Rate the last movie you saw

peplaw06;3816430 said:
You should probably go back and look at your posts in this thread. That's what you do with pretty much every opinion you don't agree with. Just on this page, I can look up and see a poster who rated a movie highly, and you come in and proclaim the premise of the movie "absurd" based on the description you saw on Netflix.

If you can't see how such an approach to something that is entirely a matter of opinion is annoying, I don't know what to tell you.

I agree with this.

It's gotten to the point that it is very annoying.
What's the point of having a thread on movies if you guys aren't willing to discuss anything? Is it that big of a deal to actually discuss your opinions? Are you that insecure about your opinions that you're unwilling to talk about them? Are you guys really that offended when someone posts a differeit opinion that you have to actually complain about it? Talk about sour apples.

Sarge;3816150 said:
Really? Wow - I thought that movie was terrible.

Man, don't be so incredulous, it's not welcome here.
ChldsPlay;3816541 said:
Oh, so my opinion can't be expressed? Did I say that other movie was bad? Did I say anything negative about the poster because he thought it was good? Did I say his opinion was poor or wrong or dispute it in some way?
I never said you can't express your opinion. The way you tend to do it though is grating and insulting, and I decided I had enough of it. Now I'm expressing MY opinion.

No, I simply stated that I had seen that movie on netflix and it sounded absurd, and that's why I skipped it. Am I forbidden from expressing the reason I chose not to see a movie at this point in time? And I didn't proclaim it was absurd, I said it seemed absurd. First you complain I use an absolute and then you go and take an instance where I didn't and turn it into one.

The Description in question btw:

Seems absurd...IN MY OPINION. I could be wrong, I didn't see the movie, but that's just what I get from that description, and that is why I'll be skipping it. If the other poster loved it, great, good for him.
You have an over-inflated sense of yourself, or at least your taste in movies. Apparently you can read a description of a movie on Netflix and call a movie absurd. Who needs to watch it? Let's just all defer to your unbelievable ability to critique a movie based on a 3 sentence synopsis.

There's a tactful way to express your opinions, and then there's what you do. You could just simply say, "yeah I haven't seen that movie, but it didn't sound interesting to me." That's not what you do, because you have no tact. You come in and insult the person who rated it highly.... when you haven't even seen the movie!! Do you really not see how calling the premise of a movie absurd in response to someone who enjoyed the movie, when you haven't even bothered to see it, is insulting?

Even in SPVTW, someone claims it has a great story, I agreed. You come in and are all like "Really?!?!?!?!? 'Great' story??" Then you go on and say, that relationship has no chance to work (speaking in absolutes). It's completely insulting. It's as if you're opinion is the only one that matters, and reasonable minds can't differ on the quality of the story. The movie is open ended. So you can determine for yourself if you think the relationship will work out or not. I happen to think otherwise from you. And I don't particularly care for you coming in and acting like everyone else is detached from reality because they disagree with you.

It's a movie. It's not life or death. And near as I can tell no one in here is paid for their critiques of movies. Don't take it so seriously. And you need to come to the realization that other people's opinions can differ and need to be respected.
ChldsPlay;3816924 said:
What's the point of having a thread on movies if you guys aren't willing to discuss anything? Is it that big of a deal to actually discuss your opinions? Are you that insecure about your opinions that you're unwilling to talk about them? Are you guys really that offended when someone posts a differeit opinion that you have to actually complain about it? Talk about sour apples.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. That's really ALL you have done in this thread.
peplaw06;3816935 said:
I never said you can't express your opinion. The way you tend to do it though is grating and insulting, and I decided I had enough of it. Now I'm expressing MY opinion.

You have an over-inflated sense of yourself, or at least your taste in movies. Apparently you can read a description of a movie on Netflix and call a movie absurd. Who needs to watch it? Let's just all defer to your unbelievable ability to critique a movie based on a 3 sentence synopsis.

You have a lot of nerve to say that considering your cheerleading of theo in regards to Paul Blart (If I'm thinking of someone else I apologize, but am pretty sure you're one of them). And you again put words into my mouth. I didn't say the movie was absurd, I said the premise seemed absurd. I can't give a full opinion on the movie unless I see it. I may or may not at some point, but haven't yet, which is why I didn't offer an opinion on the movie itself...JUST THE PREMISE.

There's a tactful way to express your opinions, and then there's what you do. You could just simply say, "yeah I haven't seen that movie, but it didn't sound interesting to me." That's not what you do, because you have no tact. You come in and insult the person who rated it highly.... when you haven't even seen the movie!! Do you really not see how calling the premise of a movie absurd in response to someone who enjoyed the movie, when you haven't even bothered to see it, is insulting?

I did not insult him at all. That's your distorted perception.
If it's insulting to you, then you are too sensitive and need a grip on reality. And I do mean that in ABSOLUTE terms.

Even in SPVTW, someone claims it has a great story, I agreed. You come in and are all like "Really?!?!?!?!? 'Great' story??" Then you go on and say, that relationship has no chance to work (speaking in absolutes). It's completely insulting. It's as if you're opinion is the only one that matters, and reasonable minds can't differ on the quality of the story. The movie is open ended. So you can determine for yourself if you think the relationship will work out or not. I happen to think otherwise from you. And I don't particularly care for you coming in and acting like everyone else is detached from reality because they disagree with you.

WaahhhhhH!!!! He used an absolute!! He didn't say it was his opinion, or it's how he felt. Waaahhhh!!!! "That movie was good." That's a common enough statement, and it's an absolute. It's obviously just an opinion and doesn't preclude you or anyone else from disagreeing with it. EXACTLY like my statement, "the relationship had no chance." An absolute OPINION. It doesn't have to be clarified as such, it is implied and obvious.

It's a movie. It's not life or death. And near as I can tell no one in here is paid for their critiques of movies. Don't take it so seriously. And you need to come to the realization that other people's opinions can differ and need to be respected.

You should learn to heed your own advice. I was having a cordial discussion until you got all bent out of shape.
Not offended in the least.

The problem occurs when someone posts an opinion in an "opinion" thread and someone comes right behind them and dogmatically proceeds to tell them why their opinion basically sucks.

I have no problem with it but I can see why someone would and I simply weighed in.

By all means, continue to get worked up when people say Movie A sucked and you felt it was a classic :p: .
Maikeru-sama;3817006 said:
Not offended in the least.

The problem occurs when someone posts an opinion in an "opinion" thread and someone comes right behind them and dogmatically proceeds to tell them why their opinion basically sucks.

I have no problem with it but I can see why someone would and I simply weighed in.

By all means, continue to get worked up when people say Movie A sucked and you felt it was a classic :p: .

That's these other guys. Some of them can't even take it if a perceived flaw is pointed out.

As for the first part, I never tell anyone their opinion sucks, but if I have a thought on a movie I will express it, regardless of if it agrees with another poster's opinion. I'm not here to be cheerleader of other's opinions. I am here to listen to, offer, and discuss both mine and others opinions. I'm perfectly willing to give my reasoning for an opinion, regardless of whether or not it agrees with someone's opinion.
peplaw06;3816943 said:
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. That's really ALL you have done in this thread.

I dare you to point to a single example of me complaining about someone's opinion about a movie.
True Grit------------------8.5/10

That little girl's performance was simply brilliant.
How about we send a couple of you to a small intimate movie booth and let you all hash our your differences or sexual tension because most of us would rather not hear the constant bickering through out a thread that is coming up on 200 pages. That is just my opinion.:D

Ok...a low budget horror/slasher/comedy...does not really fit into one category.


Not the best of movies. Not original. But I enjoyed it in some areas, thought it was bad in other areas. Had enough little bits of comedy to make me laugh some. Little bit of eye candy and guns at the end to make me happy.

It is a foreign film so that adds a little to it.

Might be something I would buy down the road in the cheap bin, just for the cult classic type feel to it.

I would not advise anyone to buy it at anything over $5 dollars and only if you like b type movies.
True Grit: 7/10

It's a good movie and both the girl and Bridges played good parts, but I didn't think it was a blockbuster of any sort.
ChldsPlay;3817033 said:
I dare you to point to a single example of me complaining about someone's opinion about a movie.
It's all over the thread. Generally every time someone posts an opinion you don't agree with you come in all high and mighty, looking down your nose at them.
peplaw06;3820456 said:
It's all over the thread. Generally every time someone posts an opinion you don't agree with you come in all high and mighty, looking down your nose at them.

Hmm. I do the same thing, but I do it even if I agree with their opinion. Specifically the high and mighty and looking down my nose at them part. :D
nyc;3820465 said:
Hmm. I do the same thing, but I do it even if I agree with their opinion. Specifically the high and mighty and looking down my nose at them part. :D

You have no choice, you wear high heels and have a big nose. :p:
peplaw06;3820456 said:
It's all over the thread. Generally every time someone posts an opinion you don't agree with you come in all high and mighty, looking down your nose at them.

Believe me, there are far more opinions expressed on here that I disagree with that I never say a word about than those I do.

I'm done arguing with you, but you should look up, and understand, the definition of complaining. As a lawyer, I'd think having a grasp of various definitions would be a rather important aspect of your job.

And I don't look down on anyone...except short people.
I have been watching a good amount of horror movies the last week or so. One of the movie channels has a section in the on demand area that has been listing b type horror movies.

I think I listed a movie or two already.

Just finished watching one called the garden. Not that great but with a better script and budget it could have been much better. At least lance henrickson did a decent job playing in it as the devil. I miss that millennium show he used to be on.
Oscar Noms:

For Best Pic I have to go with Inception. The Fighter and The King's Speech would be okay choices as well. The Social Network didn't hold up on repeat viewings (not that it was bad, just not as good). Still a few I need to see (The Kids are Alright, Black Swan and Winter's Bone).

Best Actor I have to go with Colin Firth. He was great in The King's Speech.

Best Actress: I haven't seen any of the movies yet, so I can't comment.

Best Supporting Actor: Hands down Christian Bale.
Best Supporting Actress: Amy Adams is my choice, but her costar is also very deserving.

Animated Feature: Gotta go with How to Train Your Dragon (Should be nominated for best picture instead of TS3 IMO)

Not going to bother with the more technical awards.
There are people that are not in the biz in someday that actually care about these music and movie awards??? :D

I can not remember the last time I have sit and watched one of those award snows or really cared who did or did not win. If I like a movie or some band, I don't need some pretentious group award show to tell me if is good or not.

Actually I think the last time I watched one of those award shows was when Jethro Tull beat out Metallica for the best metal album. I like some older JT but best metal album???

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