's not reflected in the scenery & all that other stuff.
Yea I barely started watching compared to you guys so my senses are warped...I go for the bells & whistles so you know to see guys wrestling in what looks like a garage is cheap to me.

WWE is so grandiose to the others out there but I swear this Lucha show must have a budget of next to nothing.

They must be making a killing being on TV because it's not reflected in the scenery & all that other stuff.

I think the cheap, warehouse look on that show is by design. Official site says:

Lucha Underground introduces U.S. audiences to the high-flying, explosive moves of lucha libre. An ancient combat tradition, watch as good and evil wage war in a gritty battleground called “The Temple.”

I think it's supposed to be like an underground fight club type thing.
I think the cheap, warehouse look on that show is by design. Official site says:

Lucha Underground introduces U.S. audiences to the high-flying, explosive moves of lucha libre. An ancient combat tradition, watch as good and evil wage war in a gritty battleground called “The Temple.”

I think it's supposed to be like an underground fight club type thing.

That's probably it then.

It looks like a garage somewhere & they just drove out the wrecks & plopped a ring in it.

I have never heard of Lucha libre. Totally ignorant!
It does look kinda cheap. Especially when the owner comes out of shack office on the side.

Just another form of pro wrestling. Fast flowing, high flying.

A few years back they made a Luche Libre video game. Never played it but one of my favorite things I watched when it was coming out:

It does look kinda cheap. Especially when the owner comes out of shack office on the side.

Just another form of pro wrestling. Fast flowing, high flying.

A few years back they made a Luche Libre video game. Never played it but one of my favorite things I watched when it was coming out:

Oh my. I just watched a few minutes. Maybe 10 & I'm glad I missed the owner/office thing.

One thing I did notice was the fans are right on top of the action & the wrestlers really play up to that. Getting in their faces & stuff like that.
There's something to be said for a "cheap" look.

Here's a clip from maybe the best of the territory TV shows... This was formerly "Georgia Championship Wrestling" but became "World Championship Wrestling" in '83. They used the same studio to shoot the matches and they retained the best wrestling announcer ever IMO, Gordon Solie.

This type of show worked then and it would work now.

By the way, I think the intro music for this show was the best ever for a wrestling show.

I'm way too spoiled by all the effects WWE uses to like those other shows.

A sorry indictment of me as a fan I know.
There's something to be said for a "cheap" look.

Here's a clip from maybe the best of the territory TV shows... This was formerly "Georgia Championship Wrestling" but became "World Championship Wrestling" in '83. They used the same studio to shoot the matches and they retained the best wrestling announcer ever IMO, Gordon Solie.

This type of show worked then and it would work now.

By the way, I think the intro music for this show was the best ever for a wrestling show.

I so remember watching GCW with my brother every Saturday afternoon. Man those shows were the best ever. When they changed to WCW we were in heaven. Every now and then one of those guys made their way to the central states area and we could see them in person at the local arena. So many awesome wrestlers from that era I remember but one of my favorites has to be Tommy "Wildfire" Rich. If I recall, The Freebirds were the first ever wrestlers that used intro music.

I'm way too spoiled by all the effects WWE uses to like those other shows.

A sorry indictment of me as a fan I know.

That's my biggest gripe about the current state of the pro wrestling... instead of everything be focused on what goes on in the ring, everything is diffused so what goes on in the ring comes secondary to the entry music and pyrotechnics... the "soap opera" story lines. And they treated it oh so seriously as compared to now.
That's my biggest gripe about the current state of the pro wrestling... instead of everything be focused on what goes on in the ring, everything is diffused so what goes on in the ring comes secondary to the entry music and pyrotechnics... the "soap opera" story lines. And they treated it oh so seriously as compared to now.

I am definitely the most superficial of fans.
That's my biggest gripe about the current state of the pro wrestling... instead of everything be focused on what goes on in the ring, everything is diffused so what goes on in the ring comes secondary to the entry music and pyrotechnics... the "soap opera" story lines.

The biggest disappointment for me is the injection of commercials in the middle of matches. Something like that was strictly unheard of. Now it happens all the time and really grates on my nerves when Michael Cole says "here is what you would have seen if you had the WWE app" when they finally return to live action.
The biggest disappointment for me is the injection of commercials in the middle of matches. Something like that was strictly unheard of. Now it happens all the time and really grates on my nerves when Michael Cole says "here is what you would have seen if you had the WWE app" when they finally return to live action.

Showing that I must not pay any attention...I have never noticed this! :confused:
There's something to be said for a "cheap" look.

Here's a clip from maybe the best of the territory TV shows... This was formerly "Georgia Championship Wrestling" but became "World Championship Wrestling" in '83. They used the same studio to shoot the matches and they retained the best wrestling announcer ever IMO, Gordon Solie.

This type of show worked then and it would work now.

By the way, I think the intro music for this show was the best ever for a wrestling show.

Gordon Solie was one of a kind as far as announcers go.....
He had some of the best lines ever....

This is turning into a real pier sixer
He went into the ring and got Pearl Harbored.
Gordon Solie was one of a kind as far as announcers go.....
He had some of the best lines ever....

This is turning into a real pier sixer
He went into the ring and got Pearl Harbored.

There were two things about Gordon that set him apart from virtually every other announcer out there, the first was that not only did he know all the moves and their correct names (this is a bigger thing than what you would expect, just listen to some of the announcers on other shows in that period and they are cringe-worthy when it comes to knowing the names of moves). In addition he threated everything going on in the ring with a dead-pan seriousness.

I can hear Gordon today describe a Bruiser Brody match, with Brody just delivering a drop-kick... "That's what sets Brody apart as brawler, that drop-kick was delivered perfectly."
Fastlane was, eh, meh for the most part. I didn't for one minute believe that the Undertaker was actually there.
Fastlane was, eh, meh for the most part. I didn't for one minute believe that the Undertaker was actually there.

Up until the Cena/Rusev match felt like I was watching RAW... just without the commercial interruptions during the action.
That Cena match was pretty good. I have a feeling Cena is going back to the Doctor of Thuganomics. Commentary kept referencing about his age. Also, even though he is still one the faces in the company, he doesn't need to be the main guy anymore. This is good for the U.S. title unless Rusev moves to the WWE championship title after his loss.

I still predict that Reigns will beat Lesnar but with the help of the Rock, and then Rollins cashes in with a Rock turn on Reigns. This will setup Rock Reigns this year and Rock Lesnar for one more match next wrestlemania. WWE needs a heel champion that is beatable and also face mid upper card wrestlers like Dolph, Reigns, Orton, Ryback, Ambrose etc. There are too many good faces for a face champion @ the moment.

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