A source? What's the relevance? Is there a source that says he isn't an addict and that he is an idiot?
Randy Gregory lost millions of dollars and was publicly humiliated in a way many cannot understand. He knew each time he tested positive. He knew what would happen if he showed up at the combine with drugs in his system. He knew what he was facing when he failed again and let down his family, friends, and teammates. This is much deeper than just being a young punk who thinks he can get high and get away with it.
And you think this why? He's 23 years old. Not entirely the brightest age, there's an issue with young men and women thinking they can hide their drug use from tests. Ever work a revolving door job, like in retail? Know what the number one reason for slow hiring rate is? Yep, failed drug tests. Are they all addicts? If this is a problem, I want to see some hard evidence that marijuana has this much of an issue on the brain.
I'm going with the "He's a young man who made two bad decisions in his short career". I'm not saying this kid has an IQ below 70. Again, if this issue is psychological, he's in a place now where an organization can help him find alternatives or speak to a professional to help him with whatever he is dealing with.
It's time for an ultimatum: Either get it fixed or get off the team. I wish the NFL would step away from demonizing weed as much as the next person, but wishing doesn't make it so. We all know the policy, put down the pot and do your job.