Rate the last movie you saw

MarionBarberThe4th;3588384 said:
Similar to Avatar. Just a documentary about a magic place. Nothing interesting happened

LOTR similar to that piece of crap Avatar? :laugh2:
MarionBarberThe4th;3588384 said:
Nothing interesting happened

So a typical "interesting" day for you involves something MORE than epic journeys, dwarves, elves, wizards, dragons, battles that make Gettysburg look like a spitball match, the struggle between good and evil, and saving the world?

Didn't the new Wall Street come out this weekend? Nobody saw it? I would have, but I had a bunch of stuff going on with the kids and will have to wait till next weekend.
nyc;3588886 said:
Didn't the new Wall Street come out this weekend? Nobody saw it? I would have, but I had a bunch of stuff going on with the kids and will have to wait till next weekend.

I liked the original, but am I the only one that thinks this looks terrible?
tomson75;3588922 said:
I liked the original, but am I the only one that thinks this looks terrible?

I liked the original too. I bought the DVD about 6 years ago and didn't like it so much when I re-watched it.

The new Wall Street is getting rave reviews from the critics, but we know what that usually means...

I will see it anyhow.
rkell87;3588292 said:
two semi gay dudes with hairy feet get kidnapped and almost killed 8 times while walking half way across the world to throw a ring in a volcano? suure.

A couple of weeks ago I watched 4 movies while waiting for my wife to have some tests done.

Defendor - Woody Harrelson is a regular guy who thinks he's a super hero. It was as bad as it sounds.

Brooklyn's Finest - it was ok

The Losers - I understood why it such a flop

I can't remember the last one so that pretty much sums it up lol
nyc;3588989 said:
I liked the original too. I bought the DVD about 6 years ago and didn't like it so much when I re-watched it.

The new Wall Street is getting rave reviews from the critics, but we know what that usually means...

I will see it anyhow.

That theogt will love it regardless of whether or not it deserves it, what the critics say goes!

Seriously though, it's not very well reviewed at all.
tomson75;3588479 said:
So a typical "interesting" day for you involves something MORE than epic journeys, dwarves, elves, wizards, dragons, battles that make Gettysburg look like a spitball match, the struggle between good and evil, and saving the world?


It's because MB4 lives it every day. Here he is in action.

Joe Rod;3589727 said:
It's because MB4 lives it every day. Here he is in action.


Thats unreal. If they were under 15 or something, may be I could accept seeing someone do that.
Bob Sacamano;3590335 said:
At least LOTR wasn't a crappy Avatar.

Avatar and it's vast success was an insult to the the human race and confirmed that our pathetic existence will not last another century.
urface59;3590339 said:
Avatar and it's vast success was an insult to the the human race and confirmed that our pathetic existence will not last another century.

That movie sucked so hard.
Saw Wallstreet this weekend, it was pretty good. A bit more of a chick flick then I was expecting though. 7.5/10
kmp77;3581672 said:
My M. Night List:

1. Sixth Sense - Awesome
2. Unbreakable - Awesome
3. Signs - Great
4. The Village - Pretty Good
5. Lady in the Water - Uhh...good filmmaking but as a whole wasn't too great
6. The Happening - One of the worst movies ever made

I think the knock on M. Night is unfair. But life is unfair, I know.

But here goes....

M. Night is the modern day Twilight Zone director.
Its an acquired taste. Its a niche thing. Quentin puts out some wacky stuff, not very good, but its his own niche and he makes it work.

I do know, that while I am not a big fan of M Night, I do appreciate his work.

I was at the movies about a month ago and saw the very beginning intro of the devil trailer, I mean like the first 3 seconds and I said to my friend, looks like a M. Night movie... 2 seconds later you see M. Night production. Funny stuff.

Saw The Town.

It was good. Nothing great, you know the story. Not so unique. It was ok. Too long.

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