News: Randy Gregory Suspended Four Games

Not what I was suggesting... also, I think its more than one guy at accumulative, I think... gotta admit I thought those scores were after the combine... my mistake...
I'll try a different approach to make my point... right now, as fans, we don't know about certain things like:

How well will Wentz do on the white board/chalk board? Can he learn quickly and retain information?
Does he understand when to audible? And can he get the team into the right play/formation?
How does he handle pressure? Can he lead at this level?

Those examples are fairly simple for an NFL QB prospect. Plus, hopefully, he will have plenty of time to decipher that "oh-so-difficult" Cowboys playbook (sarcasm!)

Like you said though, they may already know these things... but we don't, yet.

In a perfect world, nobody would've known very much about this kid and we could've swiped him in the 2nd after grabbing a blue chip defender in the 1st... but that ship has sailed... damn the luck.
As it is now, he's been talked about so much, Cleveland may take him 2nd overall...smh

So basically nobody knows anything about these players until they attend the combine and we get reports back on how they did. Then we can start forming opinions.

Let me know how that works out for you.
Why is marijuana still on the banned substance listing? It has scientifically been proven to have less physical and metal effects on the body when compared to alcohol. Gregory shouldn't be looked at as a troubled player bc of pot smoking unless there is a similar ban on alcohol; you know, to be fair and all:huh:

Personally I don't have a problem with weed, I don't smoke it but if that's what someone else likes to do then cool. But if you know its a banned get where I'm going with this? I'm getting to the age where all these guys starting to come into the league are younger than me, so I dont want to sound condescending but to me this is just plain stupid, the guy has got to make better decisions than this.
At what point do the lights come on for this guy. Failed 4 tests in a year, I really question how reliable he'll be for the remaining 12 games, let alone over the span of his contract. Throw in his disappointing stats last season and this pick has become a disaster.
So the two best options to replace our current drug addict are two other drug addicts. Say no to Bosa and Spence. They both have a high chance of turning into another Gregory.

We could always draft Nkemdiche from Ole Miss
Personally I don't have a problem with weed, I don't smoke it but if that's what someone else likes to do then cool. But if pknow its a banned get where I'm going with this? I'm getting to the age where all these guys starting to come into the league are younger than me, so I dont want to sound condescending but to me this is just plain stupid, the guy has got to make better decisions than this.

Personally, I think the burden should be put back on the league for not updating their policies considering their obvious hypocrisy in condemning the use and neglecting alcohol related problems to Domestic Violence, DUIs, Assaults, etc.. The "non profit" gets to regulate things in a dated pace for marketing purposes (alcohol advertisement agreements) and think this issue shouldn't be just so black and white; well you know if you work here, etc.

The NFL is terminating a young immature player's career simply because he happens to have not matured by the ripe old age of 23 like most young adults at that age. But this has to happen mainly bc they have financial interests in not updating their policy in regards to marijuana use.
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I knew trouble was looming when I saw this pic of him boarding the plane to Tampa.

1) It was a good pick at the time. Worth the risk in my opinion. So far, it hasn't worked out. Hopefully, he will finally change and see the light. If not, well, time to move on.

2) Noah Spence would be a nice addition. And I'm all for bringing Hardy back if he signs at a decent price.

3) They can't legalize weed fast enough. Yeah, players are somewhat stupid for using weed. But, the NFL is equally stupid for suspending players over weed in this day and age. States are legalizing it, so why would the NFL care? Are they worried about their image?

Agree with #1 completely.

I would agree with #2 in a trade down but would have to see who else would be available at our pick.

As for #3, there is no "somewhat" about it. Any NFL player who uses pot knowing full well it is against the rules of their employer (The NFL) is dumb as a box of rocks. Once pot is legal in all 50 states, we can have a conversation about the NFL changing its rules.

However, according to this site: only 23 states have made pot legal in one way, shape or form. If you can't stay away from the weed to keep a well-paying job then there is nobody to blame but yourself.

Don't blame the NFL for its rules, they are what they are. If you cant abide by the rules, however out of touch (if that is the correct terminology) they may be then you don't deserve a job in the NFL. its pretty simple, really.....all about accountability, or in this case the lack thereof.
I dont think pot should have ever been banned by any sports league. It is/was illegal by the law that should be plenty. Its beyond ridiculous that its illegal and that its banned in the league. Its more ridiculous though, that players are willing to forego hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars because they need to smoke it.
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From what I've read the kid has an issue with anxiety which is driving the desire.

When I was young and had a head full of mush, I always thought drug/alcohol abuse was a "will-thing".

After owning a collection agency that serviced a drug/alcohol abuse center and seeing the list of names (and backgrounds) that attended such a place... along with talking to those who use to be in law enforcement, I've gone well beyond the "will" thing and realize this is a problem that cuts very deeply with those that get dependent on drugs and alcohol in order to support some perceived weakness they believe they have.
It's being in an enabling environment realm.

3 guesses on who the enabler is and the first 2 don't count.

Jerry is just a figurehead.

The man behind the curtain.

Is it Garrett? Gasp, McClay?

All in all, this is just not a Randy Gregory fail.

This is an organizational fail. Because it really makes things difficult.

But I guess it like these other misfortunes like unreliability, injury etc. that gosh darn it keep popping up in our well run, non-dysfunctional organization.
I hear ya.

Pretty sure that Gregory was all Jerry's fault, uh, I mean decision.... Ugh, Randle, that kid just couldn't help himself... dumber than a screen door on a submarine...
Back to Gregory, this kid had a Hall of Famer spend time directly with him and came away questioning whether "the light will ever come on", so to speak...
It is unfathomable how these talented kids have zero understanding of what may lie ahead of them if they simply behave... you can smoke all the weed you want
in 10 years, rich... or you can smoke what you got now and practice asking "would you like fries with that?".... smh

It just leads to the process. Being able to identify the risks.

I mean really identify them. And have someone smart at the top capable to do the risk analysis.

Bit tough to do with our structure.
From what I've read the kid has an issue with anxiety which is driving the desire.

When I was young and had a head full of mush, I always thought drug/alcohol abuse was a "will-thing".

After owning a collection agency that serviced a drug/alcohol abuse center and seeing the list of names (and backgrounds) that attended such a place... along with talking to those who use to be in law enforcement, I've gone well beyond the "will" thing and realize this is a problem that cuts very deeply with those that get dependent on drugs and alcohol in order to support some perceived weakness they believe they have.

You may be on to something, Mike, because I have no weakness and I don't do drugs.
needs to be cut now get rid of him while its good time he wont be worth two cents in 2016 should of never drafted him.
I thought this was an accurate quote that I found in an ESPN story on subject...

"A lot of people across the league will snicker at the Cowboys for taking a chance on Gregory and getting burned. The holier-than-thou attitude is off-putting when every team takes chances on players. Every team."

The similar quote could be applied to many fans too.

These issues cut straight across today's society...but the NFL is a poor place to seek solitude as well as a secluded chance to redirect and overcome.

That heroine cut through all sectors of society was once an alarming concept. Now, all drugs are rampant and at all levels of society as well. That reveals tons of society inadequacies...and those are shared for the most part...not cured.

We can hope...but football and examples for kids need to be kept as clean as is possible.

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