News: Randy Gregory Suspended Four Games


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Oh and if we pass up Goff or Wentz as future franchise QB because we need a DE now I will blow my lid. That would mean this moron set this franchise back. Wasted draft pick... Just unbelievable really.

Kind of a silly thing to say before actually seeing how these players turned out. For all you know, Goff and Wentz could go on to be the next Gabbert's of the league while the DE becomes a JJ Watt.

I want a player in the first that will give us the most production at a position of need. Even before this incident, DE was still speculated to be high on our list.


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And you think this why? He's 23 years old. Not entirely the brightest age, there's an issue with young men and women thinking they can hide their drug use from tests. Ever work a revolving door job, like in retail? Know what the number one reason for slow hiring rate is? Yep, failed drug tests. Are they all addicts? If this is a problem, I want to see some hard evidence that marijuana has this much of an issue on the brain.

I'm going with the "He's a young man who made two bad decisions in his short career". I'm not saying this kid has an IQ below 70. Again, if this issue is psychological, he's in a place now where an organization can help him find alternatives or speak to a professional to help him with whatever he is dealing with.

It's time for an ultimatum: Either get it fixed or get off the team. I wish the NFL would step away from demonizing weed as much as the next person, but wishing doesn't make it so. We all know the policy, put down the pot and do your job.

I think this because I have known many true addicts in my lifetime. No amount of consequence will stop a true addict from using. I've known people who were out of jail and getting drug tested each week by their parole officer and a single failed test would result in them going back to jail...and they failed and went back to jail.

If someone is offering you millions of dollars to not take a drug and yet you take it anyway again and again while getting notified each time that you failed the test and are facing consequences then you can't think you are just slick and can hide it from people...

It's not about weed having this much of an affect on the brain. An addict can become addicted to anything..I know a guy who lost everything gambling, then blew up to 415 pounds, then gastric bypass led him to pain killer addiction, then he was caught stealing a doctors script pad and he went to jail for one point he would pull his teeth out to get pain medicine from a clinic under a false name...he can't have caffeine, sex, or even watch sports anymore. He is a hardcore addict and anything he finds pleasure in will take over his mind. He is a good hearted man and would never hurt anyone...but himself.
Some people just have demons and while it's not in my personality I don't think we should judge others or label them as stupid.

big dog cowboy

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Oh and if we pass up Goff or Wentz as future franchise QB because we need a DE now I will blow my lid.
I hear that! You don't pass up on a QB regardless of needs
That isn't how the draft works. Every player has a grade. You draft your board. Taking a QB "because we have to" as so many say in any round isn't the way to work your draft. Not to mention, there is no guarantee any QB in this draft is a franchise QB.


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He has highly addictive NFL sanctioned options (Dr prescribed benzos like Xanax) to his problem but agree he may want to look into personal/career counseling until the league updates their dated policy on the substance. If marijuana (w/no physical enhancements) can assist with his anxiety disorder, why put him on a lifelong addiction track?

Then it's time for counseling. If that doesn't work, bye. With the policy in place and if it's this bad for him, he's not going to last in the league.


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I think this because I have known many true addicts in my lifetime. No amount of consequence will stop a true addict from using. I've known people who were out of jail and getting drug tested each week by their parole officer and a single failed test would result in them going back to jail...and they failed and went back to jail.

If someone is offering you millions of dollars to not take a drug and yet you take it anyway again and again while getting notified each time that you failed the test and are facing consequences then you can't think you are just slick and can hide it from people...

It's not about weed having this much of an affect on the brain. An addict can become addicted to anything..I know a guy who lost everything gambling, then blew up to 415 pounds, then gastric bypass led him to pain killer addiction, then he was caught stealing a doctors script pad and he went to jail for one point he would pull his teeth out to get pain medicine from a clinic under a false name...he can't have caffeine, sex, or even watch sports anymore. He is a hardcore addict and anything he finds pleasure in will take over his mind. He is a good hearted man and would never hurt anyone...but himself.
Some people just have demons and while it's not in my personality I don't think we should judge others or label them as stupid.

Yes, but again, there is a difference in your body literally changing to the point where it needs/craves whatever you're addicted to or addiction to something because you use a substance for a coping mechanism with whatever your dealing with. One is something that completely changes the way you function and you will deal with the rest of your life while the other is treatable with legal prescriptions or even therapy.

I'm not trying to make Gregory out to be a terrible human being. This is ALL football talk. Outside of this discussion, anxiety/stress/depression are all fairly common things that I wish this country, or society in general, focused on a little more. But in this situation, he's taking up a roster spot on this team. The cruel reality is, he's no use to the Cowboys if he's not playing. So again, he either finds a way to get his under control or he'll find another place for employment.

Good news is, this is treatable and the Cowboys can offer him whatever he needs and Jones has shown he's a bleeding heart when it comes to helping players with off the field problems.


Stop chasing
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That isn't how the draft works. Every player has a grade. You draft your board. Taking a QB "because we have to" as so many say in any round isn't the way to work your draft. Not to mention, there is no guarantee any QB in this draft is a franchise QB.

Let's just say we disagree on the likelihood of JG/JJ/Scouts' ability to find a QB to "develop" in the latter rounds (has the Aikman's post retirement massacre been forgotten already?). Last season didn't teach you anything about the org's ability in QB evaluation skills? We need a blue chipper this go round and take one of the top 3 (technically you may get your wish and all 3 QBs will be gone if a team trades up with TEA to have their pick of the litter). The trade up talk will start eventually ;)

Oh yeah, BPA has worked in the first round!


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Most businesses ban the use of of the first jobs I had straight out of college was working at Dell Computers in Austin.

All employees were randomly drug tested twice a month (random meaning you didn't know on what day, but you knew you had 2 tests each month)

If you tested positive, you got a written had to pee clean for the next 6 months...........if you failed a 2nd drug test during that time, you were automatically terminated.

Were there a lot of terminations?


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Wow dude... I thought we were just having a civil conversation... you can form any opinion you like... I was simply stating, from the start, that I choose to wait until I see a little more from him...
I wasn't even challenging your opinion... seems like you just want to argue... twice now, you've ended with "let me know how that works out for you"... I can tell you right now my day and your day won't
change a bit no matter what happens... the only difference is you have a hard-on for Wentz... might want to see a doctor... you may not make it to the draft.

Just remember, the Cowboys will select whomever they damned well please regardless of what any fan suggests... and they won't apologize for it... You and I have no control over that.



Stop chasing
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Then it's time for counseling. If that doesn't work, bye. With the policy in place and if it's this bad for him, he's not going to last in the league.

Oh I agree, he is young and stupid right now. So was I when I was 23 and drank like fish to top it:D Give the kid some time to wake up (won't hurt the org. and can see this becoming more of an issue in the NFL just bc of general American changes of perspectives on weed) If he lived in Washington, Colorado, Washington, DC, Alaska, and Oregon MJ is fully legal to own (the list will continue to grow as crime is down and state revenue is up; the world didn't fall apart it actually helped with a lot of administrative waste).

-The one thing very few people on this board will know about is if Gregory is a chronic user of "wax". If that is the case, this is a distinctly separate MJ issue..

Medical Marijuana will continue to grow as well and Gregory would have a medical marijuana card, legally supporting his choice to use marijuana instead of addictive hard drugs like Xanax to treat his anxiety. The kid does need to understand priorities in his life right now and most responsible adult erb heads do eventually after some maturity;).
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Yes, but again, there is a difference in your body literally changing to the point where it needs/craves whatever you're addicted to or addiction to something because you use a substance for a coping mechanism with whatever your dealing with. One is something that completely changes the way you function and you will deal with the rest of your life while the other is treatable with legal prescriptions or even therapy.

I'm not trying to make Gregory out to be a terrible human being. This is ALL football talk. Outside of this discussion, anxiety/stress/depression are all fairly common things that I wish this country, or society in general, focused on a little more. But in this situation, he's taking up a roster spot on this team. The cruel reality is, he's no use to the Cowboys if he's not playing. So again, he either finds a way to get his under control or he'll find another place for employment.

Good news is, this is treatable and the Cowboys can offer him whatever he needs and Jones has shown he's a bleeding heart when it comes to helping players with off the field problems.

I wish he was just a dumb kid who made a bad decision. This would be less concerning and easier to fix. Jerry Jones was made aware each time he failed a drug test this year. I know Jerry cares about his players and will try to help's very concerning that he has tested positive 3 times since he was drafted and Jerry knew about 2 of them and any help was not effective.

I hope for the best for Gregory. The NFL policy is what it is and obviously he now is a player that has to be considered on the outside.


Salary Cap Analyst
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Who has this happened to on 4 game, 8 game, etc. progression? Personally now curious tbh.

There have been many over the years. Josh Gordon and Matt Prater are two recent ones. Dale Carter, Bam Morris, Darrell Russell and Charles White are some of the others.


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you can't make this stuff up.

I just wonder who was the wise guy that broke three mirrors, walked under a ladder, freed the black cat and then couldn't wait until they walked outside before opening their umbrella on a stormy Friday the13th.

big dog cowboy

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Let's just say we disagree on the likelihood of JG/JJ/Scouts' ability to find a QB to "develop" in the latter rounds. We need a blue chipper this go round and take one of the top 3
Who said anything about the ability to find a QB to develop in the latter rounds?

I did say that there is no guarantee any of the top 3 will be franchise QB's. No one knows and drafting one doesn't ensure anything.


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Personally, I think the burden should be put back on the league for not updating their policies considering their obvious hypocrisy in condemning the use and neglecting alcohol related problems to Domestic Violence, DUIs, Assaults, etc.. The "non profit" gets to regulate things in a dated pace for marketing purposes (alcohol advertisement agreements) and think this issue shouldn't be just so black and white; well you know if you work here, etc.

The NFL is terminating a young immature player's career simply because he happens to have not matured by the ripe old age of 23 like most young adults at that age. But this has to happen mainly bc they have financial interests in not updating their policy in regards to marijuana use.

The NFLPA didnt make this an issue. Its not the NFL. Whether or not it makes sense, its a rule - like not turning on red at some intersections which are monitored with camera tickets.