ChldsPlay;3816541 said:
Oh, so my opinion can't be expressed? Did I say that other movie was bad? Did I say anything negative about the poster because he thought it was good? Did I say his opinion was poor or wrong or dispute it in some way?
I never said you can't express your opinion. The way you tend to do it though is grating and insulting, and I decided I had enough of it. Now I'm expressing MY opinion.
No, I simply stated that I had seen that movie on netflix and it sounded absurd, and that's why I skipped it. Am I forbidden from expressing the reason I chose not to see a movie at this point in time? And I didn't proclaim it was absurd, I said it seemed absurd. First you complain I use an absolute and then you go and take an instance where I didn't and turn it into one.
The Description in question btw:
Seems absurd...IN MY OPINION. I could be wrong, I didn't see the movie, but that's just what I get from that description, and that is why I'll be skipping it. If the other poster loved it, great, good for him.
You have an over-inflated sense of yourself, or at least your taste in movies. Apparently you can read a description of a movie on Netflix and call a movie absurd. Who needs to watch it? Let's just all defer to your unbelievable ability to critique a movie based on a 3 sentence synopsis.
There's a tactful way to express your opinions, and then there's what you do. You could just simply say, "yeah I haven't seen that movie, but it didn't sound interesting to me." That's not what you do, because you have no tact. You come in and insult the person who rated it highly.... when you haven't even seen the movie!! Do you really not see how calling the premise of a movie absurd in response to someone who enjoyed the movie, when you haven't even bothered to see it, is insulting?
Even in SPVTW, someone claims it has a great story, I agreed. You come in and are all like "Really?!?!?!?!? 'Great' story??" Then you go on and say, that relationship has no chance to work (speaking in absolutes). It's completely insulting. It's as if you're opinion is the only one that matters, and reasonable minds can't differ on the quality of the story. The movie is open ended. So you can determine for yourself if you think the relationship will work out or not. I happen to think otherwise from you. And I don't particularly care for you coming in and acting like everyone else is detached from reality because they disagree with you.
It's a movie. It's not life or death. And near as I can tell no one in here is paid for their critiques of movies. Don't take it so seriously. And you need to come to the realization that other people's opinions can differ and need to be respected.